Now it is said that I really have difficulty getting along with the opposite sex which I don’t – these are a handful of very stupid individuals who for some reasons set out a sense that I deserve the suffering caused because they simply found me irritating and that I got in their faces, while I am left to think that it is some sort of profitable intolerance that they have settled up on but the problem is that they intrude into my concerns first of all, to such an extent that I cannot now count numbers in terms of clients and applicable services and run an accounts Book and therefore run a Bookshop and the mannerism are usually such as gets involved with a Bookshop for alternative reasons, so it might build a crowd that supports sexually abusive processes applicable to Men. While they issue those threats concerning the powers of their boyfriends, having to deal with the ill health while they kept the health and made it another reason for a grand problem and so fair to assume if I faced a real threat I would be fighting over their own as well. In terms of the getting in their faces stories however, we see the same with industry idiots too – it will involve itself and tell you to move out of its right hand side and left hand side sensibilities through which you had lost something important; in this case it’s more a matter of any involvement with them signalling that I wanted law enforcement to do something dangerous to protect me but when this means I am a man they don’t want, all hell broke loose. I have issued the warning at this stage; they do continue these behaviours because they made me out to be a coward, at the same time which we appear to have been split three ways, whilst people on the left and the right can be account for by law enforcement, they always have ideas about new forms of crime, give law enforcement a difficult time and invent plans to get out of crimes which they will make other people commit instead of themselves, having spent so much time inventing it – what they are dealing with here is a character that can set out a battle plan for them and ensure he gets his own glory thereof, they need to let go of me and stay out of my personal space. It does not mean they are all bad as such, these are bad bits and I get it all the time, so I must assume that detachment was necessary.

We all know there are pressure points, like involvement with me building up to a process where no matter how hard I worked to prevent industrial espionage, it would still be possible for daddy character to assess my Book reputation because I am broke and set about picking up my career projects to get paid by performing industrial popularity gimmicks developed around ageism with people that will help it guarantee retirement with my income margins – but they never take into account these risks when getting involved with me because they are just as badly behaved as their parents and like to think they were entitled to everything they saw. I mean the industrial espionage without which nothing works whereby I am not really vulnerable to it and am not incompetent enough to be as such, so they pick up something I did as point of contact and build community of abuse to bang away at me until people bought a product from them and set a stage for it to become the means by which their stupidities built a business network – it needs to shut it down if I am the one with the ill health and their stupidities were the ones being seen with elaborate lies on Media, history of trashing my University studies and now frequent appearances at the backyards of parliament to influence public decision making at my expense – they have spent 18 years of my time on this nonsense so far and have not yet shown I had a right to be furious about the sense of entitlement shown alongside, so it’s worth mentioning that I needed to do something to draw their attention to the fact I had not gotten accustomed to it in any way since human beings are not generally this stupid and what I have done with their social lives, Politics and business feels just like dropping out of University and gains me a lot of hate as much as their stupidities can express it.

People have suggested I act as if Industrial espionage was a light problem, but I do not, they were talking about my inability to engage with women while they blocked my personal relationships. The Industrial espionage bits will be the build-up of public interest in my Bookshop towards my patents which killed off the prospects of me being seen hanging around somewhere complaining about destroyed and lost dreams, being criminally taken down, so I could never just go into an Office and work in peace, which is the main reasons they get responses from me that fuel the stupid hate, as I could really do without it after my hard work, considering I planned everything to the last detail and then they showed up, failed to grab the career, trashed my academic work and my finances and invented abusive communities that will help them bend my person and my work to their will, during which time 18 years had gone by which was not their own time to spend, and they were keeping their salaries while at it and now a history of unbearable lies they tell on the matter, garnished with a sense that if I were in pain and suffering people will want to be part of what their stupidities were doing.

I have been informed that there is more to the matter than meets the eye naturally and yes there is – this process where people get involved with my Bookshop to spend my time rallying crowds that want to be part of what they are doing with my social life and public image for money making purposes, garnished with this other nonsense about picking up my work and my good reputation bearing in mind I am broke because of its unhealthy interest in me, to make money playing up ageist popularity gimmicks with Industry gits, can be replication somewhere else but it will hurt them in the worst way because it can only be replication where they had set aside their retirement – I am reserving this of course for such a time as this nonsense will have produced an outcome where it would be impossible for me to make the best of what I have for my age 18 to 65 career activities, through which I will plan what is left of my finances on their wallets and will do it for popularity reasons as well. People have suggested that I wished it but I don’t wish it; they have a choice to either shut down the abusive interest in my income so that they might be well off when it is shut down or carry on until I shut it down myself – failure to do so suggests that one of these days we will end up with this assumption I want to catch up with Celebrities while I simply want to eliminate those stupidities that threaten me every day, providing an outcome where talking at me like I am some servant their stupidities had account for financially will end very badly – I mean it has chosen to be a very annoying person but this annoying character should not actually have affected my finances, my studies and my career, if it were so important to them. They claim all the time that I deserved it because I am always dirty while they were always filthy in every way on the inside i.e. a handful of gits getting paid for being popular compared to an arch Prince, tended to have produced an enhanced interest in the reasons they want people to cover their bums while they made money and always are being seen expressing ideas about whom should be getting into a fight with people on their behalf due to the prospects of frequently meeting people that are just as annoying; they do appear on the Media equipment but this makes them important apparently.

I am told that I do not take the problem of celebrities as seriously as I should, but I do; the way it works is that they are in league with criminals and because I spend most of my time expressing something of the idea criminals are bad people, I am sore all over and my bum hurts like hell, so my career and social life is debilitated. To solve the problem, I had to get round to the Celebrities that do not and are affiliated with me, the ones that don’t and are not affiliated with me and the ones that do but cannot keep their hands and comments off my concerns and income margins, which are only the only who think that they had enough fame to ensure that I did nothing about it if I wanted to enjoy some peace and freedom with a big mouth, the same way the socialites gits shutting down my social life, blabbing of how I ought to speak and behave while they were stuck between the shops and consumers, chasing bottom hurting issues through which they invent these ideas all the time, claim they will never stop handling my Books and Public image – suffices to say one of these days they will likely address me like some servant they had account for financially and I will feel that I needed to put a stop to it. the details have always been that they needed other people’s social life and public image to get paid for being popular and then we see those photographs being taken to blow kisses at criminals on my public image and social life, keeping it open for sex workers as well, being the main point of connection to be made on how their affiliation with criminals is matched by the need to get paid for being popular on my public image and social life, by means of being protected by private security industry twats, while they cannot keep their hands and eyes off my work and concerns. I mean if I started handling them as well, the Celebrities would become the weak links on day one and all would go downhill from there which I already am, but it is mostly restricted to my Bookshop which I have also pointed out will be their undoing, concerning the perverted interest they have in me.

They do claim I am unhappy that celebrities had what I didn’t and its utter nonsense – the more I think of those pressures they put on me, such that Celebrity had three super cars and a regular saloon and if I had a regular saloon and wanted to finance my Books, I would have been able to make some plans etc, veering off to remotely think of it usually leads to outcomes where they had read my mind literally, built a crowd on my social life and the finance problems get worse – the whole thing would be less annoying if they didn’t make the Celebrity money by plugging their stupidities into my social life disobediently in the first place. That said, they are not all bad, the problem is the way a handful of gits with Media jobs plug their clinical insanity into my financial wellbeing every day, so first it makes sense of the highlight of HM leadership being that those who were involved with the Monarchy needed to stay away from the Media and of course makes sense of the way they complain about state provided security on my account, which outcome is soon to be that people saw my Books and were interested, they made a mess of it and got tackled by state provided security and it will get bad enough such that they had anything left to show up here for revenge, so that I might move on with my own life as well.

So I am told that I recognise little of how effective my Public work is but this is not really the case, I simply do not wish to discuss the public work effects of my activities, it is not to say I don’t want the information, since I need it to recognise areas where I had done very well; the way it works is that they were manipulative if they loved money but I was not if I tied them down with me so I might control celebrity vandalism, at the same time which they could not stop telling me about areas of my work where I had done very well, so I might keep in touch with my strengths. So I am mocked endlessly with the idea that I will never experience financial success naturally but everybody knows if I ran a campaign for my Bookshop such that their staff and children were market target markets, my Bookshop would still have been a successful one, while anything that added up to physical damage would imply criminal activity or I could get married to a financially well off woman who helps me clear out 18 year financial mess in a couple of months, so that they might gain credibility for every time they wanted to converse with me about how bad women were.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland