What people have recently suggested is that I am being tackled because I am weak and the fact, I am weak offered an opportunity for abuses. It is utter nonsense naturally – what has happened is a process of picking up from the fact I am a Hermit and not willing to get into a fight with people, whilst at the same time most of them cannot actually beat me up as they would have wanted to, which has already developed into violent lasciviousness that targets my tummy, eventually giving rise to their stupidities making sense of finer points of homosexuality to ensure those community of idiots that are not currently having their personal decisions made for them, may facilitate the bottom chasing abuses in a condition that produced maximum effect. I do not think that the matter is a crisis as such when I mention it like so, firstly of which mentioning it expresses an example of the way that responding to their gimmicks by saying something does not necessarily indicate that change has been achieved but these are some of the facts behind the rationale of liaising with women and girls to get them caught up with gangs and criminals all the time. Then there are the women bits as well, whereby their fear was an all-consuming thing, but none knows exactly when it had spent everything that allows me to enjoy a semblance of civil living to feel decadent, which developed into an attack on what younger people did around my concerns at popular culture, giving the upper hand to abusive society gits, some with criminals’ records and as soon as they were affected started a war on me. It is not a  crisis either, but it feeds into tales they brew up that I am weak which encourages the bullying while what really happens is that I want to screw down and anchor the bookshop properly by working my own personal fears which are usually intense enough to churn the tummy, while they can now go to hell if they might – thus I do wonder when the two matters of my personal fears and these facts about the reasons we get them stuck with gangs and criminals for their abuses and insults, of which the suggestion here is that my entire life has stagnated because I am weak with a big mouth, tended to show that I am weak all together, like the pricks they are.

So, some have suggested that I looked the part, but I am just very tired and if we measured facts mentioned above worked on me like a savage and abusive test every day, there were good reasons for me to feel very tired. The way it plays out on an official front is this business of Politicians spending tax payer funds to help them get completely out of hand, claiming that we will be sitting on our hands at the Monarchy if they didn’t; thus it is clearly such impossibly difficult work if people were planning to work it without violence when the original processes of keeping these gits out of one’s career and finances was thwarted, to bring them into mainstream living, get people doing it again and wonder why it is inevitable that their gits will be found picking up complicated areas of National service to fight my battles soon enough. On a personal front it is usually a choice to allow their insults get straight to the heart and then you will become very ill as a result of it or let them work their stupidities and churn the tummy instead, as we can see of which the Politicians were better off not fostering it, to hang around somewhere with insulting processes that made their stupidities feel as if they were running the Country, if they didn’t fancy the smell. On a Public front, we know that these idiots are capable of driving the Country into civil war and that should it happen, the process of getting paid for being popular before it did would be worth it in their view, hence the moral of the story being that since every generation comes with one that is custom built, Politicians ought to manufacture their own as well for power play gimmicks and then when the electorate decided that 100% of vote casting when their bottom hurts for 20% of the time, instead of 80% vote casting that will bring about hung parliament that cannot be explained, they would suggest the answer to the problem was to get younger people involved in the Political system, if people usually grew up to be like their parents.

The story of getting them stuck with gangs and criminals generally being a matter of the way that their abusive insults tended to suggest that they would like to take the complicated aspects of law enforcement out of the hands of law enforcement workers. I personally do not have a massive issue with it as such, the problem in my case is that they enjoy the violent lasciviousness that helps them build the abusive communities which facilitate processes of getting paid for being popular at other people’s expense and the Politicians always say that I was brought in to make it better, but I tended to make it worse which is not an exact fact. The reality on the ground in terms of whether or not I made it worse is a matter of seeing that such activities as business operatives who pay people for being popular as a function of facilitating market, works for German and Japanese economy and marketing systems but do not work for the British one, so we are just stuck with the absolute scumbags from all sides of the board; the watershed being their recent abusive interest in my diet, whereby we are likely to see that should I abandon my diet so to speak, they would be found somewhere replicating and eating it in an environment that is developed specifically to antagonise law enforcement, you know, when I describe them as absolute scum for instance. I do get told that I am pressed on it because I do more with it and yes, I do because in my view it developed into a story of their interest in my diet for abusive purposes, showing that they would like me to force them into a position where they provided market for abusive trades people, which if done, would facilitate some of the very important work that needs be done at Diplomatic activities. Here upon pointing out we see that their destructive madness is a representation of Celebrity power and the fame idiots have not yet stopped getting in league with local society gits and criminals over my social life and public image either, the complain about me has simply become a phenomenon again as it were. The reality of whether I am weak or not is the fact that each time I am attacked, I am wired in such a way that their gimmicks show up behind them like a big screen that I can watch, so the more they fight me is the stronger I get – while their main problem is that once finished with the community of violent lasciviousness they enjoy so much, meeting me in person is usually a problem but we also know that most people would let it be from here, however which what we end up with instead if a behaviour that tended to suggest they were being paid to get in touch with me and issue those stupid threats too – I mean it only creates an outcome where they placed themselves between me and those violent lasciviousness communities that are one day going to push them into a fight with me and I will try my best to hurt them seriously as well if that were to happen.

So they claim their problem to be that I had taken power from them and given it to the Monarchy which is utter nonsense; what happens is that I am caught between gits that never stop making sense of other people’s social lives, right down to the personal spaces for profitable industrial abuse purposes when they want to facilitate the only type of market that they know and other people who are normal people – so they decided that if they handled me to work their Nationalism, it would make a lot of progress towards having a Country of their own, which they never had, all I have done thereof is show them exactly what it is that they were doing and what they were handling and how it generally thinks that the stupidest of their behaviour is the one that facilitates their access to the national front and or works it. This matter is best expressed by the actions of the Scottish Nationalists who are real examples of the way their Nationalism would only add up to Political activity if they were not bothering me for it – whereby they were meant to put the independence case to the Public and live with the results but are talking about running off another referendum until they got a result of independence, over claims that their party was set out to achieve applicable result, as stupidly as possible. The other part where they claim we are afraid of them being the part about facts that were not discussed during the previous referendum which they also lost anyway i.e. if the British Government is as active as it currently is at the International front that leaves Scottish Nationalists only the organised criminals to befriend on their route to independence which would place the Scots in a very difficult position, should they find reputable industries to liaise themselves with in a big to protect Scottish jobs and interests, it would make them exactly the same thing as an absolute Monarchy. We do not fear them, we are working with what we have, we had devolution which meant that there was a lot of Political and governmental powers that had to be interpreted, we are expecting to work it to the stage where people are successful with career and academic pursuits in alignment with what the new Scotland after devolution had become and we would really love to avoid the unemployment and uncertainty that their vision is building – we know that even before devolution the problem of drug abuse on the streets of Scotland was an impossible task for the Government and that it is getting worse under the Nationalists – it is a classic test of the fact that we are not working on the devolution that had already been achieved, there is no such thing as regretting it like they claim we do. There is the other problem with Celebrities as well for good measure as mentioned above. They all now must make sense of their position by telling a lot of lies.

They do suggest the British are sexually frustrated and they spread it all over the world, which is utter nonsense as we all know the life question the need to answer is whether they were on the side of freedom or the side of communists and I bet if I told myself the wrong things for long enough, I would be sexually frustrated as well and then the biggest question of my life would be if they were still hanging around my concerns at that stage. It’s the same disposition as the other story that I cannot keep my hands off other women while what happened is that I opened up social life areas I can only use alongside my spouse to a handful of women I needed to support on matters of being violently attacked by somebody you fell in love with in a dilapidated neighbourhood, while at the same time a band of brothers want to get into an Office and pay the women less for doing the same jobs that they are doing, which people think happens like some huge National or Global conspiracy. Since last I did it, what we really know is that I have been inundated with women I am not accustomed to handling, I am broke and still single at 40 while their financial wellbeing now works with Celebrities and criminals to ensure that I lived in hell – so the part where the women said they spent spare time having anal sex with me was an extra, they have never explained what they are doing with me in 13 years. For the time being, the main point of call is my persona of anal sex issue considering their incredibly nice approach to matters of relationships as such and of course it’s an example of those situations where they say I tended to get away with it, since they want to go on a date for their abuses, eat over it, drink over it and get married to me over it – quite strange then that they seem to be oblivious to the fact that they cannot undo these things when they start it, unlike other people are aware the facts applicable.

They do love to boast that I am completely unaware of trouble I will get into if I clashed with them and it does show the sort of deluded world they lived in as what is really going to happen is a case of a first degree holder who establishes a connection between being skilled and learned in marketing implied he had to get imagination up my anus to sell products, as though that is what he learned at University, of which most people would have stopped if I complained that my entire life had stagnated because each time I complete my Bookshop I am left with a history of insults that suggest I don’t get paid for my work, ripping up the financial structures. So we find the other gits were Muslims that controlled me, a handful of very silly character who had a history of pretending they were immune to all forms of nepotism and were at leave to practice their ideas on it to any extent; while reality is that if I should pick up those stupidities by which it shows up to pick up the best work I have done for my career, crash my finances for practical jokes and basically steal my time, I will be making sense of it on the fact it had a family and a social life of its own as well, but when I had developed into building a crowd that worked it to pervert and steal the way it managed its time, to crash its finances as well, it will blab about blasphemy all the time but we know that I am likely to get away with it and the wars in the Middle East will never end. The way it works contrary to those claims they make that I had no idea how it does work, is that the Legal system in the Middle East is less than adequate, which meant tyrants could do what they liked while criminals were in a lot of trouble, they are criminals that Police did not have resources to catch, so they had a proper relationship with Police that involved one of those cases where the Police were thinking people in prison committed crimes while they had wrecked the career and it got personal every time, whereby they had to flea but are now starting another one here in the UK apparently, since it is assumed Terrorists are generally stupid people and cannot tell that having lived a life of violence even with their parents, if they rounded up and killed every person who could keep a straight head and seek out transition to peace, their fighting will not carry on for eternity, thus if we see people who flee because they didn’t want to serve terrorists, we will need geniuses to tell us what is really going on as such.

They come through with those silly questions that express the fact that all these destruction of what is really very precious and they have had various lifetimes in which it was completely beyond them did not affect them anyway, claiming it was a mystery to them as some people grew up to be like me, while I was never always said to be in good speaking and perverted friendly terms with thoroughly modern goons, who spend years investigating my life, to show up somewhere pinching my personal feelings every day to be happy for me over what I have done with myself, as a disposition on media that allows them pillage my finances and expect me to be happy for them and each time I have to deal with the involvement happening abusively and unexpectedly which outcome is that it makes me sick to my stomach and makes other people feel the same way too – this is as such just a process of moving them on after an 18 year tolerance period, should it continue this way, they will obtain what they clearly complain about all the time, for the rest of my life too. I have been told I am still one of the worst things that have ever happened to them and yes I am – it starts off with this business of provoking me with the gimmicks that criminal supporting communities have sent it out to play up at my expense, after civil rights had given it the right to get in touch with me, not only does this nonsense help them run me down all day, it also spurt stupid statements about how I ought to be used or my work and property ought to be shared as well, each time I wish to response, it backs off and there is no evidence of a behaviour that has trashed my academic work and is now chasing my Public image, social life and Bookshop, when it gets back on, it does by working the violent lasciviousness of its stupid community to get its imaginative fingers up my bum and so I can only respond by finding something that allowed me the satisfaction of acting in an equally daring way at their expense – I used to think that running them down on the Industrial tribalism gimmicks was enough but apparently they now have a media presence and I have to push hard enough to ensure that I find something else along the way too.

Now it is said that I have been completely ruined and done for which I have not been. I have simply not been responding to these gits for years and it is the same story about existing in a way that causes them disconcerted feelings whenever they want to handle my concerns, encouraging them to trash my career and get me caught up with the finer points of homosexuality, through which they eventually attained their greatest achievement of getting me to drop out of University. So currently the main problem is that of Celebrities and Political fools who love to facilitate their activities wanting to engage with the Public on my Public image, which they finish off for each time they were able to with an arrangement that involved a crowd that was to make sense of the idea that I am a nobody – it has gotten worse naturally, starting from 2016 when I had decided to move on from it, only to show up at the other end with a Bookshop that was never going to be successful because they had built a media bubble for practical jokes over it and I had grown sideways, so when they claim I am a low life it really made sense. It has also set the stage for the ageist idiots who want to make statements all the time of the way that I interfered with their stupid lives because they were convinced I would be worse off if push came to shove and yet none is really paying them to handle or interfere with my career and none is paying them to build up crowds on the suggestion that they were entitled to it, what we know as a matter of certainty is that they cannot stop complaining about me while at it but the threats are set to serve the same catalyst as the claim that I have been ruined and done for when this nonsense developed into retribution -for the time being I am caught up picking up public work they made a mess of each time they engaged with the Public on my Public image, to show up at the other end making statements that I am a nobody and it’s sort of something that Celebrities must do all of the time, something that they have done again despite, something I must out a stop to if I want people to stop thinking I have been ruined and done for and I don’t believe they will fancy the outcome if it stopped the way I wanted too.

They do love to boast that I am only good with the talking bits but talking bits was the part where people asked about facts – the part where I have acted is the part whereby we cannot be free of them complaining about me i.e. started out with gimmicks of the way handling me caused nostalgia, so I had to be run down with abuses and the finer point of homosexuality inflicted on me, then progressed to abuses that got me dropping out of University, then to a history of insults associated with handling a Bookshop I built to be successful on incentive and not on cash investment because they wouldn’t like to get a job instead of getting paid for being popular at my expense and since they were already handling my Public life for such nonsense, there was no reason to avoid the Bookshop as well, which grew into a case of gits that sold show business products for celebrities telling me how to write my Books and telling me I had written Books that solved problems because I wanted to blame those who abused me to take advantage of it, trashing what was left of my career to take advantage of my Book and now the ageist idiots that had taken up roles as television and film producers, ripping up my social life and public image by running around pointing petty criminals towards where I lived on account that I had committed the crime of writing a Book that helped with their problem (Their bit is an old case that started out with hate that came from a business of supporting women who were paid less for doing the same jobs, about which for some reason I had to drop out of University while they got to select the liaisons and acquaintances of their female colleagues in order to continue, whereas all that was required was a support that got the women into managerial positions so they didn’t have to put up with it). My point is that they attack me with finer points of homosexuality, wreck my career and academic pursuits in order to own my social life and public image, when I stopped it, they claimed I had stopped freedom and hope, declared war alongside their American fools, and got after my Royal Office and Hermitage, and secured support from German influence twats for it, which is the part I have really acted on and the part that they have built a global phenomenon complaining about with the big mouth they have got. None knows if they are complaining, when they plan to stop it or indeed when and how but I believe they will not fancy results if it stopped the way I wanted and I still have no idea why the Public figures that support their stupidities at my expense will not do so with the cash they set out to pay their children’s school fees, if they so loved the big messy problems to such an extent. If I must convince people I am not ruined and done for, I needed to ensure Celebrities and Politicians stopped engaging with the Public on my Public image and that there were consequences for each eventuality where they finished off with claims that I am nobody, which of course is something they do very often (a habit that is as filthy and the number of times they practiced it and then wading in will be the marketing idiots with ideas about a Bookshop I had set out to be successful on inventive basis, which effects are that when it came to my financial wellbeing all was suspended and weeks ran into months which ran into years)

The other story they speak of being the fact I am single of which the case really comes to bear, since I had planned my finances to let the woman take the lead, so although they didn’t like to get into relationships with people that are broke, they really loved to create broke people all over the place to matter who it was that they targeted – even so we see that they now need a relationship with me and whilst they were in a relationship with others, their partners cannot love or fight for their needs like I can, so they had to go from characters that were backed up by civil rights thugs that will attack me to help them share my income, about which they have built years of abuse around here to facilitate a process where I used my fighters body to attack people in order to facilitate their stupid sense of security, to a handful of idiots who wanted both a relationship with their partners and a relationship with me. I don’t believe it is a crisis either mostly – it’s like when The Queen says that if those who were involved at the Royal family didn’t watch Trooping the Colour there will be consequences and there were ideas built up about the way the Monarchy needed to be more modern by those who didn’t realise that if they didn’t watch enough trooping the colours, it will eventually develop into a choice between this nonsense and the armed services, especially when these clowns had taken the fact they didn’t want to get a real job as much as they loved to get paid for being popular on other people’s social life and public image, to a whole new stage. So it is suggested that I have ended up in the same situation because I am guilty of the same but it isn’t at all; where I have ended up is a consequence of the sort of policies the Obama white House had developed – they loved terrorists and they hated British, they hated terrorists and they loved British and it was all to ensure that structures which facilitated racism were destroyed – then there is the other consequences closer to home where I am a character caught between idiots that love to share peoples personal space while becoming violent later and the rest of the public, hence I would never really fare well if I detached myself from Royal Office or failed to engage with the Armed Forces, the big problem being the insufferable crisis that has resulted from the fact the only thing the Prince of Wales now wants to do with his time is detach me from my Office, which same behaviour the Duke of Sussex took to a whole new stage.

They do claim I am not innocent in the matter and I never said I was but I do believe facts would show that I am if we explored the way I have been tackled by these educated idiots because they believed themselves to be cleverer, claiming that grafting usually led to war and that they were more powerful which had since become serious when their need to cling to my Public image for popularity money led to questions on whether what I write here is a Literary work that belonged to them. The boasting when they are not complaining alongside their fellow American gits of how my actions create bigger issues overseas is that they got what they wanted anyway but unless they are moving it out of the current economic system, I do not believe it is something to be worried about, however when such nonsense adds up to a distraction for me, we will hear them complain again. The way that I work might be criticised as such but it is developed to ensure that at least 40% of what these gits channel at me in the form of abusive behaviour was something that I had put into their stupid minds, which meant that it was working at least at a 140% capacity all the time, when their need to cling to a Hermits social life and public image made him the enemy that caused them grafting etc, in the first place, now followed on with the way nothing I said prevented them from getting whatever they wanted. They do claim that it meant that I had damaged people’s minds and I suppose it does but if that was going to be a problem, I guess I should start telling lies about what is happening when a handful of idiots build a society they claimed was male factor which set me out as female factor and trashed my career to make money by running off gimmicks from criminal communities that got imagination up my anus and handled my personal space to good feelings about which I faced distant violence all day – I mean I wouldn’t be telling my own lies as such if I were doing it, since it would detach from a Hermitage, I would be using their own lies to ensure they were seen in a corner weeping and wailing as it were. It has to stop somewhere, at this stage, it has become a question of when and how, especially with respect to being pushed about by Celebrities, where this process works well in terms of me telling them what to do as well, and it is useful of either side – when they do me it’s useful because I am a government operative, when I do them it is useful because a good part of their stupid minds works the way it does on account I made it that way. This nonsense grows into a case of a handful of people with businesses through which others were earning 6 figure sums being treated like local Kings which facilitated the perverse interest in my Books, about which we hear them blab of teaching me lessons on account that when people want to pay people for being popular at another person’s expense in the USA, the finances for it can be limitless – the whole thing however is an affront to the business of Public security and those who had jobs in it but they do claim that they were not committing crimes, so I suppose it is fair to expect that they got to shut it down, whether not they were very disobedient people who did it to me because they had attitude. The others at Industry like to claim that I suggested I could handle the problem and we can already see that I have comfortably done so but we had to do it again and again because they were financially well-off people that never paid for what they used and will be seen on the other side making a mess of my finances because my responses were exhilarating like people who needed a good beating. I don’t believe that they are an issue as such, simply on the point that I have handled the problem comfortably and when they showed up here needed to read a Book I had written; usually they end up in two ways, one is that of their abusive behaviour in a company that had given me something to do, growing to such an extent I would be found somewhere building publicity for what they have done to show their interest in playing around with Royal Politics, a lot of which is expressed when they did something with their abusive homosexual activities, the other will be the part where they picked up my work to build me publicity that suggested I should get off it and get into a fight with others to boost their sense of importance of comfort and then it will be the beginning of those instances where people complained about me if I found any of those stupid self-exhibitionist pictures they take of themselves to express such nonsense, on account that I needed publicity too. I do get told that the way I worked was incredibly messy and yes, it is, until it is settled how this madness will come to an end, it will be messy. We have heard them blab about the way I am finished and done for without any having put a question to them for it, before this, all was well managed via a Court of Female Journalists which also comprised of women who got about claiming they spent their spare time having anal sex with me – they had to dismantle it on account it was quite important everybody got to see how much of a victim they were, which of course they still are the last time we checked. So, there is no Court for the time being and I am rebuilding everything on social media where I can ensure that unless there was physical contact there was no Court, free from the regular business of having female journalists that are so incredibly out of my league they had to sell out the system to industry gits to make extra money for expensive drinks etc. Progress being that the idiots are now suggesting that I may do their own as well and get imagination up their bum if I have got it, but this is not how I was raised and I have no idea how to get about such nonsense, so I can only say they may do the bits I have done with the Celebrities, Media, and Popularity gits as well if they were mad enough to.

Eventually we must listen to the boasting that I believe there was a way out for where I have ended up whilst I have ended up in the usual eventualities that come through each time, they target people’s career for the purpose of drawing up ways they can make sense of their need to get the world listening to their understanding of social mendacity that they were masters at building in the first place. I could never understand it anyway – spending 15 years of my time to get to this stage while complaining about a three-year response on a global stage, surely, they knew that if they dragged my career into a disposition where every public troublemaker can make a mess of it, so they might speak more about their sense of social mendacity in a setting that will secure more attention, their stupidities was going to do a lot of damage to it. Naturally it is followed with blabbing about the way I can only talk as their need to get imagination up my bum intensifies but we all know that if I detached them from the cover they got from my Royal Public image each time they had done it, such that they were only left with the reputation for being idiots that can never stop getting imagination up peoples bums, we would have to deal with a lot of the stabbing and shooting thereof, hence important that we do not talk about their stupid personal decisions or consequences of it and concentrate on what is relevant. They need keep away from my Books and blow off their big mouths on their own social lives, especially the Americans; at this stage, beyond the lies developed for a need to access my Public image, claiming I caused them some grafting, there is the fact that it’s all playing perfectly where they tell me what to do and I tell them what to do but doing so should be unprofitable on my part, except that they are not geniuses. The only real cause for concern is that people love to buy this nonsense, but it is not because I had put out a Book that does not cost an arm and a leg, so they really do need to lay off and fight their own corner.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland