It should observed the disparities with reality are that most men that pretend to own Enterprises or local business spend all their time and want to run affairs on the basis of telling women what to do, without suffering or putting up with any of the consequences of doing so and so do their girls and women think that the prospects that the future of today offers them on the matter of getting rich from insulting men and making fame and fortune from doing so not only has Iron clad excuses that classifies everybody else as provocateur but also is to massive it cannot be numerically quantified if anybody tried. This is a problem for the Economy the Financial sector and the Countries in which Politicians support them but seeing that it is what they want to make good of running an economy on, are prepared to tell as many lies as is necessary to patch up the situation and damages it causes and maintain their habits earning other peoples income and sacrificing other peoples businesses to feed it as well as telling tall tales about the economy and the global economy as a whole.

For them the way it appears to apply is that this is an Intellectual Property Administration service firm, all customers expect to apply the service and buy the books to consummate what they need, except Americans and their friends, who have decided to use it to try out a bid to get rich, claiming the author promised his books can make people so, which means when it is not working he is hiding something to dupe them and the only way out therefore is to get rich with the market sales, finances, income and customers of the Company.


The story of emerging new social classes and why I need to sit up and worry is not that which I consider of prime concern; they do it all the time when working with me goes smoothly and it eventually moves off from the story about how I cannot have everything that owes an interest to my royal property to myself because they have media to have some with as well with a big mouth and therefore set about pillaging my customer base everyday to create new social classes which widen the sheer number of people I have to hurt to get the book sold to those who make use of the company services and then it moves all together to some foolishness directly concerned with the fact they are enforcing the will of members of the royal family which does suggest they cannot stay in their own social class; hence no matter how abnormal your royal life is they want some of the class as well and it has to do with your earnings and their stubbornness and big mouth all the time. The part that annoys me the most being that they get it from African culture too and the threats and media insults do indicate they really cannot shut their mouths too; we all know the way they operate all the way to their fame freak feminists is that the so called right hand and culture and past etc needs to be shut down for the future and the left and the world out there and the fame and the getting things by not doing something out of nothing but what they then mean by wanting some of the class is that they need the deity ascribed to me due to the position I have to fill and work I have to do and they continue to seek it and I continue to put up with their stubbornness over my earnings without reason. So does it develop all the way to their interests in British American relations and regional issues of government around my state provided security and public work which affords friendship with anybody that likes to hurt and attack me for their purposes as well for of course it is the part they are really good at i.e. looking for trouble and I would like it so much if they shut it and get out of the Company and the Royal Property and Public work as well and stay off the state provided security and personal allies too because their intrusion means gathering facts and that means foolishness that are expensive for me with their media too.


I am aware that any scandal people want to throw at Royalty these days does not stick and it is said I am the reason for it and also the worst of them all getting around with everything in skirts but of course the reality is that when I do not want my Royal Property and Public work and Books to be the basis on which some stupid girl or boy is seen and known and bursts into the lime light in show biz that is precisely what will happen on a daily basis so that my finances might bottom out and people can detach my personality from me with media and claim it there while idiots have civil rights and human rights. Worst of all is the fact they are convinced they can get involved with anything they want to be involved with regardless of what those who own it think and like to play the racist card until there is a point of no return regularly and so I had decided to take away their civil rights and the royal scandals thing so we can find out as well. I do not want it done whether or not bad girls and their media idiots exist, I do not want it done their stupidities they think are lucrative and cannot leave me alone and hence the education they get is entirely deserved whether or not it means I have lost my Royal Authority, such nonsense only happens on media but they never ever listen. It is not a democracy thing; the reality is that on one hand you get involved with young women you must educate about the fact they will never get jobs as long as they show support for things people do to describe them as cultural filth on media when they are the ones who surprisingly to all that is natural and good in this world use cultural filth to do fame and fortune which is unprecedented and get support from Politicians for it as well but on the other my books and royal property and public work is being used as something that even the children and relatives of tyrants can do whatever they like with and hence regularly seen as the means by which stupid girls and stupid boys can have their time and get to be seen and known and rich in showbiz – it does not have to be a political issue, I simply do not want it done and they appear to be deaf for it and speak of rebellion all the time when what has really happened is that I have taken hold of and indoctrinated their stupidities out of them to kill the ignorance and violence based power without an occurrence at any stage of the part where I am supposed to be physically and politically and electorally present to do so; they think they are stupid and now they know, so this is just another issue and the books will be their undoing. Of course employers can continue to employ this filth of theirs as well, so they can have money to move around and do it as it were - one economic crisis is not enough apparently; provided there are all kinds of nonsense to bandy at people through adverts over competition they know depends on other peoples finances and does nothing but destruction like they do get to share that their money with others and therefore continues to happen no matter how much of it they have got looking for trouble. Vital indications therefore for what all Royalty bereft of Lordship and their media slander does, that the more of it they have and the more of the world they see is supposed to make them more civilised works in the opposite and shows of clear indications they have worked a single day for all that money they have which is why they find it so impossible to keep their personal life stupidities and Politics out of other peoples business and stop thinking they are on touchable which is seriously deluded. What I do is sell books I write to create a service for my company and it is not yet their worst nightmare so far.


Now I am aware it is also said I bring most of the things I talk about upon myself, the reality could not be further from this however, which is what people do to ensure anal sex is everywhere so they can chose who gets to be forced to have it and so on. So they want money but destroy money and it does not matter if it is my money or their own, the point is that they want money and destroy money to want money and it is the same with justice, they want it but attack religious and moral people and it is the same with civil rights, they want it and have people whose civil rights cannot be respected because they are too inferior to have such privileges bestowed on them first before they seek it and so on, so that when it is time for the anal sex to be had, then we have a problem because it is at the point where people are interested in me because I am looking for work or are interested in my books or even my person that they want to create a space where they can have their homosexual relationships and then cut out a piece of all I do and own it as an aspect of their civil rights and the operation of that is that they do it because nobody knows who the hell I am in this their village and is always done in complicity with gangs and violent criminal idiots. I know I am supported by the Government through unemployment benefits and housing and I am supposed to finish my books and find money to get them sold and if I get a job along the line which I personally would keep only for about two of three years, it is not the intention of any arm of British Government that I do so, hence it is just a logistical manner in which I want to get my work finished and so it is clear that each time these people make their public place and public media complains they expect others to be carried away with it and believe it is the worst that ever happens but is it really? The first consequence of these things was the issue of certain kinds of anal sex that they will not like but since then it has gotten worse and expressed publicly its attack on me because of my faith; i.e. it is something they do to ensure parents have no choice but sell out children who do not like the way things work in the Country and this then offers prerogatives to media and Political idiots who need to protect the system by finding out why your personality is the way it looks but my point is simply that I look for work because I want people to be interested in the fact I am and I write books because I want people to be interested in the books and if they do not want to complain they had better stayed out of it. It is a familiar story i.e. socially organised vandalism and financial squander and each time I say a thing about it, first they say fuck and then they say fight and I always therefore venture to deploy such words first and will soon have them patented to my name too. I am aware of course they say people are actually working with me as it is not in the interest of the Country for the lower classes to be involved with media but I do not see that it matters anyway since my relationship with upper class trouble makers that think I have no right to earn money from my own property is that they have property I want to use to get things done – since they are sorted in that if there is anal sex everywhere they are homosexual any way and for the middle class it is about finding out how far below our social class we can go for a game – since they are sorted in the sense that whenever they have problems civil rights will have it done and hence they can cut out aspects of my life people are interested and build homosexual communities with it and then cover their tracks by setting up a front of antagonism against Christians which of course is designed to ensure they are successful with their wickedness and that people are not doing the same to them as well, while for the lower classes I am on an expedition to actually uncover what exactly it is that annoys them so much. It would never have come to these needs for a collection of activities that messes up peoples minds and temperaments while I improve mine if politicians never go around telling lies about the fact people hurt me on account they view me as something they can lean on violently when they have problems and are frustrated, so then it would have remained a matter of the fact not everybody wants to be friends of mine sort of, since they did things had changed and I do not think it a major crisis either; its just that I live my personal life in a personal way they live their personal lives over my profession and run off to preserve their jobs for power, so everything I do in view of what people feel about me to ensure I never fall into financial trouble and that I am never homeless is physically and with much attrition brought to noughts because people have a need to do these things to me, especially the homosexual idiots; hence it becomes a personality war which I am winning by the way and then they will tell me my place is on the far left hand side and we will have to discuss it all over again because it is not the only insults around here that changes everything. Where then does the teasing stop and the bullying start and minus the question of the fact they are social menaces and their politicians need to stop talking nonsense while pretending absolutely everybody wants to listen to their quest for decadence, it is a matter question of who the hell do they think they are anyway? I do hear they say I enjoy my needless battles against people and the overkill I wrought with it but of course we all know as well they deploy other peoples property to get rich and be known and to get famous in show biz without the permission of the owners and return to exercise violence on them as well when they should never jeopardise people they have handled in such ways by making contact with them at all once they are done like they normally are, in the first place. So I do not want any of those things done with me or my person in anyway whatsoever and if done before not any more; when people want to go against this they must live with the Consequences - I will hunt them down at the Ports and the Pornography Industry and India and China and Asia and Japan and they know I am not bluffing in that either.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland