So there is that question of whether or not rugby players are the right role model that has just made it to National television and it will never be obvious what those kinds of questions are meant to solve anyway or what they are after but if I said peoples connections with Industries is a threat to my health and safety and well being they would say I am a threat to human rights considering how my success exposes them to men that are really powerful who were their friends but are not anymore; since we all know if you frequent travelling to New Zealand and Australia and the Asian Peninsulas and the British Isles you will likely think Rugby Players are the Bees Knees but if you do to Billerica or Marbella and Spanish Resorts, you will likely think Football players are. It is an example of idiots making up their own version of what the world is like with media and violence which always leaves other people unemployed and the Countries that suffer most from it are Australia that is a Western Country for instance but has most of its trading links with Japan and other Eastern Countries like Russia and China and so the Nature of the Country is determined by that, which is much the same with New Zealand and so on but for me I am always on this let me at them mode because everything they do is built on hurting me and extracting an income from my market place and the perks of my Job. So when it comes to it they speak of inequality and why they will never stop hurting me which I don’t mind as the biggest barrier to my Book sales these days is the fact their hurting me gets to me people notice an explanation they give when they handle my possessions which says I am not necessarily happy with the products I have put out and of course that I am afraid at all times, so people are delayed from buying and I cannot get a job done – it will lead to an outcome whereby I will resolve all these matters and then the one question of whether or not their need to hurt me has to come to an end will become the only one left. It has never been an emotive issue I mean for instance an idiot will get stitched up by a really good friend and run her time on the run way for instance and take home 1.5 million pounds but the situation that has never changed will continue to remain i.e. you notice the difference between when you are being lazy and when you are working for your needs and see that for them that condition in which they are lazy is a habit well protected by bitterness and that they exist in that condition 24/7, so that all these things are therefore happen because of their talent for survival and you will continue to blame the health effects on other things until your body shuts down or you die from organ disease; the outcome which is that she will take home a million and a half cashing into my property and the perks of my Job but the particular item concerned with that process by which he has taken the money as a job will have over 95% undone or unfinished – as she and her friends then set about attacking and abusing me as a function of what black people get up to somewhere in Africa and how it affects her exhibitionism of herself; while the fact that 95% of the job still remains undone  is not the only problem I am left with but the fact she also has a serious problem with my Book sales, knowing perfectly that the Books happen to the one thing she can buy to learn how to get a job done for which she has taken home millions already at present because she needs to ensure I cannot make a living so she can handle me like I was an item; so this is how my problem with them develops and they can always ask again if they think Rugby players are a role model. I understand it is said most of my discontent is actually directed at those who like me right down to my looks but that has never really been a problem as such; the reality is that this is business and when I am done with it will return to the Royals and take my place and will have little time to tolerate peoples racism or violent prejudices – most of the little problems we get into is because people indicate they are going to mess with it the same way they do see me mess with their homes and families as it were. So the bottom line is that the Middle and Lower classes have some money and will spend it on a problem they have got and I am making my way in the world earning some of it. It’s not fanaticisms I am worried about its just how many Books people buy when they get involved with an author that is me; reality is when people buy books and then they read it and become fans before they get involved, not when they get involved and get on media – it is hurtful and perverted. Of course I am aware of the story it is all my fault but that was only after people spent a decade and a half of my time way laying me and handling my aptitudes to get into market and ensure by the time I am ready to trade I will be selling my heart to them for the fun of it and so on - so this is just me running a business, it can become a problem when we hear them yap where big businesses have built communities - that is usually where it really matters.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland