I hear of this case where a large portion of what people say and do about me is largely my fault; I could not make it out anyway – we all know what happens with the Media for instance is that I have to tolerate insults and abuses from them to a stage where I have a full personal diary and can no longer manage myself in that way, shortly after which I dropped out of University tolerating more of it but it was after I got my Book published that things took a turn for the worse because my assumption was that they were never going to do the same thing with a Published product, which of course they rather did anyway, not least because if they stopped, their ego will be hurt. I for my part do have to live with this case whereby we find Politicians want somebody to claim they have stolen my career, so they might spend money on it all the time until it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy all together, the wonder here is whether the Media are getting in on the act because they have an equal level of power or more power than the Politicians that are complaining about me presently. It’s nothing more than a group of goons that are always claiming I am getting the mercy aspects of what they usually get up to when those who have an existence or property they envy refuse to co-operate with processes of being taken advantage of and it all happens because they are bullies; the media will be the ones that want somebody getting stuck somewhere to boost their income all the time, while the local communities bits will be the bits that want the same as Media but for their civil rights – however , this is a matter of them issuing threats at me which I have warned them will open them up a whole new Kettle of Fish every single time that they do it for my part as well. Another part that is my fault of course will be about the women I have some court business with and their primary business with the Court was about sex, if we observed properly, we will find it is always meant to get them out of something; either recovery of a mojo that community people took from them or using me as cover up for the fact they have a had a history of assaulting women; so my Court is still free for all while they complain and bellow threats. In the end we all know it can always blow up in their faces spectacularly all together; we all know it will easily lead to an outcome where any who addresses me loses the job and so I will end up fouling the air and getting beaten up for it too, but it does not mean that with the insults getting completely out of hand this is not a risk that I will be willing to take as it were. So we hear of this other case where I have a difficult relations with the Armed Services, which has rather been changing fast in recent times, taking in more ethnic minorities, while the case with me concerns a group of people that are busy doing my stuff – so we find that when it wants Politicians or media to confiscate my business empire for its stupidities to please itself with, it talks nonsense at me that will make me remind it of what it knows i.e. going off to the services to get shot at by the enemy doing my stuff, otherwise it can always let me be and keep the mouth where the money that gets to the head is actually located.

They say I am a stupid individual and that it tells on my finances every time but I am not a stupid individual, it’s all a case of the fact I am single and since I am practically invulnerable every wicked and evil thing people want to do to me has to go through Women – so whenever I defend myself from the Women they send out to tackle me, the result is always that another story brews up as a process of distracting me from what Media and Politicians and Celebrity want to do with my person and property having more to do with me being homosexual and so it has come to me that it is possible to make a living in this world while being obsessively interested in avoiding every single form of compromise that concerns their part of life and society and of course at this stage I am doing very well at that too, the finances bit being an obsession to physically get on the same Media and Politics and Celebrity culture to pillage my finances, which I think will come to an end when I pillage their own too considering they are bloody idiots. It is a gimmick that never stops and what it knows is hurting and killing people claiming it is the meaning of culture with that big mouth and if I have not done their Liberal and populist stupidities already, I am going to.

So, they say I hate free people which is utter rubbish - what is happening is that these insults will continue along the lines of being told how to exist while claiming my involvement with the Royal Family is set only to produce an outcome where I am sent out to fight my own people until it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Reality is that they can never stop telling lies; even at Church we see that the Bible is clear but can never be read out and obeyed without interpretation into civil rights and modernism, so that attending Church becomes something that I can only do if I can perform magic and we see the same behaviour in every aspect of life as well. They always say they are getting some passion from me which has no basis on reality as well; they are not getting passion anywhere – the children are good at abusing people and then using civil rights and media to ensure the victims lose credibility when it is mentioned in public and what has happened to them is that I have tied them down somewhere while keeping them on the same behaviour until I said what I had to say and everybody heard it before I allowed them to go free, thus the more they delayed the prospect of me saying anything without losing credibility, is the more we will find that they will become unable to do anything on my public image because they have remained where I have kept them until they grew too old to do so. This nonsense over my Books and Finances and Public image is the grownups who really need to see I am not their mate and really need to stop threatening me especially talking nonsense about Daddy's Money at Industry all the time for it too. I do not think it is a complicated matter; they are pure evil you see, it's the same effort needed to paint 200 works and make one master piece at the end that is needed to tell lies and abuse people and harass people to create the public atmosphere that we now see and I am not about to tolerate it as well, which is why we have started with a process of finding out what will happen if I held them up until they were past it (we all know that they speak of the way things are supposed to work, where they provided leadership on poverty and inequality and racism through public speaking while everybody else does what they want as the way the Country is meant to exist but so are we aware that in order to secure their insolent fame others will have gotten there many times over, only for practical jokes to take over people's lives and get them telling people how to exist, so that by the time it blows up, what we find is the many ways in which people react when provoked and things become very uncontrollable at that stage; so this wickedness and telling lies is not something that a human being that is not influenced by a greater evil do but the need to say something about me that puts me in a position where my whole life exists outside normal rules means they will have to keep their mouths where the money that gets to their stupid heads).  We are here if we are remembering correctly, solely because of Politicians pillaging my finances while they build their own, in order to provide them the confidence to threaten me by and even so I would not have imagined they would pick up bits of a patented Book as a means of helping the Politicians support them at government Office for stealing my career and fame, blabbing about getting information from the horse's lips to avoid buying the Books the whole time and since that happened, I have taught them my own version of the lessons too – if there is to be a war their society goons need to keep the hands off me while their culture troublemakers need to join them at the Media and Celebrity culture and I am here to make people's condition worse when they blab at me about harassment and abuse and that will be a start still. I am not their mate and they really need to stop threatening me - blabbing of what I would not have said where it mattered, such as telling them to stop what they are doing to my Books, after years of positioning themselves to ensure what I have painted in unfavourable light was their stupid selves and communities, even so of which I am not the one complaining and making sure others suffer as a result of the actions of somebody I am trying to change so as to make the person breathless and issue threats when I believe I have become healthier than they are, so I am at a loss as per why they cannot just stop it if it is such a problem. They do claim I have adopted a Position that invites conflict which I am fed up with hearing too – what happens is that when people have jobs to do where they give their lives doing, these goons will mess it up until someone gets killed in the line of duty and cannot just do the job in peace; so the facts are never as complicated as made out – simple case of a process where there is the UK and there is UK interests and so One hopes against hope (as we all know Russians with British Interests and British People in Russia face the same threat all the time and the practical jokes about their bottoms until they get killed by criminals or do something stupid to get hurt by Russian security services is relentless) that the Russians will not adopt a position that means there are other less expensive ways of living in a world where the UK did not exist comfortably, by getting after those Interests and so it is the job of a Soldier to protect it and if any loyal to me dies in the line of duty I will have my revenge (again) and then it will be a fully developed practical joke that way. Otherwise, they are always free to join the Military and get shot at by the enemy to prove I am coward, stop abusing me and presuming to address me or tell me how to exist with their stupid Media and Politics the way the world must tolerate them doing, pillaging my finances in the process all the time, to talk rubbish about being free - in which way nobody must get in there and be taken by the darkness as well. So, does it mean all is back to Normal? Of course that would depend on what the question refers to, if I personally want the normalcy I can acquire it since these are very silly people whom you find yourself at war with should you speak of religion as the means by which the immorality and vices and social corruption that beset them financially may be controlled considering they are not nobility and have no wealth, property or status passed down to them to given to them by anyone but then again for each time they do not have as much money as their mates that did not spend time on the social immorality and vices we find that we are at war with them still; all made possible by democratic stupidities through which they can benefit from people by insulting their benefactors and yet they claim there are those who make the money via the immorality and of course we know it is a game they love to play with their perverted celebrities about which it is never true that we need answer for bigger questions while reality stares us in the face that we need far more practical jokes than we are having at the moment, that there might be enough practical jokes for everybody to play in equal measure - which fits into a case made that I have history with them while reality is more a matter of having ended up doing a very difficult thing with them and while they liked my work could not exactly understand my personality, therefore if I tended to tell them it was all in good taste we find that my good taste will be made use of by incredible insults on Media that is supposed to make them famous. So they say I could do better and my disposition is a disgrace, it is utter nonsense of course; what happens is that my social media profile is not setup to advertise me, it is setup to network with people who already know who I am and we can see that the kinds of people who follow my social media profile and the services performed by this Estate is still not raising me the funds I need because somebody has created a separate reputation for me on media which runs completely out of control and does whatever it likes. Every time I think about tackling their finances in order to put a stop to it, there is a realisation that doing so was their plan all along and the result will be an outcome where I become like them; have one thing and everybody that I have hurt and stolen fame from is in my House and backyard – this is usually the stage where we hear them claim they know they can control me and will use me to get them out naturally which is utter nonsense as they can control and use nothing; we are here because Politicians have become quite obsessed with co-operating alongside any fool who picks up bits of my patented Book to claim they have stolen my fame and nobody knows either what the Politicians do it or why these goons do it we just know that these are incredibly stupid people. I do get told what I have said does not change my financial situation but we can all see that it is impossible to change a financial situation by going off to the University to get a qualification that will allow me access to a Job that will both look after me and finance my Books while all this nonsense continues – it is impossible to simply tidy up and get it done more so, which process will take nothing more than three and a half years – hence the question of being a disgrace answered. The bit about getting me to remove for them every troublemaker in their House and backyard is nothing new, it is in fact the reason they are always complaining that I have started a war i.e., stopping people from targeting me if I can get people to express themselves on the public image of the famous goons. In the end of which I do get told that not only is this very savage but also that I claim they are stupid because I don't know them; in terms of the former of which they can tell me savage when I dropped out of University in 2008 and the reason I have been unable to tidy up and return to it is because idiots are borrowing my Public image, therefore need to get out of bed to make a mess of my life for me, line it alongside Politicians co-operating with their stupidities when they pick up bits of copyrighted material here to claim on media that they have taken my career and then tell me that getting their drug dealers and criminals and people they have stolen fame from to stop bothering me if they have Public image that can be used to make a statement is savage. In terms of knowing them, what is being referred to is the fact they are usually rather nice to their Families – it will make the situation worse of course as we can see they are nice to families they provide for by doing stupid things with my Job on Public places to starve me of finances while they claim a lack of it was the problem of the world – very stupid people then many will agree. So there is this talk of me starting a fight with the global community of Industry fat cats which of course is not really a fight as much as it is a process of making them work for their money and keep off mine; we all know the way it has worked in my case is that even if I did go through hell to get it all done, past the claims on Media that I sleep with peoples wives, past the claims on Media that I get about people’s companies to extract an income where their families should be earning some pocket money by being supportive, past the claim that I steal socialist mistresses fame, past every claim down to the insults of the students at University – when all has cleared there will be one scum with a statement about how I never do anything with what is my own identity and culture and the abusive test and loss is about to start all over again while he bottom feeds and issues stupid threats that show he is not crippled or something and can work for his own. When this whole thing began years ago after I dropped out of University because this was the routine they were all obsessed with causing my tummy to do strange things the whole time, which meant I had something to blame myself for and the bullying got increasingly worse – they told me each time I told them off ripping up my Empire, that their money will not run out should I had started a fight, now it seems that even the Politicians are unable to help while the easiest way out was the one where they had stopped doing it. I do not think it a crisis, it’s just reality that sitting with 8 persons of which 5 are Banking Managers and 3 are Fat cats, to come up with an economic Policy for the future is almost an impossible task because all fat cats know is sitting how a large lounge fire throwing some cash into the air and having sex with girls and so when you have taken up a decade to come up with an economic Policy, you do feel as though when discussions are ongoing they need keep their mouths shut – I have not had a Holiday in 12 years and am really stressed and temperamental, I really hope that they understand this too, since all they really can do is damage people’s property while seeking self-preservation – hence when I tell them off, I should know their money will not run out if I started a fight. I do get told that I do not notice when I am being complimented but I do, as mentioned above, it’s impossible to discuss sustainable economic Policy with 8 persons of which 3 are fat cats who have a problem knowing where they fit into the picture and as these facts show I am one of those people that have been groomed into this existence as target for male misogyny on which all success and riches depends depending on intensity and how great their needs are, while I have issued these warnings about it, especially the ones that can be easily applied when somebody sits behind a red button in a Media studio over the course of the last decade and a half, which is quite enough time for them to have chosen a different way, telling me their money will not run out if I started a fight.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland