I am now said to get around sticking my neck out to create problems for the Monarchy which they wish to make friends with and I could never understand anyway, I was rather aware it’s a matter of people abusing and insulting me and then getting punished for it when it affects my finances since that is usually an indication that they are making use of my time to develop the pointless insults and abuses they have become very proud of. We see them at it all the time, where I am not married to somebody whom I divorced from but am stuck with idiots who talk me around town in a way that affects my ability to get a job on account they need my public image for their own plans in life, people who do not give me pocket money want to control my finances especially the idiots that got elected some months earlier etc – so the one that comes up every so often is the stupid women with boyfriends that will beat me up and then when I never stop pulling boyfriends legs which adds to the fact I am never really around because I have something important to spend my time on and the fight never actually happens, the disposition of when you do it you will return to a warm meal at home, turns to a case of I have to pacify you by giving you some narcissists pleasurable anal sex – in my view, this should have been the end of the story but we find it’s enough to pick up from the part where the Politicians spent tax payer funds to wreck my finances until their wickedness became something I used my religion to react to instead of respond to as normal and then it wants me on the left hand side like its own looks that way all together, for which I have to dish out even more punishment. The Men like to make out this threat they are to me all the time but it’s a case where I have warned enough times that I am unable to process how it is that threatening me on account they have plans to be rich and famous is linked to their civil rights while I have nothing to do with it save a Public image that needs to be consummated by an academic pursuit because of my line of interest. So it’s looking like there are some rude, stupid useless little women out there it wants to use as a tool for squandering people’s property and leaving people hospitalised if it can and needs to be aware it’s one of those cases where the one man’s food is another man’s poison applies; I am unable to process how it is that peoples civil rights looks like that and they do need to give me my space.

It’s an old case – these above mentioned are supposed to be the violent ones who do not make a mess of your tummy, the Celebrities are the stupid ones who are always looking for trouble first, then realise they want to feel safe when they get adulation from the crowd so the business of looking for trouble all the time is garnished by ripping up peoples personal lives and personal security to please a crowd and then get that crowd to keep it going as their own all day and now we have their society fools saying they want to beat me up for the bad smell as well when they are the ones who cannot lay off my bedroom window over the matter altogether, leaving me to think they were bluffing mostly. So what happens is that what I do at home is out there and what I do when I step outside of my door is out there and what I do when I am at work is out there: I know that if I stopped getting worried about what people were doing with my public persona my tummy ulcer will not hurt so much that it makes me smell but these idiots talk too much and it’s better to beat them down over it in order to ensure I am relaxed enough to stop the smell. They even claim that my activities affect their celebrity finances the way I complain their own affects mine; what they have done is to take the work place problem they create for others to a whole new level i.e. tell them to move one Box from here to there as you are paying by the Hour and you must guarantee that their prospects of being famous will not be affected first – so what we have ended up with is the business of insults from their Politicians giving them means to build up what they want to work all over my Public image, get money for it from industry scum who want to use them to hurt me and confiscate my talents like we hear their big mouth blab as well and now they have built such a fuss over the whole thing that they look as though they have worked for the money they have and yet I was not this angry 8 years ago, what has happened in that time is every academic institution being filled with local hoodlums with money to pay fees while my Public image is being deployed by their Political stupidities to make people behave better and give them a future, to make matter worse of which they have been tackling every Client that my Book distributors who get out to find people who need my products on my behalf have located and now have not been able to see I am angry enough to tolerate their stupidities getting involved with me much less than I used to; so it’s the old case of insults I tolerate but when my finances have been affected they were making use of my time and it had become something far more serious – no such thing as sticking my neck out to create problems for the Monarchy. They always claim I go too far but we can see that their need to share what I have constitutes a process where Politicians are giving speeches to help confiscate the market that the Arch Prince built for his Books to share with the populations of the world as the means to end wealth inequality, so their need to share what I have whether I liked it or not which is what this is all about also involves a process where I do not make money as well and so I am certain my Books are not actually that expensive all together and they need to be well informed the way I will do it, that they are absolute scum – I was not this angry 8 year ago, it’s much too late now to decide when I stop, if they are complaining need give me my space. For those who keep getting bolder and bolder, I am certain it is to get a lot less bold when I build a Public image on these matters.

They really love to point out an issue with the women all the time of course and it feeds into that other case where they claim everything I had worked for is gone whereas what has actually happened is that my Publishers seek out people who want my Books and then those people live under siege because of it and I am about to push them into such a difficult situation that lets them practice their tribalism among their mates, leaving us to hear they got killed at a later date, the blabbing about war that will emerge from it will be the part where I do not wish to get through my life despising them and tackling everything that makes me feel like they are important, it is usually the point where they are supposed to check their tongues as well. The women one being that the Women have always followed me way back and then there is the part where they built their lives around what I got up to and have since developed a system which ensures black people can never gimmicks lay claims of ownership to my person like their stupidities hopes to do when they think they are ready and I am to be relied upon not to respond to what they do here for it - when people say women said this and said that and it’s the reason they tackle me, I am left thinking if they expect me to believe the women did not have a right to defend against being abused but then again which it seems they bring it up because they want some justice and hence facts here supplied about the justice that has already been served - I was not this angry 8 years ago, they need to keep off my Books and Public image space, it has nothing to do with the women, all to do with their stupidities spending money on the insanity they invent so that people who are older than my parents can stand up at the work place gossiping about my abilities until they had settled on a sense of what respects I must part with before I am able to live comfortably with it, right up to the stage where they spend money on their stupidities to harm me and convince the public that is where the best life is since they are certain that either way, when they get into a fight with me I lose to them because they have got money whichever way the fight turns and so this is the bit that also feeds into a case of there being a problem with my vocabulary while I am simply responding to their present continuous and past participle insults doing my stuff all the time, by making sure they understood that if it does not pay the Bills around here, their problem as pertaining to my existence will never come to an end; so I was not thing angry 8 years ago, it does need to keep off my Books and clear my Public image space. The Politicians will be the ones that leave you confused about what learned people who are educated about culture and history really look like when they had started to realise you wish to teach them lessons as well and so begun to look like I am tough and over there is my back up character getting on your nerves, once they reach this stage its time to work some quasi or Political racism.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland