So, I am told that I am always brimming with brilliant ideas and it is what people want to take advantage of me for. I could never make sense of this either way; I mean somebody worked in sales and sees an Arch Prince writing a Book and decided he was brimming with good ideas people wanted to take advantage of him for, it must transpire that he wanted me to do his job for him and we know if I got down to it, we will be listening to the complains endlessly and will never be free of it. They however claim that I had no money to work my Business with, which left me wondering, under the pressure of a chest that was about to explode with fury, whether it was to mean that when they said this, marketing my Books involved a process where I needed money to buy it myself and so the big question of how the great and important marketing twats thought I ought to get this money to buy my Books and therefore pay my Bills thereof. I could never make sense of the part they found more difficult, as in the choice between this sort of response and a process where they found somebody more willing to play their abusive but profitable marketing gimmicks with.

I do get told I leave out the Politicians all the time and this was the reason my problems multiplied and yes I do – the Politicians are an old story about the way I defend myself from these idiots to be stripped and beaten down, then by the time they were prepared with a whip behind me to make me do it in a way that served their stupidities, I had dropped out of University, of which it is not easier for people to do what their government office gits wanted when people dropped out of University, so we had a problem. I have taken those risks over the years, the risks of working out how to proceed with it when we know that if Politicians pick out people who are already following a civil living that makes their lives are government buildings more comfortable for this sort of thing, doesn’t it mean that if they then make a public declaration that I am exempt, they will have inflicted themselves with weak leadership? Then again, after 12 years, we are still here and I can make sense of their narcissism in a manner of mainstream living and can take objective decisions about it, so I say they have a problem and need get about solving it too. They do claim it meant that people would be fighting more of my battles soon and I think it also implied that the idiots who continued abusing me will find all the fight they wanted somewhere at National service.

The tale of their motivation is one of the facts I am never really in control of what happens around me because of the way abusive culture characters ensured that trolls of criminals reached out to me, while the fame idiots clung to my income to punish me for so called embarrassing things I did. It is not unusual because my main target is still the celebrities – of all the destruction wrought on my career and public image, the latest of making an alliance with what I have sugar coated by claiming are culture and society gits but are really a handful of criminals and ex-convicts at my expense, is the last straw. They have spent a lot of time at this stage, working it into my concerns to claim little pipsqueak who got a Royal commission now had an alternative history which shows the baggage the idiots had going on in their famous but stupid lives and if it so applied that it had now become part of my history, I think the way forward that worked for everybody was when they stayed where they are, as any new activity will mean they had done something I could follow up to make their lives very difficult. There was never a way to solve this problem of alternative meanings for what I did for a living whenever they and their civil rights idiots needed my earnings, by showing that I was able to move them on, the only way to make things work has been to tackle their incomes and I believe that any move they make will point me towards a business of demanding access to their audience as well – best of cases I leave them with die hard audiences and violent people which should put them straight, worst of cases we end up with some sort of attrition where I got to find out if that stupid popularity abuses that will not get a real job was actually capable of doing harm like the big mouth suggested all these years. The Americans are usually a special breed that will have created publicity to show its need to get in touch with me and tell me what to do wrecks my whole life but whilst its stupidities complained of the consequences when I worked private equity intellectual property administration, it issued those stupid threats that suggested its insanity could do some harm, which is abusively distracting too.

They do claim all I say is sweet and good, but I am not innocent in the matter which is precisely the point. They are a handful of gits who are the ones trashing my academic work and finances and then my health as well, causing a smell that ensured my cash flow problems were worse than it should, then set about blaming me because their seemingly intolerant stupidities, of which intolerance is not the word I like because I really want nothing to do with them as such, did not save up some energy for a day job. They have now built up this huge ego around the matter, to go with their civil and criminal disobedience and when I ask them to stay away from my Books, they tell me their being could not do it and carried on with the gimmicks nevertheless – I mean it should suggest that when I find myself talking about the lack of respect for my career and wellbeing, I would not have placed myself in an embarrassing position. The details are that I completed a Book of equities 10 years ago, I made it basic and as it has turned out over time, the importance of keeping my first book on the ground has kept me anchored on the writing career itself and gave me structure but the question is whether any of this was part of their political and fame idiots daily business. I don’t know who they are as such but they are familiar with me enough to get imagination up my anus all the time, backed up a stupid crowd that is currently having its personal decisions made for it the last time we checked, when my words are sweet but I am not innocent in the matter – we only tend to live in a real neighbourhood when their lives are about consequences; sometimes it is fitting and sometimes it is too much, but their lives were about actions and consequences, only then do we live in a neighbourhood.

They do claim that my diet is being picked up and shared with Celebrities and I am aware of it, but we all know it’s one of those activities that will play out a future in which I had to make sense of my public work in terms of a diplomatic position and what armed forces people see in the field will come to bear but it would not have been the first time that it had happened anyway. Originally it started out far from this gimmick where they can simply pick up what I do and share with the Royal Family while most of it are set out in a way which allows those who work mainstream government to make sense of my activities, something fun about the fact the Queen wanted to know what I got up to and what my claimed diet was like. I have been told it’s about finding me a spouse which I could never make sense of as well; I could never understand how the Celebrities do it, this business where I am able to get along with people that are slightly older than I am where matters of the heart are concerned or alternatively younger persons who want to play the part and then they set about peeling off areas of my life that should be occupied by a partner, get their partner dominating me like I was a third party in their marriages that never really lasted, picked up service processes of my Bookshop to build me publicity that says I should be fighting people to protect them and their money, plug personal life stupidities into my public image to pile high and sell cheap show business products, pick up my wealth equity and set about selling it to industry fools that want to encumber my mobility over civil rights movements that they claim I ought to be made to join in with, so I had no mobility at all, while every time I sorted the problem associated with their inability to get involved with people’s concerns the way it is described, they has already taken the money from the market place being happy for me and my wealth equity successes, especially the part where taking risks with industry gits presents an ever increasing prospects of mistresses establishing relationships with them to have their babies and secure a divorce thereafter but how their need to pervert it for quick profits is happy for me, is not exactly clear. My point is that I have been stuck with their gimmicks for long enough and it never really matters save on this issue of my wealth equity that facilitates my mobility and my finances that pays the bills, both issues showing they will not get real jobs and much preferred to tear up my life with popularity practical jokes that led crowds to deviance and got them paid for doing so: it needed to be cleared up that I was likely to sell Books to people who had families, who had work and the work they did attracted public attention of a mature kind, even their physical looks and appearances plays into it, the whole community and so on; such that if I wanted sponsors for a private equity intellectual property administration product that were Books, this is where I would seek an audience for my work. It still goes back to very small things that have made me a very disturbed person since I met them, there was the story of how I thought one could never serve God with what had been overtly handed to the Devil and how they decided I wanted to set out the way they were to use the grace of God, now they say I am far from a Hermit with all the women and the sex and the filth that they build up and curate by themselves, either way which it tended to mean that God does not look at the Heart anymore, save their own hearts. Now it is just the idea I am the one who had no respect for them while I am the one paying the price for peoples abuses at my bank balance.

Eventually the issue with Celebrities have been this process of making money by building alternative publicity that set out what I do as something else and their need to engage with the Public over the Public life of an Arch Prince by setting out their version of what it means and the way that the publicity associated with their career was the best way to engage with the Public over what I did, then set about commercialising it, is usually the most annoying of the lot and never ever stops. When I tell them to stop it, we have this thing I had magically done wrong being set out and then they continued ad abusively as possible. I don’t think it is half the crisis they suggest I consider it to be, it’s just a handful of people who are on their 5th mortgage behaving worse over money as though they were living on foodbanks at my expense, so fat arse American twat is always involved and has already set about taking over the film industry which he claims is being used to send American children into wars that served by cause but the need to control my finances and torture me by using it to groom their own stupid lives then serves as the reasons they needed to cover their tracks in such ways. This is all there is to it, the rest are technicalities surrounding their ego, the insults about the idea I believe I can recover from it while the reality is that I do not have to as it had nothing to do with me, besides which I believe they have also seen my attitude towards their culture and society, can also see the damage has already been done on that front as well, as much as the time I spend clearing out the consequences of their popularity to facilitate insulting repressive statements such as the idea I believe I can recover but it’s much too late. Proactively, I wish I had their bodies so I might get into a fight with people and when this progresses to the part where I learned from the insults of their children and had a need to show up where they were working those abusive careers to sulk over gangs and criminals until they lost it and lost the applicable lifestyle, while I spent time making sure they did, then I suppose will they stop having such much fun at my expense when they know I have been doing things about their activities that can avail me to enjoying such abusive fun to a point where I found it financially beneficial too. They appear to be designing a future where they had somebody in the White House, who was interested in their gimmicks at British backyard in a manner that affected me so abusively all the time, to ensure they could do it all the time and it is an old story about populist leadership where the lies were the least to be worried about, if general living for the public was converted into a throe of nepotism and bigotry.

I could begin as beeline as copying the abusive behaviour of their children to sulk around their careers because I want them to deploy their bodies for the purpose of fighting criminals and gangs, but we all know how it will end up on a wider stage. So it is usually said that this was a matter of complicated relations with the US which it isn’t; what happens is that most people who are communist fanatics would likely think of American cities as places they could go to get the benefits of capitalism regardless of their persuasion but fat arse twat needed to go off to Russia, burn my Assets and return to get everybody sucking up to its stupid Celebrities, in a bid to tackle the Allies, now he chases my income and my Royal Public image every day and we have not started talking about the stupid children stifling my finances over amusement of getting me caught up with gangs and criminals because it is as they claim, the way people made progress at Industry which calls for a good beating and likewise the idiots in suits who do it as well on a professional level, for something they claim is the spice of how they got to use their foolish spare time, which is just as deserving of a good beating as well – no such thing as it being too late for me to recover and as a matter of confidence exercise of which there is nothing for me to recover from as it were.

So I have been told the Celebrity issue is getting out of hand and yes it is but I don’t think it’s a problem but it is concerning what they would give and do to make trouble for others – I mean you cannot delegate the responsibility to build or support civil living for the general public and sometimes it gets bad enough to just sit in the Office no matter what until you are stabbed by a mob – the idiots will show up here 13 years of it so far, picking up everything I do, starting from an excuse to access my concerns because younger people were handling equity I had built up at my public work to develop their way of living with industry backyards and organised crime, to sell music CDs on my social life and become famous as if that is what my work suggested people could do with it but since then we have not gotten better on their need to tear up my finances and career, making those excuses that make me feel sick all day to continue no matter what, excuses that suggest I had done something bad and therefore deserved it with a big mouth. Hence it shows up here like so with plans that will get me doing things to cover its arse while it gets famous, plugging its gimmicks into my public image and social life, instead of wearing a mascot to support its daddies that had a business to run because it was the easier option with a big mouth and my finances are still a mess, 6 years after I began the campaign of demanding that on the basis of having completed a Book, they needed to shut down all processes of seeking their fame by building up their own publicity to create what they thought I should be doing with my work and property to make their stupidities famous and comfortable, the threats they issue indicated not just that there is nothing I can do about it in their opinion which I am about to test very soon as well but also that we had gotten worse since on this matter where I had run out of tolerance of the various abusive ways they pick up my concerns and my work to make their own version and use my Public image to develop fame and money for their stupid selves. They have always believed they were a threat but all I see is a handful of popularity scum who had no wish to get a real job because they could fool around with my social life and public image instead and it is about to stop, since they are not all bigger than I am like they would have wished they were.

The other gifts from the Monarchy who facilitate this nonsense all the time speak of their enmity and the idea that I am some sort of war monger; since it is quite difficult to get from Hermit to war monger, it has become important that people found out the truth. The truth that when they were done with their abusive behaviour, alternative lifestyle, insults and lies, since the war must have kicked off, they would have had a foggiest clue what they were doing at the negotiating table assuming they wanted to stop it the way their homosexuality claims they were preaching peace. Apart from this, they hated women who worked the concern associated with eventuality where everybody left home with a weapon and for my part, nothing goes the way nature intended around here anymore while I am clearly the war monger in their view – then there is the big one about the fact villainy and heroism were different things but the part of activities engaged in by people involved, which has affected general living is to do with the actual fighting whereby it was difficult to tell the difference between the two and hence suggested the idiots who have made it so wanted to join in. It started out stupidly enough claiming that my interest in the Church was so that others might lose an inheritance to me, since then they had passed exams in school, trashed my academic work, showered me with office space, office block, office window insults that ensured I smelled but had not stopped showing up around public interest in my Bookshop, which is about to put their stupidities to the test all together as well. Then there is my absolute favourite idiots that have invaded my court system with the stupid civil rights and celebrity gimmicks that does not have enough when it builds its own publicity to interpret what I do the way it wants it for money making purposes, getting imagination up my bum as an expression of its position where it can cling to my earnings while being backed up by other stupid men I should be afraid of because its stupidities had no wish to get a real job. So I am told that not everybody is aware of the way villainy works like I am but it’s no mystery how this sort of nonsense carried on endlessly, like in my case where their interest in my bum meant my whole life had stagnated for three years and if I tried anything they will do it to such an extent I will beg for my life, so the Officer that put a bullet in their heads must have done something wrong and they were a real threat to me instead of popularity idiots with an interest in my public life and income margins, who therefore had no wish to get a real job if I didn’t turn this nonsense on its head. Then we hear that Royals do not have jobs and everybody deserved the same treatment while we know that sorting some complicated matters associated with their troublemakers whilst working with public security operatives and the civil service meant that they had to tolerate the smell issues if I got a job and yet the smell issues would not have been a problem if they kept their hands to themselves in the first place.

So, it is suggested that I have waited too long for success and I do try to prevent people adopting this disposition because of its tendency to run off on media. The truth of it is that everything about me is on schedule, save the financial bits that hit rock bottom due to the abusive ways that a handful of gits run off their public gimmicks around interests in my Bookshop to swell their own bank balance and will not find themselves a real job instead of this, regardless of how increasingly threatening I had become. I mean I tried University and they made a complete mess of it, so it became clear that University was a toxic environment for me, but so have we seen how impossible it has become to study at home since last this had become their main concern as well, shedding light on the real problem thereof. There is the other part where I got published online which should have placed a distance between my career and their popularity gimmicks but even the professional environment built up to draw in the kind of clients that might find my books appealing are their main concern for all the wrong reasons and we can never be free of accusations, insults and threats that follow it since they cannot keep their dirty mouths off other people all together. It’s not really much of a crisis since it eventually comes down to the way that a handful of trader goons come across a large amount of money and decided that the money made them better people than Royalty which is not an issue until my concerns were affected in an overt way such as these, then there is the part where they could never stop employing the wants to take care of Mr No 1 at all times characters at my expense – which people have suggested I needed not worry about as such and I am not, just pointing out the dangers of people thinking I have been hard done by here as per employing those who only cared about themselves at my expense was response to the fact that these traders make money in ways that are less than lord able and had to pay a good amount of it in taxes, so they needed to express their feelings in some way; an old story about somebody trying to steal from others and when caught ignited a titanic battle for no reason, which is just incredibly sad. The Celebrities on a separate side of the matter continue to spit out gimmicks about handling my concerns to make their own version of it by which they got famous and financially better off when engaged with the public disobediently, only to make statements about a plan to teach me lessons of a violent context of which I plan to take them up for as well.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland