Hence, they always say they have reasons to behave in such ways naturally, but the reasons are the same there has always been i.e., celebrities and traders spend a certain percentage of their incomes in Tourism economies where everything I do amounts to an attack on their wealth and success and then it starts, never mind making that stupid fame and fortune on my Public image in the first place and finding they cannot keep their hands off my empire at the markets. It’s never really been an issue; same old case where the tourism economy abusers who touch people all the time have to be handled in terms of a process where what they want has to be determined and how they want it too and their lives controlled because if they take what they want, not as they are given but as they want, they will cause unprecedented destruction, which creates that culture sensibility that says they do not like other people doing their stuff for them – the others on the left are simply the problem mongers who complain about my whining all the time because it is getting to them as intended, they apparently deal with every problem by creating problems into people’s lives in the most abusive ways sexually being the most preferred of course, now that they are complaining about problems it does show they can understand that it cracks people up now that they are cracked up too. It is the British state at work and should have been clear when I said that nobody is asking the Celebrities to confiscate my Public life and its public image and nobody is asking local goons to touch the celebrities, when both think attacking me is the answer to their problems when it is not at all. They raise this question of me provoking them directly when I don’t; what happens is South American state has politicians, the Politicians have children and relatives, those children and relatives live in a neighbourhood where they form cliques and mini gangs, so when they see Royalty, they feel nothing about it that is positive because they can become superior in very abusive ways by handling it and this is what their problem is i.e. my bottom hurts and they do not provide a suitable reason, I will give them closure in return for it whatever their problem is and by the way of which I cannot actually tell if their purpose in this world is to hang around these businesses that have a service to provide while being afraid of them anyway, hence the reasons I take the businesses away from them as well. The other more spurious aspect of this matter being foolish American liberal scum on media – those say they have achieved this process where Royalty is being put through unprecedented suffering that gets the better of him and makes him complain like a used communist leader that has no respect for American might but what it really happening is the extremely messy aspect of their stupidities that makes it go from something people ignore as per what they want to do and have the freedom to, to something that causes kids to drop out of a University and robs people of normal thinking to make them retards drawing the attention of the state in such a way as means the state wants to be successful and their stupid success was secondary; so they do say they want me and if they have me they will be satisfied and I am out to see what they are made of as well, big mouth yapping of which means I will likely go from doing it my way to requesting help from the security services, so they might want to keep it firmly shut.

They do claim so often that I take business away from them but what they refuse to mention is that they get people financially stuff in business cycle with abusive personal finance based insults and vandalism; so the result is that whilst somebody should finish one job and get paid for it at the markets but if it is not enough money move on to another one, people are stuck with the one job that somebody out there needs but popularity and political madness and media is preventing the person from getting it because they want to show you things they believe you need to know about their stupidities; soon enough we find that they want to do business and they want to earn money at markets while people are stuck and there is a bottle neck, so what they have to do is push those people out of the way, which is what they are complaining about, old story, don’t call them stupid or you will get into trouble with that big mouth. Then we hear of course that there are some who make money and get away with it pushing people aside in that way of which I am even so the one creating the economic separatism that will see them stuck in a corner while other create services they need and sell it to them as a certain price. I do hear that not creating the economic separatism can be counterproductive but there has to be a clear reason for it; the moment there isn’t a need for a widespread separatism but there is a need for a controlled version – where it was all just a bit of hard work i.e. good economic times will see a service go for £10.00, poor economic times will see it go for £7.00, so if you need to have £10.00, you have to work twice and hard and only need keep an eye on what is abusive and demeaning work that makes the money pointless; what these idiots then do is find ways of getting rich quick a certain path they have chosen to be better off than everybody else during the recovery process and that takes away the quality of life and takes away the point of the income even before you have begun the hard work itself: so we need that their stupid muscle to raise taxes by and this is what they hate the most about me, causes them to take over anything I do with popularity culture because it is as easy way to preserve that stupid muscle while making trouble for everybody else to get rich quick. They always blab about how I would not dare handle them but it’s clearly not normal retard, where I have not even begun the hard working process and my quality of living is gone because he is just an abusive and insulting scum, whom when told not to do a thing makes what he has been told not to do his main popularity culture industry big wigs pro-occupation; so the assumption is that someone where cares if that stupid culture and society will be lost forever when he handles it too and so it cannot keep the mouth shut lest I request help from security services too.

The story underneath is that I am being put through an incredible amount of suffering that will facilitate a Public image that can serve as role model for the kinds of sex homosexuals want to have but I wouldn’t know anyway, the first time I ended up at a logger heads with homosexuals was to do with being targeted by the idea I have a personality they can lean on whenever they want to have painful homosexual sex, which as a result of wrecking my academic work left me wondering why people do homosexuality when it is painful, only to be faced with the claim they were born that way which is a lie beyond measure. The very process of eliminating any means of being threatened by popularity fools who can get gits in the neighbourhoods to beat me up if I go up against them was based on this nonsense and their case was mainly about somebody, they could do whatever they liked with because attending church meant being weak, writing Books meant being vulnerable. Now they apparently feel like starting a new one when I have asked them to get rid of that stupid senselessness built up all over my personal finances that they can play with, which means when they play around I lose income (of a need your help and know better a certain way you ought to help me in order to tick my boxes of evil): obviously it seems they have no plans to comply and I am going to likely take steps to get rid of it my way too. I do it for them all the time i.e. it needs my help but knows better and wants respect while mine is missing from him - so the kind of help he would fancy is how he gets to interpret my Books for example in ways that make it applicable to him as per I solved some problems that came to me when I fornicated; so it gets to my nerves to a stage where I build them an atmosphere of fornication and solve some problems on that for them as well, which as we can see has not made them better off too; now desperately building up senselessness that is used to encumber my personal finances to get attention and will not get rid of it peaceably, blabbing of how I think I am in control of it while they have gotten the better of me. They always say if I do not support the Gay people then I support violence, which is utter nonsense; there are their insanity on the left wrecking people’s lives building senselessness into the fabric of living, then there are others who make a decisions at some point that killing some people deals with the senselessness that is too much - while these guys come from certain parts of those violent people and certain parts of the abusive destructive power mongers on the left, invent their own gimmicks whereby half of them are seen around the lives of wealthy people, making money in ways that help them avoid work, the other half will get anybody who bad mouths or tries to handle the celebrities that are wrecking lives to get rich quick - hence it is actually the case that reality would consist of a process where they are able to tell me which side I am on, not when they are the best at saving up lose change that is used to help big business kill of smaller ones over Consumerism gimmicks.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland