"I got my Royal commission in a circumstance of what could be described as premature, contrary therefore to popular notions all that needs to be done had already been done to ensure that I do not and never get stuck somewhere being trapped where I am building up some history for fools and criminals to get rich with. Everything that has happened since therefore has pertained to the process of keeping it which is personally attributed to me and not whether or not I have a Royal history some of which I am entitled never to have to remember and all I have done since has pertained to making sure all I do operates and works at a professional disposition to avoid my methods being branded unfit by my boss the Queen of England. On claims of locating me as a person that politicians and their people intend to work together to ensure the economic crisis hits hardest because I am always willing and helpful while they are evil and therefore get provoked because I am, the fact involved is that they failed to get what they want from me and now they know what to expect whenever there is a recession too. It is however I should mention, a rhetoric they like to throw around alongside incredibly wicked women, looking for somebody that will abuse others for them pretending to be superior, which they never acknowledge as provocative and deserving of retribution; what they suppose is that a person can easily become so subverted by it that instead of the idea that there are many women in the world and he can go out with all of them but will only need to marry one, people will rather instead get used to them and their insults about which nobody knows how they plan to enforce it. As such we see signs of women that are in love with material things and their media fools who are either married to or know how to make use of them to their advantage and have no respect for other people’s property and or place of work everywhere and danger is never enough to deter bearing in mind these material things they are in love with are actually hard materials and substances. These are things the British Economy must rise above and not deal with due to the UK place and role in the wider world, this therefore gets them into trouble all the time, especially the Politicians for ripping to pieces my equities and book sales for personal gratification around such things, while making friends with and intimidating me with them." "It is an issue that is brought up at all times by a collection of people that choose what their country should be before they live in it, what it should give them before they serve it and therefore suppose everybody will bend down and get along when they decide what deal it should dole out for others while they are in service. This of course is not the biggest problem with them, that would rather be the fact that choosing what their country is before they live in it varies according to what they want and where they are and or want to be and what they see with their eyes and desire with their stupid minds. So, the real issue is still the fact that if like they claim, the Monarchy gets to use and dump everybody, when I become successful and they are not, my success will not be recognised by them and in the same way none of their Political activities are recognised by me, which also implies that I do not wish to reward the excuses that their failures provide them with at the Political arena. As such I do not have a mind that considers whatever school of thought they happen to have come from should be given any ounce of attention whatsoever; so maybe now they know and will want to change the rhetoric and around my company zip it, I personally would not care if they did. In light to instabilities of society around the world, they want to open the discussion on representative government and how they claim it applies the abolishing of the Monarchy but do not wish to talk about what difference it would make to their level of success if that were to happen or indeed what qualifies a government as a tyranny whether or not it is representative. So, it is always the everlasting fight now that they have got all the power over things that are none of their business, whereby in the end I can use some swear words to characterise conversations with them, like the demagogue that it is, which does enough good to qualify that process where they never know when they are being provocative. All I can say therefore is that people should never mention representative government when they are not prepared to talk about it; what they need to do is vote the way they normally vote like fools and let be my company. The major issue besides comes always in the two forms of men that claim we British like to destroy things when we cannot have it so that others cannot have it either, whereas they are the ones thinking their stupidities have become so lucrative that it can be deployed for corruptions of involvement by which they ruin the finances of a statesman and expect him to have conversations on civil rights because they are doing it by a means of interference and delay which will lead to denial. The other are idiots whose mothers like to manage the lives of celebrities on my book sales and with my fame, talking about their racism and how they will have me beaten up while the stocky ones that support them think they are the only ones with cultures where thug exist and therefore the false media confidence by which somebody far younger than I am provokes me all the time, while the big ones tell me to touch him and lose my life and then they expect to live a normal life, get rich perhaps with the same behaviour if need be and make better of it with my earnings which is the only way to do so as well; of course it will never work that way and their insolent fat mothers do not control any town, they don't even control anything in the US, where they can threaten to make people bums and enforce it, since they came into a brush with me as it stands".

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland