So, there is this burden people feel as a need to justify my position which is understandable but it happens in my view because people are unaware of the facts, unaware it is a dead end; what we see the Politicians do is something they do to everybody, a vanity about the fact there is nothing more important to them than seeing somebody with a great cause fail at it, so they can get on Public places to glorify themselves on the premise they could have done better. We even see them do it with the Military when they do not even know how to handle a gun or how to carry themselves if they are fighting other people that are carrying one or even how to take precautions when they are being attacked by people who are carrying one while unarmed, what we see mostly is a process where five people went out to tackle an issue and only one returned, grave as it might be, the most important thing to a Politician is still to get on public places to claim he could have done a better job. It was the reason people were getting killed in the middle east obviously; when a Military operative should have been able to speak to insurgences and militia about where they are needed and where they have no idea what they are doing or talking about, we found that the needs of the Politicians took precedence and the loss of lives cannot be controlled. When I say such I get told I need to be more worth coming which of course I am i.e. when Politicians have done such things they would normally get away with it except I do hold them to account and the problem with a process where I do it is usually that I am so small and so out of the box that the sheer expense of seeking me out and catching me is usually one of their biggest problems, let alone asking me any stupid questions about it, leaving me to feel like a fully developed tyrant myself; and they do say when they cannot hurt me they can hurt my friends which is utter nonsense, it only set a stage where they have started another fight that they are likely to lose and so it’s better to just shut up and act, in case I want to do the shut up and act routine as well the way they do it – otherwise it is easy even for them to see that there is something wrong with them that they really need to correct for all our sake. As for those who know how to handle me; it’s an old case of the fact there must be a way to carry on without dealing with realities concerning an existence of evil in their society and we will find out who will be complaining and seeking some privilege of injustice from there too. It’s the same old gits usually that spend most of their time messing themselves up, thinking somebody else will capitulate rather than want to find their reasons for being big strong people who do not have proper academic qualifications and careers when they actually have the energy to achieve it and will show up to make out the answer for all their problems is to set out a nasty secret they share with me which is usually better when everybody else knows and I am unaware, while they get on such a platform to speak with Politicians every time about whom my career should end up with, looking really gay, really gay and feeling that their immune to something whereas in a similar situation the criminals in prison have their excuses as it were. It’s always better the politicians do not tickle it unless they are ready so that it will make sense when they had gone off to seek out the expense for being ready too, works well with that big mouth people must put up with all the time as it were while I rip up that popular culture for my bit all together. So the bit that suggests there is still more about it which people are unaware of is that I am due to the fact I dropped out of University some 7 years ago dealing with their senselessness on the Right and their Ignorance on the Left and it’s not the sort of disposition where One gets to lose Ones temper and or more so on a regular basis - it still churns my tummy and turns me upside down even when I know that is what I am dealing with, even when I know what it is, every time I lose my temper.


I have no idea why a certain group of people who speak of our evil Brexit like to say and chase the shadows we see them chase all the time; we all know that unless you are prepared to serve, then everything that has been done to see that this country is stable and prosperous has been steadily eroded and ripped apart and attacked and derailed by the Germans and the French for the last decade – in fact it is what the EU itself achieved which was the mobility that allowed mainland European Firms to find out what is happening in the UK, take some and exchange something etc, which has been the main enemies of European Politicians from these two Countries and other friends they have in the EU; now the main problem with Brexit is that they have not taken enough out of the UK and Brexit has halted their plans already, leaving them stuck between a Rock and a hard case. Their friends speak this way all the time because they believe the rest of us are none the wiser and that they are not aware they are laying – then there is that other story that is certain to put me down, concerning my relatives that I am not taking care of which refers to all that insolent nonsense we see them do with humanitarian advertisement which they wouldn’t say destroys the lives of those who have nothing whatsoever to do with them for no reason at all, if they would claim they are victims in every turn instead and run it as stupidly and insultingly and destructively as they possibly can. In any case of which those who claim any fool from poorer areas of the world where people have the same skin colour as me is my relative can always do it until I do his own as well; since it is clear that if they want money and you gave it to them, never mind the fact you are not related to them and have no clue who they are, it would be spent on drugs and marijuana but besides that the Politicians give them money so you cannot tell them their activities are stupid if they are successful and now have no other way of getting rid of the argument that if their involvement with people causes people to drop out of University then something about their nature and behaviour must have terribly stupid attribute bout it – so what they want to cover that with is bullying. I do get told when I speak like so it means I am generous but I am not being generous if this information is put to culture and society and placed on a patented website that says I exclusively have the right to decide what happens with it, either for the purpose of wasting it or making money, such stories are meant to be the very pinnacle of their disrespect the consequences for which are brewing hate as well. I hear it does not make them bad people of course which is never really issue; just those who claim such things cannot actually answer a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question if it were about whether or not the incessant involvement in your personal life of those you know nothing about, to churn your tummy and try hard to set you up to get beaten up by somebody whose nasal cavities you have irritated is bad – in the end it’s all mid-level gangs stuff; not the small ones that are really ratty or big one working out underground justice all the time in violent ways, but the middle ones that have ideas about what government organisations and Politicians should be doing with those organisations to make them and their band of idiots comfortable, so its talk like that until these goons find their way into the schools and the idiots who tell such tales discover they have children that cannot attend school, then they will be bad people, as in seriously evil to a point where this is some sort of fun if other ways of wickedness and the control of access to pain employment has failed as a means of getting attention for being bad.  In the end business is about selling somebody a blanket which is good enough to ensure they only have to worry about their jobs and not sleeping, which means that you are likely to help the person earn money and pay you some by buying your product, so German and French led Industry grab is a great idea, the idea that pillages peoples own, grabs and invests quickly so by the time a moral imperative is decided, they must have amassed enough to be Industrially powerful with a reputation for being successful to show for, but sometimes they do meet people that can push back and then huddle in a corner being amazed and will not move on after or spend time on their own concerns instead which is just fine too, only they need to stop telling lies, keep their senselessness off my Books. In the end I come from a world where I may speak to somebody about what I studied at school and able to notice when my environment has been changed into one concerning which violence I can do and a heightened state of affairs to go with it; these fools and the claim that Brexit is evil which they know is lie, do not tend to notice such things; all they know is how to rip up the finances and family and well-being of those who have told them to fuck off. They love to claim I have found a convenient excuse for what happens to my tummy but what really does is that I usually have two meals a day and to half dishes a day for a man 6 foot tall is not an ideal feeding size but then again, I find it hard to see what I am likely to do with the excess energy since I have nobody to fight and am not looking forward to any such thing; everything these idiots do is designed to ensure that my abdomen is in pain and that it is all because of the way I have tailored my life and now it has become the answer for everything to them on this Business empire and its finances all together. So what happens practically is a very nasty behaviour that involves being seen talking about, leaning on and being violently lascivious over my personality and my personal space all the time, then they will get their beauty sleep from the whole process of being this personality that makes them feel at home and lean on it all the time; then we get to the stage where they are not getting a reaction from me and decide to start a campaign that suggests they are my friends, which is where I need to start showing I have been waiting to see what they would do about the bad smell after all that abusive complaining but they have only escalated it instead all together. Then there are their daddy figures whose whole existence is about their failures, inability to keep up with their mates, trying to make me into them and talking nonsense about an insult I have channelled at their stupidities to deserve it and all of their lives problems will be solved somewhere around my anus. What has really been happening, contrary to those claims my activities are discriminating is that they enjoy building up problems to beat me down and grab fame and fortune off me by and we are in one of those position where it has reached a point, I have counted the number of days and years they have been hard it and need to move into the right hand side and screw around with some criminality to build up a problem to beat them down with too, when finished perhaps they will start again. It’s not that I do not know what they want, I do; they want market separatism because they are worried I want to sell Books to them and make money to run a system of oppression at the British Monarchy with but that should have been foremost on their minds before ripping up my academic work and making fun of the results to ensure it is never completed as abusively and violently as possible for 8 years on International Media - like we hear them say they know what they want and it’s the bit where they made themselves self-employed to avoid being told what to do when it is too late for anybody that would otherwise have paid attention to their insanity.


The media one’s love to claim I will be getting into trouble with them especially when some process of their salaries undercutting my personal finances because they are having fun, leads to outcomes where Whistle blower reveals their pay; so, they usually say that whenever it happens I will be getting into trouble which will never actually happen. There is no way I will likely let myself get into trouble with a collection of cowards that punish me with not buying Books they use to make the news and the television personality careers safe because they find my reaction exhilarating of which the process has now therefore begun to ensure that no excuse is good enough for it to continue. Besides which in a reasonable sense, the reality is still that interviewing fellow queer celebrity scum that are worth 50 million pounds each and have wide audience appeal over a period of five 3 years for 2 million pounds makes perfect sense – they know why they are paid that money and need to stop punishing me by ripping up my personal finances to make their media jobs safe by promising to use me until I drop dead wasting my Books and not buying any for some strange queer reason. So, it’s getting to the stage where not even the excuse of my Court making use of it without paying will be good enough as well and I shall be handling it according to their big moth threats too – otherwise they need to take the risks, find the news, report it and earn the money that gets to their stupid heads. Of course they always say there is nothing I can do about it which is an old story about celebrities who are beeline characters that are only horrible if they are some older neighbour who likes you but does tend to treat you unfairly all the time; otherwise they know exactly why they do not fancy violence but at the same time take over people’s lives and wreck homes and personal lives like the very air they breathe; I for my part since I am Royalty and do not need help because it wrecks and takes over must now run their lives for them as well since there is no known intelligence that can reason with them and make them listen and the other half of the time will be spent running campaigns that see there is somebody in those Offices that want those jobs as well, all it ever takes from me really is a bit of work but the other part about wasting my Books for the sake of it is the one where I will see that big mouth shut in a violent way before it stops as well, get involved with celebrity stuff, so the Military might have a role to play. The Politicians speak of Celebrities in my Court of course which was just meant to be a group of people that do the madness of men on the left and right hand side that is something I do not get involved with, which I have now been pushed out of my academics to make me get involved with as well – same old idiots who spend government money on fools so that others could never tell them they are stupid people if they have money to show they are celebrities by, creating thereof social equality; now they cannot handle the idiots who get involved with government and tear things up to tell them there will not be a stoppage if somebody gets killed while those of us who had it sorted during our teens no longer have the time and energy for it, so that a process of asking somebody for something might become a means of evil power as well; which I do not think is a problem considering I am already hated by these idiots since they are waiting for the government money to be spent on them and the fact I am a virgin means everything I do is explained away by sex, except that the way I run my Business cracks their celebrity stupidities but they do not wish to stop getting involved with it, seeing they have partners for sex and children and a family to worry about, so we have come full circle and all the hate without reason and purpose that lets them seek out pregnant women and single mothers and drop out students to bully and get rich quick by has now turned into an outcome where they have become the same things they hate so much, ripping up homes and destroying relationships for those that have found it, while unable to complain about the existence of those who irritate others so much that they ensure people cannot have a relationship: simply because there is no sex in my brain. I am never going to get into trouble with these idiots; just going to stop people wasting my Books to ensure they have the means to chase and gather as much news and TV jobs as possible in order to get rich quick with punishment for me that involves a process where I have no money, as though it was in their stupid job description and it does give way to that need to take the means by which they get those government funds away from them as well, especially when I look at all that queer and perverted and twisted homo in the face that is nothing compared to the fact that it is an evil menace all together. They speak of a lack of respect for world powers on my part which is utter nonsense; what happens is that three most notorious supporting a system of people who want to get rich by means of competition that is not actually civil in anyway let alone fair and it targets pregnant women and single mothers and University drop outs like there is no tomorrow; so the Japanese are really good at building people financial holes that people can suddenly fall into until they find that have ended up in a chasm and that their victims had no part to play in it - the Germans love their take and take insults until they find they have ended up in a condition where they have not taken enough and hence stuck between a rock and a hard case - the Americans just get off wanting others to pay for their liabilities rather than sort out the reasons some banks were too big to fail and wrecked whole economies in the process providing this leadership where I need to respond to peoples insults because it will not give me a breathing space. So they love to claim they have found the reasons I love Mr Trump when I mention such things but we all know this is an example 70% of US wealth ends up belonging to republicans give or take because it pays for democrats to live on insults and neighbourhood alleyway fraternity by which they buy shares in businesses on account they have got media and civil rights to play with - so they have become quite fond of issuing threats at me whereby their insults will mean I have to live in a past that I made safe while their community croons chase and wreck it and it is not in their interest for me to have a financially viable business - so I have to work out how to run their lives for them which will really wind them up and send a message about his displeasing helping Royalty really is, then set up campaign to ensure there is always a sense that people either want their roles in the businesses or their job roles in business establishments or their share in businesses all the time - I tested it and it worked like a dream, so I thought it was time to return to paying full time attention to what Broker clients need and an Intellectual property administration business but that was when activities on their part made me realise there will be no such thing for me unless that Treasury money Obama promised them was not being paid; so this is the start of a process where it stupidities need to threaten me less as there is no way I will abandon my concerns to pay attention to the insults, needs to learn to keep its mouth shut unless it is paying my Bills and stop punishing me without reason by using my Books as intended while never buying a copy, allowing others to buy one and then building a campaign of people who want to use it without buying it because I refused to co-operate with its plans to be rich and need to be punished for having refused it what it wanted thereby creating its stupidities an image that suggests there are times in which it does not get what it wants, leaving that sense I would have been sexually assaulted by now if I were female while the idiots cannot shut their insults and keep their hands to themselves talking nonsense about being the only ones that can fight back whenever I get off to my gimmicks all the time. There is always that confidence we see them exude even when they know it would not be difficult for me at this stage to find a way around that argument that taking the treasury money away from them tends to mean it is not in my interest for the Country to be financially successful and that is when they are not claiming others did it in the past and that although I am given a royal estate to throw spite at them, I am actually below them all together, rubbing in it at ripping my academic work to play up these gimmicks – others did no such thing in the past; we can see even now they talk nonsense about business all the time but taking care of people in a world where a washing machine seller is no different from a residential property cleaner and it’s all about things people cannot do for themselves because they are at work making the money that pays you for doing it for them, they are always busy chasing fame, wanting peoples help but knowing better, becoming the same irritable characters that broke up relationships they complained about throughout school with impunity. I am for instance a writer but somebody will see nothing wrong about approaching the media because I told him to sell his Book somewhere else on account he said something first about Islam doing the same things Christianity used to do and then progressed at a later date to complaining about all religions not evolving at the same time, so he can get some stability in his stupid life, to get me wondering why fame and fortune trade writer idiots cannot sell their books where it will not be sold on structures I built for my literary empire and not their financial wellbeing but this is not likely to be something they comply with when they know where to hurt me as it were, so I am working on it all together. I have to take into account a parent might be worried about a Child reading my Books but that does not prevent the child from reading it anyway: so, it’s not that it is a book that parents will respond to in such ways, since such sensations are mainly a matter of how I run my Business as a whole i.e. those who do not want the Books will be cracked up and there will be job losses for getting involved but I have to bear it in mind anyway. So I am told my Books still do badly even after all these but of course the Books do reflect the fact that everything people do with me, right through to the feelings of the general public since last I got a Royal commission is to be managed by means of the Books I have written but somebody else a queer goon is has been creating another description for it on that stupid media to decide which one I have got and which one somebody else deserves to have all the time and I am determined it will not stop unless I crushed it too. I do get told I always refuse to make clear the reasons people attack me all the time but the reasons have always been their hatred for women; they hate women and they hate me too - so if it wants to get promoted to a high income at work and I tell it to stop showing up at my Public image which it actually deserves to on account it is male and should be getting family support from women, then it will teach me a lesson to show me I should never dare create it a history where it suffered rejection from my type - I may think the worst will be over when it destroys my Books and my writing career but it will not be when I find that it wants to chew snacks and sleep with girls who pass insults at me all the days of their lives on account they have a sugar daddy - it does not want to be treated the same as everybody else around my Business because it wants to push me into a corner where he can get strippers and online sex workers to compete with me over personal income while he spends lose change on consumerism at my expense and ensures all the smaller democracies of the world are beating down some Brits - so eventually the Books I write do not do these things any favours but they are seen around it all the time looking for story and more serious things have happened concerning the old sermon of not wanting people to move into my right hand or peddle my faith or create me difficulties and discomforts that facilitate working a sex life at my expense and or makes me go through great suffering to do something I was doing anyway, so as to create an environment where it is possible for people to image things away from the way it should be, allowing Lesbians to try and copy the life of a Man which will make them the male characters in their relationships; ultimately of which more serious things have happened since such as me dropping out of University and in my view they might be complaining but have not been taking it seriously enough yet. It’s an old gimmick where it will press people all the time about getting rid of the Monarchy and then ignore it you will until you start to write a private diary in order to cope, ignore it further and you will be unable to think all together, become intellectually dumb and in physical pain; so it gets serious enough to set out that half the time a Monarchy is gotten rid of, the Monarch is being punished and the other half the time the Government was doing badly and needs to be replaced, none of their theories about anything of which matches these two scenarios. Then I am informed I do not solve a problem by giving away all these facts about matters which is utterly not true; the world is split into the Politicians and the common people and the Royalties – they might want to mind their own business altogether but what they chose to do instead is the bit where you will be held to account so I can find out I am governed, then realise I have not worked out how to pay my bills and you will either do it or end up in my situation while I find a way out of it to punish you for a historic injustice; so it becomes the one where I will pull their intestines as well to ensure they listen to what other people are saying to them; we know what they want from it is a condition in which when they chase money and hungry people chase their private parts it may affect everybody without any consequences attached to them which is what their existence is like but Royalty cannot live like that or they will make enemies with the general public and with the Establishment at the same time, so they have decided to get involved with royalty and sell the sensations of convenience that they can find. Completely incapable of being happy people of course and now we know they will do nothing else with their time save set up popularity canopies where narcissist happiness is rife to get rich quick and need to keep out of my concerns lest I cut it to bits for them as well. I mean there is a question as per why people behave in such ways which is an old story about how they reach for what is beyond them, hating and abusing those who exist without ambitions and then eventually when stuck we find that they spend a lot of their time finding and targeting people to leave others with a question of what the dividing line really is between personality competition and bullying: which is not a problem for me, I am only wondering if the story if that I am so naïve about it and didn’t take measures accordingly, a given the right tools and correct measures situation. They always say I am looking for trouble of course, I like to think they have no plans to let it go, so I have to wait for a time when they want to wear that stupid suit in peace and then that temper will create something I can write a blog about and place on the internet – as for trouble I am likely to get into, I do not think such a thing would ever exist anyway, we all know it’s either the goons on the left who think they are seriously good looking or the ones on the right who are likely to pick up arms because there is too much senselessness in the Country, they are stuck the middle queer violent bastards and need to keep their mouth shut since the street scum will pick it up and I will not be able to leave my own home and get anywhere smelling nice etc – need to keep it firmly shut.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland