So they say I speak of morality all the time because deep down like everybody that does I am really not a moral person. Last I checked however the Bible according to the words of Christ was clear on the matter that people see a doctor when they are ill and not when they are healthy, so there is good reason for people to e moral to a point where they are publicly declared as moral and there is good reason to declare them to be as well. The other side of it of course is that since you are somebody that has been given much, you must realise people say such things because they have not had much, some of them go to church but do not even known for a certainty that God exists because they have never met him, hence as Christ did you must do as well. the part where they claim I impose my will on people is not actually the case; the truth is that if I build an alter to pray and make sacrifices to God here two matters will arise immediately, one of them being that somebody wants to piss on the alter on which I offer sacrifices and pray to God, the other is that God will end up with wee on his sacrifices and then when he punishes them as such it will have become my problem because I am supposed to do something to end it, whereas having been a recipient of the mercies of God and known how merciful he is to the weakness of mankind, it is clear that if he saw that punishing them was not the correct route he would not have taken it, therefore seeking a process where they are not is asking for bigger problems, hence they say such things because they think they can plunder, pummel and batter anybody with their modernisation;  like I know that may have died in this world on account of me and such behaviour because they always tend to make out if God punishes them, media will have been well placed and Politics will have been well stationed here and there in order to cause suffering to those who serve God until he stops and so of course we can also explain away their punishments by the phenomenon of evolution, it is another answer and either way we will end up as what we end up at the end of the process anyway. The book of proverbs explains this very well of the four things that the Earth trembles at and of the fourth in which it seizes up – a fool that is full of food, a servant who wants to be King and the fourth being a maid servant who replaces her mistress.

The part about how I need to look at it again does not get me confused in anyway; people always say they are fans as such but that only works in a Political sense and I am not talking about a Political sense here; what I am talking about is that it is really difficult not to get out to seek revenge over the fact that all the intense suffering you have endued is a function of women abusing you in a sexual context. The point is always that when you had worked hard to make a future for children for example, it will apply that they do what they do to put pressure on you in order to ensure that you end up giving it your all, to a point where you have no children of your own and it is not a process where they are the ones who have the children who have provided for that is their main thing actually, their main thing is that you have paid a heavy price for providing for children because they are very evil people.

Yes they will like to say it is a test of who is the best man but we all know that their idea of the best man is he who picks up a weapon and kills many people with it. I have made my self clear about the popular culture and fame and fortune and the way it affects my personal life and relationships and it has simply become more violent and will end very badly too. I am not doing any stupid evil that will cause me to pay a heavy price for being a real man on their insolent terms and besides which I am certain these women have husbands as well to go home to abuse in such ways. I mean they are talking about real men at this stage as it were.

It’s like when people speak of knife crimes for example and they say it is a matter of culture. I have no idea for my part how they come to that conclusion; all I know is that when I grew up the way knife fight developed was that people carried knives in the knowledge that they cannot get through their lives without getting into one fight or another some of which they loose and some of which they win, because they are useless people that like to show off their scars i.e. they use the knives to inflict scars on their opponents and then their opponents some on them as well that they can show off too – some scars take longer to heal and give them a real scare and other scars just heal in a while and they are off to get more again another time. What we have here are younger people, teenagers who think knives should be deployed in a fight and not only that but are also to be used on the upper part of other peoples body; neck, chest, tummy etc, hence the idea that since it is impossible to get through life without getting into a fight, some of which you win and some of which you loose, when you get into a fight with these children you will never see the light of day ever again; children have to be evil in a very special kind of way to do such things and when I mean evil in a special kind of way in case people ask, I am referring to a process of never breathing easy when you see a Christian that is not doing an evil thing, such that you want to ensure you will never rest until you see him fornicate, until you see him lie, until you see him steal. So there is always a community of parents that breed such children and all of them have a problem with a system that has refused to let them do what they like to be rich and famous.

So when I am asked for a personal opinion hence all that desire to stab people that becomes so intense that it becomes a fantasy that they can make real with insults as well if they want to and of course there is no point of the continued denial that we live in as such, when especially we talk about social integration of which the only purpose is that they are able to get into peoples lives and get close enough to handle them when they take them completely unawares. I mean how much will the government spend on the left of a teenage knife murderer with respect to security and social security and how much will others spend on security of person and property and how much still will they spend over the desires of these idiots to be famous and the help and attention that their self seeking political idiots give them for it? If put in the context of a murder of an A grade student for example that is worth more to the government and to the Country we can see we have a very obvious problem. When I say I will get them off my television screen and their fame and fortune insults which happen because they are confident they can abuse and insult me and climb on TV to make something out of it. I mean many before have told me I yap, yap, yap and they are not here to tell me that anymore and I am not too bothered about the insults anyway, I am aware that once you stem the problem of the idea that they have groups and because of that each of them can mess around with you as they please and that the process of that stupid revenge needs to be killed off dead, then you get to ensure that people are no longer confused about their lies and integration and the stabbing of peoples children to a point where we claim it is a culture thing and that there needs to be more integration and that what is really needed is educating them as such on the damage they can do to other people if they handle a knife. I have made it clear I am not their mate anyway and they need to leave me alone on that basis; however I am not moving off the other option of the fact I am important and they are no body and that they can simply move on and stay away from me or hang around and climb up my TV set to pass insults at me if they want. So this is the personal opinion on knife crimes and how it is a matter of culture which it isn’t.

The grown up ones are the grown up ones as it were and we are not talking about the disappearance of very little children yet as it were; no, with respect to that we have people who have codes like, when you steal peoples personality and abuse their privacy because the Politicians who want to be them and met resistance have helped you to it and think it funny and that they are powerful as well speaking of the power by the way, if you meet two of you, you are supposed to kill the other half or have codes like when you go out on a robbery and have to murder somebody it is part of the job and you have to worry about other risks such as being caught by the Police – these are the full blooded murderers.  The ones that pray on children are supposed to have been in a process where they are enjoying their youth and stuff and the child is competing with them over it and like the other above they must take out the child; after which they show their faces and claim to be brutal people which of course they are too as it were.

Typical security issues these days come in the form of the government saying it is cutting benefits as part of a programme of dealing with state deficit on account of something I said about the plan to get out of a corrupt Europe which has led to a loss of the vision to get out of it and of course no one will ever be able to measure how infuriating for me this is because the fact about it is that Europe is the largest market the UK has got and what they are suggesting is that we get out of it simply because they go there and get barked at by European politicians and they tuck their tails between their legs and run home instead, now what they are saying is that they are cutting benefits because I said something about how we are not going anywhere out of it, which in context means that they tuck their tails between their legs and run home and are now cutting benefits as well. The way it works really is that they cut benefits because they can and ought to lay off statements about how it is my fault as well before it becomes something else, I mean even the claim that people on benefits purposely stay off work will not be enough to contain this when it is out of the box as it were because the fact of it is that when somebody who is prime minister makes use of your career to better himself and his career, what he decides to do thereafter is leave you for the lowest local community scumbag who does wicked things and believes electoral success comes from the sufferings of great minds, along with his fellow intrusively insolent local community idiots that are always entitled to cause others pain thereof; he is aware that this will mean mutiny among the ranks of his party but is rather comfortable with the idea of looking into that by sacrificing every moment of my life and everything I do to make them happy. Then the Labour Party will do it for 3 years and while still in power conservatives will do it as well for the balance of power and pretend it goes away when they feel like it on those insults they think they use to ensure that they make people entertain certain schools of thought then make them choose which ones they want to put out in public so as not to get into trouble and thereby think it can be used on everybody. We have already accounted for six years yet and we have not described everything either because there are the Liberal democrats too and once those had finished their share, the clean off your stupidities and incompetence on somebody campaign then begins starting with the Conservatives who think they deserve to have even more on account they have governed the country longer than any other party and then Labour as well because they are the runner up and then the liberal as well because they are a party as well and we have already accounted for 15 years and we are no where near discussing things that have not already happened, while I ma said to be unemployed because I don’t want to find work and the idiots that say so will never do the state the favour of forcing a job on me on account they have a problem with the idea that I might earn money from it. No body is slashing benefits because of what I did or said or did not do, they slash benefits because they want to and need to stop making out I am responsible for such an outcome before it becomes something else all together as well.

We are not talking about media, those will soon have to beat me up like the threaten all the time, since we know they should be stuck to the community croons and blood thirsty wickedness that comes from those which is the reason they must have the earnings of others on account they affect it and it happens to have been their culture and of course the racists that they have conversations with as well. Those violence against my Court that simply get on their Media establishments with whom I am not sharing a career or a job or a salary as it were to do a job, will soon face its reckoning as well and I am not giving back that stupid left so they can come and get it too – next I will confiscate that television too and they will have to beat me up like they threaten in order to get it back, I will do so anyway because of course the process of protecting children from media corruptions and pornography and popular culture is not the way they like their own and does not need to have become a sign of the fact that with their media no matter what anybody does they always gain from all sides and have the lions share form it too at all times and then when I had done so we will confidently decide why each TV appearance is operable with violent insults in my direction and promises of a beating and vandalism of my career and my book sales and extraction of fame and fortune from my reputation. Of course they like to claim they like me and want to help me as well, while I simply want to put their insults where it belongs. Not withstanding of which they are only incredibly evil scum who have realised the only way to reach me is to pretend to be my friends and to like me. They do not see anybody taking away the way they like their own; the popular culture and the pornography and raunchy music videos and so on, at least not yet and they will eventually beat me up too like they always threaten because I cannot stand those their insolent fame anymore and wish to take steps to ensure it does not exist.

I don’t mind being told Europeans Politicians have something to bark with, if they do not threaten me with their own they will have it and then they can keep it too if they want but when they do something about welfare, they should never tell me it is my fault, since I am not deploying welfare money to pay off a mortgage before it becomes something else all together.

 They say the biggest issue with me is the way I run my things and how it gets to affect me as well which I blame on people but in actual fact making concessions on their lower class lives which causes them pain 24/7, so that the pain can affect you as well because you have and they can then use that for bullying and domination aside, there are clear facts such as when I put my books out and make it clear I sell packaged equities and securities but they want to sell my books as little insolent cultural boy that knows deep spiritual things and does things for people. Wherefore even if this was the case, what people want from them is what the books do as a tool; hence it is what I will do when I handle that culture and society again, cut it to pieces, then fix it again over their insults and beat them up again all the way. For now I will do it first of all on the media because it is distant fascism violence 24/7 with them and they just cannot leave me alone and claim it is that way because they want money and I am not aware of what they are capable of when they want money, whereas I was the Christian in the first place and then of course there is the part where they try to mix with rich people and that is how I get the bad treatment because when they tried I was the one that got the good treatment while they got the bad and so this also is my fault as well. I will get those insults off my TV screen one way or another and I mean that too; no more handling my income to make money and living off threatening me. I mean they cannot stop handling your property to make money and when they do cannot stop attacking you for changing something about the way you live which also affects their income even if that would have been temporary, cannot stop wagging their dirty mouth about it as well for good measure and like to make complains; are they making complains yet? For how long does anybody who knows what a meaningful life put up with it for exactly, not to mention somebody with government office to fill? How many times do you tell a human being that although his idea of manhood is being Mr DJ who helps girls and boys attain the stratosphere which has much to do with my income, I do not necessarily like it and how many times will he continue to ignore that completely on a daily basis? They know I am a Christian whose work involves serving Church and the State clearly, so they know there should be no link between me and them whatsoever if they value their stupid freedoms like they claim they do but as they have also made it clear therefore it is about money and we will see too.

I. Uno

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland