Of course it is not true that One has a problem with other peoples freedoms, what they do with the prognosis of their freedoms, which is a product of a very self damaging useless existence is try to find out my dislikes and ensure that there is a Public Office feel that they are able to do whatever they like which will help them become youthful and create the sense they are privileged and when it turns out I am actually the individual that tends to live in that way we find that Homosexuals turn up to push me off the ledge so to speak and hence their Heaven is apparently Media but it is becoming more or a less a tool for conflict these days. We all know it is the Media that others did better with than they do but the need to seek the credence of culture idiots who will complain to Politicians when you handle them for damaging your property but find ways of bully you to ensure their perverted culture ends up in your personal life and leads to an outcome where they can call you names at the same time has reached a pinnacle and there must be a way of getting on with company business without being breathless on account either they or their foolish women do exist. They excuse themselves most of the time with a story of my inability to negotiate around peoples generosity which has no basis on reality - that is more a matter of the fact people do not like being cracked and every older idiot playing a game of making me into a fool so as to develop entrapment by which their Children own my prospects, then find it amusing on National media has got to be one of the most provocative ways of abusing people that there is; nobody likes being cracked and they are my Books as it were, I have only the problem of knowing when I am writing the Books and when I a doing something else and if that means bullying them as well to run the company and make the sales happen it is what I must do; nothing is about their stupid generosity. Its a case of Media idiot winks at society idiot and the both get about making an idiot of a kid who will always be a kid while they concentrate on what really matters doing so - when done they set up a stupid female black fool who has access to my personal life by some means of community surveillance system and use that to ensure I am always messed up and nothing I eat stays in my tummy and I have no tenacity to keep a job etc, while all I do with my Books is being interfered with; it has nothing to do with their stupid generosity, just the question of when it is that they get to listen to what others are saying to them; I have to bully the Media to sell my Books but when it comes to the actual work its a matter of knowing when I am writing it and when I am doing something else, nothing to do with their stupid generosity or benevolence of self loving perverted and filthy exhibitionist idiots, whose homosexual communities I had confiscated a long time ago and put down to my history and will never ever hand back, so they can invent new ones regularly and tell me its their civil rights as well and of course escalate their problem if I find it anywhere near my personal life again. I mean I want to decide how I must bully the Media to sell my Books by myself, I do not need insulting ideas as well. It was much the same with the now largely resolved Industry people, whereby I step out of my Home and I do not have my Company and a Job I created anymore because others already have one in the City centre with Saloons to show of it and its only a guess who were curating it all for them and therefore the longest an Employer has kept me in a Firm as been a total of 18 Months for a pension due to the fact that from Dusk till Dawn we have popular culture idiots arranging their Music CDs to have a go as well; I am not in need for their perverted generosity. So here the problem I tend to have with Black people is that of how on earth people fight for their own endorsement but the question therefore being answered by an abusive experimentation that leads to a result whereby they fight and lose the endorsement and keep the job by which it comes and carry on like that for the rest of their lives, doing nothing about it if those who are inflicting it on them are related to them or a Members of their race but most crucially older than they are which is one of the stupidities platforms of existence I have to deal with around here and is a prognosis that will be tested here in every turn as we all know that these idiots have always been fond of finding themselves a younger person to use as shield while they mess up people’s lives to make their stupid existence acceptable in order to end up with clubbing and partying lifestyles while their victims end up with civil rights and death but it is an example of matters that Mr Obama does not pay attention to as such i.e. given half the chance these fools will exchange for us all racism and world war one/two for global level inter clan and inter family violence. As for the white people that take advantage of me however, there is none in a real way; those who want to know where Industry villages are and can get up there and talk rubbish at me where it really matters, otherwise the main problem is still the Media where Lower and Middle classes can engage themselves in whatever processes might be relevant for being more important than I am but is now becoming a weapon of which insults and abuses and violence are not profitable things, so it is very expensive for them therefore and appears to be a behaviour others may end up looking at as an expression of the fact those who carry it through are very intelligent organisms but in actual fact the reality being that it isn’t – so I need to find a way for that; Media for Middle and Lower classes is not sitting well with me so far. Only one thing puts a simple on their stupid faces and that concerns a younger and more successful individual suffering the part of their lives that had to do with lack and poverty so that they can improve themselves on his development and their stupid threats changes everything about tolerance as well – so they all know where Industry villages are and can get there to talk rubbish at me so we can find out if this will go from an intolerance of Media that serves them to outright war. Their friends say I serve the British Monarchy with my own resources, leading to a process where everybody gets the hard end - whereas the truth is that a problem has now emerged which needs to be solved because their deviance cannot just stay in their own Families if they have a problem with the idea that all I own actually belongs to me and for me it has reached a point in which I need to be dodging homelessness and something has got to give around here as well. It’s like the Tax evasion and Tax avoidance story; we hear of all these information being leaked but never clarity as to what anybody might use them for; I still remember for instance that while on benefits, little occasions where I get overpaid because I switched a position and was not clearly ironed out always led to this massive amount of information as a result of my Royal position being spewed into the Public and a resulting attack from those who might have their tax evasion businesses ruined because of me. So this is what happens and nothing else; on account these fools largely think themselves more worthy to be leaders, what they do is what I am most concerned about in any case i.e. go off and help the rich grab wealth off the poor, get connected with the rich by abusing and taking advantage of the angry ones, then get on Media and try to save the day to no avail, which takes at least 15 years of other peoples time during which they will be on and off employment while others think their livelihoods are a plaything for death threats and self improvements. So that in Countries where the tolerance is so low, when they are killed like we see and hear often it tends to make sense and thus One becomes paranoid about social stability here in the UK. The method has not changed in decades because they are so stupid and unpredictable i.e. Today she is a Television personality and that can in two weeks shift onto being a seaside entertainer, so you see that every single opportunity for small businesses is being raked and understand that it is not service at all, just the reality that must be recognised, that she is a two bit celebrity that hates them. It is the same case with Industries as well, they want to take everything people have got, to the last penny and in my case for instance having a Royal Commission and a Book sale business attached to it, tends to me the services people had deployed which means a certain percentage of their income has always been nursed for the purpose of supporting me as well, is what people want to have jobs on by stealing my secrets if they are Men and if they are feminists just want to own it by some leverage they have on me and this is of course one of the biggest problems they face because where I had enough of them was the bit where they made be spare leader so they can keep switching connections to the most profitable one, better still one that they can control such as myself with that yapping that we all have to put up with. It is never true that I am stuck in a difficult situation that is putting National interest at risk either; their problem is to work out how to convince me that they have a right to make money at the markets, especially the stock markets – my problem is that this whole business of people not buying products from them until it is made to my approval has given way to a need to pillage my personality and possessions and position to make the products because it is the easiest way to get rich. in any case of which none of these things will ever come if people do not work for them; even when government prints money into the economy, it is usually as a result of a level of service that can be quantified at a certain value, which means that such an action is most of the time immediately followed by increases in National minimum wage – nobody gets money by playing some game that is happening over there, it comes when people earn it and people will continue to get into deep trouble for nicking any resources that my fans and people I lead have nursed as a means of supporting me and my Business, which of course is the only reason they love their involvement with my concerns so obsessively and hence a social problem I have got to kill off as well. I hear that I criticised the UN for not reacting early enough to Global issues - none of which is true as what I did was draw contrasts between quick reaction to something implied by a Journalist that is putting a microphone in front of them about something playing with their power and doing anything to save lives on the planet, which is rather one of the clearest indications I have been doing more diplomatic work than they do, without the Diplomats Fees, Salaries and Benefits and getting insults for it and on mentioning it their uncanny alliance with the Evil parts of the world, a part of which I am not and hence creates the sense their need to use their control measures on me is more a matter of an evil they are than a control of Tyranny itself, will take one more step towards threatening me and securing self improvements with Media. So the extra facts are the old story of my problem with those Women in their Communities who build themselves careers being the face of advertisement but at the same time have links with society, so they can ensure their entire lives are about attacking those that shed the evils they have come to see in the World which would have been a source of strength, in order to chase some religious piety and realise they are supposed to have found a way to pay their way in the world later - while the application is attacking and taking candy from those they have regarded as babies. What I have done is a simple measure of the fact I am not their Baby and those on the right needed to understand a relationship with me regardless of how old they got, would not necessarily have meant they worse the Trousers and those on the left needed the stingy bum pain thing to help them keep their needs and need to have Money off my Books and Royal income as they have rather become fond of picking up a single copy and loaning their friends all over the world, so they can write their own and get rich on my Public life, as abusively as their feminists stupidities can. Of course I would love to tell the UN what to do but it is not what I did. They do say I have rubbed shoulders and taken power out of their diplomatic world, which I need to restore with immediate effect but the conflict here is not with them but with the Queen of England who does not want me to do anything that is influenced with the outside world and that also means having any form of academic qualifications; this means I must only acquire them when required of the uttermost necessity and it is always a fight through out - leaving that gap by which goons can turn up and tell me of a career they realised that they had when they are old enough to be my parents and grand parents, so testing me is not going to go without trouble for those who do of course; they are very well aware of what the truth is where their many lies are concerned. On the matter that most mitigating factors around my affairs were trouble brewing at the Monarchy, it always was, like people always tended to conduct the abuses we saw them conduct, especially the famous but what is really happening is that the opinion of the Head of State where the Monarchy, the Government and the Royal Family itself were concerned, are usually three separate things altogether - I can tell which the busy bodied idiots had gotten themselves stuck with in terms of my well being, my person and my interests, although I find their predicament amusing, it was the way it interfered with client interests as determined to get a response from me and when it does, hangs about my own public image and clings to my personality for feeling good purposes to issue threats that will take up even more of my time - something that they had to do. I am aware they were a bunch of people pulling these strings but it is also because the King himself got involved, to say that they were fighting communists on my behalf because I am such a coward I cannot do it myself, so they took the business of expecting me to cover their backsides due to their body type whilst they ran off the upstart bum fingering gimmicks and that of their famous gits as well because they needed to make money and will acquire my personal life to build restaurants when they needed to eat, as soon as they were done with their stupidities but first, they needed to get involved with security services and fight my wars for me.