I do get told that the main problem is that I am a coward and it’s never an emotive issue - everybody knows that if I got off this notion that if push came to shove I will expect women to defend me, to do something which will ensure I am always tackling the Men, it will lead to outcomes where those who can beat up will never stop lapping it and those who cannot will never stop hurting themselves with regret, the part that creates this idea that the violence will solve a problem is of course the fact that while I am not in that position, they have an inability to keep their insults somewhere else and their fingers off my bum. The big idea of course is that should the need to strike an Arch Prince’s bum become a global issue, he can only pick on one or two and make an example of them, but reality of course is that if he wants to make the entire world squirm for it, he will precisely do that. The bit where I am being taken advantage of by women is not an emotive issue as well either - that bit is just incredible insults from a collection of fools that will find me tear up some society and culture when its purpose is to threaten and abuse me a civil rights money loving stupidities again, so I gather the current punishment I endure is because of where they have ended up so far; the question being whether those stupid men they spend time with so they can threaten me for not letting them deploy my life and work to make money until I drop out of University whereafter it gets a whole lot worse is their part of society to spend time in; the story of me expecting poor people to work and work until the day they die being an old case of the fact they are supposed to make money that has been signed off for them by Central banking leadership otherwise it is illegally printed or it is dirty and criminal money, they really have no other way of making money and it is as simple that when their stupidities are getting less and less tolerable as a whole. I do not think it is a complicated issue; it is an old matter of thinking about what to use their muscles for each time I am being lazy and to think of what to do with their stupid laziness telling me celebrity and popular culture is the only work I will ever see them do in my lifetime while I am building up my own muscles. The main case here and the reason they have lasted this long is that the Politicians enjoy spending money on them while wrecking people’s finances to mess up people’s lives and appear to have power that controls others; so, it seems that we will have some peace when the money runs out and I am prepared to wait the decades out too, while they complain at government Office to no avail the whole time. I mean it’s a simple case of what possesses people to pick up information another person has put to culture and society to run a Bookshop with, wreck his finances and academics in the process and get on media to claim they have stolen an important career and of course there is always the journalist big mouth from the media promising them support as well, like the one thing left to do; all I can say being that it will end in a clash with the Media that I will not make into the answer for all my problems as well, since it is not clear why people who have never met me and do not know me that much, would get off giving fame based support to idiots who pick up information I have set aside to facilitate a Book shop claiming they have stolen an important career and need help to get famous and its much the same with Industry goons who spend money to build abusive popular culture canopies that bring about sales from it too. So, it is not such a coward after all and the good bits of it all naturally is that here they have won yet again an inability to keep their insults where the money that has been given to them is located, until it goes terribly wrong. They always say that I think I am counted among the upper class but am not and its much the same as they think they have got any more than the saving their parents put aside for them so they can do other people’s career and personal life and finances using popular culture - it is one thing for them to wreck everything here in order to keep me with lower classes so they might make use of me, it’s quite another blowing off their big mouth like that, they do need to let me be if they are complaining about it all anyway as it stands (it only had the narcissism based popular culture canopies that brings about sales but had since become obsessed with telling me how to exist and I can understand it is complaining about the fact that hunting me all the time like I am some Rabbit led to outcomes where I set up a Bookshop in that stupid society to find out what could possibly make it unsuccessful and yet we find it talking rubbish still about how picking up the information I put to it to run this Bookshop by developing into other stages where it has security camera to watch me with and so it does make me wonder if the assumption is that no One is having personal feelings when Private security Industry scum pervert his State provided security as it were; it goes without saying they need stay off my case as I am not their mate all together anyway).

It has always been the matter of making sure as many Woman and Young people are safe as possible since it is clear I am not the biggest Man in the world and some of these things are expected on me, therefore I cannot actually protect them and say that I have protected all of them and we all know when I mention it for a conversation, the whole thing will be perverted into insults especially bits that have to do with the fact their whole stupid lives now depends on Media in order to exist, blabbing at me the things I should be doing and the correct forms of behaviour I should be exhibiting or else. Hence in the end it will say I am expecting to sell Books by being rude and abusive but so are we aware the primary story of their lives is that people set up websites and social Media profiles to advertise products and get rich quick, such that mindfully, by the time One wades all those insults and abuses to put out money for anything it becomes pointless while the useless goons sit up somewhere to get what they want, passing around incredible insolence all over the place (at this stage everything which causes me to develop a price tag for my Books that communicates to them that it does not matter to me if they bought it or not has been taken care of, so it would be nice to proceed as normal even though I do not mind devising another - they do claim I can never have enough while reality is that it is even impossible to sell Books quietly while I organise Brokers and Celebrities that Admire what I am doing and want to be a part of it, especially the ones who need to because it is vital to have a relationship with me in order to fill in Film Roles if made by means of broker with this Estate; we do say it is not as black and white and going to the market to buy a film and letting others be like it is with the Celebrities but sometimes it becomes so obvious that it is).

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland