I am told that the real issue is that I could not live with competition, which is utter rubbish – the truth of it is that my Books are now in their heads and I could not get it back, so we are now set to find out what becomes of a need to continue a behaviour that is running into complaints on account that I provide it with a response, a behaviour that involved picking up my assets or performing some derivative processes on it, to make their own money, instead of paying for the Books. They do claim the White House supported all these which is not news as the story of a need to rip up my Public image and get rich fast, then return to pick up my peace and quiet for restaurants because they had to eat thereafter, is something Washington had a track record of giving them credence for – which produces this result that suggests we had a love-hate relationship with Americans and is completely misconstrued i.e. South America is to the USA, what the Middle East and North Africa is to Western Europe, the thing about South America and the UK is that there are lot of British Companies that the Governments loved to give contracts to, so there were so many instances where you were asked to do something in order to avoid leaving people operating in a foreign country behind, such that you end up picking up this matter of assisting Americans on the issue, which when done, we find them come out to play in force thereof, as in their view the White House ought to pulverise South America to make them happy, hence I might be passionate in the processes but the matter is entirely in keeping with Governmental interests. It becomes clear that it loved to rip up my finances – run around picking up my assets to get rich fast, not really an independent innovator looking for market gaps when Companies were too big to make specific products, just an idiot with an interest in my income margins while the kids cheered on social Media, has been fighting my wars which is music to my ears – thus the abusive interest in my Bookshop should never have gone beyond the practical jokes stage, if people did not wish to complain about me too. They claim that this in context of supporting the Trump Administration did not add up but it does, as the Obama Administration suggested black people and gangs were the best, then left the mess and bowed out, so the Trump Administration had to start somewhere, what I am doing would therefore have been taken up on a more Official capacity unless the Trump Administration really was as racist as the Media and Celebrities had made it out to be (I mean we know they made the Trump Administration racist, it was one of the most outstanding moments for those gimmicks where racists were bad people because racism spends their profitable discrimination to commit murder, wondering who indeed the profitable discrimination was meant to affect with a big mouth). They do claim my views cause problems and it certainly does, as one had to explain with people building communities to finger my bum and force me to do something about racism and therefore lose something important to the maintenance of their stupid right with a big mouth getting on my nerves – what happens at Court shows nothing of people attacking others over racism, what it shows is people saying they attacked others over racism because they did not want the system solving their problems. I cannot explain the racism of the racist whose racism I was born into, so that one is definitely racist but the racist that was not racist last year is a bit of an issue; these lies are told all the time, we end up with wrong processes for deathly public problems generation after generation, provided it gave them access to one’s income margins.

It is then suggested that I only do my work when occasions called for it; I wonder if it was a joke – I mean it is a deathly struggle everyday to look like a writer because a group of idiots needed to be feel important, once finished it shows up here to demand its rent as well, so far the complaints having reached parliament and I believe it is set to get worse upon continuation.


The theory is that I suggest my star sign does not affect me like most other Libra and it is utter nonsense as they are not an example of the points where I am affected by the usual Libra indecision – indecision for me is a matter of saying if I spoke to none I would be better off but the reality is that it is not the business of either celebrities or Media and Politicians, that society gits follow me around with gimmicks such as these, to end up with a situation where I stuffed their heads with what I knew and followed them about to continue as well. There is another that they wreck my career by, which is to say that out of three people met on the streets randomly, there is an idiot who is known to go about provoking people randomly in the neighbourhood and that was the fool hardwired to think about my social life and personal space while stupid celebrities who claimed that I will suffer for being a character who takes back careers that were taken from me, whilst they engaged in a gimmick of running me down to trash my studies and my Book writing work seeking to fight for my rights because it was the best and most profitable rights around, as it we were animals was the main reason I attacked their careers as well and it will keep giving as it were – here we see how grabbing the idiots who are known to look for trouble by the collar because they wanted me to get into trouble with the Police in order to deserve my career, played into my indecision, that said which if the same idiots got off tackling me over smell issues, I would try harming them mortally as well.

Here they claim nothing I did about these public matter is ever enough but I am only doing adequate work for my Office – currently we know the first round of punishment for Politicians driving it on and putting the entire country in jeopardy, has been to show society gits how their jobs worked, so we are having these kinds of conversations I suppose because we are thinking about the second line of punishment for it. So far I have done the Media one as the abusive activities indicate that something else must have been more important, had it for 20 years churning my tummy every place I took up rented residence and now settled on the full wrath of its you, me, employers and bottom chasing issues well off neighbourhoods, who continues to make the most of getting me to tackle them as if they were lower class, so it wants to make alliances with society gits to show that it deserved to earn more money than the women in its line of work and rips up my career every time it was affected by it and I have been spending their Public life on society gits, so there has been a lot of bottom chasing for them as well, moving toward outcomes where I built it up as a platform for an all out clash with idiots who had media jobs. The Celebrities are still in the work but the details are that they say the one thing that stands in the way of their superiority to me while clinging to my Publishers to spend my Books on their rights, and will not heed the warning for the bills in the place to get paid, is that I can perform a service they wanted which they could not, hence I am still looking for the kind of career and reputational damage that fits the famous idiots best. The society ones have not found an alternative form of fun to the suggestion when they get fingers up my bum and I disapproved, there were hundreds of people who thought it was a perfectly sound behaviour in their communities and that stupid community is becoming a problem too. Hence outside of Politics it is currently 1 down and 2 to go.

The blabbing endlessly is about the sense I had a problem with power which I don’t; what is happening is showing itself to be a series of activities where people trashed my finances and informed me that if I did not take risks with myself to make somebody else feel important, I will not have food on the table. I am a hermit but the question now is that of what any person does with this kinds of nonsense performed by utter scum who made money clinging to his social life and public image and illegally will not lay off his Book sales in any 24 hours, if they suggested that a response would have been a bad thing, although their stupidities have had it for long enough. Needs to channel the narcissism somewhere else or I will channel it for them. I need to ensure money made from my wealth equity by people I have not authorised to handle it is returned to the Industry people that paid for their stupidities unless it was kept without bothering me and I need to ensure the sexual narcissism abuses resulted in the destruction of their show business as well.

I am told I have been pursuing a very difficult lifestyle which I have not – people who are involved with public leadership usually have the same social disposition as babies, this is the reason women always like to get around the social lives of people who are involved with public leadership when they want to start a family and we have never seen a sad person who had come to be so because families were starting around his career and if people could remind me, most of the trouble we had to put up with was due to Industry gits getting involved with business while being afraid of markets therefore needed somebody else’s so called boundless confidence to work narcissistic happiness by, same as Celebrities who want to be famous but need a good public image for the same purposes. The problem at this stage is that their need to attack my career and finances will not stop, so I needed to pick up my own processes of attacking their own too. Celebrities were the worst, I mean media was a matter of helping hoodlums and quasi criminals claim they had stolen my career, building up to this process whereby they were able to tell their mainly American and German friends about access to my status, control they had of it and how they would spend it on any who go along with them, showing up here to trash my finances in a bid to, this is something I brought under control 12 years ago being reborn and the Politicians do not see that there will be any trouble for them anytime soon, if they were still playing with my career and finances as such. so the Celebrities are the worst as I may have gone to great trouble to remove the effects of entertainment built from my assets without permission over the past 3 months only to find that they have made new ones in the pipeline in the last two days i.e. it will not stop attacking my career and I need to attack their own as well, attack it through to a sensible stage.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland