There is now talk that I have not considered what an irritating person I have become but I am not an irritating person at all – these people, especially the Media, are unable to lead a life where they could spend an hour without passing an insult my way and I have built it up like a life in which they belonged because they continued to doubt the tendency for it to end badly. So they speak of people who would resist me at the Military and of course it is entirely normal that a bunch of entitled idiots on Media and Celebrity culture would likely have had a friend or family in the Military, whose disposition allowed them to bully others, about which it beats my imagination that they cannot keep their mouths shut: about which if I mentioned that they were oblivious to what I am really like, so they needed to explore their own civic duties and stop exploring mine, to end up with those gimmicks where the Queen was Head of State at Buckingham Palace but they were head of state in the neighbourhoods and could decide which fighting I should do and get me caught up in it, they need to explore their own and end up with ideas about what kind of National service they were good at, then set about doing it to protect another scumbag who puts a name to the face and shows up on Media equipment – we all know what the next most reasonable course of action from this point would likely be. They do speak of the Americans but it is an old story about the American bits getting everywhere; their issue with communists had nothing to do with my career, only their insults and need to share my income did and they have never been nice once, then there is the geopolitics of America which has nothing to do with me as well but is out there running me down to such an extent, that it was possible to say when I get out of bed and people are encouraged to get out of their own and face the day, it became a point of scramble for sex workers seeking to provide the most opportune sex for the men, it will rather hang about suggesting thereafter when it gets a response from me, that the reasons I may have done something about it was confusing – I have set out that I intend to end up in a place where I fuck them over properly due to the geopolitics gimmicks as it were and I believe I have issued enough warnings for a life time over it. Then there are the Muslim gits goading me all the time and have been well aware that building me the stupid Publicity on what they are doing abusively with my social life, I will end up being the one who was in need of the services that I had provided the companies that I brokered equities with but it disobediently builds me that nonsense and a community that gets imagination up my bum to get itself entitled, something that only improves when its stupidities got seriously beaten up for it too. They do say that I am a disgrace but this was due to the fact I had not completed my academic pursuit – it would take between 2022 and 2024, to split five subjects I needed to complete for University studies and work two and a half subjects a year in order to secure the Credits needed for University, about which I would graduate in 2028, if I also took a gap year along the way, however I believe it is better for me to make them suffer first, especially if for every time that they appeared in Government buildings and the people there gave them an opportunity to get on a platform, a song to sing, an expression to make, matters concerning an interest group and so on, we end up with gimmicks where they could do none of those things without suggesting they were superior to me – then there is the Industry bits where they will trash my studies and get off building me publicity at industry backyards, to say that I had set myself out as an industrial popularity git who claimed to have familiarised with wealthy people I had never met – therefore anything I delayed about completing academic pursuits or making them proud is absolutely the right decision, as the matter had to be cleared out lest a competition of the academic pursuit made my studies useless in the circumstances. There is the talk that I am not committed to governmental decision making naturally which had no link to reality, as we know that the reasons people continued to join in on their version of fun that involved making a mess of my Bookshop and showering me with insults, to say that I always appear dead and buried and when it mattered to me showed up, is because I am able to keep State secrets, no idea why their own is always falling behind when they believe the best way to conduct themselves at Government buildings involved shooting on average two insults at me every Hour. Personally I had no idea why they had decided the general public should be caught up with National security anyway, it must imply they were trying to suggest that when Celebrities and their guards got involved with Public security, they were unaware it was a very large system of civil service which sole purpose was the activities of professionals engaged in the provision of security – no idea how much time they think the general public had to dispose on the business of thinking about it. This is what we have left when all the characters who think poverty and life difficulties should be used as a tool for repression and for beating others down; a bunch of idiots who dream of being able to oppress me because I existed in a life where none cared about me or what happened to me and I was irritating to everybody – it was never a complicated matter by the way; same tale of people being caught up in a place where they were saddled with huge big stupid, practical joke based, back breaking work that would not pay them a thing and so when you assist people with that, it is the characters responsible who now get caught up in the business of working a back breaking practical joke based work that was not paying thing and needed to get out by getting paid for being popular with my social life and public image – I would recognise they were building a whole community that will solve its financial problems by getting imagination fingers up my bum and take necessary action, only for the politicians to spent 6 years of my time rebuilding their disposition, breaking mine down and supporting them to do it, now the main problem we have is that of getting through to the reasons they found their abuses amusing and why they were so fond of it – for my part, the Bookshop had better started paying the bills as soon as possible or people will go from complaining to Politicians about my attitude when their insults had damaged the writers social life and thereby limiting it and causing him to respond to their society, celebrity and media gimmicks, likewise industry bits where they lay out a road for tribalism raids all the way to top industry Offices but upon getting there a mini war had broken out over their inability to stop handling me as it was a choice between doing so and doing the job properly, into something of a process where I ensured at least 90% of all I did and said was about their anus, which will ensure I shoved the Bookshop up their arse and watched them catch me first, then stop me after in a condition where I had showed up at Industry backyards and wanted to ensure they lost the jobs. It is the mystery, that people did National service to serve the Head of State whereas the truth is that they did it for something they felt strongly about, such that those who did it for me were the people who were loyal to me but if they picked up my work to do it by, a git whose middle name was advancement would do the same as well, hence we ended up where we are.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland