The idea of being beaten by republicans and revolutionists all the time is something people do and say because they simply enjoy provoking me endlessly as well and of course not enough are getting hurt or dead for it yet as well since they never listen they have no business wrecking my finances like that for any reason whatsoever, not interested in any. You see plebes never solve their problems, what they do is take it out on others and then wreck people’s lives and copy what they do to recover to do anything they want to or plan to or have to do, so it is entirely natural – however it appears the Americans always have it so they are always happy to give all the time as well, if they cross me there will never cease to be reprisals for doing so, so that when they kill me it will be easier to brag as well. It’s that stupid media apparently, the point where they can get to make up their own ideas for the world of what I did or did not do to them which enables them to turn out and more so on my TV to build up false confidence on me all the time creating matters that can only be proven in the battle field endlessly, knowing the reasons they cannot keep their hands to themselves and feel like touching people painfully all the time and hence that they can touch anybody they want as such is that if there is a war I will lose being the Christian and they will win being the evils of the world – should the media then be more responsible? Of course not, they say it is not their responsibility and I know what is as well. However one more yap off about beating me all the time and it will be one more task for them as well; yes I know they say it is because I make out they are inferior to me but that is a very clear story by itself i.e. the head of state is a person I and they both follow, except that they have decided that this sort of equality is not good enough and so the question becomes how they can possibly be my equal when they are not royalty and therefore so far cannot shut that big mouth and turn up in public places and my Television for it all the time. About which the black ones simply want some of mine and will get it as well, the rest are another story and not enough have died yet so far. Yes I know the big issue is my intolerance but it is clearly a matter here not of the thousands I had before I moved onto being famous but the nothing I had while I was still famous on account they got so close; I mean have their Politicians ever done public work without being paid? They push boundaries all the time seeking a piece of others endlessly and here they will not fail to get one too. It is important they stay off my books and stay off the Industries and yes they always say it is my answer to everything to say so but yes it is i.e. I know the Literary and Equities Empire is yours but now we have wrecked your finances with our stupidities absolutely and our black and African parents have bought European Companies you need to move out and move on and I am sorry their parents did not buy my company and they need to return to that shit hole they came from. Of course this will mean I have been used and abused and dumped by businesses and Industries but that is because the delusion is rife that I am clearly not the most intolerant royalty in the UK of Industries and Ironically the most involved with them as well at the same time. I have nothing in place of a contingency as it were to ensure if I want them to do something they will do precisely what I want as it were – so of course it is those their insults and the millions they have to pay for it that brings it about but the question remains, are they royalty?

Their stupid Wives and stupid Children, Idiots and Fame freaks turn up around my affairs all the time to seek superiority which creates this set of interests they have to look after with their money that suggests that they are in danger of me earning a living, looking for trouble all the time; those stupid insults, are they royalty?

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland