We hear this talk of the things I am learning so often and I must say it is an insult that is getting to a stage – there is nothing to learn from Lower Middle Class idiots who are losers that fancy themselves bullies all the time, except the fact the Muslim ones like to abuse people because they enjoy anal sex and it only gets better when like I have done an atmosphere of that stupid anal sex is built to ensure it is with them everywhere they go, so that the whites too can move into my right hand whenever they feel they have the guts for it. I mean meet somebody you have never seen by walking past them on the streets and they know which part of you they want to own, you can never tell how they know it but they know and have decided to take a stand on that area already. In the end, what I am doing now where they churn my tummy 24/7 and the men boast about how tough I think I am but can be beaten up by the wives and daughters is called tolerance, as for the bas smell, we will soon find out what they will do about that when they are finished too as it were. It’s just to be handled like a whole community most of the time, the Muslims, the Indians, the whites and the blacks who enjoy improving their lives by finding some stupidity that affects them which can be used to get involved with you like a hard and painful tool that expounds where the money is located all the time, like some sub culture that makes stupid peoples rich as though that was your portion in this world, then cannot stop blowing off their filthy mouths about respect. I see they say there is a reason it happens which is my fault but that is mostly to do with this fantasy they have of me serving them because I am selling my Books, whereas we see from day time television shows about their stupid socialites that cannot stop making references to me as per where they are or talking nonsense that puts them in a position where they are me in front of the camera for these fools, that even when the claim I chase them is a made up fantasy on Media it is still a massive problem I have to deal with on a global scale – so they know how much a problem serving nepotism practicing idiots who want me to spend my time on racism until they can no longer be controlled will likely create for my position. In the end they always want to have somewhere they can hurt people, so that such persons will know what pain shall come if they do not comply with demands that have been put to them on that stupid media and in my case it’s my finances and my tummy mostly: so what will likely happen to put their boasting to the test will be a case where I put a bit of work into making sure I have groomed myself out of it and then we shall find out what they are made of as well – otherwise what happens is that they will never stop trying, those they target have to keep resisting them until the whole process of doing so has no meaning and politicians should not create these weak points they can exploit if politicians do not wish to discipline their fucking mates with that big mouth, complaining and talking nonsense about their own pain endlessly as well. I am hard pressed seeing which lessons I have learnt from their stupidities when I say my religion works for me and they decide to mess up my life and get me stuck in a corner then go off to mess up their own and get their media fools to build it up on Public places while they show up to threaten me until I go in and live it with that big not yet caught criminal mouths they have got. The next time I have to clear up such insults, I will certainly clear it up by teaching them one they will never forget again to put it to rest: I mean so far they can do their superiority again and find out what Christian can do when their nepotism nonsense that wants to be able to threaten and bully religious people who will not complain and have power to do nothing when their money is taken from them again, let’s see what becomes of a process where I want to sell that stupid culture and society and at the end ensure they can never threaten me and show them what would happen if I armed the whole process – again (yap, yap, Christian thinks what happens to him ensures it does not happen to others, while he is just one of many victims with that big mouth again). It’s all a schooling in the lower class character content of somebody that is a criminal and also a victim of crime which I do not wish to learn absolutely everyday - we all know they are meant to keep trying and pushing and I am meant to resist them to a stage where trying and pushing has no meaning but that is no longer possible because when I sit down and put my bit together to build a good career a Political fool will show up to make use of it and then refuse to control the trouble makers in his Party that want to make use of it and overthrow him as well because he thinks it is preferable to blame me and make me do it and threaten me with violent discrimination instead; so we can clearly see that starting from the Blair Administration, these idiots are only controlled when there is a fight with the Politicians that serves as an answer for every problem. It’s an old story where they have only two lives developed for those stupid threats whereby it is either you are fucking your partner with somebody else's life and running your foolish Political career with your own or you are fucking your partner with your own life and running your stupid Political career with somebody else's property and the top ones do not control them a need to finger my bum and issue those stupid threats endlessly these days anymore, hence contrary to being worried about their senselessness preventing my Books getting sold, I am rather worried about what stage I will be forced to make up my mind about what to do, but I have to say I have never seen anything else as stupid in my whole life. It’s all a matter of lower-class insults mostly but the main problem is those who either think it’s the way I speak that causes it or think I should be acting in such ways as will prevent it with that big mouth. So they know what it takes and what they must do to look after their confidence and insure they do not weaken, they just think it is okay to fuck with mine and I never respond until they are complaining about something then it becomes a story of what they are complaining about and to whom, controlling availability to jobs – like people figure them out and keep them off their academics and finances the way they do me all the time and it’s even out there that especially with respect to China the Tories have caned my Empire basically after downloading my Literary archives from the University system where I placed it alongside me while I was studying in 2005 with that big mouth. The next time I am finding out they were superior on that stupid Media, I will be teaching them another one I can make a case out of what would have happened if I armed it by: I mean there is nothing wrong with a career that has been used by a top Politician, in fact it is an honour - the problem with these fools is that their subordinates want to do it as well and when they recognise the threat they set up a whole party trouble makers on me and rip up everything instead of bring their Political party in line; then we hear it’s amusing which could not express any better the fact we need these clowns out of Government Office, replaced by real Politicians; so that I might be free from idiots that are either always seen using people’s lives to do absolutely everything, either when fucking their partner or running a career from telling me their senselessness along with Media and the need to pick up something I said to flush my life down the loo on media and tell me to show my face in Public through which I will lose a Royal Estate to older fools that are more worthy even to have the contents on my dinner hence the need to chase my tummy think, has given them power over my finances and Public life; I mean never clear what exactly the scum think I need to do to prevent lower class insults or what it is exactly they can do about me when they are done clinging to me and ripping up everything around here the way we see them do every day; telling queer stories of their interest being in the welfare of younger people and careers and prospects etc because they can clearly see it is what everybody is talking about when what they are really interested in is filthy popular culture and their stupid children making money with my Public image. I mean I would want to be rid of it but I will have to replace what I do with it using something else i.e. mess up culture and society and the celebrities can touch their stupid wives, while they touch the celebrities too and then blame me for it whenever they wish and blab nonsense of the threat to their families, when nobody is asking them to touch celebrities: then I can lose a Royal Estate from there while the Celebrities confiscate my Public life and Public image with their big mouth. Do claim I play for the Private security Industry when I do these things of course, which is utter nonsense: it’s very clear here besides their stupid children reading insults off a dictionary at me because they believe it makes them clever and secures approval from their stupidities, nobody is asking celebrities to confiscate my Public life and Public image, nobody is asking people to touch celebrities either but personally I am wondering when the clowns we see today will vacate Public Office so we can have real Politicians in them: these goons need to corrupt state provided security somewhere else.

It’s not actually true I am always trying to help and aid staff, the truth is rather that the Middle and Lower Classes are good at rounding up people’s lives, cordoning it off and then shutting it down without reason. What we are looking at is a process where everything I do to run my life is taken up and given a different interpretation and meaning which facilitates a process where there is mockery that produces an outcome whereby there is one thing after another and another and another for me to do every day without time to catch my breath, which allows flash boys to get on media and do as they are told to secure fame and fortune that inevitably involves abusing me. It’s more like a frenzied state of people tackling the Royal Family and getting a statement from Clarence House for it, just like I on a regular basis remind them I am not the one complaining all together. There is that talk a case where I am in love with a Member of the Royal Family but do not look the part, which is where the whole case of lower classes and middle classes shutting down people’s lives without reason is most defined i.e. the Royal Family is neither my Family nor theirs and an involvement with it will mean doing as told. I hear I would accomplish much if I worked with the Media and so would they if they worked with me but I already am; I have a specific arrangement with every journalist or television personality or celebrity that is involved with my concerns – so the main case is that it is not clearly defined, while it actually is i.e. for instance I may have placed a Journalists as mature Court, which is more a case of women that are always exposed to abuse and attack and so playing a game of they come from everywhere and no-where with somebody who eventually gets off establishing a link with displaced people somewhere or reporting at the diplomatic Community is how it works and this is for a specific person only, everybody else have their own, the problem is that I am now trying to find where they are and ensure they know where I am so things can get done all together but the trouble makers are not making it easy especially with respect to the fact I do everything in the bed chamber for instance and there are Americans building me a fight every time they have an itch, making popular culture and celebrity from my activities knowing it is a half priest engagement and then complaining about it the whole time as well. So it’s not the case I do not have an arrangement with celebrities either; I do, just the one where I have put myself through the unthinkable to find the friends and allies that were collected for me when I first got my commission but if any get into Film Industry, we will find that the career will last five years and then they will end up in manic depression corner, for the same reasons I am having difficulty at the moment i.e. when they smoke and drink and perform all sorts, getting involved with me is their civil rights and then there is the bit where everything I do is spent already that they are well informed I do not fancy, which they have no wish to stop no matter how much they have to complain about me and bellow threats all the time. It’s like when they say I will do anything for peace while they have to grapple with what becomes of this gimmick whereby everything is absurd for their white communities; usually the point at which they say that the ladies had gone overseas to bring in trouble makers from South America and Africa on my account which is apt of course since while somebody else is fighting for their lives at Law enforcement they are unable to run a career in ways that mean they see a bit of something about crime and criminality and do any bit they can within the boundaries they have and find themselves contributing to law enforcement in that way, what we find them do instead is run jobs that others are looking after the business systems to provide them, in a way that is a fundamental threat to other people, seek privileges of injustice from then on and when the racism shows up after, wash their hands off the issues and start a blame culture all together, soon enough yap yapping at me asking questions I do not have the answer for, before they become kid and women and daddy characters threatening me to make me feel their backup needs to fuck their arse before I get harmed; so nobody knows why they do it and why they assume others will not be offended by the abusive ways they handle the black people that are not a threat to them, the abusive ways they handle me after making use of what I can do which they apparently cannot do for themselves and the abusive way in which they express feelings concerning the idea I am not deserving of any public respect or regard whatsoever, all together of which their case and needs do not bother me in anyway – we are here because they are narcissistic enough to damage my finances in order to become more important and it plays out on the fact I am not interested in their problems, only to see them keep off my Books and clear my space, especially the media ones.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland