They speak of inequality in the work place and rage about how the problem need to be solved, gap breached but this is the big idea, the one where the Politicians and Media people think the rest of us do not know how it works i.e. Private schools take a fee to teach people how to secure high paid jobs in certain sectors on the economy, Public schools accept loans and give people qualifications while making them into more rounded persons in the work place. So, what we find is that Media and Politics is full of goons asking us these questions, telling us all to get together and be equals while they send their children off to Private schools, knowing that it does not matter if you went to private school when somebody else is trying to get a job in a company where his Dad or Friend of the Family holds shares, the result is this very intense frenzy of abuse and destruction of other people’s lives to find trade secretes that will help them level up. Continues of course because they are certain we are unlikely to react in ways whereby they are served a bill stating how much a person in such a condition as this or that with the part of the qualification and skill that has been damaged is usually worth and how they will remit that cost their way or the way of their victims but will remit the cost one way or another anyway. So I get told that I gloss over the matter and think it will give me a breathing space which is not true: I have made it quite clear that their comments are not acceptable and pretending to be me is not okay, these two things are still the main preoccupation of Politicians and Media fools, so assumption is that at some point I am going to feel that I cannot remedy the situation and will seek revenge as a means of fixing the problem: we all know it is impossible to look after an Estate Business empire market when others are making comments about the products and threatening any who shows interest to build up a sense that it is not worthy of being sold, so they can insert products into the Estate Market and extract an income any time they wanted, making it smaller and smaller and leaving me the owner with bottomed out finances in turn everyday but they all think the rest of us do not know how the pay gap and the public schools private school inequalities really work. We see the Celebrities at it so often; one moment it has grabbed my Public image and deployed it to make advertisement that will brew trouble for me for as long as she requires more money than she needs in this world and in 3 months’ time she has already made a public statement that says I am a pest, of which I am left wondering the exact point where I must have dispatched an open invitation saying people can show up and deploy my public life to glorify themselves and break my heart in that way. Now they say I am having my fill of women and it’s completely out of control and the way I suffer is amounting to Publicity for them – makes no sense whatsoever since everybody knows they are not very happy about what has become the result of blabbing which everything I own belongs to them on account I was brought into the UK on my Mums back; it’s really difficult to locate the sort of stupidities that gets people doing things like that but goes without saying that it gets serious when the foolish celebrities claim they are better human beings than I am when they are gay, have criminal record, cannot carry on an existence if their parents lives do not come to a stop and the meaning of somebody older than they are telling them they want friendship and that friendship has no age or gender barriers is anal sex – how they go from the trash that sets off to mess up my life so they can escape how it affects them and show up here to blab lies mixed with threats that makes me sick all the time and keep their stupidities set on my income margins and ownership of my Public image to a point where I need shut up and go along with what they want as they are better human beings than I am showing me how to exist, beats the imagination but so is it fair to say they now understand that it would make me look talented to write Books about the relationship their celebrities stupidities have with parents at home as well – the one that winds them up all the time being that I am not actually doing so, which is an example of the reasons we will it seems never be free of them complaining about me all of the time. I do not think it is a crisis; it’s the old story of setting out 15 years of my time and wasting it on idiots who tell me I have done something to deserve fame which actually belongs to them, meaning they have organised society and culture to secure it for them one way or another at the pleasure of their stupid Politicians who tell so many lies they want to be me and do not like their own skin anymore. The big mouth usually blows those stupid sis foolish shop managers and their community croons threats at me all the time, making out stories of me having my fill of women and not being able to do anything about the fact they control my life and can take anything they want from it according to them happens because they are confident that there is no way that I may call time of it too. It has been happening for a while; landlords that will not let you feel at home where you live and push gangs and local idiots into your private space at home, smoking drugs and getting involved with me adding up to somebody's civil rights, rounding up their kids on whom their futures depend of which I am counted among, criminal activity that follows every occasion I walk into a shop as carried out by people who have the same skin colour as me and you name it; talking nonsense at me with TV advertisement about which ones control me and I cannot do anything about with their big mouth. It’s an old story that is never serious unless their Politicians are complaining about it too; those who do moral things are hated because they are trying to avoid processes of violence where they do things that help those who feel feminine to acquire privileges and so they assume I have not had enough of them, thus its worthy advertisement to make statements of me having enough of women who then tell me where I am supposed to be and how I am supposed to exist so they might be comfortable; what sort of advertisement is that anyway? We are getting nearer to a point where I will collect those advertisement and make something of them for the same of  my Publicity by Videotaping them and displaying them on my Utube channel and there is  usually blabbing that I will get into trouble for it but I am not one of those people who think the world is a better place when Celebrities who do not actually deserve anything they own make trouble for everybody and call the shots, so the likelihood is that such a threat is never going to mean a thing: this has been an example of an occasion where they have decided to listen of course and the case remains the same i.e. less of their comments about my Literary work and less of their handling my Books and all will be well for everybody. It’s like some of them I have shared a living area with; where somebody thinks that the Freezer is colder in one area than the other, so if he takes the colder area I will have lost something and he can chase my bum all day a fame and fortune stupidities associated with shop managers and sis nonsense but finds out later that the freezer was not turned up, it was set to mark 1, so in order not to lose time, he turns it up to mark 5, 2 weeks after the Landlord has showed up to defrost and clean it up for everybody and it’s not to mention people putting milk bottles and empty large Fizzy Pop in the compost and food waste bin either - that they just find out as they go along can be quite irritating : usually these are not occasions where they have done something malicious, it’s just their really stupid nature; they cannot keep their mouth shut about which one owns my arse and control me with that stupid media and cannot seem to make their foolish self-gratifying advertisement somewhere else or someplace else at the moment, especially when they need to show they hate the 2017 US President. They say I want to take on everybody but we see the same things exhibited by the society bits as well; where it has set its mind on something it needs to depend on me for; so out of nowhere comes a steady stream of provocation that means I cannot get out of bed and feel that what I experienced the day before no matter how difficult to handle is something I have moved away from and then it will be able to ensure nothing I do means anything until I pay attention to the local gangs and criminals it has become used to shoving into my personal and Office space all day long, followed up with distracting and incredible insults and fantasies of physical violence the whole time with a big mouth; they always say it’s the way I insert myself into their concerns which of course I do not - these fools are the type that gets things racing through your head when three years you have worked for a project and during the same time an insolent fool has been building the publicity they want for the same project as well, resulting of insults channelled in your direction each time its stupidities sees you step outside of your door; so they are not building their stupidities around here anymore but it’s still difficult getting them to ignore my existence. Of course they do speak of underlying issues but there are only two of those; one of them being that they need to get respect from me that kids of today are not giving anymore because they saw me show up near religion and Church, the other being that once done with the first they need to see me work as hard as they did to be where they are since I can only respond by making them work as hard as I did to get a Royal commission as well which puts them in a better position – except when I do want them to clear my space and am not interested in whether or not they got hurt or are stuck since the arrogance runs the business empires and they were not warned about watching the income margins of this Estate for me, since the start of the economic crisis about a decade ago - the point of these goons is that they enjoy showing up around my concerns to do their own problems and their own bits in life and this has become the main satisfaction i.e. watching them show up here to fix their own and a narcissistic happiness that brings about sales and fame instead of getting a Book when I am finished each time as it were (their Politicians will claim to be interested in employment when done endorsing their insanity from Government Office - no normal person shows up on other people’s business to do their own business, stretch the subjects hither dither, churn tummy, hurt bottoms and blab about stopping them being so selfish and I contrary to popular ideas do not think I am doing anything wrong either, it’s just a matter of the frequency by which I want to be doing it). We hear I have lost everything all the time which is utter nonsense; what happens is that they hear my warning which is to do with the fact they are always blabbing at me because I am the only one of the two sides that is not taking steps to hurt other people’s finances and that this will lead to outcomes where they go from complaining about somebody making the cultures and societies and popularity goons show up around their concerns unexpectedly, the way they show up around mine, to seeing somebody tackle their finances directly as well; my party piece is the one where everything I do with my Books and especially on social media is followed on by the wrong kinds of fans being lewd and lewd all over it on media and at the end when they had destroyed the phenomenon that is my Books blab about which fighting in the neighbourhoods I will be getting into with their support; so it’s all well middle class blabbing but they have never stopped doing it no matter how many times they are told. The fighting bit will be the one where I am supposed to have kept a State Office without a position taken to fight for something I really stand for like we see secret service staff do, so they will decide which ones I will do all the time and complain about the number of people who die of illness as a result of my activities especially the Celebrities and we are not talking about the Journalists either, especially the blacks; those are just evil but it is not an evil they have access to anymore as it were - so people may have had their challenges and there is no way their insults and need to cling to my finances and mock me by controlling me through it will lead to outcomes where they are going to have to do their own all over again. They love those claims I have a problem with people when I really don’t. there is simply no aspect of this madness where idiots set a dare if I tell them to show less of themselves on my concerns as nobody here is running an Estate under the canopy of their Industrial madness, where I will be the one with property that is required for economic recovery, which process will only make them even richer, that Politicians like to co-operate with if it is not costing them anything, that works for me – nor is there an aspect of the other part where I am meant to have been the fool for not seeing an easy way to get rich by finding ways of getting money off rich people to be famous in order to spend it on shops to secure support from Shop managers and local goons in order to be a celebrity but still there is no aspect of it which may lead to a millionaire idiot that does not want to know where my anus is located. I am tired of it all at this stage and I sure they understand that too. They cannot allow me get on with Office matters, cannot allow me get on with Celebrities, feel as though everything they must do should involve addressing me and helping their stupid socialites to do the same, have needs and an excess that is to be followed up at my expense and it is going to end really badly too like the nonsense I see expressed at Pornography.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland