I am said to cause a lot of wonder and even bemusement as to how and when I plan to develop my career from where I am and more so considering my age – it is stupidity that beats my imagination every time since my career is already out there and those who want to read Books, I had written were free to do so. It is a problem that comes with the comments that the idiots in question make all the time – the first time I had to contend with them, my career and finances were a mess because they wanted me to stop my operations and write Books the way they wanted, do the sales the way their stupidities thought should be done and it was so intense and affected the public so badly that I came off it cash strapped, now I am just old enough to lose the career all together and the point of the boasting about what their insanity had achieved in terms of what people thought their foolish popularity reputation meant is that they would like me to develop enough tit for tart on it, ripping up my career and finances and city centre interests to achieve a deterrence, as this is what it means if every other way of keeping it out had failed. The boasting that these are activities likely performed by intelligent people is utter nonsense naturally, as we usually turn out three ways when we end up at High Educational institutions; people like me who will be battered by culture and society but we still passed our exams anyway, the nerds and the party goers – they are a factor that none can really account for, a one thing that needs a certain tools and items like being given the chance to pass exams in school and get a job if people want to see their one thing personality stay out of prison; at the best of times the sort of nonsense have described above is the order of the day, at the worst of times, there was meaning to a process where an idiot sucked the life out of every atmosphere, claiming it made sense if he suggested that we would all have ended up in prison if the teachers had not intervened at school, which indicated how bad women were – so it does go without saying if they cannot make their comments about their own social lives at this stage, they are bound to see me burn their stock markets, their incomes and Celebrity contracts. Some people have asked if I know why they behaved the way they do and it always largely comes down to the fact they are scumbags; I mean when you define a person as a scumbag i.e. we lived in a family unit as a society, so it’s the House that you keep which they wrecked to pick up any bits that stuck to their stupid minds over it and build their own and it will become a grand case of the house that jack built, wrecking peoples careers to show its stupidity was a popular character. They do want to know how they might stop me beating them down as well when I had to put up with the way their comments affects the section of public that gets involved with the Bookshop but we know anything of a list comprising the way I arrange words in my Books affecting people or the way that I have talked about the issues at hand or the level of detail or facts in the books or all of the above etc are determining factors in my income level and I have worked at it well enough to secure an environment where these things were not interfered with. Hence I understand where their stupidities were coming from with respect to what their popularity had accomplished, reference to my age and a stagnated career but what has happened to my finances have happened because I contributed to processes whereby it did and such contributions were designed to ensure that this unusual condition in which their stupidities had run out of lies they could tell at my expense was accomplished, not meant to bottom out my finances completely and have them hang about blabbing about their ability to confiscate my social life and public image which is largely something that they cannot accomplish as such i.e. it is not my social life to live out this existence where I knew where the social problems were, use it to run people down until people were caught up with so much problems their lives stagnated, then set about the way that what was their social lives in the first place would then become the means by which I decided what my Fashion was and the way I wanted people to perceive my person – anybody can experiment with this nonsense and then stop to think about the way it has affected the tummy to make sense of what I have said here and the way they believed I didn’t mean what I said when I suggested that showing up in public to have them get imagination up my bum was well and good but if I got handled for the smell, it will be the beginning of the end for their stupid practical jokes for my part in this matter and how it came to a conclusion as well – it is a lifestyle for the popularity people apparently and I am not one of those, I think they have caused me enough distress and complained about me causing them enough suffering over their need to be young and free, clinging to ownership of my social life and public image for long enough. We still have the only three ways they respond when being told off in this way; one of those is that they had more money than I did which clearly made sense, as stupidly as possible, the other is that they were older than I am which I understood entirely, the last is more despondent i.e. claims they had evidence that they were cleverer than I am, while the main problem with their idiocy is that each time they saw me at academic institutions their own thing character will sulk and sulk until I smelled and dropped out, hence it was none of their business how I completed my qualifications having been that the general academic environment had become so toxic for me all together. The same point applies every time – it only gets to make comments about my work, having been that their need and that of their silly celebrities to maintain access to my concerns is proving to be more destructive than what they have already done to facilitate the stupid boasting that they will never stop handling me – whereby it was an old tale that they would since it was rather quite clear that their constant connection with criminal activity should not be broken, otherwise I would have dropped the ball; the state of mind whereby if I thought about the fact they were criminals very often, they would rally to my mind frame and somebody would likely break into my home and steal my expensive phone and then I would have to worry about the contacts in the sim and if I resisted it, the banging will never stop. Hence their Celebrities do claim that they had devised a way to fight back naturally and we know it involved Muslim idiots who are not doing Jihad yet, picking up what I did to put every involvement on their part to an inventory, lest I get sued for being myself in the future, only for them to corrupt CCTV and gain access to areas of my work which the public had not yet seen, in case I got out of hand with their Celebrities, as stupidly as possible; we can see what will happen when this nonsense becomes another inventory that I need to keep as it were.

There is nothing the matter with my career or my social life or my public image, what is happening is that their abuse of my finances had earned a consequence where I am not doing the Royal work anymore – I know that if I continued keeping a Court of female journalists that claimed they spent spare time having anal sex with me, while I beat them down at the abusive culture and society, none will want to get imagination around peoples private parts anymore but I am simply not doing it because the last time received a response where their lives were built around selling out the whole thing to Industry idiots, hence the involvement of the Muslims who bang on and wreck University stupid, ten years later still clinging to processes of making money by suggesting their stupidities created and own me, now garnished with claims I had disrespected their Prophet: their fun bit was that I had a personality that made people feel good and they have tackled me enough time to see me shut it down lest they gained further access but have noticed that I have been unable to do so, which makes me fair game and shows that they had a right to carry on for the rest of my life for their popularity if they wanted, while my fun bit is that it nobody thought of me as a writer because of it anymore while I spent most of my time on the career, so they were set to tell me more about their age, their money and how much their stupidities were cleverer.

So they do claim that my position is very depressing and its utter nonsense as well, like the old story of one thing character passing exams at school, which it does in a way that adds to its problems by trashing another person’s studies over popularity practical jokes, outcome being that the reasons we turn out three ways of nerds, party people and culture/society handling characters such as myself was that their careers soon makes sense of the environment they build to achieve their aims in life, adding up to a process of being where they don’t want to be for decades at a time, which compounds their mental illness, save when they find ways of working their spare time by working on other people’s lives, blowing off the big mouth about being clever while I am embarrassing, blabbing about violence that will come to those who smell because it’s a bit too much. So I had picked a bad neighbourhood for my Office and my Books, they had picked a need to trash the Books every time I wrote it because it was better for me to be stuck with the issues while they abused and pushed me around, their equally stupid Celebrities then set about blowing kisses at criminals to take photos that ended up in glossy magazines and were sold at super market and corner shop top shelves, now they have reached a stage where they were stupid women whose whole lived relied on telling me what to do and I have reached a stage where there were things I had to do to ensure they understand I have had enough of them. They do claim that it is what victory looks like when the battle is over and they had won which is utter nonsense as the reality is more a matter of the fact that the main problem involved a process where people did popular culture around my public work, such that the effect where those music about abusive culture and society gits, especially ignorant rivalry women who abuse people until careers and academic work is trashed but made something of themselves because popularity was the only way and the outcomes of those obsessive crowds that play such music several times loudly in any given 24 hours, was that they were then free to get around and figure their imagination around peoples private parts and anus which wrecks the grades at school – this was taken down and completely trashed, featuring a process where popular culture was made about me to such effects as well, by a handful of twats who felt that by doing those things, I had attacked people who were dear to them, now the main market success impediment for my Bookshop is that people are getting imagination up their bums and they were getting their own up mine because I have not been doing a thing about it, so it seems that the idiots would like to break free from the consequences of their personal decisions after all but I have a Bookshop to run. The Politicians have suggested I tend to hide the facts about these matters so none can really tell how bad they are but it’s an old story where I don’t think people are likely to go off to explore it without taking serious damage: where it abuses me on the streets because it would like to make use of areas of my personality that made people feel good, to get paid for being popular and explains what it is doing with the personality itself, it shows up at University to follow me around with society abuses until I dropped out and explains it with my academic activities to look like it had gained a University qualification in the art of bullying while its Politicians claim I spend my time tackling nice people that I will complain of later on, I built a court of female journalists who play anal sex games with me while they were fearful that I will trash their society if they got about chasing peoples bums and they got involved to sell it out to industry gits who are now the band of brothers paying them less for doing the same work at a professional environment, the most violent men that the law does little about because they were attacking women mostly etc, hence I am not doing it anymore, so I suppose they are right that it is what victory looks like when the battle is over and one side had won it, the reasons I don’t care too much about their insults as I am not necessarily the victim. The cause of all these is that the way to keep these insulting dominance gimmicks is to trash my Bookshop and this is the only way because the part where we were at University one moment and the next I had dropped out while they passed their exams and spent the next decade claiming they own and created me, hanging about working some insanity where those who worked with them or for them were not allowed to read my Books, stifling my finances in the process – I could in theory therefore draw a line under the University fiasco and move on or they could play out the part where they got some of mine as well. I suppose I am big on warnings and details when I say I have worked my Bookshop enough to see all I had to do was engage with readers, if they will keep making comments about my social life when they are better off making it about their famous one, it is about to end with an outcome where I trashed their earnings as well.

They do claim I loved to talk about things I cannot do and it’s an old story about the corrupt breed, corrupt land owners and lords of the middle ages mentality idiots – in the real world a Doctor earns Ł45,000 because that is the money people pay for being made well again and this is decided by the accredited Industry body, that the money paid for a service is the right amount; what we have here is a handful of clowns linked to criminals, inviting themselves into my concerns to introduce their stupid selves as VIPs and I don’t think most people believe that I am unable to do a thing about it either. They do claim that if I made clear the way my work operates, it would ally claims that it was depressing while we know they never read my Books and do not read my blogs either but are seen showing up around my concerns every day, to build this nonsense where I got a commission from the Royal Family and the Royal Family ought to stop me embarrassing them by paying for it, as stupidly as possible – reality of course is that equity broker with local and multinational companies was what I did while sales of my Books was the business I ran; so the Intellectual Property Administration should have been a celebrated achievement, making sense of claims that the way I work the business of a company deciding who was qualified to handle their brands as a function of public activity and in what way, indicated I was lucky and didn’t really know what I was doing, likely to continue if I don’t trash their finances too – whereby such results as when somebody built a million pound car, another could not just run off wealth equality gimmicks and build a replica product that impacts the market should have been congratulated but we have seen that I had eliminated the crimes celebrities could commit and a mini war had broken out. In terms of what I can and cannot do, we know that a process of getting caught up with National service is sometimes the best way to deal with the House that jack built. They do claim that I interfere with armed forces administration processes which is utter nonsense as none knows why a handful of idiots with a need to trash my career and stupidest over issues involving violent activity I ought to perform to protect them, such that big brother tackles me, churns my tummy, gets local criminals in touch and really works a mess with the smell issues on me, corrupting CCTV with his stupidities and popularity fools because he is bigger than I am and the sulking twats blab of the finer points of homosexuality to get imagination up my bum because they are smaller and are preventing me from enjoying the benefits of being smaller, at the same time which I was pretty certain 100% of the times I did anything, there was not a single part whereby I referred to them or talked in their direction. Hence none knows why he goes off to the Military to do some of the more dangerous jobs in what is the armed section of the civil service, as a bid to control people who would have gone all the time with what was left of the small national service, I performed to streamline my career, but we know the outcome is usually one of the best ways to control the House that Jack built.

They do say my actions do not show the expected respect for armed forces and its utter nonsense as from my position with a public standing, involvement with National service had a prospect of success as a matter of a recurring process of rebirth, while they had decided they wanted to do dangerous jobs in the military to vouch for those who wanted to go all the way with National service I had done to streamline my career, whilst this sort of lifestyle is not mine, they are all over me making a mess and issuing threats over smell issues. I am not the only one as such, there are those who are good at handling Celebrities; would not hesitate if Celebrities faced danger and the wrath would be all over the place if Celebrities behaved badly, the effect is the absence of alliance between Celebrities and big brother characters making a mess of public living to corrupt some picture of men working the haulage Industry. They do boast that the Celebrities can do whatever they liked with me as such which is utter nonsense as what really happens is that an industry git gets off paying people for being popular with my social life and so eventually there is this question of the reasons that every occasion they did, they ended up paying an outright criminal or a criminal community goon for a social life and public image, which does not even achieve a process where I allowed them make the most of it and therefore dropped the ball on my market but the market separatism at Industry is now a public phenomenon. They do claim that I am provocative but the pinnacle of this washes into the gimmicks of the corrupt breed that appear to be a very different identity from the rest of us and the Political system, such that their social and professional lives are built around giving us public problems especially those that create complications at the regions – Scotland and Northern Ireland especially where people lose their careers for doing the right thing and lose it for doing the wrong thing while the practical jokes ensured they couldn’t work for those who had a perverted interest in them. We see the Celebrities trash my Books to tear down my finances and get me stuck with the problems I resolved by writing it and resolved for others through it, garnished by the abusive actions of their celebrity culture male idiots which consequences normally gets them taking their lives but have now been conveniently blamed on a process where I wrote a Book, so the idiots got to serve them corrupting CCTV at my expense to get imagination up my anus all day, as stupidly as possible – thereafter we find they cannot make public appearances without suggesting that something I said or did had solved the problem that nags at them and the male criminal community idiots that work the abuses that will keep me pliable, stifling social life, career and finances in the process with new abusive nonsense being invented every day while the fucking idiots got to complain endlessly. Hence, the same way the Industry goons learned consequences existed for a process where I had such a social life as set out questions constantly for their money mad bimbos, only for their stupidities to put themselves in charge while they knew not what they did and show up here to make me do something about women, ripping up my finances in the process; I would fancy these twats and their markets and stock markets and Politicians, made the comments they make about their own social life, or we are about to find out what I had in mind if I wanted to prove their big brother stupidities had not yet hated me well enough. The story being pretty much the usual process – my academic work, career, finances, social life and public image, completely trashed with distant sexual violations of a corrupt kind, which will ensure somebody else got to make a useful sense of their stupid existence but then it develops as well into some sort of identity theft on the part of those who would be real men, therefore I claimed to have won great battles which I hadn’t, disrupting every Royal Duty around here and setting the stage for their stupid boys to steal money and female interests from this Duchy.

Very taken by those talk about the difficult situation I found myself and how their stupidities planned to make it worse each time somebody tried to protect me – the truth being that I rented space from the scumbags and the usual process of assessing how I had set up my social media in a way that tackled the trolls, being so good Politicians were drawing means for Online law making from it, how I set about putting Celebrity interests in me to an inventory lest I get sued for being me at a later stage of my life and showered me with a history of the worst sorts of abusive insults in case Celebrities needed to use me and I had ideas to the contrary or got out of hand, what the idiots are saying now being that it is likely to get worse, the more I press it unto them that my entire life had stagnated since their stupidities began – I really needed it as such considering what their madness did with University studies years before and what they have now done with and to my social media. The blabbing always is that I provoke them, while reality is more that I had a personality other would like to deploy to get paid for being popular which I had no wish to share making the fun bits of their stupidities, while the fact people do not think of me as a writer being the consequences of this nonsense meant that I had a fun bit of my own as well. Their need to keep making those stupid comments about my social life when they have got their own will lead to outcomes where I burned their cash and smashed their pride and joy. So they do claim that I am a fake and I don’t believe it to be a crisis as such but the Politicians are worried that my social position is affected due to the sheer frequency of such claims and abusive processes that follow it; an old tale of the fact that if the gits wanted to be seen as heroes and welcomed as heroes, they needed to complete anything they thought was amiss from the small National service I performed to help me streamline my career, which every government operative at the top level does for the same purposes. Now they are back here claiming that the fact they were losers who could not stop doing this to develop a sense that their social position had been improved, their minds sharpened by it, made me the fake and there is a sense now that I had this abusive arrangement with a certain big brother character which became so messy that the general public and overseas interests could no longer tell what the UK Home Office was for, which is quite incredible and has never happened. What has happened is these idiots brewing statements from it to say, especially for those who spend money on fools that want to be popular with my social life, to hang about somewhere complaining of the money that was invested in the public image of a criminal which was another person’s responsibility in their stupid view, saying that they did these things because they were rich, yet another will claim they were older but they do also say that their silly children joined in because those were cleverer, as stupidly as possible and it’s the sort of thing where getting out there for social activity, while they peddled such nonsense in my face would drive onto serious consequences. Here it is probably clear that I am not a fake and I suppose I would like to think that I am not as such; most of these activities have largely been a product of a Military Operative who had ambitions and therefore sexual relations with the daughter of the Duke of York, we have seen the Labour Party play out the same gimmicks as well, bribing the York’s with diplomatic opportunities in order to handle me and play up those stupid games that suggested their insulting female political treachery and its sexual corruption could do and undo with my Office concerns, which has not ended very well with respect to their careers but I am certain that their need to get involved with my public image as a people is about to take a turn for the worst, as it is now clear even hospitalising them would create such effects as what they got the crowd to think happened on Media was the reality and hence leave them to get off performing the same behaviour all over again, I have never seen their attitude improve when their finances had not been trashed as well. The others liked to claim that it happens because I didn’t know my place – whilst they do so, I had Duties to the Queen directly and I did trust them with some part of it that involved female journalists claiming they had anal sex with me while I screwed around with their society to keep them under control, which it seems they and their celebrities loved so much they got about trashing it, quite obvious that they cannot be trusted to do anything and it is always all about the celebrity culture, the popularity and the media gimmicks, so when they do blow off their big mouth like so, need remember that unless they are not yet tired of getting punished over my matrimony as they had suggested they were, it was advisable to desist, especially considering that I am not performing such duties anymore until I am married, having been that the Queen expects it to be a matter of the family fun that I had with wife and Children in the service of the Crown.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland