Now it is said that I have very complicated problems which I do not; the only problem I have is that of when Media wants to run off show business with Celebrities on my Public image and the number of times they show up without buying and reading my Books for it as well; then there are the insulting bits that take the whole thing to another level where we hear them say that I much preferred the Royals to the Celebrities while the Royals cannot help me out with finances, the Celebrities have money, I need money and the Celebrities are more important; this then must have justified the financial loss caused when the paparazzi got a Celebrity on my Public image to get the right shot for a magazine that will show up at corner shop top shelves to continue the carnage he had created for me that day, building hell around my concerns everywhere I look and running off like a train every day. Another hugely complicated occasion will be when Companies have Brokered Asset Equity with me, the Managers are paid a lot of money for their job roles and they think I am getting a fine seat in the House for putting my feet up - it will lead the Board to decide I may want to do the sales and management myself and a situation will emerge where they do not want me putting my feet up and do not want to lose their jobs either - so what happens is that I am not spending time here or selling my Books as the case may be, I am spending weeks and months and years on when the Media wants to work Celebrity Business on my Public image because it bottoms out the Finances and then these other Industry trouble makers will take note and pick up as well bit by bit, creating utter carnage around here, about which I also believe I have been very clear to them about the fact I have had enough of it too, especially considering that if I built them a reputation for being the money people and wild society people that they are, the racists and gangs will begin to follow them around for it and people will get killed as well - no idea why my life and Book is used as a cover for their existence while they are buying and reading none but it is the same forms of stupidity that courts the discrimination that serves as a method of disciplining their stupidities as well. In the end they also say that I have a difficult existence with all this Royal business going on which is utter nonsense; it should be all about buying and reading my Books when they show up around my concerns, an end to the insults if they wanted – Royal business is supposed to be challenging and ‘challenging’ is the word not ‘difficult’, I would sail through it easily save the number of badly behaved Royals that show up here to fix their own personal problems on everything I do and it’s all about them and the Celebrities and the Media and everybody else should know how difficult it had been for them and how much pressure the Top Family exerts on everyone else – so there is no bit where we see them get good at any Political issue knowing HM is always active and that suggests that she is setting rules on how we interact with each other every time, they will not lay off my finances and let me pay my Bills either, just like the Media insults about Celebrities being more important bottoms it out every day.


There is this story that I behave like racists which shows up on Media all the time, about how I do not fancy extremists but tend to behave like one while everything I do with my Hermitage and Company is generally toxic as they continue to push up my stress levels because it is what makes their stupidities happy – leaving me then to wonder who behaves like the racist anyway; these fools are the ones that have now successfully established competition between themselves and racist over money making not me, so I have never really thought it a big problem since what it actually means is that they are the same as the racist except that they are not the racists, so they are the same as racists except one item is missing, therefore if I handle them the same way I handle the racists, minus one item it will make them inferior enough to be complicit like that all of the time.


It’s the old case; it talks about other people’s behaviour that is disrespectful because there is no co-operation with its needs so often that it does not have the time to look to its own behaviour anymore and because it has no behaviour by which to seek the money it would be happy to kill for, it has started raiding Churches for good behaviour that facilitates customer service, talking nonsense about how I behave like racists the whole time while it will not keep the stupid hands off my Book sales income – same as we found it talks about that money so often it does not have the energy to work for it anymore therefore its problems are things other peoples created especially when others do have this knack for doing everything their stupidities boast about, better than they can.

I do get asked how the matter of handling their case should operate in terms of Public Policy but that was always an old case of the fact that the entire point of their insanity and corruptions of involvement with other people’s lives is to be able to manipulate people and push peoples buttons, when they want money and we find they can never stop lying especially when they have some Media to play around with on account an idiot will not keep the Media job in peace and loves to make references to my Hermitage claiming they want to take it for their stupid celebrity selves with the big mouth they have. So the main problem is still the other goons who got into government Office to spend tax payer funds wrecking the finances and academic work while helping them build their own, so that this process of manipulating people, pushing peoples buttons had so become incredibly powerful enough for Industry trouble makers to buy into while they adopt a Public position that says the problems should be left for those that have the knowledge to solve it and cannot keep their fingers off my bum to ensure the academic work and finances never get fixed looking for more of what they were complaining about. Such being the pleasure of Politics that provided you run there is a tendency for you to get somewhere near Government buildings with your stupidities.

Hence it is usually said that it would be so nice if I were financially better off too but there is nothing wrong with my finances, just the fact these goons appear to exist in a condition where it is not in their interest for me to get it settled. So we find that I am now stuck with incredibly stupid Public transport operatives that want me to behave like Celebrities due to the sheer number of people passing insults at me about how Celebrities and Traders who have money are better human beings than I am, while they do not now wish to pick up my work and get it done for their part all together – leaving me in this state where I cannot do what I must when I have to do it anymore; I mean the Politicians are the ones setting the Public Policy obviously, so why do we now have a crime spree if they were doing their own jobs? That is never mind the fact I have not been earning from my Books for years while the idiots who work these nonsenses have not yet forfeited a Year’s salary since last playing up their foolish practical jokes around here began. I Mean I do get told it’s the Royals making trouble for me and it is the Royals alright at the end of the day; like HRH The Prince of Wales said that the Conditions in which he will Govern is very different from the one in which HM Reigns, so the business of the fact these trouble makers, especially the Celebrities and Liberal America which I am at war with because I do not want them raiding mine for good behaviour that facilitates customer service came into play on Armistice Day, right up to the part where there was a link between Women feeling sore in the privates and Men having a sense of fraternity with land and Country, while HRH was to represent the Queen about which HM showed up at the Balcony just before the main events began. For my part, they can keep their fingers up my Bum, it looks like it’s not going to end very well especially when I start to push hard at this business of those stupid girls doing the career of the Men for them while the foolish Politicians that fund their stupidities have their own careers done for them by these stupid men and therefore meaning they are only likely to stop when they were writhing in pain somewhere.

It’s much the same as those stories they invent, that Marxism gets the rich and powerful doing something about the problems of the poor, where in my case it’s a matter of media insults suggesting that is what I am doing until the Public thinks it is and a vandalism of my property to keep up an appearance, yet it is what I am doing which serves the Public more than their stupidities all together; we do see it play out on the racism that makes the rich and powerful solve their problems as it were, not least especially when Church and Moral people steal jobs and opportunists from socialist Politics so that the extremists might show up to do their possessed by demons dirty work for them. I mean unless I am telling lies, I was there the time between 18 and 25 when the younger ones chose poverty and put my personal life alongside my Public image on a pedestal of abuse, while the older ones wanted to ensure they were able to destroy all I had until I became like them, something we see them make time for while they make no time to find ways by which their bills might get paid. Hence the end is usually like we see that their health is never affected by criminal activity just in case the Government is desperate for municipal living and starts to make extremist Policy – what they then use it for is to get at the fore front of civil rights movements conducting their own secret extremism and tyranny and murder somewhere, while feeding on the fears and toil and sweat of the poor and ignorant, for those who are not desperate for their leadership however, we find them tear up small businesses to suck up to rich people, claiming everybody wants wealth inequality but they were the ones with the wellbeing that allowed them tag along with the rich to sort something out. So in the end how this fits into those cases where they get off tearing up people’s lives and career, then show up on public places to make an exhibition of themselves which suggests that doing so was the new forms of happiness that brought about wealth without work, gives rise to a process where somebody got shot 20 times and it turns out he had died when it was shot 5 times but there was something else going on in the mind of the perpetrator for the other 15 bullets – how this then means racism makes me solve the problems of poor people to exalt socialists beats my imagination (generally it’s the same case all round; have a unique talent and there is money to be made from it which means socialist tribalism based raids because other people’s lives and property usually revolves around socialists - so especially when they disrupt what I am doing to claim Celebrities and Traders are better than me over that drive to abuse and insult whenever they think they had suddenly become terribly important, it does pose the question of my Equities on the line to facilitate their dirty sales against my wishes, causing the Capitalist system to experiment on itself to a point of destruction and whether performing a Public service by pulling the plug is necessarily such a bad thing; so racism is not making me solve their problems, I am waiting for them to change a behaviour asap).


The part where it is said I am getting deeper and deeper into trouble is nothing but Political gimmicks and they do love to put those out all of the time; this is a Hermitage and I spend all my time dealing with the fact society goons never take a moments break when it comes to brewing up evil that will put pressure on the head and chest and tummy and bottom of people who are just getting on to daily concerns as normal, which is then left to silly community croons who spent time wondering where teachers private parts where when they were at school and are now between 50 and 80 years old to perform all sorts of sexual fantasy violation and abuse that they fancy; it is the bedroom in which an Arch Prince spends every night – they have been making a mess of the sanctity of it over their stupid Politics and have not been able to win their freedom from me because of that since as we speak but are blabbing some more. It’s the same case we see all the time; the Politicians were the grownups who tend to want the ways I handle sociological matters concerning my career until I dropped out of University and then the sociological matters itself will happen to be the way I associate with others and drink some beverage in the Canteen and so on – want it until I drop out and then when I sit about blaming myself for what happened tend to invent one stupid thing after another to exasperate me by every day, meaning as I have mentioned before that the right way to handle them is still one of brewing a public issue by which to beat their Political stupidities back to where their jobs are located. The younger ones will be the teenage twerps who cannot let me breathe because they would like me to drop out of school and turn out in the neighbourhoods as an old man that teaches people how to win their fights with honour and of course they have not yet dropped out of their own as well so far, hence it will never stop. I do get informed I never take into account how much The Queen does not fancy Europe but I rather do; the Monarch does not respond to foreign powers and as for Europe itself, it’s usually fine except when Germany has controlled everything and then there will be a sense that the only type of Country that should exist is the model and structure that Germany has and somebody will start to think that going around systems that work so well that the Political parties agree with each other more times than they do not and making a mess claiming to work change and progress adds up to a job and that Politics and Government was not in itself a school of thought like his or her almighty physics and Chemistry that makes them the geniuses they think they are – whereas we all know that it’s a whole body of knowledge and that there are various different types such as Government of corporations and government of people and government of going concerns and so on; so what the German sense of responsibility is unaware of if that Corporation Government works the way it does because it is likely to entertain the opinions of a fat cat panel talking about whose own was being used to do things, while Government of people was likely to going break up the UK due to interference and then a problem will blow up meaning that the Germans will then need to take up what will have happened to be a real job in the school of Government thought unlike the ones they had invented and then do it until they failed. I for my part am rather miffed people do not know Government is a school of thought that is as complex as physics and Chemistry for those who have studied science and are generally superior to others especially – right up to the point where they think the Law itself as a separate entity while what happens at the Law Court is that people end up there because they come from different Political parties and ended up in a situation where there should have been help but there was none because the person who should have given it failed to and or the person who should have taken it failed to, point being that the help should have existed but didn’t, bearing in mind that since the Political parties are always telling the Public that the other ones are not good enough for the job ahead, the fall out is that if there are things that a political party cannot do, you can be certain that it is likely to be what its rival specialises in and we should not forget the jury of Peers, they decide on the basis of fact or the Judge can simply say the Jury is not needed in a case therefore it’s a matter of what reasonable people should have done. In any case which I have heard it’s about the House of York, but I have been openly operating on the internet for some years now if HRH Prince Beatrice did think it mattered, she would have made contact. The real trouble with disregard shown to me at the Monarchy is largely of the effect that people get involved with my concerns for the purpose of taking over and a sense has now emerged from the dreams of seeing me suffer held up at Industry alongside it, that I need to marry into the Royal Family to keep the Arch Prince's Office, the fact that I do not means that unless the matter is cleared up, I will not be able to raise a Family and I will not be able to run my financial concerns alongside my Bookshop.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland