There is talk of some secret to happiness I have got of course which does not actually exist; what does is people making out they are more important than I am and then setting out to build me a history they think I should have had and this therefore means they become obsessed with damaging my finances while I become obsessed with letting the history hang somewhere, such that whenever I feel idle and wish to put pressure on them I get to explore it; what happens mostly is that I have business with my Court and that is usually a women that have to deal with feminist idiots and gender discrimination all by themselves, so they start to chase me around and I have to make an arrangement; this means that they spend their time with feminist insults and let me do whatever I like with sexuality which hurts the lesbians, while I take care of the gender discrimination thing, nothing like having a secret to happiness and we do see these idiots who build up such a perception at it all the time, it’s as though nothing will make their stupid lives worth living save being in a position where we were their slaves getting pushed about – so it slam it on his chest and on his tummy and on his head absurdities with them all day long, so that they believe when Police shoot it, that they will do anything about me too. I mean everybody can see I do not support homosexuality but these sorts of actions make people homosexual, so it should have been logical all along i.e. it wants to make use of my leadership but know better how I should let it – which translates as a process where the idiots are absolutely oppressed by the senselessness around them but at the same time since I am not affected by it they want to make use of me in a condition whereby they are superior and therefore know better, so I do talk and act in ways that make them even more queer just as I do not support homosexuality. In the end most of these things are a matter of what you were not there to tell people, since it’s largely a case of what people do not know which you do know; so if I see a homosexual contrary to popular notion it does not provoke or offend me in anyway but if I had to speak with them about homosexuality I would tell them otherwise, and if I were there some 15 years ago before they turned into people that will eventually grow up to be homosexuals perhaps I would have told them differently of the facts they know – these other group of idiots that I do not help but will grab my work and make a mess of it to help themselves and then turn the damage they do into a boys and their toys occasion on Public media are just crooked and the more I try to make them straight I am aware is the more crooked they will get. It’s the same as the pop stars ripping up my finances to teach me lessons about being disrespectful towards your mother and now, they are stuck respecting mother become convinced that whatever I do to handle difficulties will be at their disposal as a form of privilege because they are famous and this does not actually operate in every situation too as it were – so they are dealing with respect for mother stuff and have no way out – I win again. They do claim they tell me what to think and that my claims are an ego trip, but we all know they are complaining because they interfere with anything I have with other celebrities and love to grab my work and public image as a tool for making connections, only to complain later that I seek respect where I am not giving any. So I am aware of the worry I have become some Prince of suffering which I have not; the only thing making what I do look like suffering is the fact there is an alternative persona put forward and not the real me – the real me does not like sex, it is the reason these goons are obsessed with the idea if I am stretched between Community and democracy, between East and West they will get to do it; I mean there is a probability people will take your Royal Estate if they had half the opportunity and you have somebody in your most intimate space and what you are doing with them is having sex and since she is not your wife and you are not married, it shows what you know about sex – so I do not like it and do not like talking about it: when we do give them the opportunity to explain what their problem seems to be with a Court system that helps its members manager lesbian insults and gender discrimination, we see these facts feed through endlessly that the scum are convinced the answer to their problems is the day we became their slaves with that big mouth they have got and the blacks are the ones that have no respect for the fact being an ethnic minority puts you in a position where you are always flustered or are made to be , so I tend to break that stupid heart every time I see it as well.

So, do I know whether anti-depressants make people violent or not since I have taken them? I do not know but I know that it is like sleeping pills and when you take those kinds of drugs you are required to obey what your body is telling you to do and being disobedient to it will cause you problems, so those who enjoy taking their own out on others may become violent, it does not mean the drugs make them violent. I for my part took anti-depressants because my evil birth mom told some doctors I needed some, all it did however was suppress my thoughts of sex which had positive effects on me but is something I can do by myself and do not need drugs for. The story of respecting mom and pop stars being not one of serious important matters but one of the fact these idiots live their existence out in such stupid ways that when the rest of us think of money we think employment while when they think of money they think the best sort of enemy, so it’s never really something they do because they have been offended, when you are targeted it is because you are the lucrative enemy and the enmity with you has been invented because it’s just business like anybody here is playing with them. So a lot of work goes into building the Royal public image as such and I need to see them keep their mouth shut over my Books otherwise it will cease to be the simple case of idiots who pillage people’s lives to make a lot of success of insults money and are being controlled by their parents on one hand and people who have made money through fame but do not want to be controlled by their parents taking my side, becoming something about whether or not I would find enmity with pop star idiots lucrative as well and whether or not it would have been another lifestyle choice wouldn’t create me a problem since we can always learn from what they have already done i.e. I cannot even breathe or have a private or sleeping space in my own home because I am being made enemy of showbiz scum; complete with features like black idiots and lesbians making soul music out of my suffering or wanting to do so. It is usually okay and stable right through to whether people are homosexual with the Police having their jobs and investigating who is handing Police work to somebody else from a racist group and who has trouble keeping their hands to themselves, until they get involved without being asked.

Eventually we hear I deny my mental illness all the time, which of course is utter nonsense – the reality is that I have no mental illness if I am perfectly aware I have gone out of the bits of idiots concerning attacking me to inform me of the kind of day they have had so as to improve their stupid lives and finances, to dealing with the ones that are always pinching stuff and blabbing about how it’s all put there to damage their lives. The other part of the story being one of how I provoke people all the time, which I suppose just happens by existing and does not bother me at all – their main problems is that they threaten me and because I know what to do about them it tends to become a very distracting thing that causes me to think about it and drop out of University, which means the reasons they threatened me at all, concerning the need to get my business working for them and making them money by means of a credit economy will then ensure that it continues to get far worse than just dropping out of University. So what happens is that the drive to make my business work for them means they come from nowhere to attack me and my bottom hurts over absolutely every move I make because they need to ensure I am working for them on account they need to dole out credit and make profit and like to show up to issue threats at me talking nonsense about their well off enmity nonsense that runs everywhere at their 3 to 5 bedroom flat villainy and those stupid cars that do not have panels in them that was built recently – then there is the bit where I may attend a theatre but cannot concentrate or enjoy it because the bloody idiots leave a trail of paedophilia everywhere and I am left thinking about secretes that people are trying to keep; so this is the root of the abuses that are a function of their bad history never mind rape, so that it means they want me to have a bad history as well and hence have a problem with a Court where we manage their ageism and gender discrimination and the lesbian insults of their female fools, talking nonsense about how their problem would be solved if we were their slaves and how they are a boil it down kind of persons while I am a spread it out kind of person who thinks I can take them on, so it might really look like somebody will gain from adding to me what they have and to them what I have with that big mouth they have which it seems always wins a fight against anything and we are talking about the insults of their stupid children that is soon followed with complains at International communities over their civil rights either; those attack government operatives and talk rubbish about a fist fight them start to worry about clever violence and seek privileges of injustice and something to rely on it is for them apparently because the Politicians soon become more obsessed with showing they are powerful than with anything else, which is not what is happening all over government buildings these days anymore since last a process where they are the ones complaining took over and we see it all the time whereby it is either they are deploying people’s lives to have sex with somebody else or they are deploying people’s lives to run their careers, soon after of which we find they have some sort of back up and I am always looking miserable so people think my Business empire does not believe in its products and the part of my business where somebody just takes it upon himself to tell people about my products which means that homosexuality is not necessarily a bad thing outside of Church unless it is carrying out a clearly set out wickedness has completely disappeared, with features such as me talking about the way homosexuality affects other people’s businesses replacing it – so my bottom hurts and their big mouth will definitely see they get a closure for their stupidities out of me as well We hear that talk that I risk a war all the time but we all know no such thing will happen when they obviously threaten me because they can do and undo with me all together and yes I do get told that I suggest I can handle these guys but I can; they are idiots who never leave culture and society where it should be, idiots who do not seem to pay attention to the fact that the rest of us are very well aware of its existence and do not need more information on it – if I stop the scum making money from claiming I rob them of deals they should be getting from their wives and make arrangements to shoot it every time it dares to carry a Gun, it will amass weapons for any wars that gets on my nerves in secret and clear my space that way and nothing like their stupid threats will be the result of anything I do about it for my part as well. The bottom line is that they threaten me and it distracts me from my academic work, which happens largely because they handle my literary work and public image without payment as a means for making money and then I have to prevent it from happening which leads to the millionaires seeing that if they cannot take me on then they can rely on the fact their money will never run out, give some to the poorer ones who then show up to ensure I do not develop beyond a certain level, so they can deploy my work to make the money and pay it back, which leads to a process where I refuse to allow it happen and they on realising it is becoming an empire versus empire battle and not a money issue have started to seek help from Politicians that will allow them recover their money by making use of my services without payment and I am left wondering what all the fuss is about, how much they earn and how much the Books cost really; so there is nothing that they can actually do about me, need to stop issuing them stupid threats and need to stop pillaging my Book sales to make money in very abusive ways – I have mentioned the time to tolerate this will run out by the start of September 2017 and I will be cutting their own to pieces rather than go about discussing it from then on. I mean every time you move their millionaire stupidities on, the whole business of being attacked by popularity idiots because you are just a lucrative enemy while the rest of us seek employment to make money just gives way to people having the right to decide they do not fancy this music or that one but it is obviously not in their interest according to them to keep off handling my Books, putting pressure on me and threatening me when I am not budging - it does appear that stupid money did run out eventually. They do say my activities do not offer people an exit but we all know too that successful people do not become successful by spending their time on this nonsense for the best part of 12 years, to talk nonsense at those they have never been able to push around for years over which property and leadership they need with that big mouth: even saying this will mean they can now insolently get off to do the things they were supposed to do to keep being better human beings and having more money than I do but it’s all good for them to work on a business empire that gets to their heads and makes trouble for me whenever they have failed to work on it in that way provided they do not work on my own Empire as well. We are not talking about the media idiots pushing pressure on me and slamming it all over me either; these are just the kinds of idiots that will take this problem from one about getting the millionaires that will get hurt on my account to hand them some money so they can spend their own media careers doing that, to one where their bosses will find out how bad their day has been all the time, but all in their hands of course as it is rather easier to keep their dirty mouth shut.

I mean it is simple to move on from doing this if I could but the answer has to be given as per what level of abusive insults leave people so miserable the customers are not buying the products because they think the sellers do not believe in it or gets Royal Princes dropping out of University, to sit about responding to their daily stupidities because they find such a reaction to it amusing; this is not how the business empires are built but whether or not this is the main conversation now depends on how much time I have left to gather myself a workable pension so that the younger ones might not grow up thinking these fools do not know what they are doing, while all along I was always aware of the risk that if I opened up a Business it may expose the good people who have worked for their money and now live in a world where they do not cause the government to spend money on crime having their world taken over by idiots who do such things since they still have the energy to and have never worked for anything in their stupid lives.

They do claim I was the undeclared enemy, but we all know that it is only the enemy they have never really beaten down to a point where they can put up an investment on doing so like they claim they have when the Politicians ensure you cannot silence their lies by spending taxpayer funds on the Popularity culture to talk nonsense about being important later. It is like when they claim they are business interests when they think they want to get involved with people I have business by to abuse an ethnic minority and get rich etc and then it grows into all sorts of nonsense from then on – everybody else knows that they would find me a good person to work with if they used tools for the purposes intended and kept their hands to themselves. In the end its nothing but making money in ways that places the pressures and organ failure risks on somebody else, I challenge people to come up with this too as such, and we all know that knowing what they are and what they are doing, refusing to question themselves about it or make changes, simply deciding they want more money for some strange reason, the Police and Armed forces are facing the same risk too (???). They do speak of how I speak in ways indicative of criminal activity which I do of course and it is all over my websites because my Audience should be engaging with it as it were, it is the way people talk when they are trying to sell Books all together - in the end we hear talk of how Bond Movies have the same effect on people but I have a history where I watched my first bond movie when I was 8 (for your eyes only) carefully supervised by my Dad, watched my second bond movie (Octopussy) when I was 21 but we all know with the nonsense we hear these people talk about, they may not be spending time with their popular culture if they can spend their time watching the action bits of Bond Movies instead, none of the Music interest them or the characters those people who make the music portray for instance, which is one of the reasons people leave home to join terrorist groups and make others feel very angry about it, the same reason people kill enemies to protect innocents that they later kill because all they have worked for has dissipated along with victory.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland