Now I publish books without editing is one of those matters about which people want to become my office trash than they want to do anything else with their time but one of the most important reasons was so that I never get to write things which suggests that I have written them about statesmen whom I would not write them about while they were in office, since I already know that it is what convinced people creating me a cash flow crisis was a good idea in the first place, never mind it has now gone out of hand.

The other issue is that people want to sell products that are created to abusing leaders and others want to buy them because they are not interested in how a Nation lives above its means and gets into financial problems, which therefore indicates that they can buy anything.

The other is crimes that are perfectly fine because the majority is okay with them when they are not happening to the majority; about which by actions thereby creates the idea that I support gangs and the things they do to bully others whereas the truth is that some people think the purpose of modern technology is to keep an eye on them and keep them safe while they plough the wrong turns in life and leave the mess at the door of other peoples homes, more so to prove that there is no God and that he has no wrath.

The other is economic security where by people do not have their minds in their jobs anymore because they are more concerned about home bearing in mind fame and fortune industry means it is impossible to leave anything and return to find them as you left them, even if they are just a hand full of words. So we have to take steps to curtail what is beginning to happen in the sense that the market is beginning to smell a working population that wants less time at work than what is the standard time and when this is followed by the rules of demand and supply we will have much more serious problems. So those who buy all those fame and fortune products can buy anything and this therefore means the only reason they are not buying books with diction errors in them is because somebody else is physically stifling the market and needs to stop or be made to stop doing so.

So I am okay with a reputation accorded, that I support the idea of bad things happening to people in society; bearing in mind all they do is a process where media just wants to take away my Christian persona and own it leaving me with violence in its place and if I go after that I loose my privacy and if I go after that I loose the Christianity and my job and if I go after any of the three I loose the other two and so the older I get the more complicated it gets as well, at the end of which their children show me what it feels like to be insulted when you are a media scum, which is again a fine reputation for a Christian. So of course last I checked I was busy supporting gangs and bullying and that path they have carved out for themselves is one about which I should get ready to protect them from the danger with a big mouth.

They say my views on race relations are still not cleared up and that it is a major issue for them. I personally have no idea what is difficult to see about the views of somebody who has a white gang on his door who wants something from him and then ends up finding out he has a black gang in his house that got the white gang there in the first place, while they follow him around and get help from Politicians to hold him down and keep it up, only for the politicians to get off saying that this occurrence was the lesser issue and no where near giving them what they want which is to have everything I have as I have them and each time I have them. It is so important to make this happen that somebody will leave 10 downing street and chase another around the streets of London and end up having claims that the administrative and government work he should have been doing which lies undone should be seen as part of the package of social equality and the sacrifices that some people need to make for others to have it, that he gets elected for a third term in office out of sympathy and the need to support him to finish the work – they always like to show their pride in their immoral and wicked society publicly of course and then complain about the consequences as well as if there is anything they can do.

Now it is not that I am not aware of where or who I am; I know that most of my problems come as a result of having a Court i.e. white boys don’t like black boys getting around with white women because it does their stuff and black boys don’t like black boys getting around with white women because they steal mixed race future and this is not to say that societies on either side of whites and blacks do not have arrangements they expect everybody to be part of as though it is what everybody will get along with. So I always knew how limited my choices were but when I have friends, everybody is my friend, when I have a Court, it is free for all and anybody can be a part of it and so it goes on like that never mind my academic work and everything else. Then the part that makes it all so obvious being that if we get into a fight for example, we always want to avoid television because it is the place where reputations are made and it is difficult enough to keep a good one while doing a job or academic work, the last thing you need is the bad one but it seems whenever people want to hurt me on making up their endless excuses for so doing, they want to hurt me on television. Hence when you hear their complaints you think it is the end of the world already.

So things stay as they are, any crosses me and I cleave them seriously. I mean basically when a gang in your house brings another and keeps that going outside your door for example and it is impossible to avoid being part of a fight between any two people but you get roped in through your skin colour, then you end up having gang stuff even when you are a Christian, while people get about changing the fact you are and even the girls think it increases prospects of fucking you, what do you get to do with it, provide them with your views on race relations and so the process where they make your life violent and want to exchange their person with your person and have your life gets to change the fact that somebody else is fascist?

As for how my food ends up in parliament and the bullying by which they want to eat what I eat to be what I am all the time and the scandals on public Television as well. I do not think of it as particularly pressing per se, the way it works is with respect to drinking high energy drinks that other copy me to drink as well which ends up as a real issue for parliament because of the things they get to do with it, its about people following me around to eat what I eat to claim I have shown them new highs like British black idiots that they are which of course it does not occur to them in the slightest I have been fed up with those kinds of insults from them for sometimes now as we are not hinged to each other or anything like that. I simply need these drinks because of my problem being that while people complain of big brother society, it seems they stretch their own air of sex and greed over others; for example everybody thinks about the cost of their mortgages and how long their tyres will last for example, while I think about how productive other peoples business should be and the fact black girls don’t like Christians and want to see me have sex and then before long it is all taking off over the internet where they parade every criminal the Police take pictures of especially from the US as people who have a message to send to me, then brew their own popular culture and fame industry from there wrecking my finances on a daily basis to make a lot of money from it. So I need to get on top of those things and I am not saying that I am not; I have already had a net to cover the issue set out from office trash in the US to newly cropping up pornography industries in African who know I am a Christian but want to brew pornography at my expense as well without consequences. In the end my crime against them is that I sell equities for a living and first of all which the issue is that it is their own property and then of course there is the other part where we are mates and they get to tell me what to do and also which jobs I can or cannot do with my own work and life and property etc. So it goes without saying they think they know me and those their idiots can get off following me around to ensure what I eat is up for discussion in parliament but I will soon settle that internet rubbish as well, I have given it my best.

What I really want is an end to what happened years ago when some really stupid American girls got hold of my property and loved to climb on it to get famous and connected. Since I have found it impossible to make contact with other royalty in the world and becoming what they claim is too ugly to tag along due to the abuses. The part that leads to the real issues is that of those stupid things they do as American girls who are awesome bitches that have big men that will beat me up so they are not obliged to listen and therefore applies that for every contact I make with any royalty is a result from them of somebody they can dominate making contact with somebody important and famous they ought to be connected with and no matter how good they think it will be for me or for anybody else including themselves, I want an absolute and total end to it, full stop; otherwise there is no point assuming what I will do is conversations.

So do I not actually think that the UK House of Lords needs any changes? Of course I would like changes but changes to what? In the end it is a House worked by people and not machines so people have flaws and there is nothing wrong with its standard of public accountability at present, it is perfectly fine. I mean for those who want change my question if simple; they consider the Parliament to be a Pizza and then work out which slice should be their own and then tell me what they have done to deserve it, which gets to mean that when Government official spend spare time making extra money with work somebody can have a share as well in order to bring about changes to the system in which they work. In essence you need security and you need capital to run a business and somebody is saying here that their security and capital is the reputation of a Politician; well then?

If we listen to most of the things that we get told on media we will always loose our way, it is full of rubbish. They run communities of people who do tabloids, of people who do glossy magazines, of people who do celebrity culture using the process of savaging other peoples privacy with scandals and public abuse and then turn up on media to tell us what to think about Politicians while they think the system Politicians work in and their reputation should be up for grabs. They think the classes in the eyes of everybody are so mixed up when it actually isn’t.

I am not saying there are no bad Politicians in the House of Lords, there are but with respect to Tories the simple truth is that people do not want to call a spade a spade and look after a problem they have got because they think they can abuse somebody else into doing it instead. I mean it is meant to be suggested that the boy who attended private school and owns a 4 million pound business, who thinks it should make more profit since he got into government is actually prepared to do any work for it or that the lower class guy who thinks he ought not to strive for at least a minimum requirement for anything he wants to become because he can have it through civil rights is prepared to do any work for money. The truth is about things like people thinking that because somebody got involved with and had dinner with the Queen and got some royal approval for his business, she has got to seek to protect her stupid interests by savaging my livelihood and for my part I have for every insult placed an arsenal which will mean that the day is blows over it will be very spectacular a thing to behold. What I mean is that for the Tories it is a matter of the fact that somebody should work for two more millions to have a five million pound business from a three million pound one but in actual fact he rather thinks you need to pack up your own business so that he can have such a money and in my point of view it is not clear how anybody would get around saying such a thing or what for, except he thinks that either which way whatever he does I will be the one to take pain. So if people are not prepared to do things such as recognise this is all that a Tory is and that you do not have to move any business to please anybody that you should rather be ready to teach a serious lesson instead for messing up your livelihood then there is no point running a business anyway and it is much the same with the Labour Party too whereby you tell them not to do things to you and they will do it anyway so that when you start picking up the pieces a gang will see you and want you as their errand boy and they will spin that off on parliament to look beautiful and later have money from the same pain they cause you; so you are supposed to band both Tory and Labour and hit them as hard as possible not sit about whinging and lying about what is happening because you have somebody to take advantage of and push into fixing the issues while you choose new decadence. For my part however they like to mention such things as the fact I will suffer uncertainty but I do wonder if they have yet finished with the part where I was supposed to close down my business because they want their own to be worth more anyway and it simply pushes me to take it to the next level of setting out structures around parliament, me and the country as well as parliament, me and the world and then I will make sure everything I do is based on seeing that the world perceives them to be bad people while I am a good person and then uncertainties will melt away. For now I am simply happy with the idea that they will move on bearing in mind when uncertainties melt away you will only have had what you were supposed to have anyway. So this is my problem and yes I do have some of those too; there is no such thing as a process where I get bothered because Tories are doing this or doing that, if people don’t call a spade a spade and look after their problems, then whom do they suppose is meant to solve it anyway, when I can burden them with my own as well? I mean how many people have been spinning off as a means of abusing them the fact some really stupid ugly violent women have been bullying them for sex recently?

I mean the way it works for the most part about the history we already have with such people is that they claimed I have fighting skills and they want to use it to fight their enemies and so I tell them to get lost and so they set off to extract the fighting skills with media and whatever anyway and used it to fight their enemies, ruin my finances and tell me they want to control me for this fighting skills and that the gangs that have continued to hunt me because they keep it up with media is all the better to serve their purpose. Now the result of course is that they hate my guts and there are issues set up all around the country to provide them something to do with their own fighting skills as well aka civil war and Political instability.

For the younger ones it is things like the Olympics being used as a means of making me the ugly father figure that hands over his future on the global stage for black people to be competitive with other races with; which makes you wonder what exactly some human beings really are thinking about when they suppose the world ought to come to a country to be entertained with such nonsense but before long they will be complaining about my influence on the spread of democracy in the world as well as the demise of their friends.  They like to think of themselves as celebrities but are simply popularity hooligans; so they like to have practical opinions about my finances, so I can have prove that it is an evil plague on the world as well. I mean there need not be a fight unless celebrity culture big wigs decide other peoples fame is not to be recognised by world with a big mouth and I have put up with the means by which they make this work for a decade every 24/7. Its blows peoples minds anybody would be that crazy but I for my part wonder why people do not do church instead of celebrity culture these days anymore; I mean what about church, what is really wrong with church? Of course it brings us back to the same issues; that everybody will become a soft Church goer and fascists will get to do what they like and this is what I want to take care of anyway; so my question remains and their position continues to be that of me the great servant doing things that they will become a part of to have the most richest and best possible lifestyle and you need to see the violent ones brag.

Being aware of what we have as a means of dominating others to acquire more things therefore continues to escalate.

I. Uno

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland