As for the state of me and where I have ended up, it seems there is a lot to do for me to get any breathing space but there really isn’t – we largely go from claims I get away with everything while they are being tackled by extremists and gangs all the time and its mainly because I have a body type which ensures I have enough strength to cope, which I am not sharing with others by being homosexuality or getting involved with a war, hence my academic work and finances will lie in tatters until I co-operate. It has never before seen anything wrong with the changes its stupidities make, especially the one where its entire communities have imagination that gets up my bum while they show up to run me down everyday and grab my Public image – so like it now has become obsessed with my personal space and if I am not completely messed up, it does not feel good about itself enough to carry on with the life it lives which already gets to its head, we know it gets its imagination up my bum and consoles itself over its problems by telling people I may do what I do but I smell, we know its not the only occasion in which they have blamed others for what their personal decisions have brought on them, like an imagination that gets up my bum while they complain about the smell. The other part of the story naturally being that I think I am clever but dropped out of University and yes I might, they are educated idiots and we are not talking about the part where the purpose of paying my fees to attend University was largely so that they might set about talking all over my case about how things are done in the Country not necessarily agreeing with them and before we knew it, hoodlums were coming into the University over me and the final year students could have my Public image – we are talking about the fact I did promise them I will wait for them at the Jobs market and have lived up to my promise and did promise them I will handle their culture and society until they felt the same lobotomy their stupidities have inflicted on me, the way they did not pay the fees at University and are not paying the Bills now; so 10 years of this nonsense continuing since last I left the academic institution has now brought forth its products. The Celebrity ones will be the part where it is said all was better if I acted more than I talked but we can see that it’s the very fact I have not been responding to their abuses which have made me such a target – I have not been responding because the Politicians don’t stop the misogyny that bothers them, if they can help these idiots become Celebrities who deploy fame money to monitor my studies and make a mess of it, if they would rather stop me from protecting myself until I had dropped out for them to claim they passed exams before me and were entitled to this nonsense thereof; that said, a response from me would show clearly that I think we have too many idiots who have been given money to buy equipment and venues that allow them extract money from other peoples public image and make themselves Celebrities and if I played a part in it, I would have been performing a Public service to ensure the economy had stopped experimenting on itself too – the part where I am a coward and they do what they do because I am afraid of them goes beyond what 60 year old school truants do for them in the neighbourhoods and how it is said I am engaged in a war on women over it, it is a matter of those threats meaning they can no longer call on people to do violent things on their behalf and cannot therefore grow into fully developed idiots if I made the whole situation we face now a little more serious than it already is. In the end we can see I have to clear out nonsense of this sort every day, including the abusive advertisement and if I started an action that suggested that everything they did with my Books was a crime and I had all the authority and right to act on those crimes, if would be a wholly different story – I rest my case when they have gotten help from Americans to pass insults at me while the need to show up all over my earning margins have become their lazy idiots jobs, help that will ensure I was prevented from continuing to act like a tyrant. The Industry ones always say I will be attacked but the little I have done means that it will not be settled as long as I am not following up the sense their stupidities around me adds up to a crime; we all know that if I waited for them at the business and economic cycle as well, I would have the same outcome that I have had with the goons that wrecked the academic work, so its much the same story of a twerp like me thinking I am in charge while they are educated idiots who cannot keep their hands to themselves yet.

I have been told I drive a bargain that I cannot keep up but we know there is no reason for me to be inflicted with insults and blackmail concerning my career being the tool by which people get to me, their health preserved since I don’t do the same to them while it is said that I am the aggressor who deserves the worst punishment on Media – there is no reason for me to be inflicted by that nonsense that means I smell of what I ate all the time by twats whose names I don’t know. That said, its still the old story of when the race began and the vandalism they have wrought here, right down to building publicity for my work without permission and then deciding those who have money to invest may take the business off me, which they now target me all the time for and then at some stage, every little trade I successfully secure will have been done with great difficulty because of measures set out to ensure I was accused of and then stopped from extracting money from the shadow that their companies have casted on the world by grabbing the market I built for mine in some failed bid to own all the money on the planet – I have warned these idiots in suits that I can track these equities to the very beginning and that I am not emotionally attached to their foolish Celebrities that they set out to make my life toxic buying them equipment and venues to extract money from my Public image by and I believe they understand me very well too. The part where I need to keep my mouth shut and swallow it, stop blabbing while I have shut down access to their Public image is simply taking it a whole new level, as we know its stupidities are always inventing something after another for character it has deemed to be women to do, while it runs off with something to pretend people want to talk to its penis. Its much the same as we saw at University when it spent its time ripping up the academic work while building some provocation the Politicians will make laws to cover up in order to afford its stupidities somebody to oppress, same as when it does not stop claiming the essays I write is meant to ensure I did not have to get into a fight to secure my position as a real Man and now they do believe they have earned a Doctorate degree in bullying or sorts. I am told that I delay action on the matter too much but I don’t – its like the story of how scary it is when I was younger and thought some actions older people took was a bit much and now I am of age and in position to make the same decisions, I am afraid of it, although we know the only way we get sanctity is when they are stuck in a cycle of work, family concerns and shopping, the way I make my decisions being misunderstood i.e. that since I came off the back of a recession, I always find myself reverting to that sense they need to be at work – so on taking action in its right however, we are talking about getting stuck with people whose lives are all about work and because I am not raised to make sense of that sort of work, it hits me really hard when they say my Books solves their problems to such an extent I work for them or that I need to solve all their problems in their stupid lives to get them glimpsing my Books at all in the first place etc; so it is largely a case of my property out there working for people and they will invest and build the Companies, at the end I will get my money at some point of my working life i.e. there are bad people but the entire world is not full of those either – it does issue those threats endlessly as we know and its an old story about the decisions it makes and then the complains for what it has gotten off it, like when it gets its imagination up my bum and threatens me because of the smell, leaving me to think that if it handles me I am going to try making my own changes that will affect their stupid lives very drastically as well, otherwise it can continue to knock its stupid self out with such behaviour every day. I have been told the problem here is dire and I neglect my duties but I get it done through the Books which were published 2 years after I dropped out of University and their stupidities had gotten everything they could get off it in this world – so those companies they think got ahead have not at all as I have been keeping patented records around here for my part, they do need to stop threatening me, need to stop creating more problems and read Books that its stupid lives depend on, claiming it solves their problems so well that I work for them. They say they hate me much because I am simply a help that gets rich people richer and poor people dominated than they were before and it goes beyond the insults and abuses and all sorts of nonsense that threaten to encumber my entire life and leave me operating on other peoples dreams, as stupidly as they can get around here, with an impetus for handling peoples property and no discretion whatsoever; it has become obvious I am richer and more privileged than they are but do not think about oppressing or dominating anybody like they think when they are angry it matters while other people’s feelings don’t, such that we must now get together and sort out what is bothering them, then get off it to do me violence based favours that will give them the social right to express any sexual violence on me that will put them in control. They do claim I am not which is all good until I rip up the sale armies practical jokes, so that my Book shop might not be operated according to what its stupidities have dictated to me concerning what their foolish future is going to be – it is a question we all answer around here; we are Princes but will it kill us if we were asked to be Priests? I do refrain from speaking too much about etiquettes as their attitude is such that saying anything on it just makes them worse but the question still stands – would it kill me to be a Priest and of course it wouldn’t, it may because of money but I already know money was invented by the Central Government to help big businesses feel comfortable, I cannot make out what the Celebrities have drawn up between having it and inspecting what I do with myself at the academic institutions as disruptively as possible until I had dropped out; it is possible I am bluffing when I say I will rip it up for them and do think they are doing well for themselves with their Media that exists for the sole purpose of looking for trouble as it were.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland