On the matter of my status however not being as clear, I can always tell when people were being abusively manipulative over money issues and they are not the Military and security services who tend to need money all the time neither do they know what it is exactly they are doing with money when they take it from people and leave it sitting in Swiss Banks. It feeds into that old case about Media wanting to tell of my inadequacies and failures, leading them to seek news about how I blame people for my Royal duties and deliver my services late; reality of which is that there is no such thing, what we have is their insults and the need to deploy it as a fanatical tool that allows them pick up my Books without due permission, make a mess of the patents and change what people think I wrote it for – as a follow on from a process where they peddle popular culture and grind show business at me with respect to putting up entertainment products on my Public work image which will ensure it sells faster and continue with an obsessively abusive process of getting involved with me whether I liked it or not, this has now taken it up to a whole new level, so I thought I needed to start my own as well with a nice little daily blame that creates them a reputation for their stupidities that they can show on the media all the time, the next thing I am going to do likely is to get some big brothers dealing with some National enemy every time my bottom hurts, since this business of making sure my identity disappears while I am doing anything remotely important and then making sure the purpose of my writers office disappears with Media insults and abuse of my patents as well has become their civil right.

This is usually the stage where the so called immensity of my achievements become rather obvious; the part about getting Russians to wash their hands off US Responsibilities in Russia and tidying up after the Armed Forces when they crush British related enemies from Russia – as this is likely to improve the prospects of achieving stability in the Middle East when other US Allies start to copy it as well depending on what The Crown wants to do with its Diplomatic relations, we are now left with Terrorists who copy everything the British do as a matter of National service and the goons who travel in and out of the Country to aid their cause, the last time we checked of which female RAF Pilots did bomb the Oil tanks and fields very well indeed. Of course it is not as plain sailing with Americans all together, they always offer us the curtsey of not copying what we do for National service and we always have to contend with goons that go against it, in return which we are always at their side when they are engaged in Conflict, so if they can trust us to be there, there is nothing to worry about and nothing for me to be concerned for with respect to my Royal order which it seems people want to copy all the time even when they know I have a Public service Office to attend to.

The talk of black people hating me so much and telling tales of their superiority as linked to a process of how I need to be attacked for showing up in the UK to disregard those who were here first, then set about sharing black culture with white people to make friends with the Monarchy and get no money from it for his part in the matter and then show up to shame himself in Public all the time and get on their nerves – I don’t know how people say these sorts of things anyway but I do know it’s another instance where I will sell a product in which I wrote that somebody has a golliwog mouth which should make a good risky career if only they are not showing up here to be me so that the gangs and criminals and racists might chase me around when they are being chased, instead of chase around their following people around to have rights and diminish social status characters, their money, money, money madness that will break absolutely any rule for money characters and their Celebrity madness, which will make for great news when they get killed on racist attacks as well.

This nonsense about sharing black culture with white people is something these idiots say because of an image that racists have built up which suggests that they are stupid people and of course I also think that they are as well, since their involvement with me damages the career but in their opinion that was their human rights. They are starting to get on my nerves where the ground zero is located, talking nonsense about the need to show the Monarchy the real superior black people and blowing off that big mouth that suggests I am just waiting somewhere for them to do things to me all the time; they are not as much a problem for me like they suppose they are, it’s about showing up here for one form of villainy after another, instead of an understanding that if they would not behave a certain way with the existential properties of a Country in Africa, it is not okay to behave that way in the UK until somebody is provoked well enough to say that the Country only belongs to white people – as for the villainy bits, that was about their big mouths all over the use of my personality and public image to make money, which means they have declared to me a need they have to practice some villainy on my right hand side or on my left hand side and so on depending on which tickles their fancy and it is all garnished with lies and abusive nonsense that adds up to rules that they preserve by threatening people, of which we only find out there is a law of the land to live by when somebody has been seriously hurt and the story ended up in a Law Court, adding to the other business where I should not get along with white Police Officers because it will make me a threat to my own race as though they cannot find their mates, while I have a job to pay attention to and some career issues to chase up – it is really getting on my nerves that their stupidities wants to teach me lessons all the time and the next time it does come up I feel as if I am really going to explode for it too.

We see this nonsense all of the time, for instance when I got a security guarding job for a couple of months and ended up with a reputation that suggested I enjoyed being the boss while they were the real boss and everything I did then actually belongs to them, making a mess of my public work and public image especially whenever I step outside of my door, looking for more of what its disobedient stupidities are complaining about and yet before the Politicians bailed them out it was a case where I had a problem with their clubbing and partying lifestyle because their girls could do nothing save the villainy on my left and right hand side and the hands between my bum cheeks concerning how I stole personality from those that can actually do security for everybody – after the Politicians had gone through get public property expense to bail them out from how I responded the idiots are back again and its exactly the same issue, I was the boss when I was a security guard while they were the real bosses and it is something that I took from them. They are not an unusual thing to me but I have had enough of this stuff, I simply do not know why they are using me to escape from being the money madness characters and the goons that follow people around demeaning social status for their own self-improvement and causing a bit of a stink all the time, when they are not buying and reading Books I have written anyway and now these stupid threats appears to be improving their lot and that sense I will not be responding for eternity as they rely on me all the time like we were mates. They do day I talk but my finances are still a mess to make their point that they are not as stupid as I may think they are when it comes to hurting people but it’s an example of why this is not a good thing and we will not be free of them complaining of not being able to get the better of me when they usually detach people from a personality they want to make money with and beat up their victims to ensure that such persons never accessed it again lest their money making ride is disrupted; whenever I think about the fact it’s a matter of successful people and they who were not as successful as their mates and me with my talents being taken advantage of by them and how I must respond to it, the picture that comes up bearing in mind all that blabbing about what I never say in public as though they would like me getting prepared for such things, is one of tackling those life savings that have been invested in the High Street Shops, beating down that stupid self confidence that lets it approach me all the time and making sure Politicians could never again facilitate them and make them a threat to me, which we can see is not a good thing, the reasons the fools really do need to find their mates and give me my space if they are complaining.

They do say I win and I really love to win but it’s never about winning; what we see is a group of people who get involved with me in a way that is similar to the fact the Media is a gang of career squatters who will tell you what life should be and their bodies were a weapon with which to suck up your finances on one end and eject it on the other but their own case is more a matter of the fact every involvement is that which you feel as something people are doing to twist you bit by bit by bit and when you look into it five years on from what they are doing, the intention is that they intend you should be homosexual so that the tendency to give up your personality to them for their purposes might become real, it leaves me with the question of why they love to claim that people were born homosexual when all of them are doing it and when I put out such a question we then find them claim it is expensive but yet has a process where we find them spend more time with their mates instead become the way to solve their problems if it was. For me it has always been a simple matter of the fact I cannot make out when it became impossible to sell some Books, simply because very stupid individuals who can work the markets know that there are fat cat panels at Industry whenever Companies have their Annual General Meetings, the reality being that there is nothing they can do about me, the reality being that they need to find their mates, reality being that their case is not up to me and this is how to stem the tide of financial losses as well if they were complaining about that after years of telling me the money will never run out as they show up to spend it inserting products into market I built for my Books and setting off to buy shares at Companies where they can work with popular culture idiots and media goons to keep an eye on me generally for clients and employers using insulting and abusive busy body opportunism all day long – there is nothing they can do about me and it is important they noted we are not mates, I am actually protected like a Royal Prince should be and certainly not a walk over for my part either.

It would be nice if every action that added up to a process of showing up here to handle my Books, make a mess of the patents and change what people think about it had stopped before I started running off publicity for their money madness characters and their following people around to copy lifestyle and diminish Public standing in order to make themselves comfortable causing a bit of stink, so that the racists and gangs and criminals might begin to follow them around for it the way they make use of me but are not buying my Books, followed up with those stupid big mouthed threats that will soon get me taking steps to ensure I can run the career without interference from them like every wealth inequality fanatic that they claim to hate in this world as well.

This is the reality of all that black people can do about me. I am also incredibly good at watching my Back, something to do with making it a point of duty to familiarise myself with the process, place, and procedure where they chew snacks and sleep with girls. So far we hear that none knows why I am always angry enough to make people feel like they are under siege but before then the real Man was busy provoking me and then keeping an eye on me to ensure I cannot just relax in my Bed and let it drip away, which added to the business of pressuring me, starting from when I let home and every neighbourhood had to see them follow me around and park their car right next to my window several times before Morning, which eventually led to a process where they could make me smell like my loo and pushed me out of University as that was when such an effect had been attained, then show up here to tackle my Books and tell lies to dispute the fact that I am being picked on by them not just because they think they can use my personality and public image to get rich but because they can - so they have had fun making me look angry all the time, trying to change my personality and to own it, I do therefore wonder if these effects are the ones that the real Men were expecting now that I am always angry, supposing we were therefore going to take seriously the complain that they feel besieged by me.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland