They do say that the Men have really harmed me badly, but they have not. It’s a wonderment to see them work hard at the business of randomly getting around the streets to call people into my personal space, while using CCTV to corrupt my state provided security and ask people to get a good night sleep and peace of mind and all that they need to feel important from my personal space, then there is the security guard job I did sometime earlier about which they needed to express themselves as per whether the security guards job never ends and the cases he creates follows him everywhere. If it suggested that 14 years prior it had followed me around to tackle my career, finances and wellbeing because it wants to handle my personality to get paid for being popular, the Politicians would never listen to its complains but its need hold up that stupid idea that I thought of it as an important person, had eventually gotten from getting me to drop out of University because it wants to get paid for being popular on my social life, to something of a make or break situation in my career which definitely broke without a hitch, I turned 40 and grew sideways, the same way that I dropped out of University the same year that the world’s worst recession began. It’s important to take these into consideration as I rather believe that when I had begun making their lives complicated as well, I think that the sheer speed by which I will tackle process of back tracking revenge to the University fiasco and making sense of it on the filthy things they do to get to top industry offices, which is the reasons their children always needed to be so abusive, will determine whether or not I got away with it (It is suggested that I have been spotted and I am afraid of everything that moves. We know this is a dream these idiots have always had – the Labour party will want to deploy a whole government to wreck my finances and brain wash me into doing what other people wanted, they are actively looking forward to making the most of any instance at which I am involved with people who got to tell me what to do and of course the business of sharing space with others, which meant keeping up with House rules is the one evidence that I am afraid of everything that moves, which the scumbags are currently building up on media, which has stagnated my entire life over the last three years and is the cause of the wrath that I will visit on them for the events of the last 15 years. Then the pressure points which is that the way I selfcare, the way I manage my life and even the way I sleep is being stolen).

They do say that I believed Americans can do no wrong when they think they are predisposed to work some valuable divide and conquer activities. The fact of it is that Americans gimmicks about how valuable my Books are and how they will squeeze it for every last drop, was a practical joke likely only to be financially valuable to me, depending on my attitude, as stupidly as possible – since then we know the insults associated with a need to emphasise the difference in their pay packets and perhaps academic achievements as compared to mine had really taken up but the problem is that they now affect my pay packet which is counterproductive and sets the stage for the sort of decisions that can be made to stop it, while the abusive stupidities of the gits who think they controlled me meant I had to beat myself to the toilet and generally implied that they will have to make their comments about the way they got around with family and friends, the finer points of homosexuality that never goes away or we are due to wrath as well.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland