I am very well aware of a story Popular which is largely concerned with the matter of my position with Politicians that happens to be of friction and attrition in context and content; I would not know about it that much for my part, to clear it up - all I know is that they have been very rude and extremely abusive and that what I have done with them is drag them into a condition whereby over 80% of their daily activities forces them to be rude and abusive, this has now reached a point whereby People generally find it difficult to tell which they claim to be their Jobs and which they claim to be an Office based vanity that is full of rudeness and extreme abuse that stops short of violence and although they do love to issue their threats at me, how on Earth they allowed me to drag them into such a condition is still a mystery. However to me, it is simply a tool I have used on many instances, considering that they have had a long standing history of extremely bad behaviour in very public places as far back as it goes, I use this tool to ensure they either do not get famous at my expense or when they do I am still in a position whereby I can move them on at a time of my choosing. The part where bad things will happen to my Royal Duchy and Royal Office being the one that is not actually possible, since all they can do from here and employ their Celebrity goons and Media goons to some purpose all over again, which means that this case is going round in circles. They really do love to explore what I can fight or not all of the time - they say it is because they are superior to me and I think it’s all big language too and that they would not blow it off where it really matters; such that People are culturally evil they say but the Politicians are the ones that have simulated good behaviour in order to seem electable that they now have two faces - since I am an Arch Prince therefore of which is mystery, for they shall be the last thing I test my strength against too as it were judging from current facts. They do hate my guts because I have moved their stupidities outside of Peoples mainstream living and this is why they are always seething with a desire to see me in a fight; they like to think a competition between good and evil should be possible just like they can be tough if they want to depending on whom they select to get tough with which when I mention damages even more all that nonsense about the powers of disobedience which makes Politics important down to that of best having their quality of life changed so idiots can count pennies on them until it becomes Millions to make sense of the importance of Politics - I do not do Gods work for him with my own hands and they should not be doing the devils one as well and approaching me to talk nonsense will mean I end up teaching them another one all together as well. It leaves the sense that the entire British Political system was built for instance on Paedophilia because the most important thing to them about my Home based and Garage based business is to take the initiate success that was a part of my being, before the ones that came through customer services came along and it goes right down to factorising me by bum fingering me at a distance, to make themselves feel better and to top me all the time in order to ensure their criminal disobedience is profitable and of course they talk rubbish in Public because they gain from it way too often and I shall start with the next test that comes from them down my way, with cutting up yet again that asset base of their stupid City Centre idiots and Stock Market fools, all they need to do is take the leap one more time; I mean hacking me can mean their profits get to rise because the competition is good but I do wonder if it is not about time the foolish black women they get around with to make it happen, who are really good at travelling overseas to gathering up problems that are too big for them, so as to turn out and work at the shops to throw it about, take up those stupid jobs and connections just yet as it were. I mean it is difficult considering we are all Adults, especially on matters such as managing family and work at the same time but for strange reasons these idiots really love to find out and explore other people’s points of weakness and they achieve nothing whatsoever with the advantages that they gain from it which is why it makes so much anger: then we hear them claim I am Black and should stay off the British Monarchy whereas it’s a matter of what they know and which part of this Empire they have already harmed and wish to go further with - so it does wonders for my Client bidding when Social and cultural problems associated with being me stay in my life and I Broker equities with them, only for that of Political idiots to turn up unexpectedly on my personal life as well, while an idiot gets on public places to talk nonsense at me about how I should be doing things; I want them to keep their Lower Class stupidities and Stupid selves off my Book sales and clear my space; personally however their rivals are obviously richer than them at this point and I did not contribute to the process as well so that I might get connected later, considering the level of hate associated with the idea I am Upper Class, of which it’s about time those stupid black Women took over those businesses and connections and jobs etc. The main problem the way that it plays out in Public is still not just their unquenchable violence against others and a need to remove the relevance of those who would not steal property from the weak to get rich with from Big Business, it is the Persons they unleash on me and for what purpose; the most popular being to spend my Equities on big businesses they have already got but just ruining it to ensure Politicians become the gods of economic leadership is fast rivalling it; most annoying for me being that they would do anything to identify with an unusual culture and yet it would mean I am powerless to decide what happens thereafter of which they do not like what the results are most of the time in my case but will continue to attempt like the populous idiots we know they are, even when they know I am an Arch Prince and they are commoners. The result is that I am fast adopting a position of giving some borrowed time to big Businesses that are involved with me, as it seems that only the small nifty ones can work without damaging my property and in the same way will I have to replace Celebrities with ordinary members of the Public - this is called a business breakthrough but I do not wish to Tar everybody with the same brush not because it is nice to but because they could not Tar me so even if they tried, like they love to. So they say I am still hard at the whole throwing people a bet over my success by using words that dare people over my property all the time but I do not see what the fuss is all about anyway – we all know they would rather show up on the street to protest about rising racism than buy my Books when they make use of it so avoid building up a statement for those who might want to do things that are contrary to what I have approved in the contents, such as racism. It’s the same case of really stupid men with ideas that means the reasons I have financial issues is because there are two groups of idiots and one of them have jobs on media while the other has jobs in political office and it is so difficult to locate why I get off being made to tolerate this for over 15 years but now they are starting to issue distant threats all together, it is becoming far more serious than they make it out to be, so I need to act as well. It’s do difficult to understand how you get off worrying about another person’s personal finances as a concept, when reality is more a case of the fact that no matter how nice you are to others, if being nice is a weakness that tears down the walls and leaves them vulnerable, you tend to respond along the line of the gravity of the things you need to do when you are asking somebody to lend you money, not think about their personal finances right up to a point where you are concerned with finding out if they have enough in the bank to put up a fight against you with – these fools will always continue with such nonsense until they reach a point where there is enough public sensibility around it to facilitate a process where they can sit in an Office and make a phone call to their friends and the results will be that I never get a job, which is the part that will never happen and means I have to push them back every time they get too daring or are getting used to doing it to such an extent they are starting to exhibit distant violence. They always say there is the question of what I want which needs to be answered of course but everybody else knows a little respect for what others do for a living instead of clinging to their incomes to make them deals with respect to insults that were thrown at them before they became published writers solves all the problems, especially preventing those stupid comments that clearly have nothing to do with their job descriptions. Otherwise we are more concerned instead with outcomes that will mean the whole business of moving into my right hand and when pushed out show up to separate me from society and make me into the person whose human rights are not respected, whereby the needs of the many outweighs that of the few and is a situation that will carry presumably they are not going to complain about me as well no matter how many of them there are, especially now that their culture and society is queer as well, leads to results where every paragraph of my writing involves some fact about an aspect of my work where they got involved and so because writing and selling it that way which will give people something to read in order to gain knowledge of what to move away from rather than a writing that gives people knowledge of how what to move away from behaves will cause them a lot of distress when sold and commercialised, they do not wish me to sell my Books but are happy for their community idiots to claim I am the character they deploy to fix social issues never the less. We also hear them claim I speak as though I am the victim in the matter when I never said so; the importance of writing my Books the way I do is that more money I make from it is the more money they lose from their activities, so if people do not wish to lose money as a result of the way my Books work, since it does not affect money they have actually worked for and earned, they will want to pay attention to their jobs but not these guys, these guys play with peoples personal finances while we are all aware the only people who have their personal finances messed up are criminals, when somebody does not want them to buy guns because it is a threat to the public or to break through a door because another person will be harmed etc; thus is the question of what sort of idiots think that it is okay to play around with peoples personal finances, save the scum that will never understand unless One is playing with their salaries too. This is usually where the big idea is that I will get into trouble with Politicians, which will never ever happen; what happens is that when society have bad children they are grappling with at home thus elect them into government Office to consult the Public and make laws, what they do is spend time on me instead, spend time on me as well as give power to society and leave us all wondering how they were making the bloody laws all together as though the Political Office actually has no job description – like it is at the moment where the fact the media is fool of stupid men that play their games squandering my property all day gets to mean the same are predisposed to playing up a provoking me to get a reaction because they are addicted to my reaction and need to modern decadent popularity idiots have their loose fix everyday mess up my finances in order to secure their addiction; so I am left now wondering if they believe the process of getting the gangs and crime people to do the gangs and crime where the Politicians and media who give them the incentive are is a stupid move – whereas we all know that they will not be pounding the bough and industry fools will not be employing local criminals in the neighbourhoods to bully everybody else as a result of it – the effrontery we see of these fools that has reached a stage where they creep into my concerns at the Monarchy to build their wealth and I am left with a public reputation that suggests I am working with them rather than the public service and civil services. In the end I am not in any way a victim, since we can all see that Books that force them to pay attention to their jobs that pays them enough money to create realities where MPs have enough disposable cash to fund a £200,000 mortgage in 4 years if they wanted to, also means that I get to tackle their popular culture canopies as well and now that the Politicians are saying this part of my Book is something they intend to damage, I am left wondering if that means they are now planning to steal some money from somewhere, otherwise it wouldn’t help very much when the process of making sure they are stuck with me until they are past it as well in order to understand what the effects of their chosen kinds of fun has on people, gives way to Books I have written on a red corner and their salaries on the blue – it is meant to be that way so they can play up their stupid games to get money off those goons that spend what they have fighting others, telling me it will lead to instability whereas it will only lead to those who took money out of the financial system and put it away in safe banks somewhere around the world becoming poorer as a whole. Its purpose is nothing but; lots of abuses and lots of insults and the end is somebody they can take advantage of whose public image they can abuse in order to get jobs, if they are past it as well because somebody decided to defend themselves, then they will want new Country but will never stop chasing the same behaviour and we all know they never needed all these stuff, all they needed was a routine and a learning process to get a job and I have had enough of them messing up my income by screwing my Books; so I do get told I let it happen, which was not a let it happen sort of thing; it was a matter of popular culture canopies built to help children developed narcist happiness on which sales are made and to attack me and extract an income from my work with, so it realty came to a head when each time I said something about it I got attacked because it meant I hated the privileges of industry people – I mean this is really bad stuff that follows them around on account it knows they have money in the bank but then again the old story was always one of the realities around people spending all their days at work and ending up with nothing at retirement while you have a clear understanding of the difficulties associated with making a lot of money and then losing it and having to start again, such that you would change as a person if you were to put yourself in those shoes at an age of 65 all because people were playing games that involve hating women and men who love them, along with other body type stuff that does not mean the victims are lovers of women all the time but do look the part in terms of their bodies. So, I had to take steps which ensured that Industry people that mattered knew where I stand and it has been a good run working on this whole thing that ensure company owners pass it on to those who think about doing things the moral way, so each time I get told I hate people’s privileges if popular culture canopy bothers me, which usually involves ripping my finances, there is always trouble to follow otherwise they will never understand. It’s like when their stupid television personalities say my Books do not make sense as though those comments are linked with their job description or they have bought and read the Books themselves anyway; what really happens is when they screw with Company brands and the Companies have drafted me in to help them with intellectual property administration, sometimes of which they do not draft me in anyway but my attention is secured by these fools chasing my bum and then for instance since I started broker with Coca-Cola, they have made at least 4 drink variations which formulae is locked up in vaults and these are part holdings of mine that need to be protected and as long as people play with the brand and image I will never sell my Books, then we find them complain that the Books are about the lives of those who want to make money from it as well, as stupidly as possible, knowing the fun tit for tart gimmicks are not being played out on their salaries – issuing stupid threats. I do get told that the way I run my concerns simply freezes people which I understand but there is never actually meant to exist such an effect anyway; it happens because they think every problem will go away while their Political and media lack of respect continues to mean spending time in my office means I am sore all over and threats are issued early in the morning of everyday to ensure that is what follows me around while I am at work – so I have to show people what I have done to write the Books and have to administrate any issue that arise and look after my patents especially when they claim I have done none of the things I brag about and then I walk down the streets and observe the brands and their big lit up bill boards for inspiration to find out if my patents will be disputed thereof after; hence all a matter of a sheer intensity of media goons squandering my property and issuing threats; if I do this they will do that and there is a tit for tart that does not affect their safely tucked away salaries which makes them extremely convenient behaviour; just like we hear them say it’s a problem I cannot handle when we all know the trouble comes when there are younger people in my Court, considering these are the things they have sex with in order to gain access to anything I deny them and does not happen when I have older women only, which shows what I should be doing: nobody is stopping them having any of the sex but I am unable to write my Books and it’s the idea that they are starting to gain access to things they have never had before which has encouraged them to set about building the anus and penis abuses into some form of sub culture and status quo and it will stop when I am out of this place as well – all they have ever needed is a routine and a learning process to keep a job and it’s like when they claim I am an illiterate but am legally qualified. They say I ruin the momentum of their day and everybody else’s and it is utter nonsense; the best result I could possibly hope for is one where they are losing money otherwise that community that is likely to produce criminals and victims of crime that are also criminals as well, will always set off stupid boys and girls to extract an income from this Estate to tell civil rights insults based stories of it later – I am aware it is difficult for them to start a day without involving me as it largely leads to outcomes in which they lose their minds but it would be nice if they purchased a Book and got those goons who join them in their stupidities to do so as well, so we might extricate the advantage of being able to observe what their ego and disrespect is capable of from such a distance. I mean there was always a risk that after the UK has worked so hard to build its interests, modernised its Military to look after it, the Europeans will measure the size of their Countries and duplicate one for themselves with Germany at the helm but the world will be richer for it either way, when they are made to deploy their own custom interests and update their military according to it too and so this is the challenge – I for my part have been clear about where I stand for some time now i.e. China in Germany out, when we find we are bringing in the Japanese as well, then they can mock and abuse and handle and chase bottoms. It’s nothing new; they always say they have reasons for the only reason is that they are past it as well when they love to do unseemly things to others that prevent even those with the best products from being successful and so as mad as I have been, taking steps to ensure they spend their time on me has been very rewarding – they now need those queer goons on the left every time they realise they are past it and that the Arch Prince is getting out of hand too but if I cannot have sanctity in this Office, I am at a loss as per what they suppose will improve about their situation too. so they say we have been going about grabbing everybody else’s interests which reality is more a matter of some abusive people they have for interests; such that in Nigeria where my Parents come from for instance, if you simple go off to tell people facts about something happening, maybe a disease or something like that, they will listen to you and when finished let you know you are doing your own stuff, so the way it is done is educating people and carrying a community with you i.e. about the diversity and inclusion stuff; usually one will want to do it in an academically proficient way but when these guys are as abusive as they are we find that DIY is the best way to approach. In the end people shouldn’t support racist groups if they would fancy guns and knives get taken away from criminals and people shouldn’t start racist groups considering it has a political future where success means others will get killed but it’s the Politicians that never allow the Police to do their jobs when other people fear injustice is being worked against them –  deciding other people’s fate the whole time and so time and again we see these cases emerge where people have handed Police work to big bad cousin with Church of racism, while the none whites have unfettered rights to do very violent and wicked things to those who do not wish to allow them tear down personal life disposition that are very important so as to make money, in order to extricate a world where people understand their feelings associated with being denied what they seek. I do not for my part see anything wrong in taking steps which ensure that Media manager if husband of Journalists that are not playing along with their insolent abuses, so I can work out a process of securing them a divorce without affecting the jobs and then later a process of taking over their jobs as well and when it gets difficult settle for a process of messing with their salaries for every time they screw up my Book sales because they find my reaction exhilarating. So, we see it feed into this case where they claim I attack people and then find out they were right at a later date which is utter nonsense as what really happens is that I get dragged out of University to sit about responding to their public and social and cultural stupidities and now it takes a while to clean up and return to academics I little tolerance to go from reacting like that for their pleasure to tolerating their popularity culture as well at the same time. I mean it’s the Politicians that usually wish to talk about the reasons for their activities and I suppose therefore that if they joined gangs who will beat up others to let them grab what they wanted while they plan and exit from the gangs that will set me up as human shield as they cling to my finances and wellbeing in the process, there is a reason for it. It’s never an issue, just reality that the first victim of any case whereby they have had a brush with the law is usually their sex lives but if it attacks and picks on me and clings to my earnings in order to develop a privilege of injustice that produces sensations of convenience which lets them recover the sex life, what we find soon after is that it will have sex with a younger person on my public image and display it on the internet. These are all when they are being nice, when they are not we find their evil that means they always have problem come into its own and they are afraid of tribally organised punishment but wish to see you suffer it every moment of their stupid lives and it usually leads to this outcome where they can make me smell because I do not let them peddle faith and personal life and public image, so when others plead with them to stop they can express their stupidities about what it feels like to be denied; so it plays up on the media where signals are produced to ensure one is tired all the time i.e. sending messages about the part I play in crime and punishment issues which means I am below them as I do not have the strength to decide if stealing money when I have none is worth the risk or is a risk I can take at all – the Politicians claim they have a reason for it and every fool who gets a 45 minutes of fame off it claim they can never go wrong and I want it to cease affecting my personal finances as well, especially alongside all the goons that are doing stuff all the time to keep the Police from becoming an Industrially proficient service as per they will sort it themselves whereby we all know it never gets sorted, doing my stuff. Then we hear I make a mess of everything whereas what really happens is that everybody can see according to my sites that I have a naked and patented right to carry out the craft and roles I have been assigned by interested parties but the insults that had persisted long before the Books got published show up to ensure I do not earn from my work, so that the hope might be kept alive of me losing a Royal Estate, which is where it is followed on with more insults about securing the interests of the Prince of Wales’s Sons which interests will be secured anyway but they will be screwed too as I am not their mate as well and then there will be some regard for those who have built an enterprise around me too. There is talk of how I put out too much information which I understand can be a concern for those who care about what I am doing as such but it’s not the amount of information I put out there which matters, its whether or not people have such a degree of respect and regard for me that what they see about me is a person around whom they can get involved with government Office issues and state provided security, so their private security industry goons can do some for them as well when they are famous with my public image mostly either way, so that popularity goons can show up all over my concerns with a statement and an idea or they are here to engage with what I am doing.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland