The general idea is that with respect to action I have taken to ensure that anybody who handles my work may run to the edge of the Universe doing fame and fortune but it will wait for me there until I claim it, which means people have no more decadent lifestyle to aspire to but clearly will not let alone my finances so I can move out of their way either, is that I am making enemies, which rather tends to suggest they are not. I therefore intend to round them up as media and Politicians and businesses and students and will therefore ensure that once I had been able to distract them like they do me, unto a point where they cannot concentrate anymore at government office, then I shall run an experimental test to find out if I will not be able to prevent them from doing academic work well enough to assume any of this importance in the first place. For those of them that make promises of violence, it seems that it is not yet clear to them that their regular popular culture charities have been allowed by me to grow bigger than is necessary and hence they are doing it like a job these days and not publicity campaign for the most part. It is never really true therefore that I subvert my own State Provided security which is why I find everything I do so difficult, the truth is that I wish to limit the role that state provided security may play on certain matters concerning work I do for financial purposes but the matter is as clear as ever that there continue to exist individuals in the region that handle me and the Country I serve like it was a club and therefore like to demand thing and so intense it is like their media games which enable processes of seeking to do what I do as well on the basis of advantages of media power that enables them to rip my book sales to pieces for the purpose of a part of society they claim to be opposite to the ones I belong to and this is a matter of Nation and their acquired thirst of demanding and wanting things around here all the time will most certainly get them hurt and nobody cares about their hatred of a certain Christian faith or indeed their greed: the Africans and the Americans and their British friends.

So, they say I am always in trouble with the Politicians and must save myself all the time, which is utter nonsense; what really happens is that it always works as a story about a hazy reason for a bad relationship I have with Politicians which sets me out as a troublemaker and needs to be cleared up. What the Politicians do however being a process of showing up around my concerns to play up that routine where being seen anywhere near Church generally means that somebody else wants to experiment with my job and career and livelihood and goes on for long enough to allow criminals and popular culture fools to show up and grab it with an inability to stop talking rubbish on media and bellowing those stupid threats on public places but have done it in such a way that where these fools have had tax payer funds spent on them to get the better of me is such that they are able to bottom out my finances and prevent me from holding a job or running a business that actually makes profit; then we see them end up running a government that does not wish to speak with the trade Unions and interest groups because it would rather speak with bankers and City centre trouble makers as if that is actually the field of government and they can always operate outside of their job description without consequences. As for messing with those who hold reins of power story; that would be the bit where it shows up to wreck my finances and tell me it never actually existed, only to go off and deploy government Office to help media idiots ensure it can then sit somewhere to pick up a stupid phone and ring its friends whenever I am trying to find employment, since it is certain I might never punish anybody for being so stupid and destructive lest I offend them all together as it were – so if they do want co-operation from me it will be the one where we get closer to the stage whereby the media and popularity goons will be doing them as well and what they are doing to me will be getting done to the media and popularity goons, otherwise they can stop asking me as these behaviour are linked to their job description and or their families are affected by it all together as it were, therefore talking nonsense at me about rights especially when it wants to explain I had my fill of provoking people when what really happened was a case of wanting to beat wife but not able to unless it claims wife is sleeping with me and we can see decades on, whenever Politicians co-operate with its stupidities and the effect is showing up where I am doing job and career to work society power, the effect is still the same as claiming I am sleeping with wife in order to beat up – so what I did was to set up a state of affairs that meant I was sleeping with wife when we never actually met, so if anything is to happen the scum can show up to do it by themselves. They speak of a Problem I do not have a way out of but we are here simply because it wants to peddle personal life and public image and faith but because I will not let it happen it wishes to ensure everything I do is watched and regulated and clipped the way I have stopped it as well, hanging around street corners blabbing about sad days for democracy when we all know it is not a stranger to deploying its own life to get things done with that big mouth. They speak of which trouble I will likely get into but it’s an old case where I like to say I never fancied financially well off psychopaths for my part either, it’s the Politicians that fancy it – so that when an idiot has a need to show up and play out his stupidities that he explains away on my sweet temperaments and aura and public image which was developed from the faith of a religion he hates it might appear that is what he is actually doing and not a process where people were powerless to buy Books I have written on account of his stupidities and the fact I have no reacted to it violently; so he might see that if I have a conversation with him of which there should really be no reason to, he does not get to tell me about the level of his power and the consequences I will expect without getting a fair sense of what reality actually is. It’s like when they say I am losing property in Europe whereas I built the canopy Empire to work with companies who brokered equities with me; I needed to buy them time to transition into a world where we got our energy from the sewers and all waste could be recycled if the effort was applied and the environment was clean but since it’s been all hell broken lose with all sorts of profitable stupidities that start out as bullying then have finances attached to become somebody’s job – old story where we see it finish with the left and move right and end up thinking it’s the economic recovery issues getting trendy while it is predatory behaviour – usually they get some stupid girls to finger my bum and then beat it up so it can get around claiming I am one of those men who gain from instances of domestic abuse all the time, failing to see that progress from it to a state where their federated stupidities are a threat to women in my world will lead to consequences I will be responsible for as well, if it would rather talk nonsense about the middle east because it thinks it would survive longer than I would in a world where adultery is punishable by death. We are here and Obama has signed the Climate Treaty in France but given them money to get around the world blabbing about sad days for democracy while he stifled my Book sales at the Oval Office, Children who have Royal Office and why they should be Kings in Vegas and cannot stop showing some stupidities that aim to achieve it all over my Estate Business on National Media – since then more endangered species have been killed than they have been at any other time because these fools have become so convinced they can destroy the natural environment to tackle the rest of us or go into areas of conservation to kill whatever they liked any time they wished. It is the beginning here of a case where one endangered tree fell will lead to a process where they do not see any Terrorists blowing up buildings but will have to deal with somebody making business in one of their sky scrapers so bad that it will become empty in revenge for it too, so they might stop breaking my heart; for the time being, it’s the main sermons such as a case where they need to keep their fingers off my Bum and keep themselves away from my Books. Europe is that not difficult an issue; it will go off to the City Centre to get beaten by people who work there, then return to learn Marshal Arts that helps it keep wife and kids in control claiming I sleep with them whenever he wants to and pushing its stupidities out at Government buildings over my Public image to find itself some form of troublemakers’ mobility wherever he can find any.

It is all stupid person’s mobility stuff, I am not saying it is not dangerous, it is; if allowed to get out of hand it will invent a Military coup etc but at the end of the day, they are encouraged to do most of what we see them do because of the abuses Politicians levy at me and then make a Public scandal out of as well – so am I allowed some reprieve after? Of course not, I am not required to sort it out and would fancy the Politicians kept off my Book sales as well otherwise I will increasingly get to a stage where I am able to pluck up enough courage to tackle them for handling my Books without making payment and encouraging others to do so as well, killing my business and trying to decide what I should do with my existence using State benefits – it does seem that it is only likely to be the sort of situation where we measure the range of those incredibly abusive insults too but that said, these goons always speak about the power issues of course which is an old story, save when the bad smells are happening it does not seem like it’s a good time to start using their own lives to fix their problems if they can issue threats and continue leaning on me with the effects of the ways they have lived out their stupid existence instead, talking about the days they will want to live out some foolish threats they have devised as well: it’s an old story where it starts in such ways and when I handle its own as well it will pick on the Politicians who obviously let it to better its propensity to win elections that will let it get into government office and change constitution to run off a tyranny with, blabbing about power while it is otherwise fighting for its life in the neighbourhoods as we speak. It’s the only thing they live for; inventing some stupidities to do with things others have which they don’t and then explaining their stupidities on somebody else’s aura and public image and faith and religion and anything else they do with what they learned at school, just as my case is obviously about legal studies but when it reaches that stage where the Politicians claim they have contributed to society because spin doctor government invented by Politicians like Tony Blair who are now getting all over the world blabbing about beating me down when it never had me allows them to have such things, it really does need to lead to results that shock people into their senses like community croons chasing Politicians around to speak of money swirling around and none ending up in their families which justifies the fact their children were advised to become organised criminals.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland