Of course a case of how it is said I am very hard working in Royal circles but I spend all day to lazy around is indeed very provocative – I mean I dont want to see people play around with celebrities I have involved with or the idea I am counted among the wealthiest men in the world and am such along with my literary empire to an extent where people want to rip me off and it has become a global thing and I am therefore cash strapped not being able to release money from my work and I dont want to see them anywhere around my affairs at Industry or stock market and certain not around my book sales markets as well but the result is questions in parliament to find out how lazy I have been. I mean when they attack people in such and do those stupid move to the left hand side gestures claiming they want to rekindle their sex life, are they actually looking for sex and if so what are they complaining about – it is the same with those who want money and power of course; the power ones have a thing for punching me and setting out their idiots to make a case against Police racism as well, the money ones regularly find murderers and extremists that I cannot become on account I know these things happen because when I am bullied sexually, the thing about my penis and my anus and so on where I can never feel comfortable, it is the female version of them but it is the men that like to punch and the media ones that like crowd based abuse and the kids that like to ensure you try to make a living with civil rights and then are always cut off at market and the Industry ones that are hard of hearing – so it is impossible therefore, for me to become an extremist which is not to say that it is not old story that when I get off and build a public life on this as their insults continue so and set about doing the same things to them it will not end as badly as it normally does whether or not they are fighting to create social equality of which the money ones can easily set out to report me to an extremist and a murderer claiming I mess with the fact they are evil people and it is not being seen until somebody feels the need to murder them which is clearly a behaviour that is usually carried out by normal people as it were. I know I can cope with a process where the entire world turns up here to ensure I cannot tell when I am working and when I am resting and it is the reason I cannot become an extremist but we will soon take this process of putting their own to the test over this stupid insults to a whole new level as well; all I can say is that enough have not yet died as it were and I cannot make out what they seem to say is bad and evil about the extremists and the terrorists either. They clearly want money and they want sex and they want power and I shall have no peace and they will fucking get all these things too as it were, they will get it my way and can keep blowing off that big mouth to ensure we are locked into the process itself thereof. I hear they say I am responsible for these things and that if allowed to enjoy my life and work out where I rest and where I work, others would have lost the same advantage but it is not just a matter of the idiots making money which allows them to buy privileges and therefore means that they have gone from knowing their place in this world to dominating me at the same time, which boundaries nobody would have noticed they have crossed to look for trouble behaving like those who are still drifting and who are still trying to find their way as it were. Hence the way it will work is that since we continue to have a test of how hard I have been working and they have everything including connections with my parents to enforce that with and my books can turn up in places like Parliament and get that level of publicity for wrong reasons or good and end up making me no sales because they think they can handle my possessions as they bloody well please; the next time they are off making up a process where I cannot tell where I rest and where I work, their need to make money at my expense and wreck mine in order to confiscate my royal private life and have it will have resulted in an ultimatum issued which I will pursue regardless of whether or not they were duly informed: the benefit will be that products can be products and my finances can be safe and secure and every fool that turns up to handle celebrities involved with me and including myself as well to do her greedy stupidities at tourism Industries and talk rubbish about what I cannot handle which her stupid MPs pick up on as well will get what is due to them. I mean why anybody would think it is entirely victimless to slash out my equities on an item and place it at the stock markets where stock market idiots can see something desirable which will propel them towards a need to get rich and turn up thinking it is victimless as well?

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland