Eventually all insecurities will stem from the traditional processes whereby a bunch of trouble makers got their hands on some wealth making system, placed products on it, built a sales army, decided their incomes meant they controlled the world and then leave a mess for the rest of us because they never did.

What happens here specifically was a need to say that I spoke like a peasant which did not match my status, while I am only trying to ensure they stopped running off tribalism raids to pick up multifigure salaries in other peoples reputably built businesses, if they took up those jobs got to do it properly and cease spending their attention on me just as much as they do on other victims of their gimmicks. It is important people felt they were buying Books from an Arch Prince, status is my income source and they will likely get into less trouble if they and their celebrities cease to interfere, alternatively I will not have considered myself responsible for any eventuality where they lost their pride and joy, living in a world where they believed they had manipulated me into pursuing them as if they were poorer people where lower classes are concerned and the lower class where the middle class is concerned.

So I am said to have ended up in some position where it was becoming clear why people hated me but nothing is becoming clear as such, the reality has always existed – that the Celebrities built a public life where they set out an arrangement with my Publishers because they have always planned to push their careers and get rich on my personal and social life, so I am cash strapped for it – their idiots on the other hand started out wrecking University studies years back to get ahead in life and I actually did drop out during the recession, so even if I had a qualification, it would still have been a struggle, however eventually it started developing this incredibly abusive process where it got to show so much disrespect towards me, that it detached my Books from some platform that the patents had built to give me a start and shows up here ripping up public interest in it everyday, claiming it saw me do something at private security Industry and was entitled to be protected by me – so it has been 7 years of nauseating financial complications, getting government support while they had fun, on the scale of 1 to 10 the human stupidities, I have never seen anything like it hence have I set out that I intend to stop it badly too. The question of what was becoming more obvious is largely a matter of the statements they make while engaging with these activities – that somebody fingered their bum and it was somehow your fault, that they had to survive and deserved respect from you, that it was the devil and so on, eventually building up to a sense that they were a group of idiots that could not stop handling other people, between them held a certain amount of wealth at the markets, so they will not let you do business with their employers because you would get ahead of them and they will not employ you because they did not like your face, they simply will not leave you along – about which it is growing into an interest I took in the way they converted a simple responsibility for workers in their care, into a tool for bullying people to get rich and it needs to stop getting entitled to my life and career or I will hurt their feelings as well, to say the least. The story of the things that cause them to put up this behaviour being a series of issues that draw much publicity to their immoral society gimmicks like you were being encouraged to do something bad about it, not that I thought doing something bad about it was the end of the world, just my idea of how to handle it was a case where for every insult and abuse, every time it shows up here to run my life with social systems criminals built for crimes and puts its stupid social labels on me, I will work towards the complete destruction of the Celebrity culture, so that when the bloody shed shows, I will be the one to do it, to say the least.

I am usually told I believed I had to hide the facts on these matters to save people the pain but I am not - just reality that Celebrities are now trashing my public work to ensure I lost all control and then hang about somewhere bullying me violently everyday on grounds I am meant to serve them with it, which kills off all the lies they tell about what they are doing here. The idea it is about an oppressive leader being attacked is utter rubbish, as long as it does not fill in every minute of my time with insults and build it up to situations where I got into a fight every turn I took, I will not build up its own as well, so it got attacked by extremists, if by saying this, it stops doing so as its gimmicks got to rely on me, it was trouble in store for the future.

I am told most of these problems are created by the star sign reading gimmicks which I have been taking part in but I don’t, I have simply being acknowledging the times that they had read my personality properly and the times that they did not and needed to stop telling the lies if they were building crowds on it. It loves to claim Libras were weak and caught between Scorpios and Virgos who were dark personality, however that Libras were good at achieving things they therefore could not keep and should be hunted down and taken care of by those who wanted their own libra that they could use. For some strange reasons it then shows up to protect this stupid state of affairs, whilst it informed me of the fact that public security work that was clearly not being done everywhere was being done in its stupid life, to such an extent that I was in pain and yet it becomes aware that being as weak as I am, if I lost the battle with the thieving Virgo and abusive Scorpio, it would have to go to war but preferred to continue the thousand and one insolent things it could do with my concerns to make money whilst complaining about Police work. The truth is that they claim Libras were weak and generally refused to take charge but later on have read other aspects of the star sign reading trade which indicated there were other factors which made it impossible to say that Libras as a rule feared to take control and always ran from danger. I am a Taurus rising Libra for instance we know Taurus are usually very stubborn, will not run from danger, hence I am forced to take action that ensured people were not harmed by danger that I could have prevented, if I was caught between Scorpio and Virgo by my very nature – however we found out I am a Taurus rising Libra, 8 years after I dropped out of University and they had followed me around to make a complete mess of my job market prospects, so I am now better off making the statement that it needs to keep its mouth shut and show up here only to read a Book I had written. The idea I should be afraid of Virgo and Scorpio was the name of the game but we know that each attack from Scorpio builds up to a screen behind them which allowed me to read their lives and Virgo simply makes sense of the reasons it was profitable to designate some people as low lives, considering it never stopped abusing people in sexual context while it engaged in stealing because it had found a way to organise its work and physical appearance. I have started my own gimmicks now that they have begun the same one that got me dropping out of University all over again, called fuck that more, when their children copy it and I wanted to find out why they were the biggest problem I faced with my social activities all the way to the tax man, we know this stupid story of theirs will charge for something incredibly uncomfortable. The stories about weak libras and strong everybody else is not an emotive issue as such last we checked but this business of living in a world where some incredibly stupid people always knew things about me that I did not know about myself therefore there were painful ways to make me manifest those things, which aftermath was to do with one person in Police custody and the other in the Hospital, we thus got to find out which was the lie only when the bad things happened, is not what either fame itself or career publicity was designated to serve, so when it shows up on my personality and social life, especially when we have not been formally introduced, its stupidities needed to buy and read a Book I wrote. I mean they do claim it is all cries over spilled milk at this stage, playing into the idea that we the British were engaged in a fight with other Western allies on the economic front; the facts however are that the Public must resolve its financial and career matters at the jobs market and time is crucial, so it may continue to underestimate what I am especially when famous, whilst it continued to engage in an updated version of its need to convert my wealth equity from something that helped to mitigate crime and manage what criminals did with proceeds of crime, therefore eliminating the prospects of them spending the money on items that posed a danger to the public, into regularly updated famous stupidity versions of something that served the criminals and attacked me to suggest I am a low life trying to get around with its famous stupidities whilst criminals were better people willing to take a chance and make money in order to measure up – an example of the way we find out I am a Taurus rising Libra and do not have the difficulty of taking control like they claimed Libras did.

The media insults were the reasons I never felt good, it caused me so much trouble all day and spent anything I did about what distress its trouble making caused me on its stupid self, to build a crowd on it, while getting in league with another group of gits who loved to stop me from defending myself when tackled by twats that build communities to order my steps - they used to be afraid of me but are not anymore, so the time they were afraid of me was to do with the way I became so intolerant of the fact they are always seen pursuing things they were certain they could never attain, once saddled with personality disorders, their future relied on a process of getting into a fight with me to make a mess of my personality while sharing it for the rest of my life, and I was so intolerant of it that the Politicians thought I was the one doing the wrong thing but that had passed, apparently, as stupidly as possible, thus they are not afraid of me anymore. So I am sore all over and never allowed to smell good, when I stop the insults of the famous, the fools who make it work would have to do it by themselves or I can spend the rest of my life trying to stop the insults of the famous.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland