On the contrary, Trading Equities and Securities released from royal property to raise funds and cash and earn a living is a real and a serious business; It is however really difficult telling that to insolent developing economy fools and their friends that wish to be able to get on International media to address me as much as they like all the time, foolish money mad Americans that are convinced of their need and ability to handle people’s property whenever they make an excuse for it that such persons are not physically present at a venue and then make a mockery out of it later because they feel it would not have mattered if he was. It is a business that works with close friends and allies for whom I buy time during difficult economic periods and broker my creative equities and securities with during good trading periods, from work done and properties held at a Half Monastery Government office. To sell my books I do not think they fall into that category anyway and are therefore not meant to be seen anywhere near the products unless they are fans that have purchased the books and therefore can be; they must always have a good reason to be seen around me you see because fame and fortune Industries and Popular culture has always been the prime game of very violent sociopaths and this process of finding women ineligible to settle down with is due to the fact they cannot exist unless all women besides the ones they work with to wreck people’s homes and finances using cultural power to harm others in order to create prerogatives of power that antagonise the law to offer Politicians and people in authority which they do offer violently as well, should have a long time ago expressed the fact that the idea I will ever get along with them despite being obvious I am a Christian prince is arguably one of the biggest delusions in the entire world and it applies more so especially for those of them that are black too – they can never be right around here not matter what, even when a person has been murdered - never. 

Fair to reiterate then that the fact that a Large Proportion of American Politicians and American Citizen but very large American media want to be recognised as keepers of my Royal Estate, Royal and public work and royal property and it has now reached a stage where they should be given Global and International recognition for such a responsibility.


Of course there are all kinds of insufferable and unimaginable suggestions of what my view of being rich really is and or what a rich person really looks like but only one of them is true and that is the one I give for my view and my actions. The reality and fact first to be considered of course is that it has nothing to do with whether or not somebody is rich or I have a wrong view of who is rich and who is not, rather the insults and those silly insult come through on media every blessed day for their part and they get more and more personal with a process of handling my profit margins and book sales and any other government public work and property to ensure they acquire my attention for it – thereafter the situation as it has been for the last decade so far takes shape and they travel all over America and South America to build on those insults and the result is that I cannot get around with anybody: lower, middle or upper class, due to them insults which happen every day as well while they suppose they are taking control of my life all together and taking it over in order to get rich and make plans for the future. I am only saying they do suggest that I will have to kill somebody to make it stop and that I will never be able to kill enough to actually stop it all the time but I am saying I will soon have deployed the office of state to stop it if it does not stop by itself. Where they flatter themselves of course is that of action I have taken, my own work and property spent to ensure whatever public image those abuses and destruction create for me does not affect the British Government, against all odds they have turned it into a vicious and manipulative media campaign that is to turn into an industry by itself as well but for me the questions remain the same i.e. is it enough for me to go through all that, is it enough that their insults and abuses should be a matter of their opinions only, are they content with that? Of course the response we get is that it is not enough and that they are not content. They always say the problem is that I handle their cultures but I have made it clear I don’t want to see that stupid culture around my affairs in anyway whatsoever and that if I do, I will have it reviewed and the reason for that is that from government official to business idiots to community croons and media and get rich freaks, they think the destruction and those abuses and vandalism they do here is funny and that is therefore the reason they do it, hence it is also the reason I do what I do to that culture as well. I mean I can do all sorts of things by reviewing peoples culture; it can be funny, it can be a preparation for a good night sleep, it can be all sorts of things depending and more so on what that silly media incites every second, everyday.

There are those stories everywhere that it is all so very easy to pick up and put together facts about other people’s lives and make it into a book but I never did say it was an ordinary books of course I said they were all Equities from an Office; I do enjoy exasperating them as well just by existing when those kinds of stories and reasoning come from those who have either made themselves contributory factors or have in themselves taken part in the wrecking of my academic work by playing the Royal Property against it for self advancement (this latter fact is actually a confession). Handling This Company and a Royal Commission from which it came while studying for my BSc while I had only student loans to maintain myself with being something they play with for pleasure has created only one effect; vandalism like they have never been able to achieve before and on the other hands a new reasons for rich children to get a Private education and none of those two problems are mine in anyway. 

In the end the reality is never a huge problem I have to contend with but the simple fact that whenever a thing is a means of making money there is no way that you will exclude people from handling or doing what they want with it and the twin of this fact is also that when your work ends up at the hands of racists it is gone for good and so the media reminds me of that all the time as insolently as possible and I also feel like doing things with their lives that have never before been done. No ideas do I have of where this 'Royalty without fans' story they tell came from, however which I do know the financially damaging insults of black people keeps it going for them never the less. The Business ones however must have gambled with the Royal Family and lost and I am aware of that. The Africans and my Parents however had devised insults that will create cash strapped Royalty and then implemented them, since then of which the effects have changed their lives so much that the current item on their menu of insults is the application of a process where the fact they do not recognise me as one is implemented to a point where I cease to be and it tends to surprise me therefore when people are stunned sort of that I am a bit intolerant of the odd Chinese investments that should make it all better. Naturally, structural security system at the Company and the Royal Estate which makes for an Office that operates a Half Monastery and Half Chief of Government staff system is supported by a means of making sure that peoples society and culture is what is being used to create wealth inequality and social injustice and social repression and everything they hate and then they can abuse people to do business because of course the ultimate aim of it is the power to make the world devoid of pure souls onto God. Naturally of which the suggestion is that The books are context akin to swear words but of course I have never told anybody it is how I talk or speak; the books themselves are about swear words - so that those who inflict others with the reality that they are aware of the existence of such things and then pretend in their insolence that a Royal Prince will never notice now have something to criticise.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland