The Politicians and their goons have obviously become very fond of talking about how much I hate Europe but insist on the profitable side and it is supposed to have suggested that I am meant to suddenly shut down a 14-year property equity brokerage with Royal Family Members (speaking of the very top) right across Europe, simply because people in Politics who have not had their own sorted out have feelings. I do not know why they enjoy asking me about Europe to pretend they are not the ones that make the laws which govern my business concerns and therefore understand all the facts anyway. These people they complain about are very filthy old men who do stupid things and like to pretend they own the cultures of Europe but really enjoy impersonating those other people that are good at doing business altogether and if I then go off to mention such a fact the reality will be that it becomes power for their stupid House of Commons as well. So, it is not half as difficult a matter as they have made out it is, and I want them off my Books – this Books thing is supposed to have been the easiest part of the whole story all together anyway. They speak of how I mess with their societies but are still hard at the idea of securing the interests of their business idiots by breaking new grounds in developing economies and making deals that mean they bring trouble makers into the Country and claim it happens because I should be taking care of the problem which also means that the Police end up with more than they can handle and extremists join their ranks – without which they know they cannot steal my market to make fame and fortune using my public life and personality for merchandising on which their stupid future depends looking for trouble all the time. It is such a fabulous use of other people’s time to see that every time they start it becomes a conversation and every time the conversation begins it leads to a statement about me digging myself deeper as early as five minutes into it and yet while they complain I have not started writing letters I can post to the addresses where they hold their stupid Europe wide Political idiots secret society meetings yet. So, there is nothing unusual about it, but they need to stop asking me; they are the ones who make laws that govern my concerns and work at the very heart of the issues. It’s the same story all around; where people copy their behaviour and start to think that each time they buy products from any Brokers in this Empire, they deserve more provided they know where I live and or where my possessions are situated and generally have no sense of what belongs to others in their stupid minds and it starts to get serious when their abuses speak of me being lazy; it’s the point where we start to work out the exact stage at which they got into the Empire Intellectual Space on which everything I own and do works; it is a conversation their Politicians need to stop having too, cutting up my Assets like we see them give to the frugal all the time and by the way of which there is nothing whatsoever wrong with Europe. They do say the only path all I do heads for is that of wealth inequality but if everybody behaved the way they do nobody would have been wealthy at all; they should not be stopping my finances while explaining away their stupidities with my work and public life and I am really tired of it too - it is the only problem that we have (the reality being that they would not keep off moving into my Right Hand, so I killed off the popular culture so people can have proper democracy where the interests of women especially are well represented and they want that back like they do not have their own lives to deploy - they need to shut down conversations about people thinking they are nothing when their homes are beautiful places which means they want it safe at other people’s expense and have a problem with the Police all at the same time - I will not tolerate it because they stop my finances for every single time they explain their stupidities over my work and public life. The Americans like to think they are untouchable; they hate my guts but are still doing it and if I see them build that stuff from US to Japan across my Royal Estate again I will teach them lessons they will never forget as well i.e. there is a point at which setting out a skin colour they share with me in order to express their desire so see me in a difficult situation solving a tough problem that will make it seems as though their problems which I am supposed to solve to facilitate the most convenient decisions in their lives because I am able to do it, will give way to real life calculated hatred which they like to pretend they have already done at present.). They do say I appear to be in competition to find out who is stronger, and I am not in any such competition; the reality is that these guys are incredibly stupid people and only must look at the damage their involvement alone has done here if they doubt it – so even if I have all the time in the world, the truth is that nobody in the world lives like that anyway. They do not seem to be able to do anything save they had dug the areas of my life that they regard as weakness, then we hear them claim it is competition and yet I am a person as well and would be able to tell if I got off the competition to damage their property too, so the two are very different things – their problems however is that I ask some women to look after my property for me while I go off to handle certain matters of their issues because we support each other, so the idea that I have lots of things that I am unable to protect or lots of acumen with no money to invest it is false but they never listen if the big idea is that the women are weak in the first place; what we have now is that the politicians have gone from claiming it is their civil rights to developing the process of competition, damage and reprisals of a relationship they have with me into another amusing form of bullying that involves a media presence they have that is supposed to spend the acumen to teach me lessons anytime I am unruly, then pretend in public places all the time that it is amusing while complaining that I get hold of and cut to pieces their culture and societies and anything they had in the form of community before I arrived in the UK, which I will cut up again if I dare have to suffer the process of seeing it get in my way like they already have – cut it up and borrow that stupid country until my Books are sold of which the fact the Books are not getting sold is of their doing in the first place. So we have come full circle on journalists and celebrities being cleverer than an Arch Prince that sounds right to them story and they hate my guts for it but are still doing the behaviour that leads to such a result, so it’s like they want to kill somebody or something, not a competition with them over who is stronger, which story by itself is always a matter of the fact they lie all the time and cannot communicate with anybody is an honest way, which means involvement with others leads to power and domination of victims because they get to save their own possessions and lives to feel superior with and damage other people’s own. So, the insults are always so intense that you end up looking out for where you were born and where you grew up and where you are heading with your life because their parents do not like their attitude and that is why nobody gets to choose right hand sides and left-hand sides with me unless they are looking for trouble as well. I want their Politicians and Media idiots to keep off my Books permanently and then I will be out of their Hair as well. I mean even now the big idea is that there are victims of these kinds of bullying that are more deserving than I am and yet they all hate my guts; with the men using their own lives to fix their problems and every person that shed morals from their lives like a shirt being unable to make use of the Arch Prince they described as the big one and have not had any sleep in 15 years so far etc but are still doing exactly the same behaviour never the less – I like to say I know what Jesus Christ taught us all but there comes a time when One must take a stand or people will never understand – so every time an insult is making me think of where I was born and grew up and where I am heading, the guaranteed target will be the racists they knew in school and the gang members they have come across – they do say I have profited from getting involved with those greater than me of course and have no prove of it; I on the other hand have proven of Blair getting off government security along with Alistair Campbell to chase me around the Streets of the UK developing spin. They say I curtail peoples personal growth which is utter nonsense too because there is atmosphere out there today and that atmosphere is my personality, so people can get involved with it and lean on it to feel good about their lives, obtain a sensation of convenience by which they can avoid dealing with problems they created for themselves of which if I did any for myself I was clever enough to come up with solutions but they had to risk being inferior by asking somebody else; so if they do not move into my right hand since it is obvious they don’t have to damage my finances for it but do because they are after power as well which is how they messed up their own lives to begin with then there will be no trouble whether or not they are talking about the new thing about freedom and democracy and what is supposed to be the place of society and culture in it – the Politicians need to stop turning up around my Books and Journalists are more clever than an Arch Prince which sound right, say what they have to say without stupid body language that involves relying on the audience of other people to place their stupidities all over it then complain about what must happen for it to get sold at the other end and tell tales of how stupid it is when it is not in anyway; so are the men staving off threatening me, using their own lives to solve their problems, honourable gangs killing people and idiots getting killed to talk nonsense about how those who want to punish them are not rectifying a life at their own expense etc; they all hate my guts but are still turning up to squander. The last time they hated my guts over these kinds of issues it was because Business people are as interested in culture and society as everybody else is and did not just fall off from the sky, so that people can make up a means to grab my literary empire if they wanted with a big mouth – the next time they will hate my guts it will be about my Book sales and then I will get a job in the city and fear to go home to see my parents during Christmas on account of the dangers between me in the City and them in order for me to be weak and have a need to get toughened up so I might fit in; they make up all these lies and come up with stupid explanations like these for it and will never ever find their own level as it were – they want equality with me through which they can become more important, which is how they messed up their own stupid lives. One moment they are cracked because Journalists are cleverer than an Arch Prince and the next the Arch Prince himself is a weak pussy – so it tends to mean all these expensive stupidities, so they can ensure their own weaknesses are not accessible – I am tired of it; on what basis they concluded an Arch Prince who has a habit of making sure people live a tolerable existence and cannot seem to shake himself out of it unless he is done so by somebody with whom he has a personal relationship hence the problem with women is actually weak; apparently they don’t know – so it has to be the unbridled idiocy at work. They do say my bottom is nothing to write home about of course and its utter rubbish; my bottom is the way it is because I talk before I write and sell on account of their involvement, not because of their ability to undress me with their eyes and violate me etc which is why their involvement and their stupidities are such important tools of power for them, if other political idiots are not talking about their civil fucking rights that is – I have made it this way to ensure moving into my right or left hand is something I have extremely limited tolerance for and yes they do speak about their own right hand and left hand too and it is the history lesson where they can take up 15 years of my time for these and distract me over everything important thereof to stand up somewhere and tell me I am being punished the day they feel that they have the fucking guts for it too. it has never been a mystery – same old I cannot be by myself for Upper Class reasons and they cannot leave me alone the Lower-Class reasons. So I will get told here that I have given away too much and I can understand but the tale is pretty much the same too all together; the one where they need an audience so they can explain away every niggle that bothers them with something I have or have said or done and then that will mean they cannot say or do anything without leaning on my personality that has now become a public atmosphere so the advantage might become their own, for they had found a weak Arch Prince that exists somewhere in their stupid minds. So I may say it is all a free market thing and that they are free to bully people into mental illness to prevent them buying my Books and allow them have their lives if people agree to buy a product of their own but at what stage am I supposed to imagine that they will stop – hence the weak Arch Prince they found here in their stupid minds; who told them that is how to earn a living anyway, from the small businesses people run in their garages to big city centres – who told them that is how to fucking earn a living anyway, the devil? I do not think the matter with Media, Celebrities and Industries are a complicated matter or a crisis; the reality is that they first of all got to rely on their sales people to get them an income that will make them more important than I am and because this insult was not enough and the distress they cause me to maintain a process of naming this a trend, then then got off to rely on Media and Paparazzi to keep my income down as well so they might grab a Royal Estate that will never be their own and cause me the most amount of distress imaginable; I can recognise my Property Equity anywhere I see it and this it appears seems to be the propelling factor in the violence because they have a Talent for survival and must avoid working for Money at any cost. They do say I am the one making trouble which is hardly credible; what happens is that the Men must always get what they want and that means homosexual culture too and because they keep very bad and criminal company realise involvement with you is dangerous for you and use it as a weapon - the Women however are really stupid, so they are always hounding you over sex and then they will end up losing the pleasures of anal sex which a Royal Office Court will end up deploying on My behalf; so when they find out this is what your affairs look like then a panel based Comedy show will be all about the Mid-level celebrity idiots whose career and means of making money I have stolen and then the day's job is never done when I am in Bed. It goes further as we then see that when I am in control of a process where those I have asked to sell my Books for me do not come to danger, I lose control of whether or not they will ever be successful and they find it amusing, when I am in control of insults that cause me to look at whether where I was born and where I grew up and where I am heading has been affected because they are such underground low lives, the result is that I have stolen a society and community that their futures depended upon and so there is always that sense there is a part of your life they need to own and I am sure they have their own and cannot understand why they are always asking me when it comes to answering the question of who is making trouble.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland