It is usually suggested that nobody really can make out what my business with high level jobs for which I have no qualifications seem to be but the answer has always been simple; things work because they are fit for purpose and Politicians will continue to get into trouble for each occasion where it is funny if people choose between supporting them and being customers for my books, which is the very destructive socialist racism of making sure others are stuck with their problems and after years of misery set out to solve it and put together products on which they can be made to grovel; so the good people and the nice people and the religious people do not deserve jobs they say and theirs is done as well and that is just the start since I will still have to make a living anyway, they do say I have been forced to deploy Royal Authority for civil rights which has nothing to do with reality or anything else, I say their careers are done as well and I will still need to make a living. The level of disruption they cause me is only matched by the same I have caused organised crime and it speaks for itself - they say if I stopped talking about it I would make things much better which does show people do know they should not be getting involved with the disruption that is caused me anyway unless they are allies of these trouble makers; so as it stands the Politicians have spent money on these fools and the businesses have too and they are yet to get the returns which is the reasons for the abuses and the media idiots contingent as well - I for my part am clear the reality is that they would rather want some trouble from me that they would check their attitude to make their stupid mature businesses profitable. The story I have not done any better myself is very well understood but it’s a matter of what I have wanted to do i.e. they like to claim democratic leadership is a matter of chance so I had to stem the economic problems that came from it and made them profits through blame culture by setting out every single process of leadership with clear cut factual explanation - so I have spent all my time on that and they have been pillaging my finances for it, I mean it’s only become a topic for conversation because I have recently found time to pay attention to my finances in the first place anyway. It’s the story of defending the democracy that is full of people that think they are superior to me but are yet again complaining of problems too as it were concerning which these are the trouble makers that are contributing to the complains so they should know; I cannot imagine that aiding women would have turned me into the coward people used to fear that they do not anymore and that their stupid career is done too and they can turn out and challenge me regularly until I build a public life on that too. Nothing can satisfy them unless they are the ones calling the shots and doing the leadership roles - now I have a reputation and that is a start.

Now they do love tales of how much mine is an ideology that brings about hate and it is utter nonsense as we all can feel and see that it is an ideology that gets people taking responsibility for the effects of their actions by making them suffer for it – when people dish death around here which they are rather fond of doing because they have problems associated with their moral and social corruption which is loosely linked with the criminal activities around them, what I do with it is start a gimmick over the details of the possible pleasures that might exist should a human being get killed and when it is my actions that lead to their deaths I will get away with it as well. I mean my whole life has been ripped up and torn and pillaged and destroyed every day by none whites especially those of the same skin colour as myself, so they might have a history with me that involves a process of not letting me get out of certain bad things that have happened to me, which is of course entirely made up since there is no place in this world or beyond it where they build their own version of becoming more important than an Arch Prince for instance but I am still being told that what is really happening is racism, told that so many times according to the number of times I have tried to move their terribly profitable disobedience somewhere else where they can enjoy it the most, that the prospects of walking down the streets and being abused by racists for it keeps getting better and better while it sets off to try and keep me that way and begins a publicity of claiming my public image that I refuse to let it peddle or cash into for itself all together. Meet a young woman and it will say something about where the pressures associated with the excitement of meeting you go, meet them and it goes down your throats and then your tummy and you are making bad smells you cannot control; we are not talking about meeting them on invite either, they get involved with whatever they like for it too together, according to what the stupid Media that makes up their minds for them and apparently runs my life for me has decided. So I do get this other question of the reasons they do it coming my way; of which it is still the same reasons of evil twisted wickedness – what it wants is to make use of my Public image to make itself financially comfortable but it also wants to ensure I am not as financially comfortable as it wants to be on my own public image as well, so it does give rise to the old case where sometimes it is witchcraft of human being doing stupid things, other times it is a witchcraft of dealing with a proper power all together. They know it could take a life time and what I have written in my Books would never have been accomplished by them but whilst they claim to have need of it so that they can rub shoulders with wealthy people, they do not wish to pay for it, if they are paying many times the same price for a drink when they rub shoulders with rich people – so it does come to a matter of their stupidities and the basic civility issues that can turn a normal person into an animal measuring that presumption that writers are vulnerable to them, that their insults like to blab about all the time. So people can only keep telling me mine is an ideology that breeds hatred long enough for a process to emerge where I start to do that their inability to be happy people that tends to mean they have to succeed by seeing to it that others had failed, so as to create public mockery based fun that is narcissist enough to produce sales and then the whole process of ripping my finances to create it and whacking me whenever I have acted to create an obstacle that prevents them from cashing into my Public image will go away along with it too. of course they always say that the system oppresses them which is utter nonsense – the oppression that makes them attack me is when a Police Officer calls them to a question about the method by which they have chosen to engage in activities that earn papers with bank of England governor’s signature on it, which they can go to the shops to acquire values that they get to run their lives with and they can only keep talking rubbish about my different personality they can bully and get away with, talk rubbish about how mine is an ideology of hate and violence until it ends really badly as well. people simply have to spend their time making me sort out my own safety and wellbeing and when asked claim they are being oppressed, telling lies all the time – this is their own lives, they live here as it were and can always keep telling me I am ideology of hate until it ends really badly as staying off my Books and Public image space should have ended it really well (they do say they want to share in the wealth I have created but it’s an old story where you drop out of University and cannot keep a job if at all you find it, because they are being decadent around you, because they are bearing down on you sexually, talking rubbish about your deluded sense of what people think about you when they are your parents and people really like you the whole time: so when it becomes too fond of telling me that mine is an ideology of hate with its stupid media, it has to be made clear it can end the good way where they keep off my public image space and my Books or the bad way where that narcissist happiness that brings about fame and fortune sales at people’s expense will become a main public issue. They do say I provoke them and yes I do, when I want to be left alone and they want to move into my right hand, clubbing and partying lifestyle threaten me as well, so it gets me career pirating the career pirate and broken dreaming the broken dream, clowning around over serious matters all the time at grave expense to others - getting them running after those stupid lives of theirs lest somebody else takes it up for them as well).

The Americans love to say it is the influence the British exert on their Country that they hate half of the time, the other half of the time they are ordinary people taking on a Royal Prince and when it reaches the point at which traders and popularity fools are handling state office to make money and you had decided it couldn’t be, what we find is that there is a lot of power and equality for US Citizens when they speak to the person in the White House and secure State support for it as a result making popularity goons and stock market twerps an equal of some Royalty somewhere; you have no time to point it out therefore before the hurting bottoms begin and it’s all your fault and you have got to do something about it, then a process where they do it again when idiots get half the opportunity. I hear my intentions are questionable of course but nothing could be clearer about the fact I expected that the positive side of the economic crisis was that recovery would mean when somebody says they can see a future where I got to work in my car but didn’t actually have to drive it, I would make realistic sense out of that but what has not happened is one thing while the total collapse of the relationship between those who have chosen to make themselves available for employment and those who have chosen a path that will end up creating the employment which is what is happening is another thing entirely. It’s like when they speak to me they do with such insolent authority and I know nothing but what I see on the ground is that Auto Company A and B existed but time and again, just before Company A goes Bankrupt, somebody will exchange their Assets with Company B and get paid a lot of money for it, while the result is people who spend all day lifting engine parts going out of work with grease on their faces and the government has to deal with the worst possible financial crisis; so that other theory that I am just a Church and social morality dud had to be tackled and now it is obviously the case since last I took these things away from them considering they do need to explain why they are always killing the goose that laid the golden egg.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland