Now this new found story about MP pay in Parliament and how it has something to do with what I have written about it by media fools does not intimidate anybody, to suggest that it does means to suggest the rest of us as stupid enough to be taken – I mean who does not want a Country where MPs leave the Entrepreneurs to their millions and do the jobs we have specifically elected and paid them to do without creating any problems for us, that we should be taken by such nonsense? The reality is that MPs are not hard done by in any way; they are assessed for the pay they gat according to their earning brackets which goes with their type of work and then with that if we break up their earnings into Hourly pay, we realise they do not necessarily earn more than other civil service staff but because they spend more Hours in Parliament their take home pay by the Hour is more than that of other civil service staff who work a 9 to 5 jobs. It is the medical practitioners they compare themselves to for example that are hard done by because their earning bracket and job type is paid a lot more by the Hour than the Politician and MPs type of job and yet the difference in pay is no more than £20,000.00, bearing in mind Doctors do unholy Hours without any expenses benefits that would range from from transportation to accommodation like MPs get or indeed in house catering like they get to the highest levels possible from Parliamentary kitchens. The reality is that their media idiots need not change the subject as we all know that what they did was give the Queen a pay rise which she had to announce during Queens speech as a major aspect of the life of the current Parliament hence something she is required by statute to accept even though she might want to refuse due to public mood etc and now they are getting pay rise as well from bodies that access it for them and cannot refuse too and do need to do their own assessment of public mood as well and leave me alone. Besides which I relish the Opportunity because journalists earn a lot of money too but handling people’s property is something they do with a sense that it can never enough and they are wrong; I mean if you are paid £10.00 per hour that no journalist will ever work for to carry a Camera to Iraq and for somebody and your hours of doing that runs into between 18 and 20 hours for the week, it means that your commission which is pay you get to help you get through with a job for things like feeding and other small things you need to pay to exist and do the job when you are a journalist runs into a minimum of £4,000.00 a month which is more than the Council is paying the average unemployed person whose books are savaged to make news catchy in Rent and Council tax, half the take home pay for the lowest paid worker in the Country but still they regularly get up to attack people because they simply made a resolution to acquire a bigger mortgage than the one they already have; so yes when you say media wars you want so badly and they draw lines and take a stance and you are presented with a matter of MPs pay advocated by journalists fighting you, you really do feel that your bread had been jammed and buttered and covered in honey and I am keen, wanted badly I am prepared to work for it and wish to drive it to the end hence I dare them to start it off as well if they feel they have got the balls or simply loose and go home – so I might be free of this one problem once and for all as well and keep their Male corruption of involvement personal life peddling, male journalistic idiots away from my Court. The companies on the other hand are in a place where they understand what their position is now, I mean they buy products the making of which their white Princes have been involved and then chase them around and find them to extract more because they paid for it apparently which is why they do it to me and hence I must tolerate it as well – in the minds of these idiots my business is something they do not recognise even though they make use of the products without buying them and so they believe they can shut down my equity brokerages business whenever they want with a big mouth, whereas we were there when they could always have brokered the equities and left the books for those who wanted to buy them instead of get their stupid selves to a place where they think they want to decide to put me out of business as if the property is their own to decide anything on in anyway. As I said, they are all wrong; it is enough when people want it to be enough.  As for the part about Americans, I have continued to express my wish that I want them to play their spiritual and temperamental and power games they think they can play with anybody such as my powerlessness even though I defeat everybody on account they keep my books and hence can control me therefore – they have the books and I have the world and we both have leverages on each other and I want them to play it, I am keen to have them play the power game and there is no point especially for their insolent nasty republican scumbags pretending it is a political issue. I mean it is the same thing with plebs all over the world; they say the things I am angry about is actually violence which shows there is nothing I can do about them and what they want to do about me but everybody knows we see media campaigns every time I feel angry enough to get around doing things to and about stubborn people, which will make them stop whatever it is that cannot be explained so they can lose every power they have in society and control of everything around them to facilitate a means by which I can begin my own oppression against their wickedness and Satanism, however whenever I am not angry enough to want such things, the insults and abuses and stalking and financial vandalism they think is fun will not stop, especially for the Americans – talking of violence so when they are get close enough as it were with that big mouth, about which I suppose I am therefore completely unlikely to do anything to them as were. For now my chest and my tummy and my head is not your plaything and actually hurts all the time but it becomes their major preoccupation because it hurts thereof and the reason is that there is nothing I can do because I am wholly dependent on my books which is in their possession – they are wholly dependent on the world which is in my possession as well and it is going to get a lot worse as I especially love the Americans plaything their insulting Satanism at me despite warning them to keep their abusive and nasty selves from following me around. Some do express their sorry selves for being unable to serve me I know but when they need to buy the books and read them it will clearly have been the last thing on their lives they want to do, much the same with obeying my instructions.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland