I am now said to be a supporter of female bad behaviour and I have no idea anyway, it feels just like the time we hear them say elderly people should be made to stand on public transport, so they can use their muscles; so full of life that they do not understand. I personally have no idea which bad behaviour they are talking about, just that because they need money, others are expected to forget all about the provocation they have caused and like myself for instance over the last decade on a daily basis, so this causes them to tell lies all the time as the lies tend to help people forget about the provocation. I would never understand what is difficult about saying you need women to leave you alone because you want your personal space like we see women do when they are bothered by Men anyway; I mean I am sure they are able to see that if I borrowed about £5,000 from the bank for example and ploughed it into my Books, it was more productive than expecting one of their brain dead celebrities to buy a copy when they want it, so while I am not doing that, their problem is what happens when I cannot leave the Book and return to find it as a I had left it on account they have that stupid cosmetic freedom to play around with and believe people have come to see things from their perspective since my Books are not written in such an incompetent way that they can take advantage of it. As for the Celebrities, their problem is the way I run my Book sale business, just one of those things I do to find out how civilised they really are i.e. take up the idea Politicians need my information to save lives as a pretext for giving away the contents, then set off to bundle it and print it out for consumption, we can see that for their part, when then they need it I get ill rather than outcomes in which they buy and read and it is the same thing we find about piracy as well i.e. sit on your computer and watch a Film on the internet by somebody who downloaded and put it there and it is assumed you do not want a CD for the family as well because they are the ones doing the most intellectual property breaches – so I have read my Books out to them and the technically know everything about the contents, their problem now is that they were supposed to buy it because they needed it and my case is that it is what they are supposed to do – the Police should not contend with some stupid grey area on intellectual property like we see them do as it stands but for me the price of my Books compared to their incomes will change me from somebody who has put his life into writing a Book to an animal that hates Celebrities over their behaviour - when they need my Book, buying their copy is what they are supposed to do, irrespective of what they know about me or what I have told them, that is what they are supposed to do when they need it.

The first time I had to tolerate these fools was when they showed up on my concerns to select their girlfriend as though they were preserving their genes at my expense – now we see all the time that 6.00pm is when the car headlamps of the stupid motorists have come on and so you are transcended into a world where the prevalent atmosphere is not of job satisfaction but one of the evils of the day being completed; they understand this is my view of the world but the need to wind me up persists still i.e. same case where if they know they will win a fight they kill people, if they know they will put up a good one but winning is not guaranteed they draw in human collateral damage, if they know they will lose a fight even the things they must strive for to live as human beings is not worth a thing – so when I say I am also expecting trained soldiers to go into a fight with them and return alive as there are usually only a few in their groups that are the main deal, they say I have joined up with the wars but nobody will ever understand apart from the fact that they have developed the need to provoke me and learn from the way I react to do some new violence, after the Politicians spent tax payer funds to ensure it was impossible for me to ignore them, why it is that whilst these things are not taught at Church, I am always learning it from their stupidities against my wishes everyday – all garnished with further insolence about taking on big enemies who in their view have not therefore got more resources that can be plundered. So we hear them claim the problem with me was that I have very lovely bowel problems but cannot stop winding up other people who make money from their disobedience but which is precisely the point; I do not have any and would not take up somebody that does not care about when people are saying something of it even on my social media profile – so we can see that a lot of the times they complain about my Court while it is none of their business what the Women in my life get up to but ultimately, what happens is that when I see the picture or portrait of the Queen, some big brother idiot keeping an eye on me will do some violent things and then the outcome will be what we can do thereafter with the impetus, same applies to the Celebrities as well and they all have no respect for other people’s personal and thinking space in such ways, I cannot ignore them for some strange reasons, cannot ignore the idiots who do violent things with distant violence when I see portraits of the Monarch and so my study time and then work time after that gets taken from me without reason or purpose and they start to hate my guts in a really big way and cannot stop talking rubbish on media where they secure the most public attention for their stupidities. The case with the women does encourage infidelity as they can see, so what we have most of the time being the ones that cause me to masturbate are issuing threats and those who have been victims of being caught with pants down can move into my right hand and do me favours around the corner– so when they had started a fight tackling it is exactly what is going to happen.

I am determined that their equities will never mature before it is deployed and the civil rights based equities as well that they believe is to tied up to their existential rights that it cannot be handled the way that we see them handle my Books; we all see that every time I give them a break, the money they make from it facilitates the very reasons they claim I provoke them right back to where it started in the first place (the female bad behaviour and the parts of it that I support which is provocative).They say what is happening to me is a product of the way I handle other people’s property; what happens mostly is that I may do something to facilitate a working immigration system and to control the movement of get rich quick criminals that basically become the richest people in the third world considering Law enforcement is so weak in those parts of the world, so they can provoke me less talking nonsense about boys from the hood getting me if their civil rights does not take advantage, somebody will make a Music CD with a singer that is involved with me and then soon enough it will make another with another signer because it has a music studio and thinks there is nothing I can do to protect myself, which will involve helping Community croons that chase peoples bottoms after a life time of badly raised from childhood mentality and an attitude of thinking themselves neighbourhood Queens to feel good about what they do with vices and their spare time, then another will be made that involves a different singer and how my public image can be destroyed to help people concentrate on their academics after that, so here we are and I am using their own all together while all I want from that stupid cosmetic freedom that likes to tell me my Books cause nostalgia and it will do what it takes to stop it being written or sold, is a condition where I leave my Books somewhere and can return to the same place to find it the way I left it - as for the insulting Music CD, when I want some made on some public activity I have performed, they will find that they cannot resist it again. Like the claim that I say what I say to get women fighting for me, of which the reality is more a case of a difficulty understanding why they say such things and act accordingly when they know they are the potential enemies of women. For my part however it is said I am a trouble maker in my own right but what we have here is a habit these fools have developed over the years; making comments that damage my Books, addressing me abusively on public image to improve their profiles etc. so when I say I am not responsible for my actions as they did have all the options, I am being nice – mostly the comments can continue as abusively and violently as those stupid body language and coded incitement can get, what I am going to do as well is repeat what I am doing again and again so it feels like whole communities are getting fucked. By far the most sought after of their insults is the sexual ones because it means the need to attack me if I look at Celebrities and dignitaries, then show up on Media to decide what I have lost as a Royal personage gives way to a process where they lose the Fashion and Celebrity connections as well; when their Politicians say what I do is really stupid for instance, it adds to the processes by which I do it over and over again so it feels like whole communities and populations are being fucked – feels like an Orgy, it’s not so bad after all. They do say it’s a matter of trade naturally but I am the one that is unable to replace their extreme anxiety with fun while I sell Books I write to those who read it, so it does tend to suggest they are not concentrating on their own jobs because they are having all the fun and adds to my sense that the next time I clear out these matters and attend an academic institution to find them follow me around, I am going to have to up the ante. The Political junky characters always boast about getting the better of me which never really happens; what does is that it is the sort of boasting that can make attrition out of the whole thing i.e. building publicity for who they really are – the boys from the hood sitting on the fence to take my launch Box from me every day – so they will build me up to a stage and it will be all about my Books but not the sales or needs of my audience and then when they deploy what they have done with me for entertainment and easy street jobs, I will have interfered with that and become guilty of damaging a job, deserving of punishment that suits my crimes with that big mouth. So such boasting means that although intellectual property can be protected by the action I have taken not damage control after they had extracted an income from it, the whole thing can still become attrition because there is the question of why they do it and cannot keep that filthy mouth shut, why they show up around my Books knowing it is at odd with their cosmetic freedom that never allows people to leave property and return to find it as they left it. The part where I am at odd with the Politicians will be the part where it has to be explained what happens is that I am a normal person one moment and then the next I have been groomed by so much abusive insults that are sexual and violent that I am stuck with the practical jokes of those who have families and are twice my age over the things that are passing on their left hand side and right hand side and then another group of fools with media jobs will take up extra work that is not paying them to ensure that it is always on my mind. I do not think it is that much of a problem for me at this stage, just that they claim it is what happens with Royalty and I knew what I signed up for while everybody knows this stuff happens all the time, like when we hear that some Royalty who has family is gay and it has to be an open secret lest he uses his power to select another existence to disprove it before people get to find out it is true but the part where they go too far such as these is one about which they wish to turn a blind eye to. I do not think it is a crisis either; they are losing the fashion and Celebrity connections presently and their assumption is that it is the worst I can do (the first time these Political fools worked with Industry trouble makers, people grabbed money off the economy and ran off to China claiming it was not their duty to make the Country a good place to trade in, now I am trying to swing back National Interest worrying about my income because they are playing practical jokes with it to make me co-operate with their needs - it’s starting to become a question of getting a Book or telling me what to do; we can see they like to tell me I should not be doing any of these things when I know extremists are getting out of hand with those stupid Political statements while we all know what happens with these goons is that they conduct the sexual abuse and then the sexual abuse victims will be evil and their main preoccupation will be those who know nothing about it, then I will be attacked because the bottom of fools in parliament who do not know anything but want to tell others how to exist takes shape into something more serious. It’s like a Moral sewer in the Cities as they say and for me, the good bits about letting them get out of hand at my expense is that reversing subcultures are usually a bit violent).

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland