I am not of the opinion that anything I do and or write is wrong; I mean the American idiots are really good at making sure others who write a wrong diction in their books do not sell it to anybody because they are other people’s personal Gods but I find nothing wrong with that since what I write is largely a matter of what I want to communicate – I mean if I say to a person ‘you did the pencil’ yes it is a sentence that makes no sense whatsoever but that depends on the depth of communication; we are operating within a parameter whereby he must have communicated in detail the fact doing the pencil is relevant to him which is also relevant to me, he must have communicated his intention to do it, so must he have communicated at some stage a progress report on how far he has gone doing the pencil, so when I put forward a statement that is a question at the same time I am looking for both feedback and assurance not the need to have my book sales stifled by others who think they are not up to scratch, looking for trouble of which the best bit of it is that I am published on the web and can do the books all over again at will so I can use their insults to get it done.

It is as the story rages about the need to see me grovel and humiliated of which the reality is that you would normally kick and deploy to solve religious problems the very person of stupid women who fancy themselves bullies and have a taste for expensive lifestyle they wish to pay for at random but do not ask me why it becomes something you turn on male journalists as you grow older. Or the part where I do things that suggest forcing Politicians to be accountable is an abuse of their own human rights and unlawful, like the case of obscenity where somebody may have undressed in front of 100 people she knows very well but 98 of them are not even interested in whether or not she exists while one takes a case against it; hence nobody knows if it is the laws made against obscenity that makes it obscene or the fact that people carry out activities that are obscene that makes obscenity - about which they will tell me it is a matter of a spoof I have built from years of struggles for human rights that they have conducted whereas it is simply a matter of the Christian thinking one thing and making the important difference between what he thinks and what he does, about which in my case since I am an armed Christian likely outcome is that they will have more civil rights to fight as it were since I were never really accountable to them or their need for a personal life in the first place nor have they ever asked more so without making it as insulting as they possibly can.

The part about being deluded with respect to what people think about me is a misunderstanding of course of the purpose of my activities: I mean their idea is whenever they see genocide in Somalia, they should get me involved and run away just in time leaving me there, and it’s much the same in the UK over racism which they work with a very violent integration they orchestrate at my expense and use it to make sense to their Political idiots when it comes to what must be done to ensure I have no financial support and nobody can tell where they are running to anyway since everybody understands it is a Country here and not a toy except them but getting involved with me brings failure to me so that must become the most important thing in their stupid lives and I couldn’t make it clear enough times they might want to translate it to the tongues of their stupid parents that raise them into the crap they are today when I say it is a country and not a toy for example so they can stop bugging me instead of pretend I share skin colour with them and it is my nemesis because it means they always get the better of me when in actual fact they could never get the better of themselves and have begun to hate me intensely because I cannot stop having a plan about what to do about white people which they can only escape from if they blew up their ear drums, so that people can do their stuff for them as well and now they have devised how to make good with it on media which makes it difficult to tell if they had made it better or worse. So that is who I live: tell it all to blacks and the whites will find out anyway and twisted evil idiots can find something else to do with their time or just find more plans to bother me with.

Tory threats have never been an issue here; there simply seems to be something that they have which constitutes the sense that they are a threat to me and so if they turn up anywhere near me they will end up telling me all about it too, I for my part know it is rather impossible to locate what is so pleasurable about damaging my finances that their stupid Politicians enjoy so much. In the end apparently, they can wreck peoples finances and hold them down that way through hard work on media and politics and the general population just so that they might be famous first before they let such a person go and they feel I have no plans to teach them a lesson as well so they are issuing threats. The threats themselves of course are meant to create a process of distracting me from my academic work and my job and making sure my existence becomes a useless one like their deviance promises them all together and it has built up considerable factual history here that One is to deploy as means of causing harm when he is trying to make money; first I need to ensure the ladies at the Court systems are comfortable with their families and then perhaps I can move this process of selling the insolent families of the politicians to a point of attrition, just so see if they can let me be or take their threats where they think they can. It’s as the old story of people asking how I am able to sleep peaceably like I do at night while all these things rage all over but it has always been a matter of the excuses we are made to make for the demands of deviant scum turning up in our faces as abusively as possible until they start to brag about their power and trade the trappings for position and connections; so there is ever only one way to ensure their cat nature and the need to provoke others endlessly and make privileged excuses for it to get ahead on media and Politics does not drag you out of Church and into trouble every day and for my part when they think they have mustered enough of the guts they can turn up here to get the culture and society back. As for the story of my relationship with the Royals, the only that applies on this matter is the Princess of York and so it was that a certain Richard Branson saw my books and decided he wanted to help one of his employees into the Royal Family, he then found her and she has since gone off to get married to louts she should actually learn to bully, that said, I do not like the complications even though what she does for me also as a Royal brand partner is impeccable, even though the question of whether the Duchess of Cambridge is right when she says One is spoiled and love to create problems and play games.

The story of Politicians and a need to play their game of rich people placing a barricade on the wealth of the world so that they can create an economic plan and tell everybody else to turn up and get jobs does not actually concern me as it is none of my business; Politicians do not contribute to my wellbeing they contribute to my problems alongside their electorate, so they do also say something about those who don’t want to tag along going their way, so it is all good but if I see them around my Royal Estate and Company again there will be trouble and it will continue to escalate as well. The civil rights goons do not trouble anybody around here either; they seem to be this young people that have a need to wreck your finances and pressure you unto create a service that they will want to buy so they can ensure they are practicing nepotism that is good for their health and wellbeing – so it is always impossible to forgive the damage they do as well as it is impossible to forgive the destruction that follows when they are making you depend on their custom which they are never going to give and are certain of it. They play these games all the time and I am not actually as bothered about their criminal world foot soldiers status as they do like to civil rights idiots make out that I am all the time – the reality is that they are damaged goods, a group of fools whose civil rights disposition are worse than that of their parents because they cannot stop attacking people; they say in my case I am now aware the way they were raised is such that their parents do not deny them what they want and I had dared not have something they have not had as well or gotten a taste of having at some point in their lives, now that has paid off very well too and they know I am a Christian and that part of the Bible they have come across where I am commanded to live in humility is not a license for them to make up their own ideas of what I am really like; so it is one thing to issue these criminal violence threats and get on popular culture to ensure they are seen around my earnings all the time but it will be quite another is Coca-Cola for instance due to its existence creates an atmosphere in South America and US Towns and they get off to push out that nonsense at me where it really matters such that an atmosphere results that suggests I had failed to act- I have told them they can live up to their big mouth by yapping where it really matters before and this is an example, it is be the stage where we find out what they are really made of too; all that nonsense about sacrificing an Empire here to make more money rather than look into their attitude to connect with consumers, alongside talk of how they know where my penis and anus is but I am still bragging, will have finally settled for me what I must do about it as it were.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland