First the fact that I imagine or have always imagined what I can do and then do it and push powers at Her Majesty the Queen until she gave me what I wanted, which I must deal with because of the Popular damages it does to my Intellectual property, book sales and Equities and Securities I have brokered with others and it terribly far from the truth. The facts about my origins began when I got Popular beseeching from Royal Quarters and was made to understand the Commander in Chief of the British Armed Forces requires my service. My response to this since at the time I was dealing with American vandalism on my Intellectual Property helped by the British and twisted Africans seeking people whose mentors and father figures they can become as violently as possible, at this point of which Terrorism began to appear on the scene and I was also played by Americans into being the one that steals things that Moslems fight for, after these Moslems had defended themselves which meant that I ended up doing so but not doing so and then losing my property to Americans and their British and evil Africans friends with every statement or argument that was made upon it. These vandalisms caused me to act to such an extent as they told me I needed to give up the power I have over them for the security and stability of the west which I did not bearing in mind they were already thinking themselves to have found a good place to be for doing things to hurt me to have all kind of power especially the spiritual kind and that is how this remained till today. At the point I was informed Her Majesty requires my service I simply thought it was another set of troublemakers looking for an excuse to vandalise my work at a time when I needed to settle down get a job and secure some of my most important human rights to sit back and do my work properly. It turned out I was wrong, so this supposition simply created me more insecurities when the confirmations came through. The result were black people looking for Political intrigue they do not usually have because they are stupid and so used the fact I have the same skin colour as them to completely savage my finances, looking for rich people to manipulate and get involved with, Racists got all over the place because of this and the fact Politicians were encouraging them to as well, while the Politicians simply get prepared to grab absolutely everything I own down to my right to get a day job which they thought was funny and added to their sense of Corruption and power; Hence no job prospects, having had my finances completely destroyed, being on the throes of having my faith cleansed off me no matter how impossible that was there was no other word to describe it but the Anti-Christ ideology and deal with it in that form accordingly.

Hence, I made myself space and having found out The Queen did require my services, I had to find out what the specific services were which in the circumstances took 3 years of my hard work to be certain in definition. Then I had to find out what she wanted and how she wanted it to be done while I was getting insults that she really did want my personal and private property which was not true as well but all I knew was that it was not true, which again took 3 years hard work and cost me my academic work at the University to these trouble brewers and now that it was done I had to work out what it meant to work for The Queen as a member of her Household in a full time and flexible capacity, it took me another 2 years to build and establish a brand on facts and figures which I needed to go by considering my Royal Estate, now that it is done I need to set out my tools and start work but on the matter of selling my books these fools are back again and this time they have gotten personal about and over things that do not belong to them and their prognosis always runs along the lines of either my Studies and academic work or my book sales or my Cash flow-always some kind of attack or another they have invented meaning for; not surprising of course as there is such a scramble for One's Surveillance based UK Government State Provided Security but what brings it to public light all the time is the extent of insults and abuses as such, especially that which is Financial and orchestrated by persons at the Monarchy and that which is orchestrated against quality of life by Media and Celebrities.

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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland