Of course my Books are not a function of my feelings about a need to compete with and beat the difficult aspects of other people’s lives in a competition but then again the fact that such things turn up are a typical example of why we have so many problems especially at National Media because none of these guys are friends of mine or indeed customers or family or business associates. It’s such hard work. They do say some members of the Royal Family want to take over my work and position and I would never know why the ninnies really think it is a worthy use of their time and mine anyway since this is what I meant when I said they are not friends or family or customers or business associates - their civil rights must peddle people’s lives and faith at all cost to prevent those people from being selfish and the world will implode with their big mouth if it does not happen - the stupid opinions about my Books on National Television is very unnerving.

There we go, it’s all a matter of how much I enjoy hurting people concerning the feelings they sacrificed to fight for my rights but we all know the need to make the Christian preach gospel and live at the mercy of their generosity is seen to be so lucrative they will rip up the world on Media to ensure they get it - at the moment every means by which they can is shut down, so they are so irresponsible they build it up as a perception that means they can have it anyway on Media and set about explaining my Books when I have never paid or asked them to - so it is extremely provocative and they need to clear my space and stop being seen around my Book sales.

We hear them speak of how the main issues are a matter of what black women may have done to me which I find unforgiveable but I really don’t know why it is such fun to offend me and find out if I will forgive it anyway; that said, it is not a crisis that black women feel like doing things to me that are harmful and hurtful at all times – only when they start to make alliance with men that will threaten and beat me up it will blow up all together; if people are idiots that love to get out of bed to spend somebody else’s income on a daily basis, they should be able to foresee that it will lead to trouble. I had made it so difficult that the number that would get killed by racists so they can have a civil rights which is based on what I should have done would have been unprecedented which is why the method of pleasing themselves at my expense has thus changed so much – lined with tales of what I cannot do or say where it really matters whereas they do nothing but and teach their bone headed children nothing except fingering peoples bums and they are definitely now talking about setting a stage where somebody wants to beat it into them very seriously  and I have made myself clear when they make alliances with men that will beat me up it will blow up in their faces.

So we have this storey of Military officials criticising serving Politicians on Andre Marr 8/11/2015; I am mentioning it because people are making sweet conversation about nothing i.e. The General said Mr Corbin does not provide confidence that he will be willing to authorise Nuclear weapons if the decision had to be made – Mr Corbin’s response was a statement about Politicians reserving the right to make decisions and live with the consequences later; this was therefore a closed conversation sine Mr Corbin only repeated what the general had said i.e. that if he was faced with a decision to authorise what hundreds of men who were trained to act in the now and some of them are paid up to 200,000 plus benefits for that purpose, he would not have yet decided what he had to do. I like to look at it from the point of view of a case of Politicians becoming increasingly obsessed with opening up people’s lives for the idiots in their society, meaning that they largely spend all their time forcing young people to get involved with matters of violence first of all before they are released as though there is a crime they committed by spin doctors and media idiots to chase their careers – it is usually an example of the kinds of decisions that the Politicians have already made their position clear on but the reasons it matters in this issue is that when they see those who have already had their own figured like Mr Corbin has been in government for months now without so doing, in the same way the evolution of Tony Blair was masterminded by the spin doctors into the serious public and international image problem that we have today without working his own out yet, the insults from there are usually beyond a level of quantification as such. So the reasons that this matter has so become a point of fun conversation being that they have located those they want to beat in order to save their faces and what I am saying here having been they have ever beaten and not brought the institution of government into my personal life having failed to trap a Christian they wish to abuse for self improvement in order to rip up my finances that they cannot with their own resources and show up in public all the time winding me up to talk nonsense about violence and doing my stuff and it is not therefore going to be a s easy as they have made it out – hence the reason the issue will start from their willingness to force young people into violent matters before they are allowed to chase their career but fail to work out their own jobs in terms of what should be done with military hardware. We understand they say they wish to ensure I get into a fight for everybody to see and it never makes any sense since they will be stripped of all that nonsense they carry around that makes them want a fight all the time; as we can see of which what happens is that they turn up to wind me up because their Politicians believe I fight in academic ways, then set out to make me into somebody that wants to take up all the beautiful things in their Country and make an instrument of war out of it and then detach me from the academic ways of fighting in order to ensure that problems are under control; at the moment of which I have not yet detached them from their own with that big mouth I have to put up with day in and day out seeking ways by which I can be made to stand back from my position so they might feel comfortable all the time – which by the way is not a problem, just the reality about toughening up in order to run a Royal Office because their existence can easily be all about ways they can find short cuts to being important and that as everybody else included celebrity culture and the need to get out of bed to vandalise my Business and spend my income, giving rise to this result of Americans that have opinions about me leading to a process where popular culture idiots get off and spend my public life, while they get on Media to offer support for those who are fighting for foolishness they name freedom claiming I do well as a result of privileges I get in the form of having a job for life for instance, whereas I got the Royal commission at 21 and got it in my absence as well but they will believe in America that it is perfectly alright due to a stupidity that tells them we are an equal piece; in the same way the US President is in charge when he rips up my Books and if I informed him he was running the White House like a haven for the Cripps and the blood they will get into routine of telling me, if the Cripps and the blood turned up there it would have been my fault living in that world where people are responsible for other peoples actions; whereas if we were to ask those that are in the know, they would mention phrases like ‘when it is over you will be gone I will be gone etc’; so when he destroys my finances by leading people in order to ensure the Books of the black man that does not have respect for a popularity goon is savaged and then realise I am doing the right thing, it would mean that he is the Boss. It goes on like that for a semblance of eternity and they speak of fighting all the time looking for more trouble than they can handle not hurting badly enough; that said however, when we started the fighting was the strong point, now we know they cannot do it anymore and will not stop the insults and provocation still and there is my party piece about how much they hate older men when their existence is developed around celebrity culture and a process of stealing peoples careers i.e. these idiots live in a world just like the rest of us where getting a job always means somebody else who was in that position had moved somewhere else for some reason but we see them do nothing whatsoever with their time save what they must do to take away peoples jobs and grab jobs from people which they believe suits them best  - so that when they do speak of hatred for older men it makes you wonder what stage peoples whole families will complain about them for, before they realise they do go too far every single day and now they want a fight and want to watch me in a fight as well with that big mouth they cannot shut all the time – that big mouth they cannot shut as if they do not grab somebody else’s career. This is how we got where we are today; they provoke me and get the politicians to take away the academic violence, now I am a cunt; so I am going to take their own away before it stops too but for now let their stupidities follow around the Politicians on one hand and on the other I still win anyway because they cannot stop following the Politicians around on my account and then they can do my own with a big mouth and threaten me as well.


It’s nothing unusual – just like the story of how I am being squeezed for bull market which makes no sense whatsoever; there are three items in it of which one is celebrity culture and the other is black stupid women with a low level of tolerance for a process where they are not having money they did not work for their whole lives and the third being this tale of how they want a fight which I had mentioned previously. So in terms of the first celebrity culture exists because they are providing a service which improves the lives of the rich but it will not be done unless they rip up my public life, the victimise me and ensure I am getting into a real mans task every single day for it and so the other side of the story being that they all want to be land owners as well which changes nothing about the fact they are following the Politicians uncontrollably these days with those society insults for the part I have to play in the matter as well. In terms of black women with a low level of tolerance for a condition in which they are not having money they did not work for – it seems the issue is that I am required to live in a way that suggests they are something I step on all the time which I don’t and if I wanted to live in that way should me imagine I was not a Christian or that if I were it did not matter, they would not have been in any position to decide; so as it stands they feel like hurting me every time they see me and it will end really badly as well. In terms of the fight thing; it blows my mind they would get off this position and cease to heed the warning I need to see less of them around my Book sales in order to turn up in public places to tell me to get into a fight and get out of bed to peddle my public life and spend my income everyday inventing something really stupid to insert into my life and run away with market claiming it is competition and then threatening me as well; so it is easy to see the next time they wind me up with the fighting thing they will get to do my stuff all together like that big mouth as well and I believe I have made it clear I can sell my Books in order ways save inventing stupid things to insert into their lives whenever they are trying to work or chase a career and they have always been warned about it too – I am not being squeezed for bull market.

So they say their behaviour makes people work harder and achieve more but it’s an old story of turning up here to make me pay attention to their money instead of mine and years ahead they will make my money and add to theirs and have twice as much but will not have accounted for all those waste that caused me to pay attention to their money and not mine of which it is clearly not their own that was being wasted – like kicking black women means they spend more time with those their men I am supposed to be afraid of thereby meaning I am on their insolent left hand side all the time with a big mouth and we all know most of them are married to those me, just like the stupid celebrities they get about with. Next they will ask me how I know all these things but we all know traders are supposed to trade not compare themselves to peoples statement for a living; by the way of which their civil rights idiots already hate my guts since as we can see I have a public office that cannot be manipulated by disobedience into giving their Satanism every one of its sons of disobedience heart’s desire no matter how much access they have to it but they are still doing those things that lead to these kinds of result. I don’t believe it’s unusual, it’s just people have to see how annoying it can be if people have a simple habit that only involves a condition where they have a society and its exists for nothing else but creeping under you to make connections in your stead with Royalty which is your world and it does so by damaging your property to train your important attention on them in a condition where they have power over you, rips up your property and spends anybody you are trying to get them to spend on a product you have created on celebrities, then set out to ensure every prostitute that has a go at you is defended by them as a community; the celebrities on the other hand having dislodged from their case of providing a service that improves the lives of the rich to get paid and become more interested in peddling your world and public life for a living destroying every single thing that matters – which produces this result where they tell me they want to see me in a fight and I feel like I need to do something to ensure no celebrated idiots turns up on magazines and media to handle my work and stick me in the deep end every again hence this conversation but they think they are so famous I wouldn’t think of it. The magazines will be in the stalls and news agents for weeks at any given time and so there is that sense I need to ensure they do not get to do it once and don’t even think about it at all. The other side of this story is that I stir far right behaviour which makes no sense since we know they have not stopped barricading my finances and breeding pre pubescent teenagers that will get into a fight with me and get out of it in the most cowardly way that involves stabbing me in the chest and that stupid sub culture is everywhere so that their bottom huts all the time as well and each time they provoke me I have to stop for a little while and start again from where I began years ago and now I am peddle their lives as well and call it Royal Freedom – there are many in the US that will buy into this too. It’s like when they say I jeopardise my position by sitting somewhere to give away all this information which of course I don’t; the only time we see them speak of people taking difficult decisions because they are bad people is when we see them in their clique since it is the stage where they make religious people take difficult decisions and ruin my academic work for their own conveniences as well and by the way of which the reasons they love to damage my property is because they don’t want me to consummate my Business and its markets for they are deploying it to make extra money to finance an extra marital relationship on one hand while on the other it is necessary to ensure I don’t have enough money for a date and hence they can always fuck their wives in the way I would have fucked mine while I am prevented from having a wife at all. So they have played their hand and knew from day one on that stupid media and Politics that the end product will be an outcome where they hate my guts, so since then I have been sleeping with peoples wives and my Court has been free for all and they now hate my guts because I sleep with peoples wives and use it to build a homosexual community that existed without sex and exists in their imagination to cure them of their alternative lifestyles – they cannot blame it on anybody. As for the part where I am being forced into doing thing by black people; it is an old story that because I use public transport and every idiot wants to find a man who writes books in order to take some quality wickedness promoting revenge on me because they know where my Books are, these fools do not know their social class anymore and it is the same for the whites as it is for the blacks – they think they live in my life and I actually don’t know who they are at all while they have failed to see it is advisable to stop screwing with me each time I step out of my door; they are hated here as a community since we are not equals and damage is not competition. They forget their communities and neighbourhood and act like they have made some money and live in my life finding out how to be more important than I am all the time and are the reasons getting involved with people tends to be a difficult experience for me, it does not mean that they control me, it just means they like to hurt themselves since time and again I have to make it clear they are not as important as the academic work or the job or the Books and time and again Politicians have to bail them out of the consequences. The black and female ones really do like to play very stupid games where they play out the community croons and get themselves into a place meanwhile where they can hurt me and I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it – they forget where their kids school and where they play and where they live and where they meet for trivia and so on and like to pretend they live in my life and it’s based on insults and daily abuse that is of a kind that will lead to more serious outcomes before it stops; I don’t think it is a crisis, they said they control me and I said they are simply fond of forgetting their neighbourhoods and where they play and where their children attend school and where they work and so on, want to live in my life all the time, forget their class and turn up around my concerns to measure if they important yet recently all the time – they don’t control me. I mean they do say Africans are the problem but it’s an old story of them laying up their lives on the internet on a track of where my concerns and Books are and never stop fingering my bum to talk nonsense about how my stuff has been taken up by others acting like they need to live in an existence where I step on them to express the fact I am beyond their league all the time of which if I weren’t a Christian they would have been in any position to decide; so obviously when I have to provide leadership in an Office for a people who have money to spend on experimenting to find short cuts by which they can be important bullying others, I will lead them and then inform them about it too, so they can control me.


I don’t think it’s a crisis either – much like they say I am unpredictable but if touring for my books after spending years working on such matters as people seeing a man with his family and calling him a cunt because of his physical appearance, instead of their stupid celebrities peddling my personal life becomes difficult a matter on account they exist, they should be able to see that making themselves the trouble makers as well as the implementers of wrath will not save the day no matter how many politicians are in on the game. I am unpredictable in the sense that it has become a complicated matter for those who manage my Government provided security to settle when I am being bullied and attacked and when I am not, hence I have to explain a lot of things most of the time but not that type of unpredictable, they can always tell what the effects of their actions will be. We do hear that they are grooming me to defend myself against Americans but I really don’t know why anyway; in the US there is a lot of mobility and for people like me as well – so the idea that I will only have found out that somebody has again been taking pictures of women and splashing them on glossy magazines to make his money and get those women to climb up my intellectual property and stick me in the deep end to turn out and tell me they want to see me in a fight would never have been when the magazines end up at the shops; it happens here in the UK because of meddling nanny state Politicians who do their best. It will be said I have gone back on my position of not attacking Politicians but that is not the case; the best choice for selling my Books is still that of attacking Politicians but the other option of inserting stupid things into people’s lives to make them angry so I can measure from their reaction how bad they have been so as to decide how good I can be in order to make connections that they should have made while I grab their markets is the most viable alternative – they complain but cannot cease to be seen around my Book sales and cannot be caught dead doing so as early as possible – so I am unpredictable when I don’t pay attention to them until I feel I am satisfied with how well I have set up my firm or run it.  It does not mean I am unprotected either – I am always being taught how to relax and let myself be secured, so it is an aspect of my case I need to work on, I am referring to the part where I am always being asked where I have been and what I have been up to when I say I am unpredictable in that way. It’s always possible to control what my tummy does when I can decide the point at which it is clear they are not a part of my life – blacks and whites alike; it’s the same old tale of them selling music CDs for example, when they make money it’s alright, when they have a problem with market or producers poorer people get it and as for me they go off to ask people at bars where they dine if it’s my stuff that is being used to serve them and poorer people are attacked because those remove them from their land ownership – not clear what they supposed I think of that for my part anyway; they had enough money to buy insurance for problems associated with getting into trouble with producers at the music industry for instance. I do not think anything here is lost in translation; I want to understand the only thing I have to deal with her is myself and everything else which concerns me and not whether or not black or white people exist when I don’t know them personally and they are not related to me nor are they customers for my books or business associates – every single moment  we see them, we see them in a condition where they are acting to see another person’s job is damaged or lost, they go to shops to make trouble for the managers and owners because they are grabbing peoples public life to get famous with and are now telling me when I work as a security guard I am only encouraging them and so we will continue on this path as well where hating my guts does nothing to change anything if they continue with the same behaviour which is meant to lead to the same outcome anyway. They do defend themselves when they make out what they try to manipulate me into doing is a good cause but I want to see their jobs being manipulated into good causes first; we are the boys and girls that are bottom pile of neighbourhoods all happen because its magic and was meant to in their view, so I do not think I am the first to ensure Celebrity culture financial vandalism hits them the hardest while people gain mobility after detaching their celebrated idiots from the land, so they can all hate my guts further but carry on with the same behaviour none the less like we see on Media all the time; what needs to happen is a process where I get involved when those glossy and fashion magazines are being made, so they can despite my making it clear I do not want it done, exhibit themselves all over my Literary Empire and make it clear they are trying to be women and need to see me in a fight because I am not; if they do not come to my place of work to disrupt things there will be no real problems and if they do not come there to tell me what to do they will have nothing to hate.

There are no complications with the main issues - apparently they will rip up any any aspect of society that says a certain group of people are accepted in the UK if one of them is a Christian they really need to ruin so they can peddle his public life and it has now turned into a daily first come first serve truth on media as well; so I do not mind which parts of society they want to rip up, i mind the idea I will be made into a vagabond on account of my fear of them, until nepotism and racism and discrimination is a main aspect of my life and it will never happen - they are nothing and they are nobodies and its been 15 years of it; wondering if it is happening on account they are clever or that they can be determined if there is a thing their block heads wish to achieve.

So the Politicians have now said that every new day comes with a new started I have set out for the ways in which people can abuse the honourable but I have no clue what is honourable about employing civil service fat cats who have a retrieval system where they save copies of literary work that they have not actually paid for of which the owner is not related to them all together, so as to regularly turn up in public places to make out series and series of stupid socialist leaders will take turns making me feel abused and so on in order to make them look powerful. It has never been an issue, just another example of how when you don’t want it done even something as far ranging and inclusive as government will be deployed to ensure they had done it anyway as if you are the only individual there is on the planet etc but it’s when you feel it is time to move it on that we hear they have alternative ideas about how it should end. Then we hear it’s a matter of offending them of which as ever the disobedience generally means that when I am not endowed enough to be a celebrity considering I already know I am really good at working for my money, what will come of it is the part where they ensure I drop out of university of which the bit I did them a favour was the one where I became depressed as a result but since which they simply cannot shut it as it were – they forget their social class all the time and yet the reality is still that if I think of anything I am doing, I am thinking solely of that and if they think of anything it has to do with questions on whether they are famous or whether they previously were and or will be in future; they have always known we had nothing in common, not in school not now but have continued to be seen around my personal space destroying things and threatening me and peddling my public life of which the end of the story should have been when I turned them over and peddled their own as well to create my Books but it never was due to the fact they cannot shut their mouths: so that this story of their culture and society is still the same one about the fact that they never give it a rest with looking for short cuts by which to become important and to rule and dominate others, get involved with people’s lives to communicate in very dishonest ways and run away with facts and realities to get rich and famous and if we discussed everything else on the planet concerning a problem they have with me, this will still be the one outstanding issue that has not been resolved. I mean it might be possible perhaps that it is these behaviour that lead me to shut down the left hand side for them all together the way it is today – they hate my guts but are still doing it and no amount of warnings concerning how I want to feel all I have to deal with is myself and a job and a part time writing career as their foolishness is extremely stressful for me as such, will suffice, so it is reality difficult to put a finger on what it is exactly they are complaining about as well when they are really good at looking for trouble and I apparently am not good at that, they hate my guts but are still behaving in ways that lead to the reasons for it in the first place.  The other part of the story being that I damage my Books, which I don’t; these goons are supposed to come in three main groups and one of them will ensure I work really hard because they never give it a rest when it comes to developing fundamental constructive dismissal from jobs day in and day out, when I crack them as well and they are all over the place for it – the second one will ensure everything you open your mouth to utter is their own and make them fame on media, so their purpose is to make you quiet and studious – while the third which I usually black most of the time will get you talking no matter what considering it makes them so much better off when you do; what I am trying to say is that Books written from an Office where I am meant to govern a group of idiots who have an obsession for finding short cuts that will allow them to be important and to dominate and rule others, thereby in their opinion meaning I must tell them all about such leadership so as to show respect for their stupid society first and written thus the Books in content and context and making sure politicians have their fill of dragging the apparatus of state into the business of wrecking my finances to cause me the delay that allows celebrated idiots to turn up to be more important than I am so as to tell me inequality fostered by Monarchy has the same effect when we all know Monarchy grooms celebrities and that it is the reason the Labour party imitates with such viciousness more so considering which the celebrities that end up in my Court always leave the part that is publicity for my public work and life for me, while nobody knows the reasons that the rest get involved anyway, dragging the apparatus of state into wrecking my finances to force me into matters of violence before I am allowed to chase a career and designed to ensure they have their fill of it is not being damaged by me – just like the story of how I am stuck at this point when in actual fact we have only the other part of the story being that I damage my Books, which I don’t; these goons are supposed to come in three main groups and one of them will ensure I work really hard because they never give it a rest when it comes to developing fundamental constructive dismissal from jobs day in and day out, when I crack them as well and they are all over the place for it – the second one will ensure everything you open your mouth to utter is their own and make them fame on media, so their purpose is to make you quiet and studious – while the third which I usually black most of the time will get you talking no matter what considering it makes them so much better off when you do; what I am trying to say is that Books written from an Office where I am meant to govern a group of idiots who have an obsession for finding short cuts that will allow them to be important and to dominate and rule others, thereby in their opinion meaning I must tell them all about such leadership so as to show respect for their stupid society first and written thus the Books in content and context and making sure politicians have their fill of dragging the apparatus of state into the business of wrecking my finances to cause me the delay that allows celebrated idiots to turn up to be more important than I am so as to tell me inequality fostered by Monarchy has the same effect when we all know Monarchy grooms celebrities and that it is the reason the Labour party imitates with such viciousness more so considering which the celebrities that end up in my Court always leave the part that is publicity for my public work and life for me, while nobody knows the reasons that the rest get involved anyway, dragging the apparatus of state into wrecking my finances to force me into matters of violence before I am allowed to chase a career and designed to ensure they have their fill of it is like wrecking my  academic work to build themselves dispositions of civil service fat cats on my public life with which to develop all these nonsense for instance, is not being damaged by me – just like the story of how I am stuck at this point when in actual fact we have only reached the stage where those who want to serve the rich are free to do so as we are done with them ;so they ought to know if there is further trouble we will start again as well. So the Books are safe and secure; we had nothing in common at school and we have nothing in common now – they need to clear my space.

I understand my behaviour is akin to a war they say but there is no such thing – if there were any they would be at the receiving end of it all together as well; what happens is that Celebrities turn up to seek money from my public life everyday which is something these fools curate and then when they had made the money become completely obsessed with turning up in public to show they are more important than I am which is something I ignore since I already know what their nature is, except they have now developed a need to damage my property and finances alongside too and that cannot be ignored, I need to get to the bottom of what and who they really are too. it’s never really been a problem – the labour party it is that has spent tax payer funds to give them this means of turning up in public places all the time, it does not mean that it is practically how everybody else lives as such – leads only to the same tale of keeping white people out of my public life and blacks off my faith and personal life and popular culture off the way I was raised in order to eliminate every process where they have some means to be more important than I am and therefore turn up here to explore it; they need to have sex with their women the way I would have had it, they need to raise their children the way I would have raised mine and they are seen around my filial sensibilities every single moment, talking nonsense about which behaviour of mine is akin to a war but continuing with theirs for the last 15 years which is to do with sending their idiots over to my work place so they can correct their bad behaviour and make progress with their stupid lives and then running off to media to abdicate responsibility and seek conveniences which is where they talk nonsense about their war all the time, it is endemic simply because I have not paid attention to it and all that noise making about my behaviour leading to a war alongside it too, forgetting their social class all the time and showing up around here endlessly; of which if I get hold of that stupid culture for it I will sell or cut it up too, which ever decision will be more convenient for me of the two – besides which the part where they have been dressing properly in public for change in their stupid lives in a gain as it were since it must mean that racism has now disappeared; there is no war thing here – they are still doing it i.e. rounding up their kid to secure popular culture fame and fortune from his personal and public life on which their insolent future depends and when I don’t want it done it becomes their main preoccupation to do it and every other nonsense associated thereof is endemic because I have not paid attention to it.  It is not lost in translation; the reality is that while they have some money stashed away to bother people with fame and fortune popular culture, I have a Royal Estate and Literary Empire from which I can release money if I need to and there is nothing wrong with the public transport system in this Country and no need for me to hide away in a car like that for no good reason – they forget their own social class all the time and are now starting to talk nonsense at me about a war; the first war led to a result of the only person ever to prevent them from gaining from his possessions as a result of getting themselves or their stupid children killed by racists, so the part where they dress well for a change is definitely a bonus, it must mean that racism has now disappeared. Now it is all sorted out and settled and they are free to go off and serve the rich, if they give me any more trouble the consequences for it will get a lot worse as well – the story is that I hold back whole economies due to my bad behaviour while they continue this uncivil nonsense and exasperating me to take a stand on my personal space and determine what my tummy does to steal my Empire with knowing that throwing a punch in my direction would lead to unexpected results too but doing it all the time because they are making fortunes with uncivil behaviour; so it’s the story of opening up My Empire to broker equities and buy people and the economy some time for recovery, only for them to find it impossible to buy the Books because they want the whole thing as if it is a fight their wives can win with that big freedom mouth they have got. There will be no problems if they do not turn up at my work place to disrupt things and tell me what to do, there will be no trouble if they do not disrupt my writing career and complicate my job, seeing that it leads to the outcome where I crack them as well to show them what it feels like to be disorganised, there will be no problems if my relationship with my Employer and colleagues is not disrupted because that is the one where we hold them down until it is fixed in order for them to recover their freedom to go off and serve the rich, the Political idiots – we see them give to the frugal as it were; it is very infuriating when their Politicians do these things for them - I had other plans for selling my Books which did not involve getting about winding them up to make them react in a way that will allow me see what I could make my behaviour into, so as to facilitate the means to express myself and get connected with the wealthy and those that can help me out on matters of money and by the way of which they do not teach that sort of behaviour at Church, so its a free guess where I got it as it were (they do say it is a matter of the extent to which I am a threat to freedom but what they do not wish to discuss is the extent to which their average low loves doing peoples stuff all the time I sit in the Office of a Literary Empire with an empty bank account simply because I opened it up and brokered the equities which I brokered with them thereof the last time we checked; when they were warned during the early days their prognosis was that their insulting media was all powerful).