The point raised at Parliament is that the real issue on my part could be that I felt powerless but I actually do, as it is a matter of the public work meaning nothing to anybody because of Celebrities getting me into a fight with their enemies – the facts are for instance that there were health issues associated with immoral society gimmicks, of which involvement with me would worsen them but I am being compelled abusively to get past those health issues and do something to get into trouble with the law before the famous got to release my finances back to me – it is famous as such, not looking for trouble, like we have thus seen its stupidities build a mountain of problems for my career from thin air, to shoot off the big mouth at me on Media everyday. Above all I cannot get a days break from its need to suggest that I was in a difficult and vulnerable situation which I am not, as first none knows why they were not tackling the bad people instead of tackling me and none knows why they complain endlessly about some project they had in mind, that involved getting around the Kings business to decide which prerogatives would be handed to them for the purpose of practicing violence on me, whilst the other git that is running narcissistic careers for the male population at the security services made the solution as disrespectful of me as he can every single time.

It now wants the Politicians listening to its stupid feelings concerning what they have built here as a response on my part which applied to society gits and to Celebrities but there has been nothing for the lads yet hence I am sore all over and never smell good – the part where the buck stopped with me and there was no higher authority to say that somebody else would back me and ensure I was able to keep my job, when I decided that each time I showed people activities that were not acceptable, I had to back them up so that they pursued their careers and finances without engaging in it, to which effect one of the best way to, was to ensure these idiots did not have jobs and therefore could not get around bothering people, which is never going to mean that I will get away with a business of adopting a position that made me enemy of common persons welfare. We listen to its insults endlessly when it had enlisted its Politicians to show up at Government buildings and behave as if I am a piece of meat and they were rabid dogs but we know I have done nothing about abusive Politicians either, where for them it would have been a matter of atmospheres that have existed to facilitate money making as a consequence of society insults and on the other hand Celebrities raising awareness for my career so when they get paid for their own I did not get paid at all, whilst for the Politicians it was a two part story as well of eliminating anything which causes them to adopt a sense that abusive behaviour in my direction was okay, whilst I made incredibly real every time they did something to make me uncomfortable. The point is that I am not vulnerable at all and these idiots with their German influence friends that are not paid by any to supply opinions about my existence, only knew something about their careers to make comments about, like we can see that their pre-antisemitism nonsense always takes this form where the jobs and finances of leadership were a gimmick about where people could take turns – it needs to make comments about its career, its stupidities are clouding peoples engagement at the Trust and therefore stifling my finances – so far its stupidities meant I am sore all over because there is not yet a history of me versus the lads if you like but it seems that its need to work the immoral society using anything which meant I got into some clothes and stepped outside of my door to meet people is the biggest financial threat here and the main source of provocation while it shoots off its big mouth at me endlessly, no idea how they believed it worked, when they were nursing another assumption that if they went to market to hand over their money to industry gits who think that their money ruled the world, showed up here to run me down and make me the Royal that was being oppressed whilst they enjoyed the throes of their servitude, I will not inflict the wealth and social inequality and make something incredibly important from it too. The Politicians were currently out of their depth on the property issue, where they appeared to have taken the business of abusing my person and possession to such an extent that they were at risk of encouraging military coups and a process where people stocked weapons in the neighbourhoods to fight the authorities, it never stops until it really does.

I am told that bottling up these matters would not help me but I am not, the method of involvement with my concerns here makes me sick and some have even decided it was their civil right to get involved, as stupidly as possible – same as the idea that I have achieved all my aims disgracefully, whereas it had taken a decade to achieve public awareness for Books I had published on the premise of making a statement that the best way to resolve financial matters was to do so via the jobs market and especially not celebrity culture, because these idiots were men and girls. Ultimately the main cause of all my problems are the entertainment products that were created during a time that I allowed access to my wealth equity assets and it now needs to be eliminated, whilst if they had a role here to play, the same way they hijack hospitality that is reserved for public leadership figures or believed that my upbringing existed to serve their stupidities a sense of publicly displayed respect, progressing to public place insults and abuses with a big mouth, before I too got to treat them and their famous fools as if they were animals, they might want to help people make sense of the reasons that their stupid involvement with other peoples affairs are always to extremely disrespectful.

It is all very well celebrating the way its gimmicks have affected my career and finances – it is not as much of a crisis as they would believe that it is from my point of view, the reality is still something of the way that the bottom chasing issues associated with the bad reputation I had with the authorities with respect to my career, tax payments and so on, whilst their immoral society gimmicks continued to interfere with everything associated with a process of getting into some clothes to meet people everyday for important reasons, talking nonsense on Media, it was the bottom chasing issues that will get me into trouble, and so there was no doubt that the idiots who continued to supply them the background support for this nonsense being real men, will have to do something about me pretty soon or its media stupidities will restrict its comments to its career and stay away from my income margins. I have been told it is partly my fault and I understand what is meant but I did not see that it was the problem of those who raised the point anyway, save they were working for the security services; I mean I used to wonder how long I could keep up this business of supporting clients whenever they needed to secure business deals with people who did not like me much, whilst they were concerned about having my career information as word of mouth but now they have my written material as well and it was all in their heads too, like a bunch of big mouthed self harming bastards. I do get asked why it cannot get better but the attacks performed by the Media and its famous idiots is never a matter of provocation, so we know some people think I do not accord it the level of attention that it deserves – details are that the abuses are carried out to support wealthy people that may not like their victims much but sometimes there is no dislike of their victims by wealthy people for them to do it, they do it on a provisional basis just in case a wealthy person dislikes an already existing victim – I have issued the warning it needs to keep its mouth shut unless it was reviewing a Book that is paid hard earned money for in this place, just as much as I did not see it was the problem of those who decided to get tangled up with an intellectual property administration premise that was developed to involve society madness and celebrity vandalism as such. hence I am told I created this problem deliberately which I did not i.e. I did not misplace my USB device on public transport deliberately but considering these idiots spend all day at the boardrooms performing all sorts of incredibly stupid verbose abusive nonsense that matches their house proud twat that needed to sit about the window running people down and people pursued daily concerns aspect of their character, once finished, it may get a media job as well and then show up here building a crowd to run me down and put labels on, if it sees that my finances were in a bad way and picks up my patent margins and Bookshop market because the company its stupidities worked for needed profit in order for it to keep its job (I might as well have misplaced the USB Device deliberately, knowing access to it will amount to a need to perform treasure hunt gimmicks on my health but the other idiots need to recognise the importance of the way my time is spent and show up here to read if they wish to avoid complaining too). It is becoming more real and I think the idiots who continue to sell their muscle to this nonsense will have to do something about me soon enough whilst the famous gits are going to forfeit the fame and pay people to attack me for a living.

I am told that I am always in a way vulnerable to them, which I am not - it had simply hijacked the way I worked on a Bookshop to make it successful because it needed to get me paying attention to its stupidities for social status, it had also picked up my career publicity with the help of its famous idiots and so progressed from twats who handled and damaged my assets whenever they were employed by brokers and clients at the Trust, to idiots who shared those assets with other businesses to put images of themselves on the Highways and the supermarket glass doors and windows, It continues to behave as if my upbringing was its entitlement and its insults were mine, such that this behaviour was explained in terms of the way I had everything and they had nothing so their insults were targeted at me to such an extent that my finances were affected, it therefore considers itself a narcissist who was entitled to something in this place when I had not begun to handle it like an animal as well. In the end they claim I hated famous people and it was a prejudicial matter which it is not at all, it seems that when it gets involved with me, passing insults at me which affect my finances because my Clients were unable to operate whilst it was going on, to arrive at a stage where it had grafted its stupidities into what I am doing therefore it was possible to raise publicity campaigns where others grabbed my career, is the best aspect of its disgusting personality, measured against me as a Hermit whom if contaminated at all, there was no specific culture or society that people could point to which is said to have gotten the better of my character. If it was complaining as much as I am but felt it was consistently alongside its criminals, entitled to something in this place, where then does it stop? It is always so disrespectful, always one stupid gold digger crime gimmick at my expense, like when the cause of all this is damage to my Bookshop and the history involved the suggestion that unusual groups getting involved with my personal space was the look of other peoples civil rights, to travel overseas and bring in ethnic groups that made a lot of trouble it claimed I had talents to deal with until I dropped out of University in 2008, hence the financial complications and an inability to take a break from work, therefore becoming vulnerable to their practical jokes and the treasure hunting gimmicks on my health. If complaining as much as I am, it would make sense they stopped interfering with client interests, stop running off their insults and that nonsense where they think that building communities that see people without the clothes on makes them public figures in this place – so when it says that I ought to get my life in order, its stupidities would have been derived from such a community.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland