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The Primary mode at which we have viewed enterprising conundrum has been the issue of how we relate with bad grownups and bad young people, whom young people and grown up try to handle and deal with respectively. First of all which the main issue is that  when other young people have ideas about dealing with bad grownups they do not do mine for me; I have waited for decades putting up with generation gap problems that are convenient for them in return for statements from them about division of Labour in servitude and destruction of my business to enforce their silly point. Only when that is the case will they not have to accuse me later on of being harsh like they always do and then so. The National economy operates around the fact that once we had taken up these matters by their standards, we have to do the enemy communist thing, of which the real trouble makers are those that are responsible for our equities ending up in the hands of communists, so that they can turn up to take away our health and privacy unless our brains and chest and Heads or whatever, is being used to make them rich or used by them to get rich. I believe and more so for my part that they have done quite enough and it is rather time to pay up bearing in mind such vandalism makes money only with fully developed career that contains costs and benefits and this is a fact no politician can change which is why patience have run out around here too. I always guess that the purpose of these things is so that it might occur that the things I actually buy happens to be the biggest source of my problems because I am not buying enough, which does nothing but feed me ideas on how to start bullying them as well once they had begun to co-operate with what is correct and just once done. Of course the claim irrespective of my age and theirs is that biggest problem is that we are to work as a team means little to me, while what really happen is that each time I do anything about people thinking my livelihood is funny and something they can handle on account they have Media and Communities, some people stifle my sales to enforce their silly will, spend money on the fools responsible, help them rebuild, claim parents punishments then get to do what I do as well at my expense for their own purposes and purposes for which they were not intended. I personally think we have dithered for long enough on Economy with respect to the bigger picture, to actually settle on what we really want, which is the death nail for mockingbird-businesses that thrive on decadence, making more than a living wage and Intellectual Property vandalism on a grand and social scale all at the same time.  Now we do hear that there needs to be a sensible debate over Government invasion and surveillance of the Internet and that the debate must be a wider one to solve existing problems and we even hear of betrayals of the Internet and what it stands for and what it does and accomplishes etc. The reality of course from here is that I find it difficult to understand what people expect me to say and how wide they expect the debates to be exactly – I mean nobody listened when I mentioned that Policing the Internet needs to be about fairness and access, at that time they were on a roll stifling my business until I pay for advertisement and then when I do they will keep demanding more and taking whatever they want out of my market for their own use and purposes; so the Internet got from a place where you are guaranteed somebody will find something you have put up to a place where big search engine providers like Google stifle your business until you pay a token for advertisement which may not be much but you will have to pay all of the time; they claim the problem to be that people want free things but of course we all know not least as much as they are aware of that with systems like the Internet which is free you behave in a certain way, particularly when it comes to matters of earning a living  people do not like over-clever goons. I therefore cannot make out what they thought we would gain from the Community of Internet peeping toms if the secrets of the NSA and GCHQ were revealed but two facts have been clear and one of those is that the government got concerned about what to do with them to allow small businesses survive it the result of even thinking about it was a big bang at WIKILEAKS and this is what I mean besides making myself clear that creating this notion the NSA and GCHQ are at the top of the game while I am at the bottom and they are at the middle and I will soon get into trouble over attrition they will create between them and the spy agencies in order to ensure that there is a perking order and that what happens to them is done to me, will only lead to a condition where they have two of the same kinds of problem and they really don’t want that anyway (they always start off like civil rights boffins and in the end become the most twisted and evil price fixing monopoly organisations of individuals making money that you will ever come across; like Apple for example – there was a time it became a real risk I might lose a large proportion of my temperamental colours to Apple in a Market Equity and so on realising it will be all stinging nettles they had decided to revert to some form of product appearance variation and Integration and I was spared the trouble – nothing new of course, just that like it is the case that Apple managers and owners might have a certain twisted opinion of you but in the end to work their customer service very well hence one balances out the other, not all of them are like that). 

There is really a certain sense of authenticity to my work that makes a lot of things easy for me when I get buffeted and bullied by them; I don't know if it is about something I have been told about me i.e. I thrive on pressure etc but it works in the sense that my work becomes clearer to the public the more I am attacked and abused by them, my Equities and Securities more authenticated within that process where they are being deployed in public, hence saving me quite a bit of trouble and that is why I am caught in the middle. Now it is said that I continually fail to see reason in the sense that my entire operations are a collection of huge big satire that makes no sense designed to mock businesses, interfere with them and attack them which is something that would work well only with civil rights but of course the satire of a website that makes you into a company owner, whereby you become a CEO and get people over a barrel whereof they can never be right thereafter as a response to people continually behaving in a callous way after an economic crisis they were responsible for is an attractive proposition for an entire Company but that is just the security system for this one and they get into a crush with it all the time while having no plans whatsoever to put an end to their vandalism, especially Politicians, more notorious the International Politicians. What I do is Intellectual Property Administration, the part where a website makes me a CEO and an International satirist would help sell books of course if more publicity is offered for it but it is just the security system for this Company when people continually feel they cannot do anything unless they stifle my book sales or build new Businesses and new Politicians and new Civil rights over its Markets.

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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland