Of course it is really popular I do my temper all the time and I suppose it is also great coming from those who hate me. I couldn’t make it out myself-they hate me because I am a Christian, they hate me because I have something they don’t and the hate just keeps on hating. I am not bothered about it since it is obvious when it happens it does because people think they have oppressed such a person with their cultures to a point where they can see them like some kind of an item, thereby the person to whom they can channel all their wickedness. They can come round if they want to find out if I will not treat them like pieces of meat at well. Maybe what they want to do instead is go into Church and take it over and run it for me bearing in mind cultures oppress Christians who have because their finances have been ruined by their Politicians become unable to get around daily saving them from those wicked cultures and getting them closer to God-hence such ways of provoking them is really ideal. This was actually my turf; I am trying to make a living from that stuff and it would be helpful if they shut up and stop abusing me.

For those of them that come from the eastern side of the world together with their friends; they hate because of what I say and do without paying attention to the fact it has something to do with my faith which at some point then affects them and they think there is anything they can do about it. That side is history about which I have kicked them before this time it seems together with their television idiots who will have to watch their mouths and insolent talk shows what we will have to look into is the spiritual salvation of the peoples of the east which we are all currently paying heavily to do our bit for anyway as it stands. They always want to know what the Christian who stops short of telling them to pack up all those little idols they worship and throw them away thinks, so they can confiscate his earnings and with that get off to say such nonsense as things which happen that suggest we are enjoying good times but are actually going through the worst times of what I really should be doing with their black insolent idiots who like to do other peoples faith for them so they can have the power to insult people for good and for evil and try to get famous with the protection of countries that are bigger than the ones they come from trading prerogatives for it. what I think for my part which will not make the first time of expressing is that they can worship their idols which is basically a process of opening up those their stupid minds for the devil to do what he likes with as much as they like but when the problems come along they need to deal with those because if they open me up by controlling my finances, so when they talk rubbish like they do it might become something people want to listen to or assume some kind of credibility because if they do I will certainly kick them again.

They claim my pleasures and perversions have been given me and then if so everybody must be able to have whatever they want. I for my part believe I have made myself clear on the matter and everything I have said and done to do so has expressed the fact I am absolute determined to make freaks out of Politicians. I mean who has suffered like Ihave in this country to sit in government office and endure cash flow crisis because really stupid women have been given power to control my finances which took 4 years to achieve while following me around and rounding me up like I was some kind of animal? When they bring up these matters about my perversions and how they have been satisfied by women and how they must have what they want is brings up only one question, that of whether it is because their insults are paying off or something even more sinister?

They speak of Bishops in Parliament and why those need to go. This is always a really difficult matter to get involved with of course. The reasons Bishops need to go is the complexities of Political matters which will not do well with religion around and what they really mean is when they wreck peoples lives in order to make necessary a Political office that those vote them into, to solve the problem which then creates another one when those because really angry when it is not enough. Next they speak of my place in the world which creates a lot of wonder but for the questions it is a matter of whether it is them who have bishops in Parliament wondering what other politicians that don’t think or what other politicians around the world think about the fact they have priests in Parliament that is meant to have been the bigger problem. Bishops are men of God who tend to do badly when their religious concerns are mixed with Political matters, so it does not make any sense whatsoever when people claim they interfere with their parliamentary affairs; I suppose it must have something to do with complex socio religious arguments in which case it is the same old issue with Politicians that pick a fight with men of God in Government-they have never given a speech or had a debate in their lives which inspires anybody. All they ever do is find ways of antagonising those who have something they don’t in order to go down in history; I mean there are normal politicians and then there are good ones and then there are great Politicians, these ones do not come anywhere near normal. When they have gone down in history as advocates of equality then they realise they don’t want that anymore because they want to have something that other people do not and so you have to set them up as well and play the game of thank you God for that generous brother that goes around sharing in life with everybody but as for my own life thank you God, for people who do these things are vehemently opposed to the Monarchy as it were.

They speak of the issues that hurt me with respect to where people stand over the Monarchy. To be very clear I am actually one of those people who think it is the most stupid thing they get to say. Like a cliché; I am opposed to the Monarchy and your life is going down the toilet. No, it isn’t going anywhere. I mean is the executive not functioning as one and if it is not, is it up to them? All they have shown to express their chances of survival in a system where they got rid of the Monarchy and elected a president is being white trash.

If I am meant to give an advice on this matter then I am to say MPs are supposed to see Bishops as the people that detach them from having debates about things that people have already acquired, when they should be having debates about what people do not have-it seems to be something they cannot snap out of, something they cannot stop doing and then when they have caused me to over develop my talents then made a scandal of it make out my property is public property; so we can start sorting out the men from the boys in the Political arena.

Of course some say the things I say will lead to a condition where they harm me or something. It will not; the only reason you sit with somebody and have conversations with them about something you are trying to teach them which will last 3 hours and they know everything in 5 minutes and set off to play distant fascism at you in order to use energy to get it done, which then later becomes successful, is because they get away with doing it to those who do not dig that their stupid history so they might have to protect it which really makes sense or helps. When they feel they have these girls that are really cultural people and therefore lots of power they think they have done it and can get away with anything which is utter nonsense, you simply have to wait for them to move left and get into business and then of course they will get into trouble in a very short while and start trying to earn your income instead of work for their own and that again is a matter which is a factor of who they mess with. For now it seems there are people that continue to buy wares they put out which make no sense in order to attack me and those will always pay for it for as long as it continues bearing in mind it gets violent as well. When people get tax payer funds off politicians it does not in any way bother me because it is not my money in anyway whatsoever-however when it means that getting tax payer funds equals provoking me and escalating it, then we have got a problem. Same with when people get money from business men so they can continue to keep up the hope of earning my income instead of working for their own, it does not mean anything but when it means they can provoke me and escalate the situation we have got a problem. They are always doing meaningless hurtful corruptions that will harm others so people can do meaningless harmful destruction on them as well.

With respect to the matter of youth unemployment and Bank bonuses I cannot make out what their point is anyway. First of all with Youth unemployment what needs to be done contrary to reform of the welfare state is to mend the broken up employment market where idiots now have upper hands and any crisis is likely to affect them and their lucrative public sector jobs when the economy itself is dead. When I say changes to the welfare system what I am referring to is completely different from what the Government is proposing; what I am referring to is to continue down the route to killing off meaningless corruptions. With respect to Bank bonuses I have no idea what people feel they can do about Bankers that round up the monies of their clients into their pockets. The only way to stem the problem of which is to follow the route I laid out which is to kill of all wrong markets there are because they drain the economy and then it would not matter if somebody is rounding up another persons earnings for his own benefit because there would be employment in the jobs market and thus signs of recovery. I for my part only dedicated a part of my literary empire for the purpose of securing businesses who make the UK their place of operation, the result as I have found is that when they have Branches here the high taxes do not favour them so much but when they have their HQ even if it exists administratively they make more compared to other countries at the bottom line and this advantage is what I protect together with the Trust and This Company.

If they are talking about Politics, then what we are looking at is one of those things people claim is a huge big problem for me but is not in anyway whatsoever. The problem of migrants who are here in this country to destroy things rather than find work; they think we do not deserve what we get here and when we deserve it they will attack and bully us with flatteries until they find ways of murdering us with the support of their good friends the socialists Labour Party, however they seem to get beaten all the time. So far what the Labour Party has done for them is set out stories about how I am the person who creates this idea the UK can pay for the poverty of underdeveloped countries which they have followed up with international aid, this of which is not a problem for me because another government can come in and review it and what it is used for. However it is not clear what their fools from over seas are doing running organisations they subsidise with tax funds to deal in teaching us all how to get jobs. We know they are the ones that locate those whose pockets never dry up and therefore stand in queues to drain such persons, we know they are the girls that got raped over something in their under developed countries and have soon located men they can pick on here, we know they are men who got into serious trouble in underdeveloped countries but locate boys and young men their socialist friends have made available to them for the pleasures of their wives and children who need to bully people to feel good. So it is the uncle flash character that does nothing but spend time in the clubs and bars and then realise he needs money because he has secured the property of some boy to get it with and no body likes uncle flash playing around with their ban balance, business or academic work. There is nothing there that has put me away in a box and therefore something I cannot talk about. It does not mean it applies to me either, if people mess with my book sales I will blow them to bits, if people pass insults at me they will have to get involved with the fathers all over again and re-orientate themselves with a sense of respect for others: really works for me too when they are really close to drawing their pensions-like doing it all over again. My point is that none of us needs them to teach us how to get jobs when we want to get jobs and give them up for another if we like which is none of their business.

As I have mentioned on other occasions it is a huge matter of how they have societies run by very evil women who are aided by very evil children, where pedophiles run wild and so these evil boys always pass insults at everybody especially when they are trying to get rich, except when a pedophile abuses them so they can pass that around instead which is something I usually do not want to know about. In the end the fact of the matter is that whether or not re-orientating themselves with respect will lead to their kids running wild and out of control being that they are really violent and will be coming for me which is a problem that will blow up in their face of a certainty, they always think they manage everybody around here; they tell me what to use my books and my faith for especially with respect to saving communists, which then means grounds are opened up for them to go there to pass prerogatives around to get rich and then pass some more around in the US to get rich some more as well and control the leaders as well as people like me for their purposes. They tell me how to use my faith to do democracy or any fight there is to fight which they always seem to know about endlessly and tell the US when to work for the communists and Communists when to respect the US; last I checked of which they were best friends with President Obama who continued to help them with over enslaving me over my work, which is what all Politicians seem to do with my finances each time I am close to keeping them out of normal life and I am not doing that anymore because I have myself to look after as well. I have only mentioned what I have because they were talking about Politics-speaking of which we already understand ourselves perfectly that I am determined to make a freak show out of the males and can already see how it will turn out a case of one of those female underdogs that everybody wants to rally behind and then the Country will have itself another Iron lady for a Prime Minister.

The old game with China on the other hand is still as stupid as those kinds of games always are. The only way that the UK has gotten involved in Chinese affairs in the last decade has been diplomatic i.e. certain Chinese people who like UK, some that even have strong ties in the UK and so we realised we could not rely on security by talking beside the US and had to become sharper-hence took steps to ensure they were catching up with their governments movements, which also meant that all those who planned to get rich by squeezing consumers who are always workers of course had no means of doing so; thus we indirectly set ourselves into a process of playing a major role is propelling the economic rise of China. It is much the same Policy for Russia but in the case of Russia; some people just have really strong opinions that they regularly fail to see is very different from another persons rights especially so different in weight etc and so that means to breaching the gap between opinion and rights had to be killed off which we have also done successfully. The main headache is the Middle East where we have Countries like Syria for example; bearing in mind there is a saying in Politics that pressure is privilege, it seems this country has a leader that took over government from his father, so his father may have risen from the ranks of Unions or something but he rose from the ranks of the Presidential Dining table and therefore needs more privilege. So he has been killing people recently and refuses to resign.

HH I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland