I understand it is said that I make myself out to be the victim in all these matters which is utter nonsense; I don’t – but then again whilst I do not make myself out to be the victim, what really happens is Politicians, Celebrities and Media disobediently experimenting on me to find out if their jobs have a certain power over me and the purpose was to round me up like sheep and invent a process of being in charge so as to end up being rich without working for riches all together – Liberal USA is obviously at the heart of it, such that whilst respect for me had vanished as their vandalism is part of their human and civil rights, I am fundamentally disrespectful because they have set out some difficult task I will be doing on one hand and then another person who will spend time being stronger than I am as they live out the processes of things I would have done to be non-co-operative with their needs all together; we have now reached a stage where it is either going to move on or I will decide whether to get involved with it and suspend living like who I really am or to live like who I really am and ensure nothing about my hatred for it is curtailed. The same behaviour was prevalent at University all together until I ended up dropping out and they never were the ones paying the fees then, just as we see them tackle my Books without paying the Bills and so far 11 years have passed, spent on their practical jokes like we see them give their own to other people, looking for a response. Their foolish girls have picked up on it as well to turn up and feel free defiant, for the purpose of telling me they do not want me to be Royalty in Public places with a big mouth all the time obviously. So I do get told I am being discriminated against but I simply see it as a history of insolence, one that Politicians especially have fallen in love with and gotten accustomed to, for the purpose of seeing me act like a gladiator, which can be deployed to boost the careers of their very important selves and never possible if they had not wrecked the academic work and finances, then spent tax payer funds on badly behaved people who wanted to make out their behaviour had become a culture and society setting rules by which others should exist – the same which people who engage in even when they understand that building it predisposes other people to discrimination and so if they are complaining that I set myself out as victim in the matter then I should be alright. And they always do claim that my Books have been written to depend on them the way their inventive stupidities depend on me and wreck everything around here, talking nonsense about Politicians careers from which I will be the biggest beneficiary, so their popularity fools may get the hands up my bum and mutter nonsense they will regret in the long run about me being their bitch – yes I did write the Books to depend on them because the personal dairies that are meant to manage the bullying I suffer were full due to the sheer intensity of it and the fact they had run out ideas and were repeating what they had done before every day with a big mouth. They do ask why I am being targeted but it’s an old story of the fact I am running a private equity based intellectual property administration business, so when people get involved they tend to build up this trust that they work with and deploy equities by and therefore fundamentally understood that when people work in a trust, they work in the interest of the owner of such a trust – giving rise to a case where every fool that wants to experiment how much power their jobs have over me want to deploy my assets for the purpose of winning their own contracts since last they completed the academic work and set out to seek their fortunes in the city like a question sign on the human race itself, such incredible stupidity – the Politicians being the ones that live in a world where when they say they control majority population and should have largest market share, I drop out of University and when their stupidities had set up warehouses to get rich by with their government salary, my whole life gets flushed down the loo, while the Celebrities unlike the media that is full of idiots going to their Offices to experiment and find out how much power their jobs have over me, looking for as much trouble as they can find, would be the ones that decided I had written a Book they found useful and somehow there is a link between deploying my Company assets and securing film, television and music contracts all together; they have no wish to let me have some space you see and it becomes a matter of seeing them move on for my part as well – specifically, I want to see them suffer for their behaviour, I want to see them veer off a corner and drop down to poverty and destitution once I am no longer available for bullying and it is what I have done to that effect which has created this need to have a conversation about who the victim really is – it’s an old story about how a contract was won and one partner ran away with 90% of the profits to stick the finger at the other and then there was a blood feud and then there was murder; unless one handles them in such ways, it is a situation that never improves and we all know they are never stop telling lies to keep up the evil hope of achieving their aims. It is mean to be that which is completely evil from here at a Hermitage – it just isn’t threatening me every time it needs money but the history of insults built by media that is full of idiots who want to find out what power their jobs have over me in terms of their ability to decide what people thought of me have offered them the means to start telling me they want to stop me from being Royalty all together. The point is I am not the victim but we know they speak of disrespect on my part every day of their silly lives, while they need the help of an Author and secure it by exasperating him – such that if their idea of how to handle those they deployed to improve their incomes is this abusive, it’s difficult to understand where my respect had gone, which is why I like to respond to it by saying the blabbing is always good, not much gets done when they meet me in person. Such that I will be asked whether I think respect should be a matter of responsibility, which I don’t; what happens is that it does this and the next time you met them in a neighbourhood, he will be picking on somebody the same age for a reason that cannot be explained, then you could never help because it has been getting that stupid respect thing off you to a point – for me it did not pay the bills at the University and is now after my Finances by tackling my Books and it might want to end the things that ensure it tended to complain all the time as well, by seeing to it that each time it is being so stupid it depended on itself. They always do this; make a mess of everything and then once they think I am down and out, set out an existence I should have been living which is now in the hands of media and celebrities and I could never recover – this is why I want to see when it all ended, they veered off a corner and dropped straight down to poverty and destitution on account I am no longer available for it, hence what I am talking about here is their fight for survival but I do not see how the prospects increased therefore, if it depended on me. I am not interested in their problems, just in seeing they paid for a Book around here and I fulfilled an obligated to have it delivered to their pathologically lying addresses; we can already hear them speak of how we are to deal with violent public issues, a conversation linked to how I am to be kept off financial wellbeing due to me keeping the secrets in order to control people, as stupidly as possible and yet each time I put society trouble makers in a position that means I get to see what they look like when somebody is determined to peddle their culture and society no matter what, I end up contending with them rounding me up like sheep and drawing attention from it as an express process of using my person and my Books, then my company assets as well to make their stupid selves financially well off; then there are certain fall out, like when Companies make video games, which as the case applies, may have been made to support people who have learning difficulties, we find that somebody who has a mind twisted by parents and cannot respond well to emotions may spend time playing it but not long after it gets taken away by idiots who have been buying the games at the market place and need the game makers to share the wealth and social disposition because they contributed to it, considering the services they got from the games was consumed and gone and cannot be tracked; we see the same ripping up my Film Asset Equities at Hollywood and showing up to encumber my finances because their stupidities had also started taking drugs and I want these idiots to give me my space if they are complaining. We know that since last their Politicians spent tax payer funds on them and spent it wrecking my finances they have become bolder and bolder, will not stop addressing me and will never not tell me what life could be while they handled my person and property all together - so the same disrespect will not apply to the ways in which their civil rights movements help them build equity for businesses and for making a living; the difficult bit then could not have been a case where they had stopped addressing me, kept well away from my Books and Public image and ceased to follow me around.

They do claim I am locked in a predicament but it is not a predicament at all; what happens is Politicians spending tax payer funds to wreck my finances and then spending some to help some trouble makers in the neighbourhoods, the result of which they claim is what happens when you are in the EU, while the reality of what happens with the EU is that EU Countries have poorer trading Allies who behave in a certain way, whilst these idiots cannot handle it, their idea of how to deal with those who are providing some comprehensive leadership on it is one of abuse, insults, threats and  s tick gesture – for my part, they are out of their league presently and need to realise the problem they have was never whether or not I was playing around with women but the fact they want to move into my right hand and set out gangs that will man handle me in order to ensure that I never get back there, which will allow them have everything the way that paedophilia is an endemic problem in Asia for example and I am never going to get worse over their stupid need to handle me for it all together, as it tends to get me responding or paying attention to the insanity that passes on their left hand side and right hand side, as if we were of the same social class. The bit about wealth inequality was just the part where I also want them to be completely naïve of everything I am doing, so that they get to find out when I am making money from it and then have to buy, as this is the only way to make sense of people who attack those that are financially worse off than they are over wealth inequality issues persistently for years unending. It’s not a predicament at all and has nothing to do with the EU, for my part there will soon be a part of this Office where I get to behave as if they were meat and I were an animal too over my Book sales, for the EU it’s a matter of certain specific matters setting the stage for economic activity – here in the UK, we have an NHS and that means we tended to engage with poorer Allies in a specific way because a Health service is part of economic activity for instance but the Germans are sort of all efficient, they will build a product that can be sustainably developed at a cheaper rate and sell it to poorer allies and when asked if it works, will likely make a show fair of using the product, so the Client can see what is coming to them etc. If I were then told that I had to respond to the business of showing regard and respect towards Politicians, I am lost as per what they expect or want from me as we know I am dealing with a strand and generation that has decided to build such nonsense on my academic work and career as a lack of respect on my part because Politicians are not Millionaires for working Government Offices and while nothing of this has yet changed, never mind insults associated with abusing those they have made use of to boost their incomes, are always talking nonsense about respect and a stick gesture - it’s one big massive gimmick rounding me up like sheep (as stupidly and insultingly as possible, which needs to stop) to get me scratching the backs of Politicians and none should ever do it. They do say I will pay for the way I address Politicians which I understand; the first time it was obvious I was marked to pay for something was after 8 years of being hounded by idiots who said they were supposed to get rich while I fought for civil rights, as I got stuck with their community croons who are now grandparent school truants to say the least for their social corruption and got beaten down in my bedroom every day to ensure I smelled like my loo, while cracked up out of my league idiots performed tribalism raids at Industry over my Public image to get rich quick, so now it seems I am tired enough to be threatened after they had built whole international movements on making it so in the first place - now it’s just a case of their civil and criminal disobedience and the vandalism it causes here being a mark of the fact their power was based on destruction of people’s property and that is why they have none of their own whenever they start - we have done the showing up here to count pennies on my public image until somebody became a Celebrity, we are now doing the bit about stupid socially corrupt and criminal, sometimes barely criminal rap music stars addressing me to churn my tummy and ensure I smell like my loo, as if I kept their popularity and their money, telling me they will never stop because they were dangerous to me, the part that will be their undoing was always the bit about handling my books and following me around when they see me attend academic institutions because completed academic work would shut down the access and then they claim I am at war with everybody while telling them off has become a daily sermon so far.

I get told it would be easier if people knew what my problem was but I have no idea how to say it anyway; the Politicians claim it’s a matter of disrespect on my part which churns their tummy, they have not on their party given me a single day break in 18 years, churning my tummy, started off with gimmicks about how I will be gay so women might be powerful on account attending Church was something they found irritating, which then progressed to a tale of how I am meant to become their own personal Jesus, getting killed by bad people so they might feel safe and important and was soon picked up by their goons as the means by which I fight the gangs while they got rich and famous; it’s really difficult to tell how to say that the problems they complain about is not created by my Family Members and that each time they get me stuck with it so they might run off with my work and public image to make money, I cannot finish my Books or complete the academic work, what they rather appear to enjoy the most as stupidly as possible is the fun of how I respond when I am exasperated at Government Offices, never mind the media and Celebrities issuing stupid threats over it each time they think that the Camera Man trying to get a good shot by moving the screen closer which makes them bigger is what they are really like. It has only reached crunch point, I need to ensure they stopped rounding me up like sheep to make a mess of it and they have not stopped, so there will be far more and the various forms of complaining from here on.

People have said they fear this is a permanent version of me, but it is not; I will never stop doing these things until the Politicians kept their distance from my writing career, academic work and finances completely. The American ones have constantly declared they want to ensure I got along with the people and I understand a gimmick that involves men who have power and want more of it but so did I mistakenly look down at some point and saw a penis that did not belong to them, likely to continue until I build some working arrangement that sees me get along with the people while Americans supervised and then it will get serious. So it’s an example of the sorts of conditions where it is said I really don’t like them but you cannot tell people off messing with your public image, academic work and finances for 14 years without consequences and especially when they are starting to become violent because they need some fucking respect and think they are very important. The first time they had to complain about me was distant violence making me feel sore, which was closely linked to some processes of running off popular culture pipelines from the US to Japan across my concerns, at the end of which they had regular weekend parties in which they moved the body and made sweet gestures in my direction – this time I suppose the stage is set for me to get along with the people while they supervised and yes they do say it’s a diplomatic response to what is really a threat and then again their governmental incompetence has so far described Public work as a process of getting money from American tax payers to shut down the Government three times in a row and show up here to make me get along with the people and a big mouth to show for it. The deal has always been a market that my Publisher built for me when I got the Books Published and each time I work at an Office getting engaged with people who are fans of what I do, this is what I am working on and it has to be confiscated and handed over to poorer people who need the money by American idiots and they do say I am afraid of them, which I can understand as it is always best to avoid them until you met them over that nonsense about making money with my person and property and anything I had to say must be swallowed down to the tummy and make a bad smell which I will get beaten up for, addressing them at a distance usually always means that other people get hurt. It will show up like that; the same spirit that thinks public work is shutting down government, is the same that surrounds me with a history of insults and ensures it has adopted a gimmick that runs off Public engagement somewhere between me and my career, on and on and on until age and years of experience and work do not count anymore, such that even when I am self-employed, somebody can grab my career; if it got seriously hurt blabbing nonsense about how it made it and I didn’t and therefore lesson taught for instance, I would be told it was so brave it was fighting battles I was too much of a coward to deal with and if the other society ones rounding me up like sheep on whom their future depends where to get seriously hurt, I would be told they were father figures to many and I hurt big things, so I suppose it is possible for them to take something seriously for a change in their stupid lives.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland