The Big part of the problem has not changed in decades; It’s the old story of progressing with the issue of stopping others from sharing my Royal Estate and job as well so I can keep the fans and customers to earn a living, its far beyond the fact they are violent and develops into such realities in the case of silly Royalty in Europe as name calling and abuses behind my back because they know that is what they are, always better expressed by the financial vandalism of their fashion idiots that never stops until they have to deal with what their own Achilles heel is and we all know what it means too and same with Politicians, they are the ones that deploy public funds to wreck my finances because it is important for them and their silly celebrities to stand up in public gaining from my work and making a public statement of it in a way that makes me worse off i.e. when there is that dialogue with evil about what they do it for the outcome is always that I am vulnerable and so it all gets simulated for so long and makes me a target for long enough for people to start to believe that money and fame is linked with afflicting me because the evils want to do so and are trying their hands on it constantly; so adjustments and readjustments and moving them on and out will not do, I need to ensure people do not use it as well and do so absolutely too especially for Africans, white society idiots more so those of them that want to take part in my personal life and want to get it by privileges of injustice as well and black people.

The above warning about the perversion of purchase is important around this premise; I am an Arch Prince and have written these Titles to Teach and to nurture others, I do not have a normal existence in the sense that what I like and what I do not like remains constant, it changes every single turn but having said so, it is precisely for this reason that it is possible to note the problem associated with having what you hate and what you do not stay constant, therefore since One cannot get around spreading the Gospel which would have borne messages of Salvation in a direct way due to the fact that the aspect of my life and world about which it applies has been dedicated to State service precisely because the general population needs such support so that Administrators might make laws properly, the Books I write are rather confusing for those who are unaware or have not taken note of this, hence creating a sense there is no particular service of teaching people and showing people want to do by conveying information, therein contained in.

 Those claims I am some Royal rebel has no basis on reality or fact; I am not a rebel, there is no means by which what I say and do can mean everything one moment and mean nothing the next if I were - the problem is that these goons especially the blacks have a real problem with my financial well being and I have to chose alternative ways of dealing with them outside of the law which in their view means they are winning on account they have media and I have not got the time but in actual fact I already know they do these things to complain of what people do to them by the way of which they brought on themselves typical example being a process of branding me a talisman for wealth and glory when they know they are the real thing and doing such insults to a person as famous to the extent I am would raise publicity for the matter and get more people involved. A recession should not mean a deplete of opportunities for Sales men, it should mean an increase of it - I find it impossible to tolerate and deeply resent seeing them in diplomatic Offices let alone when they get on pulpits to talk rubbish at me as well.

So we are dealing with socialists parties telling us all sorts of nonsense from the point where they don’t want to make a good fuck for businesses as well on one hand and on the other anti-Europe arrangements; no idea how they will win, how they will make people feel exchanging a condition of being a Citizen in the UK and in France and in Germany and in Poland and in the Netherlands for being a Citizen of the UK only is an outcome that will make them better off but above all is the problem facing the conservatives to whom most of these kinds of advantages do not apply because they already have a jet set lifestyle being that they are unable to be as powerful as Margaret Thatcher was, so that it is never clear how they suppose they will detach us from the EU then create a problem others cannot solve too at the same time and it feeds into the great old story about the fact that Politicians like us to feel they are lions and we are the carcass but in actual fact they are cockroaches chewing up our livelihoods for their own purposes and I cannot seem to get them off my book sales. It’s much the same as the Celebrities; who want to get you from a Royal position into a condition where you are complaining about others using your talents to get rich and need to destroy as much of your finances to make you think about such things as they possibly can with the help of the Politicians but in order for them to be celebrities deploying your public life in the first place they must give their fortune tellers and community croons access to your personal life or indeed make it up in public for them to mess around with – so how they will become celebrities when you expect them to make fame that will clean up these things I have not got a clue but they like to turn up and look people in the eye and tell people they are famous – I like to say the person who told them they were must be the biggest lairs in the whole world, whatever they are doing is all terribly controversial and that is all there is to it, no such thing as fame attached. 

It’s never been a matter of going off to see what One can do with Politicians; always a simple case of the fact they get boys and girls together and go on team building exercises to maintain business empires that are big enough to push people into a need to destroy them but seem to have a problem with the idea my Court systems and live journal of female journalists is real, they even deny my products are and the only difference between them and me and that they draft somebody in to shift some couple of millions of their products for a fee each year but because they are so insulting and have an immeasurable greed that feeds them a desire to look for trouble all the time, they say I am giving people trouble over what is not yet mine and is up as anybody's possession because I have not yet achieved it and when I go all factual like these for instance they make out it was all amusing and my chest will be on that brink of explosion every single time; leaving only the choice of getting out there to find which companies they either own or own shares in so as to turn out in public places to make statements claiming to own the products all the time in order to make them busy enough to mind their own business: it appears the fear of financial insecurity and being the world’s most abused Statesman has now given way to their fear of uncertainty over who reads my Books and now it seems they need to be educated, to speak of social issues in an academic way and not on the basis of violent and Politically supported transferred hysteria and prognosis of who can have me beaten up or not and to do their jobs properly more than ever. 

It is said that compared to celebrities I am nothing and a failure contained in which there is not a single shred of truth as it were; I mean all property equities have been secured right across Europe and the US where people are much more desperate for it for example and it includes Industrial property, law enforcement property and Entertainment Property right down to Video games and kids entertainment property – where I am at present is the bit where I feel as though I need to put the hate that has been created here as a result of their intense desire to cause me pain all the time as a result of handling these properties and having a need to go with a process where they have, which if I did put into workable action may perhaps lead to a condition where I can go to toilet peacefully for a change. These are relics of racism you see and I don’t think they are worth anything for my part either – it’s like racism does not exist anymore but they are the things that have been left behind, the things racism makes profitable when it kills off young men that have been set up for refusing to hand over market property and so on, there is nothing successful about their stupidities, not in my view.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland