It is a work in progress, I do aim to at some point gather up enough facts and pictures and videos which I can hand to the law commission for a recommendation, as well as all the dangerous situations I have created for them as well and I suppose that by then it will be seen as self-defence too, so we might need to end up with a completely new and different society as a result of such an action but as I said it is a work in progress. For now the only serious issue is that they love to make claims such as that which suggests I get involved with them when they are not appreciative of the company of my person - which is rather farfetched but I have a problem in the sense that each time they have parties and drink expensive stuff on my property while I am to wait to and never get my books sold to finish the job, which condition they get on media take turns to use for temporarily human rights abuse developed power, until I can sell none, showing that it is something done in order to catch up with my own kind, in the understanding that they are discriminating against me and need to ensure I need their help so they can enjoy it. Regarding what I might do about it; it seems that every Politician who sees a silly cultural girl get involved with him or her knows why they do and that it is because they have selected me as target for abuse but refuse to do anything until they have me over a barrel but will play with and along with their plans anyway and I too therefore do not care what their problem is either, all I know is that these girls lie a lot and I am fed up with the vandalism and destruction here wreaked by them and their men. What people need to do seems to be another question and it is quite simple; there are products I have broken up and brokered equities with businesses to create and I need to cash into my property and desperately so, they can buy those bearing in mind the fundamentalism they serve but keep their vandalism parties and dirty sex and strange relationships with money which is then better expressed at my expense and on media out of my work and property and away from the products whenever they do, otherwise I will eventually get to do the party and the dirty sex as well and there is nothing else to it - to show them how to buy products for consumption and not the abuse of those who created and brokered equities for their making; it seems obviously that people like to roll with the bad company especially the media that ravages peoples personal lives and tend to feel much recently that I should be paying for it, therefore lie all the time – feeling compelled to lie about me frequently as well, to turn up and get connected with their dirty Popular culture. I simply feel that when I say people should not do a thing with my property they should not do it, I have the right to own anything in this world and do anything I wish with my own life, not have them get off their power fanaticism foolishness to tell me what I ought or not to do, to brag about injustice, they always suffer because the idea that things always at all times belong to others and unless sold or legally given cannot belong to them no matter who or what they are.


Now they say what my job means is that I will catch them all and stop them all - anything that is any kind of a problem. I have no idea what would possess anybody to get on public Television to make such statements about another person’s job but I do know at this point that the next time they turn up on Television to have such ideas, I will resort to the physical option of dealing with their cultural elitism and the result will be that I will make the Television a very terrifying place for them to appear on at any point in time.  As for the other claim that what I have said and done is an impossible promise to fulfil, I have only set out facts about why people should not do their champagne parties on my equities and securities or have their dirty sex on them, as they can only buy products and that would have been the end of what connection they have with them, I have only set out what I am famous for and a site and books thereof with respect to the business that I make a living with and nothing else. I am not saying it is a problem either, the businesses I broke equities with understand my campaign and what my work is all about but for them this promises I make thing will lead to something else obviously. So with respect to how they are doing me a favour by not becoming racists, I don’t know where they get the idea from either; the people responsible for that is black people, they are the ones doing cultural elitism in the UK as well and while they are at it, they never do complain but like their white friends, when somebody dies as a result of racism it will be others that they suppose are responsible for doing something about racism. So, I say black people create problems when they do cultural elitism and is it then my opinion that only white people should be doing it so we can have only one problem at a time? Clearly a person must be seen outside by 12pm to 1pm for example every single day and each time he is outside at that period creating himself lots of probabilities, he must never stop making out the reason is that he wants to gobble up my life, that he wants me to deploy my strength and my intelligence towards fighting for him so that he can have anything he wants, after which he then turns up to do that every day with dangerous situations he creates for himself and ensures involves me, taking the risks and then turn out to extract an income from your work because he has not been thinking about his money needs, then make sure that he is getting from me thereafter politicians and provocative media moguls cannot keep their hands to themselves, he gets absolutely anything I own which he desires with that behaviour, more so based on the fact that he can beat up anybody he wishes and Politicians can ensure I am open to it no matter what I do to shut down that link and the desire is so intense that they get to do it like some form of fascism. Of course people die so that the rest of us can live in peace and I will never allow nor become party to changing the way the will of God works in society, so that they can claim there is no God as well, especially so when these activities are entirely built up around attacking religious people; they will die and those their parents who feel Children should be raised how they have raised them will cry and God will be honoured. I ought to think in such ways, I have considerable influence in Church, and nobody ever gets to hear me turn up in their Political party meetings to shoot off an opinion, so it is never exactly clear why they always think they can shoot one off at me and while I am at work. So, do I encourage racists to kill people? Of course, I do as it were – I try to ensure my church stuff reaches everybody; racist, nonracist, green, blue, what have you and the message is produced as it has always been – respect another man’s religion when you are tougher than they are, and you can make anybody hand over anything they own which you happen to want. The biggest beneficiaries of this cultural elitism distractions or whatever is Politicians to whom it applies because I had concluded that their actions needed reckoning especially on the addiction to pricing my doors open for fun, claiming a Political position and an ability to change arguments at will means there is nothing I can do about it. Then when it is too big for them will not go away because they would rather set out claims that I provoke them, doing things along the lines of prognosis which says they can have it if they want looking for trophy power. All I said to them to effect of the fact you cannot keep telling people about economic recovery when the products are unsafe, is that I do not like it when people do their champagne parties on the equities and securities of products, I have been party to creating and that it also stifles my book sales too and make it impossible for me to complete or earn from the Job. What they did was ensure the security of those products are available to everybody at local communities to provoke me and that they are in place and position to prevent me from extracting a living from my property whenever and at any time they wish, and it is for this reason that the next yap off from any of them on Public Television about me or my work will earn them the physical response too. The retrospective on this is that of those silly things women do in public, conversations which carry insolent pragmatism by which they will determine who they marry as a factor of their career as well and I am not getting involved with what women do to express what shows they own and have worked for all they own, contrary to popular claims here, I am speaking of my business only. It always seems proposed that it is of major concern to me when as far as I am concerned it is something a handful of troublemakers do because they take advantage of other people’s property and in my case will keep me single in perpetuity according to them, for such purposes but which they do because it is never enough. So, it is not that I am not aware they do it all the time i.e. I will kick you and hit you and wrap you up like a ball and bury you and if asked why they would ever want to do such a thing follow it up better with accusations of a condition where I offend them by owning what they want. So I believe no sex or dirty sex and no Champagne parties on Equities and Securities I broke with Enterprises and or on their products is good enough for anybody to understand, so they can put in perspective what I will likely get up to when there is no more state apparatus or countries I happen not to live in, to come between me and them over these insults and abuses that afford them false confidence on Media, what I will do when controlling or claiming to control my finances gets completely out of hand. I could never make out which one winds me up the most, especially with their men whom I have no interest in scaring and will not stay away from me yet seeing we are not mates; the fact it crosses their minds at all or the temerity, the audacity-the guts. These things happen because they tend to have ideas about whom they have chosen at random in society to meet its problems for classical history and anything else that they may suppose stands between them and the process of having a good life that is and when I say 'meet its problems', what they want is a person who gets into a fight with the evils of society, is frozen in time as he does while they keep the scenario and tap into it for cultural security and history but if they want to twig their lives a bit, then they make it worse by creating the issues all over again and of course the reason they complain is that others do it to them first but on this occasion the reason it involves me is because they will not do it for a Prince that has a black skin or in the case of people that have black skin a kid that refuses to serve his parents because he does not wish to depend on them for anything, which actually does not matter except that they want to make their point with my books and finances which is something they will do. I cannot keep living like that and need to get my books sold, even though I have no regrets for forcing integration and social institution out of their socialist selves and intend to see how it goes from there too - just like using my job and property for every dirty work in the world and showing it off on media (not to mention getting off to have conversations on such a basis claiming it is dominance to have such conversations all the time, which continually provokingly suggests questions of which is the bigger gang and which is the smaller gang while their irresponsible fools have opinions left, right and centre all over the place)..

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland