Now they say  the Men do not fancy reduced engagement with the USA but I would not know anyway, they are just very twisted and really evil – the older ones have a problem with diversity in other people’s lives, while the younger ones have a whole existence based on an ability to drag you out of school and then by the time they were done with your public image find their stupidities able to blab some wise words about how it was to show that at some point in everybody's lives they will suck at something – I mean I can easily fix any damage they have done here joining forces with Politicians to make money into something I cannot live without and never giving up after failure, now that their wickedness has been detached from mainstream living all together anyway and this is usually where they come alive i.e. the mention of damage and so it is incredibly stupid too. They always tell me I am storing up problems for the future while there are so many facts out there which prove that I am not considering the above facts, my personal position of which is that there is nothing they can do i.e. they are narcissists and as people say goons like these thrive on status because they have no wish to put in anything near some 20% effort towards what they want or need and this is why they rely on status that will ensure they feel as though they are more important than other people – my point is firstly that people I got around with are being squeezed out, I mean the skirts are getting smaller and smaller and in the end somebody will have to wear some clothes anyway, I will never stop hitting them until I have my arrangements looking like they should, secondly there is nothing they can do, as my status is not on the menu. In the end, giving careful thought to these would have shown that perhaps 12 years of age is the best time to try and show somebody that at some point in life they would have failed at something, since they are very unlikely remember a lot of their life's experiences, not 25 when every memory comes to stay, and they are studying at University, but we all know their mantra and that they shall not be described as incredible stupid. They are something of the boldest of a whole lot of scum who have a thing for feeding off my public image, damaging my person and changing their personal life decisions by abusing me, spying on me, threatening me and telling lies on very public places and we all know for the ones that are really ambitious about fame, it is important for me to find the predicament I have placed them in amusing, for the politicians it is important that they are never ever important being stuck as I am with foolish women at the Communities and get rich quick fame freaks who just have a desire so see an important person work really hard for nothing, to facilitate the future they want to have on media as insultingly as possible and for the Industry goons it is important they understood that they owned nothing whatsoever and that somebody on this planet has such an opinion of them - it is the method by which it is possible for such evil and wickedness to feed off my Public image and personality along with friends in such abusive and violent ways profitably - personally of which I believe their insanity means nothing especially that of the women and those who like to think it does have not yet seen enough blood basically, we hear the complains and insults all the time as though it is an item of being a living breathing human being but nothing really changes, what we find is that I think aloud dealing with all the interference and then get an open secret that whole communities hold on my account, that I am mentally disturbed and it’s all about my anus and tummy.

They have just done mine you see; set out my whole life over a period of evil time that belongs to them and then spread it out to make the bad people in the public comfortable, this will facilitate the environment they need to live as they wish and make as much money as they wanted and a pacification of a public that allows them sell goods and services to people, followed immediately by their insolent fat cats setting out trading pipelines for another period of years and me feeling sore all over, heading to the loo not when I need to but when I am told with their big mouth. Then we hear talk endlessly of how I adopt this position that suggests I can solve the big problems and means I never do so it blows out on everybody else one of many cliches we will not see them blab around their own concerns until it winds me up in a big way. Same old case, retarded fat cat has built a trading pipeline on my public image for the next couple of years and they are here to ensure that I behave in a way that makes it profitable and then they claim people do get involved with me to make money and we can see that for it they have taken up all I do with friends and admirers and used it to pacify the public so they can sell things and get rich quick too and are starting to blab threats for being prevented from doing so like the things we normally see them do just before their stupid civil disobedience becomes another person’s personal problem. I am not their mate and should not have to put up with those insults that appear to get results all the time of being told to move over to their left-hand side and be the guy who fancies their wives like that big mouth everybody must tolerate all the time. It is not a matter of rights where it is said that this is just a little thing and I could let them have it if I wanted; I dropped out of University in 2009 and they are still having fun screwing my life in 2018 and it happens every day too, presuming that dropping out of University is in a way linked with what people do around my Public image to make money – they will have to fuck themselves on this one, they are not getting it in hell; we all know the narcissist celebrities are doing the same things as well, except their own involves setting me out as the character people deploy to make money and hence the guy everybody wants to abuse and ensure behaves like he is made to while people acquire privileges over him and so on, chasing my bottom, which is why I am perpetually tired – they always do it before they talk about their heroes such as Nelson Mandela. Speaking of which is the case of how I cannot deny that people are handling me to make money and that everybody should have access as well, while reality is rather more a case of a stupid evil that shows up here to damage the personality that puts light in its eyes being more important than the money itself that serves a s a front; so they will damage the mental health and the personality and everything else and those who always make a show of themselves for having him will have nothing and if they are complaining we see them do more, especially when they are complaining about something I said about Obama or Mandela. They always say I think this is something I can handle while I cannot; reality of which is that even they are aware I am in a position where I can do wicked things to them every day if I wanted to and the only reason their stupidities are all over me is the fact I am not doing so; so let’s damage him and make a fun case out of it that will mock his friends except the problem is that his wrote this Book where he mentioned something about Mandela while they were at it. It is all something a Christian ignores when he is getting a life but it will show up and spend its stupid time on deviance and when messed up with these enemies on the right and or the left comes up with those great solutions where he makes a mess of somebody else to get out of it with media and then picks up another mess after that on and on and on and the whole business of ignoring it keeps building up to the idea that he can always do this and go round and round and round in circles but the big idea at the centre of it being the stupid Politicians that spend money on it all together; they say I am afraid of them whereas it’s all very dangerous stuff as it is impossible to tell the guy that does the National accounting that what these kinds of stupidities make in the form of income amounts to a legitimate part of GDP, for instance and it feeds into that case where they say they have been pushing me out of my comfort zone when they do not even know where my comfort zone is i.e. speaking of my comfort zone, we are talking about the fact it all depends on other people – whether or not they play practical jokes if people are wealthy enough to tolerate it depends on others and they have no decision about it to make by themselves, same with whether or not people have going jobs and a home over their heads before the practical jokes are played on the fact that it is not necessary to feel as though being rich should be an obligation and the list goes on and on and on and I have never seen anything so stupid in my whole life, talking about my comfort zone but the part the Politicians play in it is even more stupid because they then engage in this years of doing nothing with the small businesses they will get rich by at the expense of others and the business empires alike, take the same attitude into government office where they tell the public one story and then get into government office to make friends with fat cats and block economic recovery itself, while the media picks off my equity property and spends the derivatives in it making interesting news and interviews and then telling everybody because what people become when other people listen to what they have to say before others get a hearing is arse holes that I am a trouble maker, doing more damage like paying for it was not part of a contract of human rights the state had made with them. They do not know what my comfort zone is, and I have been clear about my position here; I have never seen anything to stupid, they need to spend time with their own mates. I mean it is suggested I have options in this matter while I do not - this is about better options for people to threaten and abuse people when they wish to deploy people’s lives and property withing signing a contract, other than racism, otherwise those who would have been able to do so especially need not complain about what they do with racism even when they are not white. It feeds into that case where HRH Prince Harry plans to replace me and it is nothing out of the ordinary, One has always had this idea that others spend their time getting preferential treatment off from the Crown rather than serve the One that wears it and that the era of the Duke of Cambridge promises to be very different and so whilst it is impossible for people to simply be trusted to get a thing done at an Office, what happens is that he stirs up problems and fails to deal with any of them and it is more complicated than the time I said I do not have any respect for him as well because he started out his way in the world with a statement about respect for Men. There is the bottom chasing stuff and various other serious problems while he has made out that diversity at the Monarchy i.e., when the Queen does it, means getting along with the Obamas and this is where I am going to do his own as well and blow it over at black marketing and Counterfeit trading running wild around the world that we live in. We all see that the Duchess of Cambridge married the Duke antagonising me and made my whole world a living hell and it has not been explained too, we all see that Dave Clarke got into a relationship with the Daughter of the Duke of York attacking me and it has not been explained too, now we know Prince Harry's Wife to be is set to tear up my whole life without meaning; so it needs be clearer that an Arch Prince is not as interested as Celebrities as they have made out is the case when he is far more interested in Church concerns – it can be said I am taking what matters to them the most away from them as well. I am aware of controversies that is responsible for controversial decisions HM has made about me as well and it is to do with using swear words especially, but it is rather complicated handling such things while the Monarchy works diversity, without getting involved; so, I might write it on my websites, draw attention to matters that lead to it in my Books but it will never really show up on a speech or an Official work not least academic work as well. I do get told I pretend I know anything about the Upper Class and I am there when I am not and do not but the reality is more a case for instance of hearing Politicians say they want a greater sense of Men being allies of Women, the worry for the Upper Class will be that Culture is being Politicised, if the Politicians have not explained that it is about Policy for the work environment and a process of tackling extremists and then we will all agree that it is the main thing - this is an example of what is actually relevant.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland