It is not actually such a difficult situation as a whole, we are where we are because they will not stop making use of my Books without paying for it and it is usually followed by stupid threats, especially to do with consequences that will follow if I described them as stupid. It is an intellectual property administration business and some of the threats could come from some of the most unlikely sources imaginable, such as well to do honourable job journalists or Minister of Parliament or street Politicians who has no interest in crime all together. So the question becomes that of why these people are a threat which is the same old case as there has always been i.e. their children’s whole lives and ego and ethos and personality is built around the fact they are Politicians and journalists and Popular culture celebrities on my Public image but the part that really causes the problem because it keeps my backdoor open is the rhetoric that my Court is free for all and I sleep with peoples wives. Hence when I say something about journalists snapping up what I say and do and using it to look after their arse, it sounds like I am in a very deep hole but I am not; its normal risk taking processes I have already undergone – we can see the threats my friends and allies face which involve a process where people lose 5 to 6 figure salaries and above because others ganged up at the Office to chase bottoms, making me feel every day that I am really stupid if I doubt anything about the importance of this Company all together; so we do see the Politicians show up To gloat and talk about expecting me to fry when they have plans to get rich pillaging this Empire botched if someone else gets elected like Mr Trump did over Mrs Clinton in the US, while the reality is that I never will. I just love to make fun out of it because it helps to counter the process of handling my products without payment endlessly and abusively giving way to narcissistic happiness popular culture canopies making annoying profit that involves taking money from people, which just makes others poorer if rich and even poorer if poor and makes me very angry that they cannot do without my Books especially for the lying Politicians. It’s like when we hear that somebody has recently popularised the term sexual harassment while we have always known Women to condone sexual harassment because they think it is something Men do when Men are afraid and even so was still called sexual harassment the whole time - for me of which it’s a matter of the damage the idiots do but the problem starts when their impunity follows me around to continue the abuses and tell me I can restore things to normalcy if they are rich first of all and then we find them sell it on to anybody who wants to take part and use it to make high profile friends with a big mouth.

Now they speak of respect while populations have become accustomed to being interested in my life rather than the Books I write and they are planning to make products and sell things on doing that as well, talking about respect when they are at the helm of getting people spreading around confusion concerning what I do with the idea they need to find out what I am like and deploy it on media to become famous, talking about respect when I have to clean up so much of their mess here considering it is starting to take up my own time all together. We are talking about the Celebrities yet; usually the case is wonderment as per what makes somebody hunt down your livelihood, destroy it and build something similar to make themselves feel as though they always get what they want, in opulent neighbourhoods but then it starts to get serious when you do nothing about childish stupidities associated with selling things and making money and looking good and enjoying life and being vain which is never an issue when those who perform it claim it works for them, the community croons and society goons chasing peoples bottoms never mind the violent goons and the sexual context abuses that is support to sort the celebrities from the rest tackling me until I drop out of University all together, but then they soon become obsessed with some madness that concerns their stupidities being so successful they will discipline me – they cannot talk to me about respect while I have to clean up so much of the mess that they make for me around here. It’s much the same as tax evasion and tax avoidance – where the accounts of a business may be located in the UK but the operations somewhere in South America but when the tax bill comes in, it comes in concerning the company’s entire income, so there are loopholes people can seek out to avoid paying the parts they do not need to but when it comes to their premises and their employees and their income and anything associated with their operations, they have to pay their fair share, none of which has ever been confusing save the fact that each time there is talk on the matter Politicians have been involved in these processes of cheating the tax system and stealing funds from the government, so it is usually dead in the water when it is such a simple matter altogether i.e. the best way to understand the mindset of those who avoid and evade taxes is to understand the mindset of those who have an addiction to spending their child celebrity kid’s trust fund on Holidays and the enjoyment of life, they will never understand as long as there is considerable certainty that if they want to steal some tax money they will be able to do so. It feeds into that media hype that I am disrespectful of people and notorious for it at the local communities while what really happens is that when I carry on my concerns as a moral person I am said to be the kid that gets about giving respect that children of today do not give anymore, so I end up reassessing my personality every time I sit down with somebody to discuss a job or a contract, then there is my party piece where being seen anywhere near a religious organisation generally means that I need to end up as one of the kids who have no money because Dads rule; it gets to that stage where it again takes up my time like everything else they get up to and then I have to make them show up in public places to play up man and his environment gimmicks like we see them express how much they love it all the time. They love this story they tell of me being an enemy of the US just waiting for an opportunity but we all know it’s pretty much the same as what we see them to here in the UK – a handful of nonentities trying really hard to make their problems relevant and if I say they do not matter it becomes an issue, so I have to go into details besides making it clear it has happened several times, where they break mine and I break their own and it gets serious, that what happens is Mr Trump gets played, then he says something and they take it as reason to handle my Books and websites before he realises that was what they were after – so it seems that Mr Trump had assigned them to look into my finances and other aspects they are not responsible for will suffer when they fail to co-operate and these are apparently very important people, who cannot make more money than their really important money which they are currently showing off, without me and it was rather always as easy and less distressing as the goons just getting a copy of the Books and keeping their insults where that money which gets to their heads is actually located, keeping an eye on my Estate income margins and telling lies to cling to it from there i.e. usually they break mine and I break their own and it gets serious. It’s the same case where I assessed problems created by the economic crisis and built a book sale business which was safe from it; now I cannot make a living from doing so never mind the fact that time and again I end up feeling like I will not live till 60 because Politicians exist in government buildings, they have insults that affect my finances, tell lies all the time and will control me for market breakthroughs to get rich with the help of Politicians and they were warned about it right from the beginning of the recession, warned about the business empires that gets to their heads – this is not their property and this conversation is rather redundant; they are not important, they do not matter. It does not actually matter; it’s just money – paper signed by Bank of England leadership as Legal tender, you have to do something to earn it, work for a value that means somebody pays you by giving you some to go to the shops and look after yourself; all these scum do is bully people and take money from them which makes both rich and poor less richer than they were, does nothing for anybody, works for nothing, nobody has a bit more to spend if they are buying more, no value added; as I said they are not important, they do not matter and it usually plays out when they break mine and I break their own and their insanity gets serious. The economic crisis peak of tool hold in 2007, I wrote my Book in 2009 – since then the government has been unable to come up with sustainable policy for the future and I have to put up with this sort of nonsense every day and have not sold a Book since; sort of when I say they are not important there will be trouble with a big mouth, while nothing else shows how stupid they are. So they say I am secretly a threat to Politicians which is just a matter of not being able to avoid the question forever; the question of what to do when a financial complication will not come to an end because others expect to show up in public places and pass insults at you which help to stifle your finances – how the government can stop paying out the benefits, if they have set you out as the person people exasperate into reacting so they might have something to whisper to Industry goons and rich people in order to rob shoulders, make connections and get by – so it leads back to the main conversation concerning the fact they are always building unhealthy crowds around my concerns i.e. they are not important. They speak of inequality and poverty that causes the problem but we all know what does is that they always have problems but no way of getting solutions off those who have it by the correct respectful means that have to do with the right kinds of decorum, now we know they can hurt my Bum and that will be the answer for all their problems but an end to keeping their fingers next to my anus will be the start of an end to seeing them complain about problems too all together; usually ends if they break mine and I break their own but keeping their fingers off my bum will be a good start to ending their problems, I couldn’t care less. I mean there is no reason a Priest will get out of addressing a Church of 100 persons to get involved with the fact that a Celebrity is addressing 200 persons in Glastonbury, except that if these idiots asked anybody for anything they do not have, it would make them inferior and we all know they want to throw a punch when there is a bad smell all the time with that big mouth – it has got nothing to do with the poverty and deprivation and inequality and elitism their big mouths are blabbing about; they are just evil and the fact their cowardice goes being just being a bad person is the reason I will never get involved with anything violent which makes it such a great story. They always say this is not the last word on being a threat to Politicians story but it is; if they cannot keep their fingers off my Bum, their society will be queer and then if they fuck with me I will sell it on as well – it is the last word; they need to clear my space and get themselves a Book to read.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland