The biggest matter we have at the Company Emporium and The Royal Estate Intellectual Property space within it is that of Equity Property instability; by this I mean that there is a sense from Associates and Brokers that I withdraw Equities when Advertisement is running and hence a certain need to re-affirm positions and relations which creates a confidence assassination and deforms the Equities especially at security property themselves. My position here is to clear that up as a matter relating to the fact that I have not been shipping a lot of my books lately and the effect of that is the sense that can be exploited, that I am either not doing the correct thing or that I am still not yet employed by this Company, hence at the precise point where I need support - just to catch my breath mostly, of which the only support I will accept by the way is financial, this disposition can be exploited to its fullest by some trouble makers, not a condition of Equity property withdrawal or withdrawal of support for Brokers and or the Advertisement put up on public media to that effect. With respect to this of which as a statement of assurance I should mention that I believe it is settled enough for me to concentrate on matters concerned with Employees all over the Country. When I say the trouble makers have no religion but claim to have won a great fight and they tell me they will comply but not all religion will meet my demands as I will soon find out and it does not pay off at the end, it is usually considered to be unusual but of course to me it is not - its like the matter of my racial slurs and claims my involvement with the British Monarchy is the biggest betrayal that black people have ever suffered in the world but they continue to provoke me towards the matter of slavery by naming me their great servant who knows more than they do in order to serve them with what I know, abuse and defile me just as a matter of having experienced something rare to help them face a lazy day and make money without working for it and take a bit just when I walk down the streets expecting to live up to those claims they will kill  me and have it all with a big black golliwog mouth and their foolish white women who feel they can do and undo thinking they can have sex with anybody as well. This is how far we have come since vast sums of my funds must be wasted by black people in order that we might have to continue to beg the white man for money so they might have power and so we have reached a point of something I could have done by applying slavery and slave trade on them which I have not because I cannot for them to dig into for power and for good measure since I have accepted that black people must no longer be poor to serve the white man then black culture must be famous enough to make celebrity fame and fortune for them and hence continue to pile it up one after the other and talk nonsense about my view of racism and how much I speak of slavery like it was a game.  A mere mention of these things have such a great impact clearing the air – it is indeed such a commotion out there and nobody knows why the fools cannot seem to move on. It has never been a complicated crisis with a Labour Party in the UK that is no longer in office spending British tax payers money on them so that they might be able to sit somewhere to defile me all the time in order to make me ugly and use my beauty for something else as they normally put it, we have reached a stage where that tax payer funds and the good it does them makes a case and my case is that they will be fine provided they do not trifle with my Christian stuff and the fact I believe in working for all I get. They can go off to Africa and stake the future of an entire country on it of course so we can find out again. As for the matter of being beaten finished and done: as I have mentioned on several occasions and anywhere else where this matter applies, my irritation and the sanity of the just, HH The Princess of York is my Girl friend not the girlfriend of some Dave from the US and people do really need to let it be, besides which Mr Richard Branson is definitely insane (I mean it is not an emotive issue but it is a matter of great wonder how it is possible to go from not liking the kind of personal commitments that another is involved with and more so in the terms of relationships, such that it results in enmity with them and I have not got a clue who these stupid Americans all over the Royal Family because of think they are anyway, at least I do not know yet so far).

The benefit system really is not a dole and not half as much of it as it is claimed either – what it really is, is a system that Politicians and their relatives can deploy as a means of keeping the best talents in the Country, keeping them out of jobs and using them to get rich. The new names they have invented for it is a matter of pressure and duress to such an effect. This is not a serious matter; as far as I know I have set out a business and there are property equity in it brokered with Industries and what my challenge is, is to raise funds and get the products out there so they cannot abolish the welfare state now, I mean it would have been a case of where it was all finished after the damages they have done to ensure I end up there, hence an assumption that they have the right to keep those stupid contraptions of theirs they regard as businesses which they do nothing with except hurt and attack me all the time, it would have been an assumption that there will be no revenge for it. I mean this matter has no reached a point of wreck my finances and get me on welfare and threaten to take it away right down to my entire company being hearsay – I mean how can a person’s company become hear say and what is the process behind making that happen like the state of affairs we have at present? Each time this matter about the benefits system is put off time runs into years and then years and then even more years and we are not talking about their idiots in the welfare system itself – those exist for one purpose only i.e. Nelson Mandela is important, we are all potentially homosexuals, we want to kick some men arse and cannot do it by ourselves, your work here is to ensure you are fed up with seeking employment; they cannot abolish the welfare system now, need to get off my book sales and realise my company is not hear say in a very public way. A lot of the time the main concern people have for most of the time is a matter of how much trouble I am in with Americans which makes no sense whatsoever - I mean if the US wants to rule the world with little tourism economies that spend their time like ferret idiots doing other people’s good international reputation for them, then that is perfectly fine - I mean it is usually a case of US leadership one moment and US bombs the next anyway, however the case arises along the lines of British Politicians that will tie me down to please the Americans and so that is what they have heard in the air waves and thus turned up egos pumped up to find out if it is really the case.

HH I. Uno I - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, on-behalf of the Hermitage.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland