There are two things that people have rather become very fond of saying; that I do not have a thick skin even though I think I am able to do business and that I want to extract an income from an environment where I had built nothing and put nothing of my own. It is usually so annoying as they are now completely reliant on a process where I did nothing about it, so they might continue endlessly – in terms of the first the case rather being that this business of working in an Office to find the point had vanished because another has been making a mess of my patents on Media, much the same as they insert popular culture into my public image which ensures my identity vanishes while I am at University as well, is exactly the same as the reason they hate my Books, which was the fact that they enjoyed walking around the streets like tramps drawing crowds to open secret statements about a kid who must be dominated spiritually first before he is allowed to complete his academic work and whether he gets a job will depend on his attitude should he complete the academic work at all, it is not a thick skin issue at all. The part where I am trying to make money where I have put nothing of my own will be the one where I have only just completed work or getting the big companies on their way as I am not spending time trying to make myself financially comfortable on the ways that their establishments have affected the world, only to be stuck with these goons who have never taken anything seriously in their whole lives – the effect of course is that the process of equity broker is that people broker with me and then I have to keep an eye on the products, only when it has ended up at the markets does half my work get done and what I sell in return is the Books from where people find out about the creative processes that make the equities and we are able to keep our jobs and businesses – what happens with these goons on the matter is that each time I am about three months away from selling Books, they will show up to handle something and make a mess of it, brew up statements about where I am trying to make myself wealthy and what their civil rights will make of it and then the business of three months before you hit rock bottom and the stress gives you a heart burn and hits your tummy will become three years’ work without pay and it has so far become a practical joke they have fallen in love with that ensure they cannot stop blowing off their big mouths about being dangerous socialites I ought to fear. The effects on Communist territories is very profound of course because they are not necessarily allies, so they always tend to decide which derivatives they wish to work with and then it takes years to build and nurse it into a business but each time I am about to sell some Books we find this meddling busy body insolent scum show up yet again to take pictures of themselves all over it, build Political instability all over my income margins and make a show of their stupidities in a Communist Territory Fruit and Vegetables market for instance pretending it is what the stupidities they have claimed adds up to fashion really means and then not only do they also make out I have been wrapped around their manipulative raised like shit little fingers, they also love to pretend that human beings see this nonsense as an investment. My point being that there are not thick skin while doing business issues here nor will I be tolerating their stupid comments around my concerns about what I have paid for, any much longer – we can even see their goons at Industry get paid 6 figure salaries to pretend running companies means latching onto this nonsense to play practical jokes on me, then claim it adds up to advertisement – that advertisement was about my Public image and my feelings and then how my temperament serves any goons that are willing to part with money, started again obviously.

I understand it is said I have allowed Media and Celebrities to get the better of me but, no such thing has happened. What really happens instead is that they have claimed that everybody has a weakness but my weaknesses are being created by them; something to do with surprising the side of me that does not like it to be the case that their civil rights means showing up to threaten me for money and then the result being that now I am vulnerable it is possible to make me into little man that gets beaten up while he achieves things that others can take from him each time he is etc without success but so have I also of recent begun to warn them it is causing some serious interference and really getting on my nerves. The two main issues are still the same as ever I.e. they have money and I have written Book and that money wants to buy my Book so it wants to be Royalty if it does looking for trouble – the other being that having been this had taken place and their society goons are always showing up around my concerns to threaten me because they need money, although talking is bad business I have to talk about what I do because it makes them a bit gay to know about it but having been that had put them under control and threatening me would mean I am not distracted enough to fail my exams at academic work or cease to write my Books, another group of self-seeking prancing scum had since taken over after telling us all that their Media jobs paid enough to make them hurt somebody if they felt it was threatened, it is now being spent on helping the society trouble makers claim they have stolen my career; sometimes we find them do it because it has become their routine, sometimes we find them do it because it is fun, sometimes we find them do it because they believe it will enhance their career but we have not yet seen a Media job in which they got a description that says they can behave in such ways yet.

By far the ones that cause the most trouble are the ones that would make out these explanations I have given adds up to an outcome where they had located a trade secret and that there is nothing I can do about them or the Celebrities; while we all know it’s a matter of villains and criminals who are under control until the Politicians spend tax payer funds on them and whisper all sorts into their ears to get them off finding they have an inability to keep their hands off other people – so this is how the Politicians want it to be and I believe I have warned these other media scum as well about how I do not play with their salary for my part warranting these sorts of nonsense every time people ask questions I have responded to and I had made it quite clear it gets on my nerves all the time and is becoming increasingly a serious matter. As mentioned above my weakness now is that it is peoples civil rights to threaten and attack me if they need money as it is a sign of freedom but it is not enough, they do not appear to spend more time with their own mates than they are spending with me currently and it’s all well blabbing of what I cannot do about them, reality of which is rather that it can end very badly indeed. Yet again lest it is lost in translation, it’s a matter of criminals and villains and they are under control save the fact a collection of goons have got Media jobs.

Where the Celebrities come into the story is that of people claiming it is the relationship I have with them which causes me the most problems while I really have no relationship with them whatsoever; what happens is that these goons have been sexism blabbing about how what Celebrities do in Public is how they behave at home, so the Celebrities were dirty all the time to begin with, now they are just constantly untidy and because they need family life as well, they are always getting on my case on account they believe I can help them tidy it up. What I should do then is set out some rules and those who break it will be punished but with these guys thinking I am not going to hurt them and get away with it over this matter of wrecking my finances to play games with goons that make public appearance to announce something of their evil nature and how I am an Arch Prince that understands a thing or two about religion and morality, there is enough punishment for those who have the reputation for being bad to perform, hence I leave it for them. I do get told claiming Celebrities are always dirty is a bad thing and a big issue but it is not; it’s as the say that Royalty can feel a pea under 8 mattresses etc – they are always dirty and involvement with anything at Public Office always makes a right mess of it especially messing up the personality and public image which is your first impression created while at Public service, however their involvement with my concerns is a valid complaint and these goons who play with my income to an extent where people ask questions and when I respond it means they have found a new trade secret are the centre piece of those complains. I am running out of patience for it and want to see them keep off my Books and Public image completely. It is not to say that Celebrities are saints; years of showing up to make out they are more important because they have money to buy Books I have written and various other processes of abusing me, inserting their popular culture into my Public image and making a mess of my patents which makes my work at the Office unreliable in my eyes all day long is starting to make enemies out of me as well.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland