It is not actually such a difficult situation as a whole, we are where we are in terms of the state of peoples Politics and Media because they will not stop making use of my Books without paying for it and it is usually followed by stupid threats, especially to do with consequences that would follow if I described them as stupid. It is an intellectual property administration business and some of the threats could come from some of the most unlikely sources imaginable, such as well to do honourable job journalists or Minister of Parliament or street Politicians who has no interest in crime all together. So, the question becomes that of why these people are a threat which is the same old case as there has always been i.e., their children’s whole lives and ego and ethos and personality is built around the fact they are Politicians and journalists and Popular culture celebrities on my Public image but the part that really causes the problem because it keeps my backdoor open is the rhetoric that my Court is free for all and I sleep with people’s wives. Hence when I say something about journalists snapping up what I say and do and using it to look after their arse, it sounds like I am in a very deep hole but I am not; its normal risk taking processes I have already undergone – we can see the threats my friends and allies face which involve a process where people lose 5 to 6 figure salaries and above because others ganged up at the Office to chase bottoms, making me feel every day that I am really stupid if I doubt anything about the importance of this Company all together; so we do see the Politicians show up To gloat and talk about expecting me to fry when they have plans to get rich pillaging this Empire botched if someone else gets elected like Mr Trump did over Mrs Clinton in the US, while the reality is that I never will and they are being stupid.

The story of a Royal Estate I had and then lost is one that is getting tiresome by the day but each time I respond by making it clear what happens is that they divide themselves into three groups and one group tells of how I have lost it while the other believes what is said and the third will then act but it is still all the same group of people who will go off somewhere to divide lands and draw new borders whenever one is stuck with something unusual at the Office. the gimmick that gets to me the most being when Media fools are playing around with all this stuff that is meant to escalate problems for government Chiefs of Staff, to blow off their big mouth about disciplining me – so it becomes a case of when it started years ago about a kid that gives respect children do not these days anymore when I was 22, some 15 years ago and soon progressed into the 2009 version that said they were planning their lives around my books and then I got off to write it professionally and kill their dreams by not being a fool so they can take advantage of it, which took that need to tell me somebody will come and get me after they have gone off to whisper to football people about how I corrupt women, so a goon can show up here to decide nonsense without facts on account he is white, getting me off to ensure they are fucked first before I get beaten up etc, to a whole new level. I have to put up with it all the time and their families are none the wiser that their stupidities is what they go off to the Office to do the whole time and it’s an old story – goes beyond a lack of respect for what others do for a living and then we find them tell me I would dare go up against those who belong in secret societies like they do, which feeds into the things I say about civil and National defence that their MPs want to bring goons from overseas who factorise other people’s work on the basis of who is bigger than and can beat up whom, to pass around blame culture at the shops and sit about repeating what I say on such things, which is a very different thing from somebody’s life being threatened all together; where those secret societies are all good and so have I told them the best way to handle the case is usually to have them beaten up or get them off the job all together but in the end it seems I am going to terrify them out of those insolent mid-range saloon cars again, since the Offices of the Politicians are not the only places on this planet where decisions which affect the lives of criminals are being made as it were. As for the lessons women teach me, that would be the old case of ignoring black women until they are sick to the stomach over chasing me about with homosexuality even when they see me attend Church, blabbing nonsense about somebody that will be gay so women can be powerful but not wanting to be twisted into a corner where they will be gay in order to be free themselves all together – so in their case I would like to know along with their ever complaining Politicians having a stupid opinion who change what I do to ignore them and force me to pay attention then complain about hurting bottoms and blow off big mouthed threats, if there are any new lessons. They always say I cannot do anything about them of course but it’s a story of the reasons we find them complaining all the time i.e. when they cannot stand somebody else living in the neighbourhood, then he is the one marked out to be homosexual so women might be powerful, now it is becoming ever more important to sort out a future where they show up around my concerns if they want a Book and not to play stupid games with me, while I will never set their Politicians and media fools free of punishment as long as I have no sensation that this Office is wholly mine and that I go get to it for any work I have to do with interference and distant sexual context abuse and violence: their disposition is usually that I am likely to be in the neighbourhoods temporarily while they are there because they have bought homes there – so they don’t fancy seeing me and they cannot live there either and I am unable to handle it and they are awesome idiots. It enjoys changing the context of what I do all the time – it is no longer a half priest writing Books; it would rather be a world of things it should not be and when I handle their own a bit as well it is a global civil rights movement. They always say I cannot do anything about it like it is not clear threatening me with civil rights money loving goons was career criminal activity nor was it clear yet that it was not their part of society where they should spend most of their time as women, no matter how stupid; with three-to-five-bedroom flat superiorities and a queer society big mouth yap yapping on my case all day long, looking for cheap bully victims that will bring financial results. They love to tell me I bring it upon myself of course but I have made use of them - showing up here to tell me I have lost a Royal Commission all the time, to discipline those who mess with it, now it pushing it blowing off a big mouth about disciplining me.

They always claim that most of my complains are due to the things which happens to people who are successful and causes those who are not to complain but we all know it is about wrecking my finances and chasing my private parts, hoping I will be hungry enough to hurt down there so it might be the means through which I work for it and then abandon my position when they show up and more so on media. It cannot let other people be obviously and I for my part have nothing more to achieve beyond a Royal Commission the last time I looked as it were; so those insults will soon lead to outcomes where I handle them in ways that will cause them to discipline their mate like we hear them blow off their big mouth and will not let others move on for all the time; the bit where they say it is my fault will be the part where I have asked them to shut down the media version of me that is running around doing whatever it likes uncontrollably and they have rather preferred to play up the controversial aspects of the real me coming to bear, which creates them controversies that allows them to get rich on my public image – I have handed my career to them and taken the bits I want whenever I want to which they are complaining about as well but they have no wish to abandon it. The Politicians claim I interfere with Politics which is utter nonsense; the truth is that they deploy tax payer funds and time to interfere with my private concerns and it seems that it apparently goes beyond just being able to decide that I have no money, it is showing itself to be interested in a point in time when its stupidities will be powerful enough to pick up a personal phone line and ring a friend in order to keep me out of employment and income and it has been going on every day for the last 15 years. They like to say I deserve it of course which I have never disputed; the first point of that which I deserve is the bit where enough have not yet died to prove that bad things do not just happen to bad people over power issues and even so that enough have not yet died for them to acquire redemption - this is supposed to have been the second bit concerning my personal finances and it’s the one where Moral person wants to teach them a lesson about appointing themselves to determine what happens to the career and property of moral and religious people over the profitability of violence that will result due to their twisted and evil nature - the bit where crime is paying less and less and I need to suffer for detaching people from crime business and putting them up on the employment market on account I want to write Books in ways that makes it unprofitable - so obviously they have scumbags in government Office that express their feelings for them all the time too (in the end what it really means is a process of ending up having difficult matters of personal finance to deal with because an idiot who shows up on media and at government buildings has an ego associated with the fact his face appears on Public Television or he has been seen at Government buildings so it got to his head; they always have those excuses associated with the actions of those who have enough money to do such things whenever they have gratified themselves in such ways and will not yet understand that it is not their lives to use like that yet until they end up with a problem that will cause them to discipline their mate like we hear them yap off that big mouth for every so often). It is the difference between making my money by working for it as opposed to those who make it by exasperating me into a reaction so they can whisper in the ears of Politicians and Industry goons and the sustainability there of - so year on, when they are concerned about their disposition, they want to handle my finances and blow off their big mouthed insults about setting out some discipline and I am going to give them something to discipline as well very soon (clever enough to hound me and factorise my whole life into this item that people can take and share claiming it will feel inferior if it asked and provoked if it got a negative answer, clever enough to factorise my whole life into this examination situation where those who decide the grades will be the Politicians and wealthy people - very conversant with its servitude but not clever enough to do anything about the wealth inequality that really bothers it). They claim they fancy me a champion of wealth inequality but it’s an old story where from a Royal Office you have to deal with them and then the actual wealth inequality as well whenever people have such problems around you, so when they tackle you personally it does become a real issue for them; for me however, it is a simple case of every time they have squeezed and every time they have handled my Books or the Royal Estate or my Public image or the income margins of the Estate and the fact I will get the money back from them may way or their own but I will recover the money from them one way or another. In the end the mystery of wealth inequality is the same case as ever i.e. I am to be made to suffer until I have to do some wealth inequality for a living and then they can go off to make me look incredible in the eyes of the public as a matter of their civil right – now they know what will happen if I am pushed besides dragging them into a corner where I can put their lives in suspense until people know all about the Books before they can be free of me is a process where I can drag them into a very difficult situation they will never be free of, so that the Books might be sold at their expense all together – it is the sort of behaviour especially with careers like the writing one, which turns a normal person into an animal i.e. spend time and put together a product you know may still earn your children money and will be worth the price that people who read it will have to pay and their money madness trade writer intrusion will hold me down for 15 years to copy the career they claim belongs to them with Politics and television and now it is the pain in my abdomen that will be the answer for all their problems as a whole – so I really do want to find out who the fuck they are all together, while their whole lives now obviously depend on claiming that I give away secretes, claiming I refuse to respect the fact my behaviour damages peoples livelihood - whereas when I work for people and enrich their lives and help them optimise their income so they might have some money to spend on my Books, they set out to extract an income from it because they know Tyrants in Africa and the Middle East and Asia who trade at the underbelly of London and New York, because they have popularity culture, because they have media; so as I mentioned, they need to keep off my income margins and get a Book, as it is a behaviour that can make a normal person into animal as well, considering a copy of the Books would cost them nothing all together.

I am always prepared for any tempting nonsense that will involve building their stupid popular culture pipelines from the US to Japan across this Estate and the difficult to build Royal Publicity around my concerns as well and then we will end up with another history should it happen again. Their feminists are apparently the reasons that other people’s careers cannot be kept safe from the fact that there are people that will move the world to extricate a sexual sensation from somebody they have sexual fantasies about – so when I say enough is enough blabbing which one’s women can do better than men, I assume it should be enough otherwise somebody wants to sell themselves to bad people and complain about sexual abuse too when I am finished. I do get told my disposition suggests we are going backwards with respect to gender inequality matters which is utter nonsense – what our history and culture shows is that those who are not harmed by the ladies first etiquette are usually leaders and not followers, so if people have ideas about making use of me without following the proper etiquette they can always let me know and see how it will end – in which case either way whatever happens to me will be done by Men and it will be the end of feminism – when I say I have had enough of it showing up to pass around insults and sit on my finances to point me in the direction of enemies, it should suffice just as I said it. It is never about me or about women, it is about the fact that Media and the goons who do it will not give me a break on the asking, so I will have to take it myself - they are too fond of telling others how to exist and getting physically pragmatic about it, so there is now a lot of swearwords on this website for instance which they will do nothing about on the asking as well. It has always been about understanding what people in the UK are like and what must be done at government to lead them if one had such a responsibility and nobody knows what must be done about these guys to change their extremely destructive and lying behaviour, where being caught up with something unusual usually means they are caught up somewhere dividing lands and drawing up borders, which appears to need leadership every moment and this is just one of many, not counting the need to tell others how to exist and an abject lack of respect for other people’s thinking space for instance - besides which government does not actually work that way. I do get told by Government people that it’s all my fault because I expose a lot about myself which is not really the case – the truth is that they have access to nothing; what happens is that I broker equities with large Companies that leave me some Publicity for my Books and keep any Broker we have had as Trust, the result is that every goon that wants to take advantage of market gaps where they have suffered inefficiency oversight which is not necessarily a bad thing in a free market, has to be done so abusively and destructively that it leaves me without income because it prevents those who want to buy my Books from doing so, the people responsible never buy my Books and never leave me with publicity to sell it as well, so it is becoming a real problem but a problem for them mostly. They always show up at the other end to tell me I have little power to do anything since they have the money to buy products from large companies but then again their behaviour means that those who would have bought the Books so I might eventually shut them out are unable to do so, while they are themselves not buying as well, which is going to be a problem on all sides, considering the black mail, black mail endlessly stuff that churns the tummy when I am unable to breathe and am not eating properly, so it does mean waiting for a time they will show up to throw a punch in order to return to me my personal space, on account there has been a bad smell. They like to say my problems are sourced from their sense that I am a coward, but I would not know anyway, they just think when they pick up anything I say or do and get off making a mess with it, the result will be that they get to tell me how to exist, what to do and then I get off doing it but time innumerable it turns out it is a big mouth wagging. It’s never really a implicated matter, what we are dealing with is a process where I have a study programme to complete but what I am caught up with most of the time is what a group of idiots who have been keeping an eye on my good looks and personality have been getting up to and it is for their convenience that I shall be getting into a fight thereof – so on dropping out of University because of it I assume they can understand how angry I am about it but it seems they rather prefer being clowns and telling tales and calling a crowd, which also encourages their Industry manufactured famous fools to cling to the public image and public life of those who are actually famous. The selfishness is such that whilst they claim I get in the way of peoples freedoms, it will not let me sell Books when the same attitude has caused me to drop out of University due to a need they have to show up around my concerns and obsess on the that thing which happens when men spill their guts for freedom and each time it blabs more nonsense at me, I tend to feel that its stupidities will not understand, not least the absurdities of picking up things that are bigger than them and then trying to push it up a cliff, never mind always brewing something which when exposed in public will beat down other people’s financially, while it finds out it simply cannot stop telling lies at the other end and those the envying of whose property led to their desire for more freedom have no rights, just like they have become quite obsessed with replacing respect people have towards me and what I do with a tale of how I know nothing about what I am saying in each turn: while it is rather obvious that it is about exploiting peoples weaknesses and they will investigate and they will never rest and find it out and dig and dig and dig and I am not allowed to be alone and my tummy does not rest or digest its food properly, now they can practice contactless violence of a very abusive kind and that will soften me up if they want anything from me, particularly when they gang up with their mates or get on media, except I can perform the routine and exploit their weaknesses all the time as well, just not the bullying bit, which is why they either claim I am a coward or we find them claim I am indirectly responsible for the deaths of others. I do get told that my actions are a road to nowhere in a world that wants to be free and democratic but from the evidence of a process where I no longer have to deal with chest pains because an idiot has been clinging to my public image or pressuring me to make use of it on account they are the ethnic minority clubbing and partying type of Goons who cause others to get killed by racism, I think not - same as the Muslims showing up here to gain a scapegoat around whom they will do things to keep a hope of getting somebody beaten up on their behalf especially Women. They like to say I never finish a fight on time when I am winning until people’s lives are wrecked but it’s an old story of knowing that when I take up their time as well that stupid money that will beget power at my expense becomes completely useless, begets it somewhere else, when they are not working for a living during the period in which I am – besides which before then, the primary purpose of their stupid lives was to cling to my Christian’s finances and tease me, so that when they claim religion is the reason for the world’s problems it might appear credible and then there is my personal favourite where they appoint themselves to decide what the consequences applicable to those who have in some way contributed to the deaths of others will be and then set themselves out as people with roles that involve administering it all day on their stupid media. It’s a simple process where they have got their own livelihoods and whilst the temptation to see how much power the money from it exudes over others is great, the best course of action will always be not showing up on other people’s livelihoods to play games where that salary begets power at other people’s expense, if their plan is obviously not to complain that I hold people down and case a fight to drag on until lives are wrecked. In the end, these idiots have never had to deal with financial complicated associated with others acting on the fact they were detached from breasts because those who had the breasts in question spent more time doing business and friendship with them, it is what I have to put up everything sustained by stupid media comments and followed up with threats and it is really getting on my nerves, wondering what I do suppose they think needs to be done to stop them making those foolish comments. I do get asked the question of whether I believe it’s a problem I can handle but we have been there before and earlier it was mostly to do with me walking around like a Character that encourages parents to hand their inheritance to me and it ended when they thought they had me because Catherine had married the Son of the Prince of Wales but had nothing; so am I regularly told they are nice people in other circumstances where I do not antagonise them but my Court is female only and they are free to keep doing what the Media wants them to do, save they will not be complaining that is: so everybody wants to interfere with my Royal Estate these days and this is what the main problem is all together - when the bottom hurting bit happens a stage gets set where they must be seen showing that they have a plan to have me beaten up every time they appear in public, however when it comes to paying the Bills, the Court if female only and definitely not free for all.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland