I am now said to exist in this condition whereby I have problems that will last for eternity. The truth of it is that I am not – what people are referring to is a completely unnecessary processes by which I am abused and attacked by society goons, which result is that I am sore all over on account there is no budging to let them take whatever they want from my world because they have need and always tend to get what they want as far as they were concerned, the sore all over the body which I am unable to link up with processes of writing Books or spending time with academic pursuits when I am spending time on any that is, likewise am I unable to link it up with the small businesses that allows them to try and look over the shoulders of everybody that is not their mate in the locality and therefore really gets to their heads but am able to link with the reasons their relatives who pick up some Celebrity careers spend time sexually abusing or sexually assaulting people to express how much control they think that they have over the rest of us – hence goes without saying that on one hand this is not where I am heading and tends to ensure I cannot step outside of my door without everything about me being deployed for their convenience and making me smell like my Loo thereof on account they never stop making an announcement that I am suffering Tummy Ulcer and Haemorrhoids to build communities of goons that have ideas of what to do to me by, on the other, if I got hold of that culture and society, I suppose the possibility is that when I had said they would see it for the last time, I was likely bluffing, hence looking forward to a time when this place will be quiet enough for people to simply read Books. They have always thrown around the excuse that I immerse myself in it which is not the case; what happens is that I put these things up on a website and on some social media to ensure each time they got involved it was there to churn their tummy and ensure that unless they got involved to buy and read my Books, I did not have to deal with them for long – this was meant to ensure I was a writer with a Bookshop that was completely separate from my academic pursuits, about which if they see me at the academic environments and set about following me around over these money issues again, I really am going to give them the trouble they so desperately seek.

The children enjoy threatening me all the time but we all know that every one of us likes this fantasy situation where little is real, we talk, our sense of tolerance is high and we do not make too much of what people do when they see us get abused and insulted without any response on our part, I think they ought to like it the way I do as well as I have had enough of them; the otherwise situation bearing in mind they are always attacking me on grounds that they believe I am one of those persons that cannot do anything about their social corruption, that my mind works the way that of many people works in the sense that I am unaware they have no plans to work for money, have always thought money has to be earned only when parents are worried they are still living at home and depending on what have you, when they get into the real world expect others to do the working while they got famous and if you gave them a living wage it would not be enough as fame that allows them own millions of currency and live in a mansion only would do, that my mind is unable to fathom human beings behave like this and more so when they come originally from Countries with Tourism intensive economies – the one they are complaining about being the women who had enough of the problems their need to tackle me created and travelled off to Nigeria where my parents come from to befriend some Nigerians and bring them to the UK to express some intolerance for goons that want to live off other people’s wallets and hang around the high streets passing off their own version of blame culture to run and help run businesses, leaving them to claim we are intolerant of black people that were here first and therefore looking for conflict with their big mouth while they have only been picking on the nice one, so got to see the bad ones as well. They do need to stop threatening me, especially when I am not talking to them – people wanted to know if they have placed their future with me while I have problems that will go on forever and I have explained what has been happening and why I dig deep into their culture and society gimmicks.

The Politicians always say it’s nice only when I got into a fight, but I have no idea if they believe wrecking the finances and academic work tends to make people more likely to do what they want anyway. The Media on the other hand like to claim they manipulate and handle me as they wish, all of which creates this idea that I hate people when what happens is that no consequence for these behaviour is ever good enough as long as the Public thinks you have done nothing to them due to what people see on media and we know they omit all of it when they tell the Politicians we tackle their civil rights and alternative lifestyles; when it started out it was a case of wanting to see me become somebody who criticises Politicians who then select which one of my criticisms will enhance the political career better each time I did, it progressed to wanting me to live at the mercy of their generosity while trying to get people to attend Church, since then I dropped out of University and it has become a case of spending money to put up publicity where people were earning the income that I should be earning until I lost the career to somebody else irrespective of how long and how much distress that will cause for a long time and if the big ones died I would be told they were father to many, the smaller ones would have been fighting battles I was too much of a coward to deal with. Eventually of which they say the big case was that I smelled but we all know that spending years of peoples time making a mess of their lives – at University of which it was a case where Escorts and prostitutes and sugar babies who needed to get cash to pay their way, got it from abusing me at the precise point where I thought that I needed to pay my own fees and study what I wanted to and not what parents had decided and paid for, while they had their sex and made money they could never have account for if asked to; it has now progressed to one of seeking privileges for well to do villains at my expense and finding them jobs somewhere at the Royal Palaces, so that there was always that probability I will head somewhere important and there will be a practical joke associated with making an announcement of my tummy issues – the result by the way of which is that they now have to secure some very strong relations with the culture and society goons, while I am about to sack that Celebrity culture for my part as well; I mean I could put before a person a clear picture of what they have been doing to me over a certain period of time and playing around with these nonsense at my expense will continue to suggest I am talking gibberish. They always say I could never do a thing about the Celebrities while we know the risk of not suing Celebrities regularly is that you will get sued once they had gone somewhere to patent bits of your life to their name, so it’s very well blabbing especially for those who have not yet had their own figured out but the main problem is still the way that the men interfere and use, making sure things are uncontrollable i.e. if I kept an inventory of what I am doing, the corruption of this fools giving way to popular culture, Politics and stock market gimmicks that makes me think I will not live to the age of 60, will set about building Publicity that suggests my life is now in the hands of media and Celebrity and I could never recover it, so the Celebrities find out what I am doing and start keeping records of the bits of my life they had patented to their names as well and it started off as abusively and insultingly as it normally does before they claim I deny them a future when they only spend their time following up the fact they never let the girls study, by claiming this condition where foolish industry men spend money on the women that take advantage of allowed parts of my public work to make popular culture and support others are people I have deployed Royal Office to make rich and that they deserved to do the same things – it starts off as insultingly as the old case of claiming the personality that is cultivated at a Hermitage was the outcome of me sleeping with peoples wives, giving way to some business I have with some women having created an environment of love and affection that should be carrying their problems and the problems of the world, so that they might feel free, happy and ready to get rich some more and then while it has wrecked the academic work and finances and could never let a 24 hour go by without complaining of the consequences that have followed, it continues to issue the foolish threats at me appearing to seek more of what they are complaining about.

The point is that I do not have problems that will last forever, they are here, it is unnecessary, it’s all over my websites, so we know I have no reason to tolerate them much near my Book sales; leaving me an Authors life worth living and the time to pursue other important matters.

I am then told I simply cannot stop myself getting involved with people that are out of my league while I am the one suffering Tummy Ulcer which is caused my Anxiety and not the pathogens people like to think causes it all together, simply cannot stop coming up with insults and abuses that help pile it on and then cling to that like some power they have and it also then gives way to their local liberal idiots handling my Books and thinking it means they are right and I am wrong and hell that dawn on any who gets involved with me especially when American with a big mouth and a disobedience that cannot keep its stupid hands off peoples bums because it thinks when the bad things are about to happen, should it claim it was a joke, the problems could be averted, as stupidly as possible. It’s nothing unusual when we look in terms of my position as the only UK Arch Prince on the Planet and what it is worth, which gets their male home wreckers and feeders all over my case telling lies all day long; the part where the Politicians spent tax payers funds to sort out their finances and then some more of it to wreck mine appears to have been the point at which they were in need of money and self-confidence about which I should be bullied and has now given way to the idea handling my Books and earning margins which breaches my patents and constitutes a criminal activity is a secret I will share with them and whatever evil drives them as well, while unless they got rich I will not be free from their bullying and media lies, which effect is becoming increasingly a psychopathic response around here. It’s still the old case of the claim I think nobody else are successful in anything while in reality they never work for a thing in their lives; if the fact that their wellbeing was not affected by the criminal activity that affects us all was not good enough, we also can see they have an evil imagination even when their income comes from a customer services procedure because they select something else to work on which pertains to popularity every single time that they are given a paid job to do and I have paid the price for underestimating how seriously they took themselves and their stupidities at University, which I promise will never ever happen again as it were. This case of people achieving to the highest possible level and showing up down below to share the secrets with them so they might do it as well and get rich, is not just something I see as prove that they have never put in up to 40% effort on whatever they wish to achieve, since it was rather obvious that civil rights movements will get it done for them at other people’s expense, hence I am being hunted like an animal with their inability to keep off my Book sales earning margins threatening to become explosive – it is also something that appears to have been an achievement that some of the most evil persons that ever took up Public Office such as a Nazis, failed to invent and I am the one that has already ended up with reputation for being complicit with racism, suggesting that they are projecting themselves unto me and spending time being me in Public places for financial benefits. The idea I risk being seriously harmed being the basis on which I should be afraid of them naturally, never mind the fact what I am meant to do when I am fasting as a Christian is get angry and fight on account they have community croons, Celebrities and those stupid culture and society to fools around with all together; it is not a reliable way of deciding whether or not I am afraid of them either. I do get asked why my mind works the way it does but it was never the mind that made the Arch Prince’s Person, as successful people are to them talented tortured souls and not minds that match the success; in my case they really love to make a mess of the real me i.e. the fact that I never take credit for my achievements because it’s not the Christian thing to boast, HM leadership makes it difficult for people to make an exhibition of themselves, I have never had experience of sex and I have been told that I have a selective memory enough times to take it on board; so the one that stands out the most because they claim my personality is a product of sleeping with peoples wives and I have dropped out of University because their stupid women show up to chase my bum and leave it out when they complain at local, National and International level looking like they graduated from the Universities in the study of bullying with a big mouth, is the fact I have never experienced sex; hence that part where it is said I have beaten back the Germans, who a lot of the times make out having a job or livelihood means expanding the account Books to think about market other people have built and come up with a plan to trap people in an agreement where nobody is richer than the other when they want to cover their tracks, which when it gives rise to gangs and crime as it does seem they woke up on their 18th or 21th birthday to wonder how money is made, tends to foster the gangs and crime because they can never stop their obsession with cultural evil to set about doing people favours by as insultingly as possible and can never stop trying to oppress people while showing up in Public to call people out for a fight until the victims fell ill, talking nonsense about which can do it all the time, while the only part of my work they are obsessed with is how their community croons beating me down all the time due to the fact I clash with me meant total loss of power affects my health and makes their stupidities superior.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland