The prevalent setting for most of the abusive career vandalism that happens here seems to be one of the claim I have picked up what is too big for me to do all of the time and I could never make it out anyway, since it is simple to follow up a group of goons that cannot show up here to buy Books I have written without starting up practical jokes about getting the bits I should have written for people their size out of me while everybody else is buying it anyway; all the while being aware that it can lead to outcomes where I come up with a way to create even greater problems for their stupid size than what they currently have presently. This is an easy way to say that we are heading towards a stage where the Public will complain that the business of something I have which Politicians do not becoming the basis on which I am a threat to their health and safety and wellbeing as well is about to emerge from this nonsense that makes a mess of my career and finances and starts the day for them every day thereof – we all know it still goes back to incredible insults and abuses where they claim they have access to my Books which serve a contact point at which to play with my feelings and that Industry fools do not really have to establish relations with consumers to sell products anymore as a boy has got it and will be manipulated into getting it done for nothing. Always insulting people every time we see them especially the Americans and when I talk like this they start to claim it is something of the spooks and cannot understand why other people’s spooks gimmicks shows up to prevent me from having an income, getting a date and completing academic work anyway but we can all see what view they have of me when they are certain I can be relied upon to do nothing about it so far.

There is that excuse they make all the time which was afforded them by the history of insults their media fools had built up, that I rule over them and that they want to be free, while reality is more a case of getting them stuck with me until they are past it as well and of course it will soon develop into one where I have no more time in terms of my age to set myself a proper pension for my retirement and then I will wait for them where they are trying to collect their own, to secure revenge for all these nonsense too, otherwise it is as simple as them keeping their insulting comments off my case and staying away from Books into which they have not contributed a single word as it were. Tyranny was always much more than just hurting people and governing them, it was always also a case of making sure people cannot understand what they were saying to each other until there was conflict and I am clearly not the one doing that, never because I was scared of doing it but simply because it is not the correct way to get things done, simply because I am not a usually useless low life villain that has found its way into government buildings.

The real view I have of these guys are a collection of goons following up the stupidities of their Politicians to show up around my concerns but not to buy Books I write, rather to secure some trophy Royal eccentricity that they can peddle to get rich quick, walking around the city when it has made them some money, looking as though the highlight of their day is when they fire people. They complain all the time about wealth and social inequality but we need look again at the sheer number of people who have no reputation and as a result of which nobody wants to give a job to such persons, meaning that if they had located that person who understands what they are going through and had waded through hell and high water to establish and run a company successful deciding to give them a job, there will be an economic crisis as a result of it, for me it also means their need to show up here all the time to make those insults profitable, stopping me from completing my academic work and looking after my finances and or getting a date and having a family while they claim it is some sort of spooks, will easily develop into a case where I want to know where they and their stupid celebrities kept the money they made showing up here to perform one form of wealth inequality vandalism that lets them get rich quick – hence when I speak like these we can see that these activities are not in any way linked to their job description that that they just enjoying going to the Office to be a bit of me and them make a mess of the real me, blabbing about how I rule over them to provoke them while at it. Never has it been an unusual matter anyway; we all know as an ethnic minority the need to put your roots down can be something through which you spend all your money and this has become some sort of Industry for them all together – then again which we find each time I settle down, there is a sense a crowd has gathered and somebody has spied on me to make a crowd case out of my diet and they have started to dig me out of my hole for the fun of it, hence when I dig them out of their comfort zone as well, claim I do not accept the Country belongs to white people and it’s all part of the practical joke gimmicks of spooks. Then there is the part where I have been labelled the sweet thing that CEOs cannot have enough of, knowing if it is a CEO that employs me it will be fine but if not, they were wrecking my career to preserve their careless block head stupidities all together, completely convinced that this is not how I view them; for me the whole exercise of economic recovery was to ensure their masters of the universe madness spent time on their careers and nothing else but for the Media where lies are told all the time, it has become a matter of a group of people that appear to have a piece of everybody else’s career, supported by American stupidities where they say any good thing that is seen in other people’s Country is a good thing that can be found in the home of Daddy USA, the insults never diminish and they know where my Books are therefore have something close to my heart to screw with me by, this then should be the start of a process where I did not get along with the Politicians and it became a problem for the Public, They always point to the Public trouble makers I am meant to be concerned with instead of them but we know those trouble makers especially the German influence bits to be concerned a lot of the times with the idea that presumption of innocence before being proven guilty as though everybody on the planet was involved with a Legal Career tends to mean that they look any less like criminals that have not yet ended up in the Cells with the adage they have got. It is really not in any way the crisis it looks; one should never trust Politicians or believe what the Media says but they know where my Books are and are using it to screw with my feelings and make me smell like my loo on a professional setting which lets them disregard their job description all the time, needs to end well or it needs to end badly for them but it has to end anyway (they of course have pointed out that if they let go of me at this stage they will not have the tummy to return to their lives where they left it, which does mean they are past it too and understand what it feels like to drop out of University because people show up there in their expensive Cars and so on just to build you setbacks that will allow their Children get ahead, then when you returned to the work environment, you regularly walk down the streets tired after a day’s work to deal with them walking up close to mumble nonsense about you picking up jobs that the Daddies should handle and need get on with it without complaining - they are past it too).

I hear of this other case where people cannot tell why the bottom hurting thing is always so important but it is the good old case of Men wanting to be in the winning environment all of the time, so they want to be right when wrong and wrong when right and there is an obsession to find a way of dealing with the whole thing making them untidy by using other people’s lives and body clock, their obsession with my Books which does need to end as soon as possible. They claim I had told people I can handle the Tyrants which reality is more a matter of their villainy wanting to move into my right hand and live there permanently in my head likewise my left hand side depending on what they fancy they have seen recently, which still relates to knowing where my Books are, having something close to my heart to make me smell like my loo by all day long - then there is also the claim of the diminishing Royal Status and how I claim I am Royalty when I am not, at the same time of which we find them rely on me to let them peddle the status to keep their profits rolling in by working stupid trends and it’s the same process all round; wreck he finances and show up with a criminal attitude to enjoy some status based narcissism, which you attack me for because I am not contributing as much as you need, here it is making money with my status to a point and wrecks the academic work, soon after expects to keep it going when I study but not in a prestige University. So I am said to be of the opinion I can do anything, which is utter nonsense; one should never say that the Men do not know what they are doing like we can see the ethnic minorities show up here to take over and provide leadership that leads to conflict so that black people that are superior to me may get closer to the Monarchy – the rest can never stop showing up on Media to take over my concerns and talk into me and they can never stop lying so that tends to cause a heart burn and hit the tummy, once done they believe that has controlled my life as well, it soon becomes their main investment. They are not my first or only experience of people sitting around looking tall and beautiful, talking up the problems of society and talking up their problems with respect to other people’s lives in order to preserve the body but they appear to know about my Books, handle it and churn my tummy by all day - it has been taken a step further. If everything they say and do is not taken up on a case by case basis to dispel those lies, there will be violence and civil rights movements again (I mean there was a time I used to join those groups where they gather to talk up civil problems and talk their problems with reference to other people’s lives, pretending culture exists to ensure I complain about them all day and all of the time, in order to feel good about themselves and preserve the body but when I stopped I was still in my teens, yet later in life I became a character that lived out a fake existence which I deployed as a tool to limit other people’s prospects and now they know on the basis of how they can become more important than I am, I need to pay back i.e. it’s not about me thinking I can do anything as much as it is about preventing conflict they have built at my expense by making sure those civil rights lies were handled on a case by case basis as they came along).

So the Politicians are starting to make some personal enemies knowing where my Books are to churn my tummy using anxiety and practical jokes and the fact it is close to my heart, then making out the big problem is that they do not have the stomach to return to their own lives as per the consequences was my concern. They do of course say it’s all about me making sure others do not realise I am trying to cope with Royal duties, which I am not; the main case is that the Politicians have spent so much time screwing around that people with business Interests and some money from Germany, France, the USA and Japan, show up to get the better of people who have money and business interest even in their own UK Soil and this then means when I write a Book and put it on the internet it is toxic all day long, while they were unable to deal with Brexit - their need to handle my earnings of which is what I must follow up in kind as well since we have seen it become more and more abusive but neither the Liberal Democrat Politics or the UKIP one or the Labour one or the Tory one I am fed up with or anything like that but saying so, still, the Labour one is incredibly destructive and it has now reached a stage where the abusiveness is about taking advantage of somebody that can get them out of any Political and diplomatic mess as long as they could make him, blowing out into a competition between services I can provide at Politics and the ones Germans can provide, so it is a destruction that I plan to match pound for pound as well. They do say I am not afraid of the Labour party while I really should be but the case is more a matter of talents they have in a world where Politics lets idiots show up on people’s lives to count pennies until they magically ended up with Millions at Popular culture, specific talent of the Labour Party is the way their useless choices in life affects people if they deployed it for a corruption of involvement, wrecking finances and academic work, Tories like to claim they are Royalty so the Royals get scared of what damage will be done to the Office, the Liberal Democrats are not yet a threat to women who talk as though they were your school governor until they had some real power, while UKIP and the SNP are anomalies that emerged because characters with an adage show up in the UK with money and business interest to take advantage of UK people who have money and business interests on account the Politicians are doing nothing at Government buildings..

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland